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In Freiren episode 1, Freiren's introduction subverts common anime conventions by starting the story after the last boss has already been defeated, having the main character find a mentee instead of a mentor, and having happy peacetime not immediately punished by tragedy and mass obliteration.




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mapo picker

omg im sooo happy you react to this I'm very curious about your perspective. Lot's of thought provoking moments througout the show


The way my soul died when I heard 1 word in an English speaking voice LMAO

Jasmine Tea Enjoyer

Never imagined we would ever get Frieren reactions before the first season ends in a couple weeks from now. This show has come out of nowhere for me and is already one of my favorite anime of all time. You will have so much to talk about with this series. It does everything well. Cannot wait for you to get further in. This show makes me emotional in almost every episode.


This and Bocchi the Rock were two recent anime that just blew my expectations completely away. Neither of them are normally something I'd get sucked in to watching, but both of them are now some of my favorites


I literally forgot about baby Fern. She's so adorable!

Jasmine Tea Enjoyer

And they both have the same Director! These are his first two animes he has ever directed... what an incredible talent. Bocchi and Frieren are easily my favorite anime of the last couple years.

Aaron Ong

The dub isn't bad, in fact Frieren's dub voice is drop-dead gorgeous, but I definitely think the sub is the way to go. I'd recommend giving it a listen sometime regardless!


The dub panic at the beginning was unexpectedly hilarious lol. I mentioned this on one of your “what show to watch?” posts, but I very rarely watch completely new anime, probably like one a year. I don’t know why I decided to give Frieren a try, but I’m so glad I did because I quickly grew to love it. Not only is it very thematically interesting, but I also love the world. It’s very DnD inspired, which is very Tolkien inspired, so it hits all the right marks for me. Super excited for more episodes!


As someone with major hang-ups about my own mortality, this episode is so painful. It's clearly framed as something that has disadvantaged her emotionally, but I'm so envious of Frieren's long life. The idea that we only get such a short lifespan when the world holds infinite potential is a tragedy, especially when contrasted to a fictional world inhabited by elves who consider 50 years a blip in time.


That's so wild! Especially with how different they both are! But the love for the story really shows through in both in completely different ways

Matthew Richson

I really don’t like how this has become the trend on here… it’s kind of annoying… I’ve just never been a fan of the sub purist attitude…


It's not that serious my guy. Also I'm new here, I'm not even aware of a trend.

Josh Bowers

I remember when I first started watching Frieren, I was excited because most of the names of people and places are German based, and I studied German in college! Himmel (dead hero guy) means Heaven in German. As you continue with the show, I'll continue drop what I know in the comments.

Chris Sharpe

As an introvert with ADHD, I absolutely understand the idea of randomly showing up 50 years later for plans with friends.


The dub isn't too bad but sub is always the safest lol! Can't wait to watch this series with you and see what discussions come from these too. ☺️


I think in someways I can understand frieren compared to how I felt about past pets. I feel ashamed to admit it but I have trouble not emotionally distancing myself from pets in the past as they got older. Like I was kind but I definitely was putting a barrier up as I knew the end was closer, to protect myself from the blow. Lifespan differences do hurt like that.

Brandon Rowe

Your reactions and thoughts about life and how to live it, definitely will be covered in this show, can't wait for you to dive into those topics more.

Jeremy Ocasio

I assume the sub dub controversy will be there for nearly anything bar a few that are widely agreed upon. But tbh I've been going through this show in both dub and sub and both are very good, my preference is the dub this time tho


The immediate recoil to the dub like "NOPE not doing this again" 😭


I honestly don't have a strong preference either way ever, but the original language seems like a good default setting

Christo Badenhorst

I don't have a lot of family left sadly. Time have also not been the kindest in that regard but each time I watch this episode. I call my grandma and some family just to talk and spend time with them... I love that the anime makes you think about time and how little we actually have of it. Cant wait for you to watch the rest. :)

Emman Reed

wahooooo. Can't for more of this :) have a great weekend


IMPORTANT INFORMATION (Non-spoiler): The english translation of the title is bad and very loose. "Sousou" is a multi-faceted word to translate and I've seen the title translated differently in different languages, each taking an aspect and leaving out others. I have decided that the proper way to give the title to my friends when recommending the show is "Frieren who accompanies [us?/someone?/people?] to [our?/their?] resting place". As you can see, it doesn't make a good show title, but keep this translation in mind because the author intended it to be this way.


Ep.1-4 were aired simultaneously, apparently the studio considers them The Prologue.


I am so glad you got to this


My fav anime after hxh aot


As a German, you're right, it is quite entertaining :D Frieren itself means 'freezing' or rather you would say 'ich friere' in German to 'I'm freezing'. Pretty impressive that you studied German! If it wasn't my mother language I probably wouldn't bother to learn it since it is quite hard. :'D

Josh Bowers

I found it similar enough to English. Also, I had really good teachers who got me into it.


I've been watching the dub and the sub for the series, so in my personal opinion, both work just fine. It's saddening to me that your panic wasn't over the language itself, but over the language debate that would ensue in the comments for which you should enjoy the show. Either way, you're in for a journey! I'll comment more as I continue watching this reaction.

Matsumoto Erkin

Do you have plan to react to Stein Gate movie(before you resume with Stein Gate 0)

Will Thiessen

Love that you’re watching this one! It’s one of my faves so far. Another great one (like you need another) is Ascendance of a Bookworm. 10/10 story and even more fantasy.


I Love that they all have descriptive German names 😊😊


This is cool, thanks for pointing this out. We lose out on a lot of wordplay that cant be translated to the same effect. It's true in a lot of anime, and sadly us western audiences never quite get the full picture.


In almost prophetic fashion, I have watched this reaction and then proceeded to watch the following 15 episodes. Long first season capping at 28 total episodes but not complaining one bit!!

Aidan Pullen

You saying "someone should get her a bicycle... or a horse" actually struck me as really interesting. That's such a human thing to want - to expedite a journey. I imagine for someone like Frieren, the speed or efficiency of a journey is probably not at all the priority, and so walking is probably fine. We have limited time on this world, and so we're inclined to speed things up and make them more efficient to make up for that. She doesn't have that innate drive I don't think.


This is such a well thought-out point, didn't even consider it when that comment was made yet it makes so much sense as an intentional method of indirect characterisation.


Watching this show for the first time with you!


i don't think anyone would've been upset if you did the dub, it's a phenomenal dub. in fact, hot take: i think for at LEAST english, the dub is better than the sub. the translations are usually better worded and sometimes even more profound in my opinion (e.g. the dessert scene in ep 3)

A Suresh

This show is enriching. I hope you have a good time with it.