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Lot going on in this page. I believe this is the most complicated comic page I've drawn to date- which isn't saying much, but it's a lot for me, heh. As a result there's definitely some wonkiness here an there, but I don't think I could have even done this a year ago, so hey. Progress!

If I've done my job right, you should be starting to get a feel for what's going on here now. Hopefully everything is fairly clear and you can tell what's happening, at least. 

Opinions are certainly welcome!



Bloudin Ruo

Oh...! This is SUCH an awesome idea! There was absolutely no way to see this coming, and took such an unexpected turn I beamed when I saw what was going on :) You have some of the most fun and hot ideas for both pictures and comics! Poor little fluffer, whatever shall he do? Also, his expressions in #1 and #2 are great!

Eddie SanHusky

LOL! "The Adventures of Fluffy!"


Hah, thanks! I had the idea in my head to do something with the 'fluffer' concept for a while now, but it just didn't fit my standard format of single pictures very well, I felt. But when I thought about it in a comic concept it sort of created an entire silly story in my head right away, so it seems a good fit. And a great excuse to draw some smut. x3