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Ben Barringer

Woohoo! Best part of my night.


Bradley is quite possibly one of my favorite characters of all time. Hes so cool (in multiple senses of the word) and collected


Bradley is the man. He gives off the feeling of untouchabilty. The flashback scene with Roy and Hughes where Bradley stares at Roy as if he can hear what they're talking about... it made a huge impression on me. There's something terrifying about the feeling that Bradley is way ahead of you. It's this lurking danger for a bunch of the characters. And then to find out that he's just a part of a larger plan and in some ways subservient to Father... it's crazy.

R'Mani Leavell

Ouroboros is the tattoo that they have. They are referred to as the homunculi. (homunculus is singular). And I'm not sure if you caught it but the ultimate spear Bradley was referring to was Lust's finger nails


When Martel died inside Al, her blood splattered on to his blood seal. That is why he regained his memory, the thing tying his soul to the armor was tampered with.


Goodwin whenever the show shows a child for even a second: "Oh my god, N O!" Bahahaha the Nina thing has traumatized you :D


It really has. And just as I felt I had turned a corner and was starting to get over it, I watched the episode where Bradley says to his daughter "maybe you will help me someday" 😲😲😲


Greed Juice--it's the quenchiest! ;P




Normally I leave a reply much earlier but I was doing my (virtual) play performance. Went super well, last one is tomorrow then I’m free lol. This episode has some really serious foreshadowing that I never noticed before. Like you said, it’s all there laid out but the pieces aren’t connected yet. Also if you want to binge it, why not record a few episodes in one sitting? You could still theoretically keep to the same format of uploads.


Congrats! That's a good feeling. I usually watch 2 episodes in one sitting. I've done 3 before but it feels like a bit much. But if I was REALLY binging, I'd probably watch like 10 episodes a day lol. I don't have a lot of self control in that way

Elijah baker

We are now in season 2 yay


So many discrepancies between the dub and subbed that its bizzarre watching the reaction when im following the subbed version(not that its wrong watching either), they just leave out so many cool details like the lower ranking men talking about "the younger the rise, the quicker they fall" when Mustang is passing by or when Ed says to Al they need to get closer in the sub Ed instead says "I guess we'll stay with the military for a while then". But aside from the small differences Im pretty sure that is the face of Ed and Al's father at least the beard from when they showed him leaving the house in last episode and I feel the same way like the tree in God's realm i think a branch is tattoo on Scar since they briefly showed it like what does that mean also lol.

A Suresh

Welp. Cat's out of the bag. Country's run by a homunculus. RIP Greed. You will be missed. Troy Baker did a great job voicing him, especially those last lines as he was lowered into the pit. Really sends chills down your spine. The pieces are indeed there but there's a couple that are missing I think. I wonder if you'll cotton on to what's happening as quickly as Hughes did :P As always, see you for the next one :)


There’s also great lines in the dub that aren’t in the sub. Equivalent exchange? Okay maybe not. But still I can’t talk about the lines without spoilers. But Mustang has some really great lines in the dub and Travis gives a great performance


"oh right he doesn't know ughhh" yes these feels feel the same in both series man they really made things weird in the original series, i had to google some things to refresh my memory because the more i remember the more I'm just shocked at the differences @.@


Not sure you picked on this, I didn't until like the 3rd time I've rewatched the series, but The writing and images on each character's door of truth are different, Ed's is different from both Al's and Teacher's


Oh wow, I wonder if that means the truth is different for everyone or if the truth is universal but limited in different ways to whoever sees it?


Well the truth does say "I am also you" so it might be that truth is different to everyone, but it could also mean that everyone approaches the truth differently


I'm surprised you didn't flinch at the introduction of a child earlier. lol


al getting blood on his seal triggered the memories