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A heavy, fast-paced adventure for a party of 6th level.

Dive headfirst into a savage escapade, where the shadows of the arcane and the howls of the undead drown out all hope. The rhythmic pulse of death metal shall be your battle cry as you breach the haunted thresholds of the ship 'Sovereign Tide'.

Hear the call, warrior.

The vast expanse of the Leechdepth murmurs of dark tales, of ships consumed by its abyssal sorcery and crew turned to undead monstrosities. Aboard the once-glorious 'Sovereign Tide', you are plunged into a chilling nightmare, where every corner hides treacherous foes and the ghosts of long-lost mariners.

Venture deeper, and you discover a heart of shadows, where the ship's captain once stood. A void, a chilling absence that propels you to the very bowels of the ship, where an unholy portal beckons, threatening to drag the world into its torment.

But the horrors don't end there. You're catapulted into a sinister dimension, the playground of a wicked Leechdepth mage. In this desolate realm, your ultimate trial unfolds. Battle the mage, halt his vile ritual, and prevent a fate darker than the abyss from engulfing all.

Dare you tread these haunted decks?

P.S: The rar file is the FoundryVTT file.




Did you use this cover before, looks so familiar?