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In Freiren episode 2, when side-questing with Freiren, do not let her control your schedule.




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I really like this show. I’m glad we get to experience time like Frieren does. The time jumps fit very well here. And I love how the names fit the people. Frieren=freezing or feeling cold Heiter=jolly or jovial. A generally happy person Fern= far away Himmel= sky/heaven Eisen= iron This episode reminds me a little of the nomads in Avatar the last Airbender. Don’t let the goal get in the way of the journey.


The action is a rare treat in this show but when it happens, my god. Madhouse studios (who also did HxH and One Punch Man) knows action.


I saw a youtube video talking about this show, and apparently since it's become SO popular in Japan, a common saying there has become "It's what Himmel would do." No idea if that's true, but it's such a nice thought that the popularity of this manga and the character of Himmel has inspired so many people in the real world to go out of their way to help others because, "It's what Himmel would do"


Damn that island story of yours is kind of a poetic book end to everything else. Sometimes it feels like the universe needs that one last stab, but at least there is a sense of consistency.

Tyler Owens

You didn’t drown which was a Jeju Island Arc W


So, the first interpretation of the title "Sousou no Frieren" -> "Frieren accompanying to the resting place" -> Frieren is always watching her associates and friends die of old age. EVERYTHING is based on Himmel (or, as the community calls him, HIMmel) the Hero. Spells gathered so far: 1) Warm tea, 2) Removing rust from bronze, 3) Turning sweet grapes into sour 4) Creating a field of flowers (type-specific) Uses: Statue maintenance (2), Statue decoration (4). Being the Hero, I wonder how many dozens of those does Himmel have around. It's been 80 years since the defeat of the Demon King, probably a few of them need derusting...

Reid Dawson

Pure curiosity, do you have any sayings that help you through things that you genuinely do think of in trying times? For me, a good one has always been “be the man you’d want your son to be” these things sound corny, but if they help, they help.

Josh Bowers

Fun fact, if you pause when Fern is lying in the clover field, you can see they animated in a four leaf clover

Josh Bowers

It's already been mentioned, but today's name translation is for Heiter and Fern. Heiter means cheerful, which definitely fits his personality, both in the fact he is often laughing, but also because of his optimism. Fern means far or distant, which is fitting for a multitude of reasons. She is somewhat emotionally distant like her mentor, she is from far away, and she is embarking on a long journey which will almost certainly evolve her into someone distant, but similar, to her current self

James Ancester

Hey, been enjoying the reactions greatly. Hoped from the beginning of the show to hear your thoughts on it. And, not to nitpick, but you've been spelling Frieren wrong.


Frieren is actually Violet + Fushi

Jasmine Tea Enjoyer

the most recent arc has been almost all action so I wouldn't say it's a rare treat anymore. this series does everything incredibly well.

Reinhard's Burner

The music is also done by the same guy who did Violet Evergarden.


Jeju island is infested by ants now anyway so it's a good thing you left.