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Are any of us real?


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You always upload when I'm about to eat, bless you and your great timing

R'Mani Leavell

Believe it or not, Envy is a guy. To be more accurate, he isn't a guy or girl since he can transform into anyone. But the form he takes is of a guy.


I wouldn't worry about misgendering envy, they're designed to be pretty androgynous


Envy is genderless and in Japanese I think they use gender neutral pronouns. But Envy typically takes on a guy's form so in translations of the manga, some of the guidebooks, and in the English dub Envy is referred to as "he" by other characters, including Lust.


RIP Sean Connery


soooo... much... philosophy, i love it

hays collins

You know what you need to watch is The Good Place. It’s chock full of philosophy and I think you would love it!!!

chi hong

Lol, I never put 2 and 2 together that Envy Does sound like Marge Simpson. that really got me to giggle.

Ruma Risto

Envy is genderless but he is referred to as 'he' in the english dub.


I've heard good things. I've been tempted to watch it on my own but... Saving it for videos one day


“I have a feeling this guy was not that bad, maybe it’s the Sean Connery voice” Slicer: I was a mass murderer Welp there goes that


I really hope this is all a simulation cause other than your reactions this shit sucks.


Well as the theory goes, there's a high chance that it is! Though in that case that would mean it's just a simulation that sucks, which is not much better. But maybe it's one of those things where you gotta play for a while before it all comes together.

Elijah baker

Envoy is gender non conforming but he or they should be fine


From watching previous episodes I thought Ed was trying to tell him out "God" or whatever it is he saw during the Taboo transmutation, but I'm not sure anymore. It really intrigues me though to what extend do the "7 deadly sins"(Im assuming like you that there will be more) have in store for the brothers or at least Ed since they let him live.


a bit random but i think itd be a cool idea if you made a tier list of characters of the shows you reacted to after ur done! maybe add it to your overall thoughts! lvoe the reactions hehe


he did a video like this after he finished korra and atla so im sure he'll do it for these shows as well


Watching this show with you is making me appreciate it more! I didn't really like this show tbh. It can be very melodramatic.


It's a heavy show! There are times where I feel like I need an emotional break... but they don't give you very many :D