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Ana Andrade

This episode and the following are my favorites from the show. Do you think they did a good job adding to the story?


I can see why! These are some of my favorite episodes for sure. Love the backstory :)

Ruma Risto

When you get reunited with your girlfriend, would you react to TV shows/movies together?


That could be fun :D Shows are harder cause she'd have to follow them, but maybe short series or movies


King Harrow been reading some John Rawls. Gotta love philosophy lol.

Cody Taylor

Dragon prince week is here!! And bam it starts on the two parter lore episodes!! Some really good stuff i loved all the stuff about lady Justice. Really powerful. Makes me curious as the writers thoughts and mindset when they included it


This and the next one are incredible episodes! And I also love the young queen Anya.

Jerry Ferrell

I think it’s interesting that Harrow was idealistic in his impulsive decision to help Duran, agreeing before he had any plan for how to do so, yet pragmatic when he agreed to use dark magic to solve the problem his impulsiveness created. He was able to see the need to help other kingdoms, yet unable to see anything wrong with taking the heart of another living being, one he decided was a monster.


I watched a Youtube video of a guy who knows ASL and apparently the joke where King Harrow was pointing with both fingers, he was basically signing "prostate exam" or something similar. Lol! And Amaya signed something like: "Ha ha ha, that sign... *suggestive face*" She's got a good sense of humor.


oh lol u titled this differently so i thought this was eps 2 through 5 not S2 ep 5 XD phew my brain i swear


Anaya is basically Lyanna Mormont from game of thrones from the moment Anaya arrived she became one of the best characters


I don't wanna rock the boat, and forgive me if this has already been brought up, but is it really okay for you to upload ~90% of the episodes to Patreon? I thought this would be against the TOS, and I don't want you getting into trouble!


This and the next episode are my favorites


it’s interesting to me that Harrow saw himself as a servant to his people, so when he saw Viren giving solutions to keep Harrow alive and thought he was elevating himself he called him out for it, saying he was nothing more than a servant. He wasn’t saying it to necessarily demean Viren, I feel like what he said was out of frustration/anger yet still somewhere deep inside caring. Like a reminder But Viren probably took it as just demeaning. Or maybe I’m crazy and Harrow truly just meant it in a purely bad way, but it can’t be a coincidence considering the way he felt about his own position


Viren and Harrow's relationship is so tragic to me. To think a lifetime of close companionship and trust could end with such bitterness...


outro song is a WHOLE bop

gostrobo100 .

Great reaction and ya this episode is so great in telling the back story as well as the next

gostrobo100 .

The credits were funny😂😂


Hey I know your not necessarily looking for new shows but I just finished Kipo and The Age of The Wonderbeast and I highly recommend checking it out it’s got an avatar-esk feel mixed with adventure time and has a great story and I think it might be something you’d enjoy in the future 😊


Yeah I love her already from just 2 episodes lol Especially episode 6.. after that whole story...


That's a good question. I may have missed it but I didn't see anything about it in their TOS. Fair use is sort of a grey area. Are these videos transformative? I think so. Does it infringe on the copyright holder's ability to profit? Everything I watch is available on Netflix (which doesn't mean no, necessarily, but it means it's already widely available). Are these videos a substitute for the shows I'm watching? Maybe in some cases, but I think most people have already seen the shows.