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I was cringing right there with you, dont worry


I was really excited to see what you'd think of Viren's mirror scene, and I'm really glad you liked it! I love that scene. Like, he's talking to the mirror, but he's speaking more about himself in that moment. It was brilliantly storyboarded. And then I think about poor Gren, who's just outside and listening to Viren wreck the room that he dragged a random mirror into a few days before. Lol!

Drake Chuckle

Your 'WHHHATTTT?' had me on my sides. Loving this. LOL


"I see the problem now. It's that you believe you are special." We can definitely see now how much King Harrow's words took an effect on Viren. Don't worry, sometimes I find myself rooting for Viren. I also definitely agree on your take of Soren and Rayla's relationship. I like that they're evenly matched, on opposing sides, and tend to struggle on knowing whether or not what they're doing is the right thing. (Rayla, the assassin, refusing to kill Ezran. Soren, the crown guard, plotting to kill the princes.) Also, just for fun since you mentioned it. Soren x Rayla ship name is "Sorayla" and Claudia x Callum is "Claudium"


Yeah it's a great scene. And I forgot about Gren outside listening to everything lol


00:46 is me whenever my guy goodwin spoils us with 2 videos in 1 day


I actually like the advice the moon mage gave Rayla. We can’t ever know the entirety of another person. You do have to take a bit on trust. Also, I agree with your love of the mirror scene. Even though there are aspects of the mirror in the future which really creeped me out, this was a fantastic reveal with all of Viren’s projection. And even though Claudia is definitely a daddy‘s girl, I do believe she cares about the princes. In fact, I could see how a Claudia/Callum ship is a possibility.

Aidan Pullen

for any of you Dark Souls fans out there all I can think of when alex does the dragon thing at the beginning is "PRAISE THE SUN"


“I got my ass kicked if in case you’re wondering” lmao happens to all of us 😂😂

R. Lewis

You can really see how the animation has improved between seasons. Between the fight and Callum's expressiveness when Ezran asked if he was trying to impress Claudia, it's gotten a lot smoother.


These double uploads...is it possible to overdose on your reactions? Loving the extra vids.


I thought she was leading him on too. Honestly, I'm still not sure she wasn't? I guess I like that a lot of stuff in this show is up for interpretation like that. How self aware is Viren, for example. You totally opened my eyes with that imposter syndrom comment though. On first watch, I thought he was an interesting, complex villain, but it only now really clicked for me why I feel that way about him. I kinda just thought it was obvious that he hadn't originally planned to take over or he would have been much smarter about it, but you're right, looking at it now, he's totally winging it, and kinda badly at that, it's really interesting to watch and that's why he resonates with me even though I don't root for him at all.