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A freezing cold adventure for a party of 8th to 9th level.

Hello good hunter,

Brace yourselves for an epic journey marked by treacherous seas, colossal icebergs, and creatures that lurk below the icy waters. Face the heart of the storm and discover the fate of the lost expedition. What will you choose when faced with the chilling climax? Rescue or silence? Compassion or cold pragmatism?

With the weight of a father's plea and the promise of unparalleled rewards, your path is set towards a realm where every gust of icy wind whispers tales of lost souls, and the very ground might betray your steps.

Yet, in the shadows, a darker proposal lurks. The silken interiors of a strange man's carriage might charm you, but his words might just send a shiver down your spine.

Are you ready to tread that moral tightrope?

Dive in now and decide the course of 'Frozen Fate'. Remember, every choice has its repercussions, and in the Chillmourne Frontier, they could echo for an eternity.

P.S: The rar file is the Foundry File




In the pdf there is a passage about madness, where can i find that, or what madness are we talking about.?