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R'Mani Leavell

doesn't look like its working


Yes, the link appears to be broken!


Hmm okay here is the Vimeo link for now: https://vimeo.com/491880839


Do you think Ed and Winry will get together by the end of the show? They are veryyyy subtle about the potential future romance between the two lmao.


Also, the video works now! PogChamp


Good chance... assuming Ed stays alive. But you never know... Al might try again haha

Ruma Risto

While on the surface Mustang can be arrogant, misogynistic, cocky and manipulative, he's neither stupid nor cold-hearted. He is one of the most unpredictable characters in this show

Francesca White

yayy it's up! honestly watching these is the highlight of my week lol


I’m sure you’ve already seen the next two episodes but they’re seriously going to blow your mind if you haven’t One of them is lit. One of my favorites from the show. Can’t wait


"Everything is complicated with Roy Mustang" is a very apt description of him. His agendas have agendas.

Purple Dawn

How far along are you now?

Andrew G

It’s so crazy how this show can transmute that knife they’re twisting into us into the straight up charred corpse of an innocent woman we knew But, sometimes, (since I know you’ve seen episode 18) they transmute it into a cool refreshing cloth that we can use to wipe all the blood from the almost certainly never-ending and never-healing deep corkscrew wounds they inflict on us every day And that’s lovely


Reminder Roy killed a ton of innocent people. He killed babies in the war


Pretty much every single state alchemist and soldier serving in the war did. However, none of that means they are no longer also human beings. That’s one of the messages of the show imo And slight spoilers ahead but: Several characters from the military in the show clearly repent and try to change things for the better. You can’t erase past sins but you can still do good. Great examples are Doctor Marco and Armstrong. There are more I could list but it would be probable spoilers