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oh my, you are going to love this show soooo much


Not sure what you think of the dub so far, but honestly this episode isn’t the best one to showcase it. It could be cool to hear what you think about the dub vs sub maybe after rewatching pivotal scenes in the series using both versions If you did like the dub work in this episode, it’s mostly just up from here on out lol


the dub voices for hawkeye, mustang, armstrong (Vegeta's VA) and bradley are so good, i usually prefer sub but this anime is an exception


Fun fact, the voice actors for Lust and Mustang are married in real life

hays collins

Dang I’m really enjoying this. I tried watching the other show a LONG time ago and stopped because it got pretty confusing but this one is much more easy to follow. Im enjoying watching this show for the first time with you!

Ben Barringer

This episode is where the other series begins, it takes up I think two if not three episodes and is our introduction to alchemy, automail, the main characters, etc. The dialogue of this episode still shows a lot of resemblance to its' old version, but out of the "first episode" context it feels a bit weird. The whole interaction with Rose lost basicall all of its' gravitas, compared to FMA. Still, Brotherhood is better overall, I'd say, it's just this first bit that get's to me.


only thing i miss from the original is that by the time Brotherhood became a thing Aaron Dismuke was too old (hit puberty) to voice Al so they got Maxey Whitehead instead idr if the tech was better then or if she still had to do her lines into a metal bowl to get that sound effect ahh memories~

hays collins

I know this has nothing to do with FMAB but did you hear they are very tiny rumors but substantial none the less that they are thinking about making another avatar show


Yeah the original show spent two episodes in Liore so I think the Rose moment is much more powerful. Overall I do still think Brotherhood is the better show. I do really like the '03 show though


I have heard some rumors about this and I really hope it happens :) It would be the first time I get to watch Avatar while it's airing! I want to speculate like everyone else haha

Drake Chuckle

That was the story of Icarus, not the sun god.


Every day I hop onto Goodwin's Patreon to get personally attacked by his monologues (and yes I do still plan to reply to messages)


Both voice actors do a fantastic job. I was watching FMA after finishing Brotherhood and thought they were the exact same VAs, didn’t know they were different until now. Granted I’m still watching the original FMA series so I haven’t heard too much of Al yet but still


Not sure how true this is, but I've heard that Asami's character design from LoK was modeled after the villain at the end of this episode.

R'Mani Leavell

As you already know, the 2003 anime goes into more depth for some of these earlier episodes. I suggest watching that one after this one, but not only because you get more detail in episodes like this, but the story is honestly pretty good, even if it isn't as good in my opinion. And if you see people say the 2003 version sucks or isn't good, I would compare it to ATLA and TLOK. Some people don't like it because of the turns it take and how different it is from the original.


Hey Alex, just wanted to thank you again for being apart of my routine nowadays. Your videos always give me a different perspective on shows I've seen, but more than that you really know how to put my/your thoughts into words. Idk, I'm just thankful that your success and wisdom has been therapeutic for me. Please stay yourself haha


I enjoyed that you go in depth about how people cope and deal with various harsh pains of life; you will see much more of that going down the road. FMA is, at is core, about people who have been greatly wronged by the world and themselves trying to become better, and one of the greatest parts about it is that each of the main and supporting cast are incredibly strong and inspiring. Right now you've only seen Ed and Al for the most part, but you'll see more as you progress. I'm especially looking forward to your eventual analysis to Ed's superior officers and the military characters in general, because once you see the extent of their backstories, motivations, and actions, they are a protagonist of their own as well!

Doug Thomas

Longtime watcher, second-time commenter - your dissection of this episode was fantastic, and I love the wisdom you bring to the table in regards to the fanaticism that Rose exercises. It really is tragic, and when I first watched that scene at the end I almost teared up for a character I'd only known for roughly 20 minutes. As a longtime fan of the show, it's so refreshing to watch someone examine aspects of it in ways I never even considered - like Al specifically was a character I always appreciated but never at as deep a level as most people, and just with this episode and your thoughts on it alone I'm starting to realize how wrong I was. Also, 'is this what church is like? I might start going to church' is easily the funniest thing I've heard all week. Great reaction, excited to watch you continue. Thanks!

Aidan Pullen

others have already brought up most of what I was gonna say, so I'll just mention this thing I think is cool: the character Lust (evil lady) is the inspiration for Asami's character design. Just think that's a fun little fact. Loved this reaction and your breakdown of everything as usual. Can't wait for you to keep unraveling things and traveling down this road!

R. Lewis (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-15 03:46:33 As a huge fan of both versions who prefers Brotherhood, I will admit that this episode and the next one really suffered in the transition. Both were given two episodes in the original, and both carried a lot more weight in my opinion. Even if you never watch the whole original series or even if you don't react to it, I highly recommend watching this story and the next one in the original series just to get a much better experience of these events and the impact they carry.
2020-11-21 05:44:44 As a huge fan of both versions who prefers Brotherhood, I will admit that this episode and the next one really suffered in the transition. Both were given two episodes in the original, and both carried a lot more weight in my opinion. Even if you never watch the whole original series or even if you don't react to it, I highly recommend watching this story and the next one in the original series just to get a much better experience of these events and the impact they carry.

As a huge fan of both versions who prefers Brotherhood, I will admit that this episode and the next one really suffered in the transition. Both were given two episodes in the original, and both carried a lot more weight in my opinion. Even if you never watch the whole original series or even if you don't react to it, I highly recommend watching this story and the next one in the original series just to get a much better experience of these events and the impact they carry.


Awesome, the more I hear about it the more I want to watch it. I'll probably do that on my own after I finish Brotherhood.


I can't wait. Even without having seen much I am really interested in some of the "side" characters, like Roy Mustang, Liza, my boy Alex Louis Armstrong... King Bradley, etc.


Thanks for the comment :D Rose really spoke to me, as does Ed's reaction to her, and also poor Al just being such a good guy being kind to everyone along their path.


I'm not sure I wanna go through the little girl and her dog story again haha. JK, I would love to check it out after I finish this series.


I think Bryan said it was just a coincidence. He said he watched FMAB about a year after he'd already designed Asami. But I think he mentioned that after he watched FMAB, he did choose to give Asami the same lipstick color as Lust on purpose