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hays collins

Ugh you have no idea how close I was to just saying screw it and binging the rest after yesterday’s reaction but I’m trying to stick to watching the show with you for the first time. And I’m enjoying but wow it’s a good show


did you see my comment on the last episode?


also the penguin kinda reminds me of the guy from Monoply


I just saw it, that is really interesting. I will keep an eye out for that next time

Ruma Risto

"Let it out" is my favorite FMAB ending song. I actually wanted you to react to it :D

R'Mani Leavell

On the scale scene, If I'm right Ed's side said, "Older brother" and "Alchemy(referring to circle free alchemy)" and Al's said, "Height", and "Alchemy". and the red letters above Ed's head after that said "Older brothers dignity"


While there are technically no seasons in FMA:B you are right in that it feels like a new arc as this is the official beginning of the story that didn't get adapted in 2003 and it does feel different and like it's slowed down a bit. like you said the world got a lot bigger in just this episode which brings new perspectives, cultures and agendas to intertwine with our already established characters. man i'm so looking forward to see how your thoughts and theories evolve


Alright! My final play performance was probably the best one, super proud of my acting in it and all of the cast did fantastic. Now I can finally comment on these early again lmao I haven’t seen the reaction yet but can’t wait to see what you think of Ling


If he is calling next episode season 2 episode 2 then why is this one labeled 1x15 hmmmmm? Pretty sus lol

R. Lewis

Fun little trivia, they don't make a big deal of it in this version but in the 03 anime it's explicitly stated that for all their powers, the Homunculi are incapable of doing alchemy, which is part of the reason they manipulate the state alchemists and researchers to do it for them. Just something I remembered when Roy asked Barry if Lust and Envy made him. It doesn't even have the same weight or implications in this version, it's just a fun fact. Also, now that you've seen the whole map, the world is based loosely on ours. Amestris is modelled after Germany, clear from the blonde-hair-blue-eye norm in the people and their leader being the "Fuhrer." Creta and Aerugo aren't seen much of in the series but get expanded on more in other materials, and Creta seems loosely based on the U.S., while Aerugo is more based on Italy. Xing is obviously supposed to be China, evident by its eastern location as well as the style of its people as we learn in this episode, and Drachma is based on Russia, a wintery country with a strong military and a rocky relationship to Amestris that mirrors real world conflicts between Russia and Germany.


Beware of those whose eyes are always closed also maybe wait till u've finished the entire series to watch the OP's? that way u wont get unintentionally spoiled from them cuz ho boi do they love to spoil shit >.<


Scar's reaction to Xiao May (the panda) might be a little weird, but he was actually shocked by her cuteness and wanted to pet her. In the manga, Scar had a thing for cute animals, especially cats and he would feed stray cats from time to time. This humanized him a lot in the manga, but it's a pity that it wasn't very explicit in the anime.


I think it would be very confusing to do "2x1... 2x2... etc." especially since technically "season 2" doesn't start until episode 27. Most reactors just do 1-64 for the entire show, which is easier to follow imo.

Sal Inger

I've watched this show close to a dozen times probably and I've never seen it labeled with seasons anywhere. It's always just one "season" with 64 episodes.