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Ruma Risto

In case you didn't notice already, the mirror elf narrated the opening sequence in the first episode. (And the same actor also voiced Koh the Facestealer in Avatar: the Last Airbender )

Kyle Chong

The elf also did the narration in the very beginning of the show


“I can’t do ANYTHING.” Sokka . . . I mean Callum feeling like the guy in the group who’s regular lol.


Ugh, this episode. So good!

Emma Root

I think this is my favorite episode of season two. So much action and character development!


I know someone already mentioned that the elf in the mirror and Koh the Face Stealer are the same voicer actor, but what gave it away for me was: "How may I serve you?". Koh says to Aang: "How may I help you?" in almost the exact same way. It's actually a little freaky lol.

Cody Taylor

For me it was the "how loooong-" that drawn out Cadence just instantly though me right back into the cave under the tree. His voice is so powerful im glad we are going to have him in another show and hopefully get to explore more of his acting, and I must add when it comes to ancient powerful beings the guys voice is type cast lol


Love this episode! I really enjoy your faith in Soren and Claudia and how pleased you are when they make good choices. And I find that bug thing super creepy. Gives me the shivers every time I see it.


I think Soren was justified in shooting at the dragon. Humans are at war with the dragons and elves. A random dragon was flying over a human town in a threatening manner. Imagine if a Russian drone was just flying above New York while carrying a bomb. The United States would have to take action. Secondly, the dragon was just waiting for an excuse to attack. Once Soren shot at it, it started to attack the entire town. Not just the tower with the ballistas. It definitely killed innocent people. In conclusion, dragons are dicks.

Elijah baker

I have a hard time with these redemption stories in general like zuko in avatar I had a hard time forgiving him because the phrase everyone makes mistakes IS TRUE but most people don’t make mistakes that have consequences that effect the entire world in a very negative way and it’s hard to like forgive that and forgive them for hurting characters that you’ve loved from the start and characters that have been doing the right thing despite thier upbringing or circumstances I am very interested in seeing where your journey goes with Claudia and sorin


Oh man! I would have loved to hear your thoughts on the psychological/philosophical aspects of Parasyte!


I almost stopped watching the show at this episode. It felt weird that Soren was being portrayed as clearly in the wrong and the Dragon in the right. She was just looking for an excuse to murder a whole town of people. Callum and Rayla are right that the cycle of violence has to stop somewhere, but that doesn't mean the dragon should get off with absolutely no consequences.


Agree. It seems that the Dragon was trying to bait the humans into fighting it. And Soren didn’t even have intentions on actually fighting the dragon. Originally he seemed content with just “scaring it off.”

gostrobo100 .

Great episode and good way to change things

gostrobo100 .

Did not realize this was up

gostrobo100 .

So that’s cool I can watch this and the one I post tonight

gostrobo100 .

Are you posting one tomorrow or will the next one on Sunday

gostrobo100 .

This is such a great episode but the last few episodes of this season are my all time favorite in this whole season The way the do what they do for everyone in the show. Can’t wit for tonight’s video

Drake Chuckle

The dragon's are not innocent in all this. Think about the first episode and what you've seen so far. Xadia is not absolute good.


Understandable. I think redemption stories can be helpful / fun because it's good to know that you can always make better choices, even if you can't undo the past. In shows like this, usually the characters are in VERY dramatic situations that exacerbate the scope of their actions, like being royalty, having power, etc. But I think the feeling behind their redemption is important and useful. One element that I think is important is time: If the character made a huge mistake 5 minutes ago it's hard to forgive, but if we see someone's journey over let's say 20 years, are they even still the same person, and do they not deserve to be forgiven?


I enjoyed Parasyte quite a bit. I'd probably have more to say if I didn't binge through the whole thing like a madman


The dragon was clearly just a scout. I feel like what Soren did was reckless, impulsive, and childish. No choice is justified if you don't weigh the consequences of it first, and consider what's at stake. He didn't even have any semblance of a plan. He just ran in and said "I'm taking command! Start shooting! Grrr!" So those innocent deaths are on him. If there was a Russian drone flying above New York, maybe U.S. forces would be wiser trying to neutralize it or intercept it before shooting at it and detonating over a bunch of innocent people.

Hayden Hunold

The voice actor for Aaravos is the same as Koa the face stealer from Atla