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Can I just say you have beautiful eyes. I've noticed them since I first started watching and I don't know if its just the lighting you use or something but they seem so shimmery and bright. Like the whites of your eyes alone straight up appear like a milky solid, lacking the redness of small veins that can be commonly seen in peoples eyes even from afar. Just felt I had to mention that haha.


Let’s go!


Not sure if you caught Harrow's breaking the news of Sarai's death to Callum was the same speech he attempted to give Ezran at the beginning of the season when trying to break the news of Harrow's death.

Cody Taylor

Lots of good stuff these last couple episodes. Life is a river... Learn from history understand it... Then let it go. Queen Aanya embodied that she learned the history and understood its impact. But she did not let it define her actions.


What an amazing episode though. These last two episodes are where the series really solidified in a place in my heart I think. Like I already loved the show but this is where it came up to the level of Avatar for me, and it only gets better from here in my opinion.

Jerry Ferrell

Looking at Viren’s story through the lens of Harrow’s letter really shines a light on things. Viren painted this as a story of heroic sacrifice, but Sarai’s words about shortcuts ring in my ears.


I forgot that cube was the “key of Aaravos “ lol. Also, Master of all 6 elements. Aravos as avatar confirmed.

Franchesca Giglio

Great reaction! ... I cant help but take Virens story with a grain of salt ... no doubt it happened but I feel like he twists it for his benefit.


That is a good point, I hadn't considered that. It makes sense why he would tell a story in which he says "I can help" and rushes in to fight a dragon.


"The road to hell is paved with good intentions." I feel like this quote really suits Viren. I (want to) believe that the story he shared holds the complete truth. That he didn't add any lies that benefited him. With that in mind, it shows that Viren was a good person who has now taken things too far. He isn't pure evil and it's a nice addition/layer to his character in my opinion.


It's more satisfying to believe that his story was (at least mostly) accurate


King Harrow saying the speech to Callum about growing up and grief because his mother has passed away, and then remembering Callum used that exact speech when he was trying to break the news to Ezran that Harrow passed away- that’s powerful Really great writing on display I love how much that interaction meant to Callum, enough for him to remember and use years later


This is a great episode! The part where King Harrow goes on about real strength really gets to me. His talk about vulnerability, forgiveness and love and how they can often be seen as weakness, while the use of pure power is falsely seen as a strength resonates with me. It feels like so many true virtues that are often seen as weak take real strength to embody.


Definitely agree with Shark-ira! I'm inclined to believe from a storytelling standpoint that Viren was telling the whole truth. I think this because during moments of his own tellings scenes were shown that he couldn't have possibly known (King Harrow's speech etc.) that I feel are too important to all of their characterization to have been just Viren imagining what they would have said or done. If they wanted to show Viren wasn't telling the truth I think they may done something like show some subtle differences in flashbacks through Harrow's letter. By also showing Viren's disagreements with Harrow yet him still running back to help the Duren queens, it portrays Viren as a more moral character rather than the "obvious bad guy" that may be perceived since Book 1. When King Harrow asked Viren if he would sacrifice his life for his king, I believe Viren definitely had the answer "yes" in his heart, but was flustered and had his logistics side of his brain take over in that moment. Then coming to his decision later that night but was halted short by Harrow.

Aidan Pullen

This has got to be one of my favorite episodes. I love just learning about so many characters and why they are where they are. I also really like how Harrow tells Callum to look at history as a story of love rather than of strength; as simple as it is, simply changing one's general perspective can have a huge impact on how one decides to live their life. As much as they needed to end this episode on a happy note, Callum really should have used that moment of love and trust with Ezran to tell him about their dad's death. They really do love stretching that stuff out, huh? I also really like, as Shark-ira and I think a couple others have said, "the road to hell is paved with good intentions". Whatever flaws Viren has, and however dark and mysterious he is now, through these memories we see that he truly cares for human kind, and for others. This man straight up went alone to face down the Dragon King when his friends were in danger. THAT takes incredible bravery, honor, loyalty, and devotion. Sometimes it's good to just let the river guide us as we hold to our ideals, but I think sometimes the ignorance to the greater vision of the river can cause us to misstep and lose our footing, and a decision we believe to be right in the moment, may have horrible unforeseen consequences. Loving these reactions, loving your thoughts and wisdom. Excited to see what comes next

Elijah baker

I think it’s an interesting coincidence your watching two shows that center around the relationships between brothers


"Because you don't always know the outcomes of your actions, you can gain immediate utility by doing what you feel is right." Solid gold