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Just finished the last episode. Perfect timing.

Kelsey Roberts

Lol. They stripped both his shirt and pants. His leg is just as unique as his arm, because they're both originals by Winry. Everyone in Rush Valley is obsessed to the point of ignoring concepts such as bodily privacy.


This show has such a great mix of lighthearted and inspirational moments, and absolutely depressing scenes/episodes


Winry didn't meet Pinako Rockbell and then become an automail engineer, Pinako is her grandma so she was just the next guardian in line to take care of her after her parents died. But still very similar stories.


Honestly there’s not really any filler I can remember in the show from this point onward. Many episodes are pretty much starting right after the previous one but you’ve probably noticed that since you’re ahead. Sometimes with cliffhangers lol

R'Mani Leavell

Wait, did you try to contact your friend or the pick pocket? lol




Lol I meant contact my friends, since I lost them in the crowd. I did eventually catch up with them, and I DID try calling my phone, but by that point the sim was probably discarded.

Ramon Cintron

Winry really is the best!

R. Lewis

This episode is pretty good, but it's one of the few times I prefer the original. In it you get more development for Hughes and his relationship with the Ed, Al and Winry before he dies, up to the point that it's Hughes's daughter they deliver instead of this couple's baby. It's also during that even that Ed learns he doesn't need a transmutation circle when he freaks out and accidentally heats up water for the delivery.

Francesca White

idk why but this is one of my fav episodes, it's just so feel good and has so many great Winry moments!

TJ Frangie

An important thing about this series is that everyone is a "main" character. Everyone gets fleshed out. Which is one thing, upon the many, that makes this show so incredible.