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00:00 - Intro

00:24 - Episode 3

26:32 - Episode 4

52:02 - Reacting to my reaction

01:10:54 - Summary


ATLA Rewatch episodes 3&4.mp4



I noticed that the avatar statues are not in chronological order, next to Roku(13:50) you can see a male earthbender avatar and this is no continuity-error, because Kyoshi will be introduced the next episode and at 13:38 you can see her statue


I really needed this right now, couldn't have been better timing

William Abbott

I really look forward to these.


Fun Avatar Fact: Episode 3 is the only episode in the entire show to not have a White background for the "Book: X, Chapter X" part, instead it shows the rising sun in the morning that transitions smoothly into the episodes first scene.


I mean Avatar is definitely a kid's show. Mainly because it's target audience are kid's. Also the mature themes like death and genocide are so subtle in the show that it would easily go over kid's head. But the thing is that even a kid's show can be incredible and this show in particular managed to break the mold of what a kid's show could do and really connect with people of all ages in a deep way. Some people don't like saying it's a kid's show because they think it's a criticism against the show. But being a kid's show has nothing to do with quality, just the format it is presented in and by who it can be watched. I'd say it's even a bigger quality to say that a kid's show managed to resonate with so many people of all walks of life. If it was not a kid's show, it would be less spectacular of an accomplishment. I mean there are not many kid's shows (maybe none even) that have accomplished anything similar or near the extent of what avatar managed to do. So yeah i'll be the first one to say that avatar is the greatest kid's show of all time, at least there's no competition like breaking bad or the wire in that front.


I'm very happy you're gonna give Zhao a second chance, I feel he's a good villian for his purpose in the grander scheme of things in Season One, and a lot of people forget he is more Zuko's antagonist than Aang's, even if he sometimes plays that role for both characters. Zhao gets a lot of hate from the fanbase as a bad villian but I don't agree at all.


That is a good point. In terms of the intended demographic, it is definitely a kid's show, at the very least from Nickelodeon's perspective. Even so, while I may not have really had the concept of "genocide" as a kid, I'm pretty sure the skeleton of Gyatso would have been upsetting back then, maybe even more upsetting in some ways.


It's funny... My 2nd look at Zhao might actually be something good I took away from the movie.

R'Mani Leavell

It’s been bugging me for weeks, what kind of socket is that in the back? 😂


The way this upload made my day 10x better. Rewatching with you, Im definitely appreciating Zuko's whole ponytail look more. Not as bad as I remember it being. Looking forward to next weeks video!


Absolutely loving this rewatch series. Love how long they are, can get a midnight snack and enjoy the hour

Jay Crigler

I love seeing you review yourself after knowing the story fully its so funny keep it up man

A Suresh

I'm pretty sure Gyatso was referring to Avatar Roku when he said that Aang would meet someone who would guide him when he was ready. EDIT:My counter got a mention! Ahahaha


I do not have answers either lol This whole room is weird. There is a corner section with drywall at a weird angle that need not be there, and fluorescent lights were installed with covers that were glued on, as if the lights would never need to be changed.


I'm glad! The way this show can make me feel things for character hair... amazing


This is amazing please stick to the full watches

gostrobo100 .

I have not watch it yet but I’m sure it will be great

gostrobo100 .

Just from the last one you can clearly see you have a whole new meaning to certain things and people. So Awesome!! Can’t wait to watch it

Rachel Espiritu

I think the general goodness of the Avatar online community is just proof of how important children's media and literature are. It's not an accident that this community is better than most; we're a group of people who grew up internalizing the lessons this show taught us.


it's always weird going back and seeing how buff/filled out zuko was during the first episodes. Then after his stint as a fugitive for a few months where he's practically starved, he never fully regains his muscle mass even by the time season three comes around. The next time we see Zuko shirtless it's season 3 (the beach) and he's still so skinny, which just goes to show just how severe his malnourishment went.


These are both great episodes. But I especially appreciate episode 3. There is the significance of Aang’s visit to the temple and all that it entails. And I really like how the Agni Kai between Zuko and Zhao is the first time that we see how there is honor in Zuko‘s character. And of course that Uncle Iroh has his back. I’m continuing to be amused by your assertion at the end of Korra that you don’t care for romance in stories, as you continually point out every instance of attraction between characters and are typically amused by it!

Rachel Espiritu

Also, what movie were you recognized for on the playground? Mimic?


Well I think I found you on imdb lol. Saturn Award Nominee, very nice!


I just think originally Kyoshi wasn't meant to be the avatar before Roku, which is why they also say "she was born here 400 years ago", but then, after subtracting Aang's 100 years in ice, and Roku's nice old age, there wasn't enough time to put a whole avatar cycle between Kyoshi and Roku (unless they all died really young), so they later just said, "well Kyoshi was 230 years old"


LOL you have made it clear to me that my thoughts on it are not well defined yet. Cause you're right, I do enjoy it SOMETIMES. But for now my working theory is I like romance when it's painful/hilarious and dislike it when it's overly saccharine.


The weird thing about that is they never notified me I was nominated. I found out as an adult... on IMDB.


The hole Avatar regeneration timeline from Yangchen to Aang has multiple errors, for example Koh the face stealer says that the fight with Kuruk was 800-900 years ago, but Kuruk died at age 33, which creates a ~350-450 years gap between Kuruk and Kyoshi

R'Mani Leavell

yea, i notice that at the beginning of the show, even though they had a lot of the bullet points figured out, they still didn't have an accurate time line when made for a lot of confusion

A Suresh

Also can I just say that it's super awesome how you take the time to focus on the positive comments over the negative ones? I think that's a very rare quality and it's really essential for maintaining perspective on the things that you do. You've added a lot of value to my rewatches of ATLA. Thanks, Alex.

Kyle Chong

Random question, do you know if your girlfriend watches your videos?


She used to, but I'm pretty sure she stopped when I started doing reaction series because she hasn't seen the shows.


I can't tell if its cuz ur wearing a hat but did u lose weight between then and now? cuz it seems like ur head is smaller now than it was then hmmm better lighting? better camera? also ur reply to R'Mani above me made me giggle what a strange room XD

hays collins

It’s so weird watching this episode about the island of Kyoshi. And knowing she was basically abandoned there oh remeber that stump that’s supposed to bring good spirits in the middle of the village well that stump is still there. Kyoshis stat hue is on it

Leander Leveringhaus

I really love those full length rewatches. Its a nice opportunity to rewatch ATLA (once again) and your reflections are great as always. Im looking forward to next week!


You were in movies? anything we might know?

gostrobo100 .

Great rewatch can’t wait until the next one


Something I find too after reading the Kyoshi novels is how much Aang might have enjoyed the attention as more than just a group of girls fawning all over him but how much it might have reminded him of when the air nomads were highly respected and maybe there was a little bit of feeling like he got a certain amount of that back, if that makes any sense. We also get to see how fun loving the Air Nomads appeared to be and some people point out that balance wasn't just lost because the air nomads were gone but generations of innocence and fun was lost too after the genocide both because the world fell into a 100 year war but also, the Air Nomads were fun loving people with a good sense of humour and the world lost that from them too. It's also interesting how we really get to see Kyoshi being a very impactful and important Avatar even when she hasn't made a formal appearance yet. The island is still named after her and she is still obviously beloved there. Its a nice detail.


It's the same camera, definitely better lighting, but I think I did lose some weight since then, yeah. Different diet here I guess haha.


I googled it and checked the cast YOU WERE SO STINKIN' CUTE OMG

Drake Chuckle

These are fun. Also... you know you have to do some videos about your time in movies. I would honestly save that for the youtube channel though - lots of good clickbait potential! "That time I worked with GDT..."


Haha I have thought about that but ultimately it's something I'd rather keep to myself or share with a tighter group.

Rudy Strother

I was under under the impression that the statues all rotate when a new avatar statue is made. If you look closely, it looks like the avatar statues are on some sort of line. The whole thing might shift and move the statues over and then they place the newest one in the center where Roku currently is. Not sure if what I'm saying makes sense lol


It's still the craziest thing to me is that Zhao is voiced by Jason Isaacs, who is obviously Lucius Malfoy. Also, I'm surprised you didn't correct Sokka when first meeting Momo. We all know Momo is an earth bender and master of a few jings - not a fire bender.


Katara: It's his Avatar Spirit. She knew that there was a spirit which is Raava.


The Kalimba in both series is just perfection


"I was never angry with you. I was sad, because I was afraid you'd lost your way." is our way of thinking, especially to people who hate Korra HAHA


I've always preferred Momo to Appa. He's actually my favorite of all the animals in the ATLA and LoK universe. I mean I love Appa don't get me wrong. He's wonderful - loyal, powerful, and with so much personality. But to me he's still just a pet - just like Momo. And Momo is cuter and more fun. I guess I don't have the connection to Appa that other people seem to have. I don't think it has to be that deep all the time. Momo is just a cute pet. Sometimes that's what you need in life.

Leon Inglis

you talk about how famous people often feel like outsiders and its hard for them to form solid relationships. you should watch bojack horseman. its an animated show about a celebrities mental health after all the fame.

Silent Shadow

What the Comander says to zuko about how his father would take him back if he actually cared is interesting because it is harsh and he is just trying to make zuko angry but it is also true and something zuko needed to accept in order to move on with his life.