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This is the first of 6 episodes of FMAB this week! 


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...oh boy here we go. Edit: on a side note seriously thank you for the extra FMAB this week. I have stressful play rehearsals so unwinding with this is really nice

Ana Andrade

So you're gonna do an episode of each show every day (except Sunday)? This refers to YouTube of course.


The goal is to get Patreon 1 week ahead on both shows. YouTube will stay the same, but this week on Patreon there will be 3 episodes of Dragon Prince and 6 episodes of FMAB. Next week there will be 6 of DP and 3 of FMAB.

R'Mani Leavell

It's gonna take me a while to get through this one...


I was not only looking forward to this episode, but I also really needed some distraction, so thanks! :) You chose a good week :P

Emma Root

I forgot this happened so early 😭


oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck my heart sank when she asked him to come home early, i had to go check to make sure this was the episode i was thinking of and it is it might rain when i get there tbh edit: fuckkkkkkkkkkkkk all the feels everything hurts ;-;

Aidan Pullen

The Nina episode is horrifying. This one is.... heartbreaking. This episode is incredible though. It's such a good setup. Hughes is built up as such a wonderful and lovable character and losing him hurt. But the scenes at his grave... oh man. It really is a horrible day for rain.


Wow, your perspective on people who specialize in (or at least obsess over) one particular hobby/passion was awesome to hear. I've felt internal pressure lately to start investing myself in multiple passions at once (drawing, music, writing, videos, etc) to feel adequate. You definitely gave me something to think about.


Yo how dare you hit me with this good news so abruptly?


It's a terrible day for rain...


Your reactions make me excited for future reactions like 10 episodes away lol. Great analysis as always, and what a heartbreaking episode. That was the second of two most gut-wrenching plot points of FMA though, so from here onward things won't be as heartbreaking (probably).

R. Lewis

They just love to twist the knife, don't they? Hughes dying is bad enough, but then having the scene with Ed complaining about him, followed by the funeral? It's just mean. And you don't really see it coming the first time. You're so worried about his wife and daughter after Nina and Alexander that you don't expect Hughes to be the one to die.


One of the shortcomings of Brotherhood is that it cuts a significant amount of time the Elric brothers spent with Hughes in comparison to the manga, but it still manages to hurt pretty bad regardless. Also, this episode maintains consequences throughout the rest of the series, possibly at moments you may not expect. Good luck buddy.


I'm sooo sorry, you really feel the pain of these losses hard, Hughes was an awesome character I agree

A Suresh

Ah. Rest in peace Maes Hughes. You were the best of them. It rains everytime I watch this episode. Not sure if it's already been said, but the reference to rain is related to Mustang's inability to make flames when it's raining. In other words, he's saying in his own roundabout way that he's feeling helpless and impotent in the face of his best friend's death. Hits me like a truck everytime. See you for the next one :)


i think its something a lotta people who have watched the show know pretty well but mustang is useless in the rain and thats why he said 'its a terrible day for rain' bc he feels useless sigh


R.I.P Maes Hughes man. I was crying for literally hours the first time I watched the original FMA. Such a sweet and caring man, loves his family more than anything and they just have to choose HIM to kill. Really makes you hate the villain's of this show significantly more.


Bradley's voice is like silk. Also RIP Hughes, he was only 29.


I understand that feeling very well. I was just talking to a good friend about this the other day. My outlook for a long time was the idea that I would try everything and one of those things would probably work out in a big way. The potential cost of that though is specialization, and what that plan misses is the fact that great things often take an insane amount of work and focus. I don't think that doing a lot of things at once and having a lot of interests is bad at all, especially if we enjoy them, but I think the question is can I still do these things well if my focus is split. Maybe it's possible. There's a book that made me question these things that might interest you, it's called "The One Thing" by Papasan. I think one reason why focusing on one thing is a little terrifying is because that might bring the pressure of trying to find the PERFECT thing. But I think whatever you choose to focus on doesn't necessarily have to be permanent, it can just be the best thing you can think to do at any given moment, and that thing can change.


That's exactly what I thought... "This father-daughter relationship is a little too good, the daughter is in danger." But no. And yeah that train scene with them reflecting on Hughes as a person is true knife twisting


I hadn't thought about Mustang's connection with rain. That's a great point

Nick Deano

i forget how much this show hurts sometime