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The fact that there is a human dog hybrid out there, and it was made possible by the military. The very same organization that employs state alchemists like Shou Tucker, is heartbreaking. His experimentation on Nina had a horrible purpose to begin with, but now it’s like twisting the knife knowing it’s actually possible to create a talking chimera successfully


The way Izumi said "I'd kill them" and the "I'm a housewife" tho 😂


Twisting the knife should be the sub-sub title of this show. Full Metal Alchemist: Brotherhood: Twisting the Knife


Well from this point forward we're out of 2003 recap territory! Greed is definitely the coolest homunculus introduced so far and oddly relatable


In the original 2003 anime, Yoki, the guy who "snitches" on Scar in this episode was a minor antagonist, kind of like the priest from episode 2. He was a corrupt military official who was exploiting a mining town, but Ed and Al foiled his plans and forced him on the run. What's confusing is that he shows up now in Brotherhood despite that mini "arc" never appearing in the show, so you'd have no idea who he is or why he hates Edward Elric if you hadn't watched the original.


What he was suggesting didn't seem entirely unreasonable lol. He was just being a jerk about it. I was wondering if he would become an ally at some point but... then I saw the next episode

A Suresh

Hm. I kinda feel like Ed missed out on an opportunity here, but they laid hands on his little brother so all bets were off lmao. I've found that a lot of people like Greed and his gang. Part of that is what happens next episode as you've already seen, and part of it is how they're portrayed in the little screentime they get as just normal people. This was a fun one, see you for the next one :)


Yeah at the root of it, Greed's suggestion was an exchange of information, which under normal circumstances I feel like Ed would have gone for. But oh well. One big positive for Greed's gang is that they show concern for each other when they're fighting Bradley.


also thier encounter with Yoki is in the manga, but was cut out in FMAB


Yoki was mentioned very briefly in the 1st episode if I am not mistaken. You would not have caught that if you didn’t know about Yoki in the first place.


LOL that Roy Mustang serious talk impersonation had me dead


You pointed out one of the reasons I love this series. Ed and Al are not only badasses, but they are smart, booksmart and that's also treated as badassery.