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Emma Root

I really enjoy how complicated Soren and Claudia are, they both don't easily fall into "good guys" and "bad guys," they have different but intertwined journeys, which might sometimes make their decision making confusing but I also find it refreshing


They are great. I think their being featured more prominently is a big reason why the start of this season has been so enjoyable

Cody Taylor

As far as the whole moon arcanum goes my first interpretation was about how the mind can only interpret the world through its limited senses it doesn't directly experience, everything is filtered through tiny electrical pulses through the body and our mind constructs reality the best way it can from that information. A profound meaning from that...i guess i would say life is what you make it. You can be sad and depressed because its not the way you want it. Or you can be excited and motivated because you have so much room for improvement. Its all about what illusion of reality you want to live in

Elijah baker

It’s like I said a few weeks ago I am very worried that your just seeing something with sorin that’s just not there personally I agree they are good people deep down sure but I also don’t think that matters weather they betrayed them because thier evil or because they think it’s right it’s the same result they are hurting the princes and continuing a needless war with zaidya (hope I spelled that right ) as well as trying to hurt reyla also sorin swung his sword at a kid and a disabled dog and he legit tried to kill ezrin if reyla didn’t stop him who knows what would have happned this is stuff I will never forgive them for I don’t care how good they are to each other in private thier actions still effect people


The swing he took at Ellis was awful! That was the worst thing so far I think. But I am still holding out hope! Their actions make sense to me, except that Claudia has become what I thought Soren would be, and Soren has become what I thought Claudia was be (at least in some ways).


Hmmmm I'll find out soon enough :D


I'm starting to think that she's just better than me cause she has the moon arcanum and I don't lol. Also the more I think about it the more I wonder if she isn't a genius... Saying the "wrong" things sometimes to get people thinking. Like, this happened to me in a meta way. She's always talking about illusions, right? Well I became distrustful of everything as a result, but because of that I saw right through the illusion they pulled with the fake Ezran and Callum. So maybe it was useful... Maybe being suspicious is healthy

hays collins

“Went to her bedroom and only got a letter” hahaha!


I was glad they didn’t make Callum mad at Rayla for not telling them about the king’s death. There has already been enough distrust between them that they had to get over. And at least now Callum understands why she was struggling to do it.

Jerry Ferrell

I think Lujanne’s philosophy is about the relationship between absolute truth and relative truth. I think even if you know the absolute truth, something you believe that ends up being true on a grander scale, your understanding can ever only be as deep as your own perspective. You can know absolute truth but can only ever see it as relative truth because no matter how you widen your perspective, it’s still based on limited understanding.


I used to lie habitually when I was younger, so I actually appreciate how dishonest some of these characters are lol. Like I don't want them to lie, and that's why it's great. I wish that as a kid, I had paid more attention to media showing how destructive lying is.


I also felt drawn to Soren from the beginning. His behavior is so painful and disappointing because it's easy to see how he could be so much better. That being said, his teasing of Callum never seemed innocent and good-natured to me. It always seemed genuinely cruel and mean-spirited. Constantly reminding someone they are a step-child is extremely toxic bullying, imho.

Jason Depamaylo

It’s not exactly stated outright, but the writers and creative team said that with dark magic, every time a mage uses it, it leaves a little bit behind in their body, allowing them to use a small bit of dark magic without having to sacrifice something every time. Claudia’s “hand-flashlight” spell, and her enchanted snake bracelets use the small residual dark magic within her. Hopefully this helps and loving all your reactions!


Is it just me or does the person in the mirror have the same kind of arms/hands as the one rolling apart the map in the intro? Is that just a coincidence or maybe they are the same kind of being?


It is the same person, also the person narrating in the first episode is the person in the mirror.