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Hello good hunter,

This week, we're delving deeper into the arcane mysteries and ancient legacies with our latest content for Echoes of Extinction.

I've always been fascinated by the mystique surrounding the lost world of the dinosaurs, especially after re-watching the "Jurassic Park" series and diving into Arthur Conan Doyle's "The Lost World", to inspire myself for this tome.

Furthermore, as you may know, I'm a big fan of the Soulsborne series, with its rich ancestral narratives and haunting environments, something I wish to bring here. 

Hell, I even delved into articles on ancient shamanistic practices, and prehistoric culture.

The aim is to combine these diverse influences to craft a unique setting where the primal meets the arcane, creating a fresh twist for our beloved 5e games.

Enough rambling, let's jump in:

Formidable Feats to Flaunt: (running out of F words here, oh wait just thought of one)

  • Experienced Caster: When age meets magic, power ensues. Mastery through time.
  • Saurian Soul: Unleash the ancient energies that flow within, echoing from the age of the dinosaurs.

Exotic Backgrounds:

  • Zindaur Exile: Once belonging, now estranged. Discover the tales of those who once thrived but now wander.

  • Frozen in Time: Eons might have passed, but your spirit remains untouched. Relive memories from a time long gone.

Mystical Items to Possess:

  • Jurassic Totem: Channel the might of the prehistoric era, where every beat resonates with the heart of the jungle.
  • Maddening Totem: Tread with caution; for this relic whispers secrets that can unnerve the bravest of souls.

Enchanting Spells to Master:

  • King's Hungry Jaws: Summon the voracious bite of the ancient king of predators, letting foes taste primeval fear.
  • Speak with Ancestors: Converse with the spirits of old, seeking guidance and wisdom from beyond.
  • Bloodlust: Ignite a fervent rage in your allies, driving them into a frenzied state of combat.
  • Collective Mending: Channel the unity of the herd, pooling energies to heal and rejuvenate.


(As always, the PDF can be downloaded below.)

Take Care!
Evan | MonkeyDM




Love this - hoping to add it to my new ToA game which is starting soon. Also crafted the idea of a terrasque sized monster that wanders the lands of chult with the ruins of an ancient city on its back, which will act as an endless dungeon in the event that my players want to dive into less exploration and more hack&slash.