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That Amaya fight though...


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how will you play catch up on episodes? One of each series a day for this week?


This week will be 3 episodes of Dragon Prince, 6 episodes of FMAB. Next week will be 6 episodes of Dragon Prince, 3 of FMAB :) The episode of FMAB will be up in a bit


I think Viren is fumbling so much at this because he wasn’t expecting to take over. What Harrow said to him flipped a switch in his brain. All of that loyalty turned to resentment. He made what I would guess was a improvised decision to declare the princes as dead. Don’t think he was plotting this for months or anything like that So it makes sense that he’s not achieving a total victory so easily. He was willing to lay down his life for the King in his final moments, it’s the conversation they had that made him change.

Aidan Pullen

The Moon Arcanum reminded me of one of my fav avatar quotes: "When you base your expectations only on what you see, you blind yourself to the possibility of a new reality." Guru Laghima for the win Also your reaction to that ending was probably one of the most relatable things I've seen today


Right, that makes sense. He made the decision and now has to adjust as he goes


I remember this episode really bothered me. I tend to prefer magic systems that are more about personal growth and commitment that anyone can achieve over ones you are just born with, and then to have it be based on race as well didn't sit right. It gave me a more positive view of dark magic and much less sympathy for the elves as far as the impending war was concerned.


Yes, I love it when things have multiple meanings, like your thoughts on the Dragon Prince. One of the things I enjoy most about stories, and analyzing them, is all the symbolism within that gives the stories deeper meaning. Sometimes it is that the reader/viewer find additional meeting that the creator didn’t necessarily intend. And sometimes you can see that a creator puts a lot of effort into different layers of meaning. One thing I’m curious about with all this discussion about the origins of magic in this episode, are your thoughts on the dark magic and why it is such an abomination. I haven’t heard you talk about why the dark magic is such a problem. And I’m curious if you have thought much about it.


It does seem like humans get the short end of the stick... And it makes their use of dark magic more understandable. I'm interested to see what happens with Callum on his magic journey. I'm sure there's a loophole for him somewhere...


I think I don't understand the magic system enough quite yet. Besides the fact that the term "dark magic" carries a negative connotation by itself, I guess maybe the problem is that they have to kill other creatures to do it? The episode after this one points that out. But I feel like this is just the beginning of the exploration of the magical system in some ways - We get a hint that holders of each elemental arcanum have a different insight into life. We also have the fact that Callum wants to learn primal magic but is told he can't. We also get the sense that maybe humans are not so bad for doing dark magic when it's their only option? I'll definitely talk more about it as it gets uncovered :)


Yes, I phrased my question the way I did because I didn’t wanna say anything that would qualify as a spoiler. But since you alluded to the fact that it is necessary to kill other creatures, I would say that is the essence of it being an abomination. The other creatures that seem to have a natural affinity to do magic use it in a natural and inherent way. The dark magic users are basically taking the life essence of other things and using them to perform magic. And I can certainly see how other magical creatures would see that as an abomination.


Lmao that flail at the end XD i feel that

Cody Taylor

Yeah i really like the idea of arcanums for the magic system! And side note just looked up the definition of that word mysterious or specialized knowledge, language, or information accessible or possessed only by the initiate I don't know why but that just sounds so mystical and intriguing like it belongs in a dusty book you just discovered in a secret room of a really old castle

Jeanine McGhee

Hey Alex! I was wondering if you are seeing any similarities so far between the Dragon Prince and ATLA, in terms of the narrative, characters, feel, et cetera?


Definitely. There are a lot! Just premise-wise it follows a similar path: This is the one thing that can save the world and we need to go to X place(s) to bring an end to the war, though I guess that's common to a lot more than just these 2 shows. This all happens in a world of "magic" that has rules that will probably allow for surprising innovations. It also feels like there are a lot of big plans for the world and the characters that are slowly being unveiled over time. Character-wise there are a lot of similarities as well. Most of the characters are good people with personal issues they need to address through their journeys, and this extends even to the "villains." More specifically, you have Soren and Claudia, who are similar to Zuko and Azula in a few ways. But I think where I feel it the most is the humor and the dialogue, with lots of callbacks and character jokes.


I really like Viren. Yes, he's a horrible man and he makes so many wrong choices. But I truly believe that he believes he is doing not only the right thing, but the righteous and noble thing. I believe he feels pain and loss - I don't see him as cold and unfeeling. I see him self-sacrificing and resolute and there is some misguided nobility in it. That makes him compelling. I don't really believe that he can be redeemed but I still want that for him. I can't help but wonder if he had a wife or partner around, one that was compassionate and good, would that help to keep him grounded?


I loved the moment where he takes the... what would you call it... anti-illusion potion? It's in the next episode I believe. Really great stuff for him where it all comes pouring out.