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So there's the title. It's nothing particularly creative but it fits!

Colours are coming out a touch grittier looking than I'd like, I'll see if I can wrestle that under control as I go. Otherwise though, the simple colouring seems to be working well enough so far. A few tweaks here and there and it'll settle in nicely I think...

We're pretty early days still but I hope y'all have been enjoying the comic so far, and I'd love to hear your thoughts!




Love the concept! Looking forward to seeing how it goes

Bloudin Ruo

I'm glad the expressions in #1 and #2 were kept :) What species is our fluffer friend? He's got some nice facial markings!


Of course! It would be way less funny if he didn't look thoroughly displeased. x3 He's based more or less off a fennec fox, though I keep accidentally drawing his muzzle too big so it looks like there may be some standard red fox genes in his history somewhere. :P


Those eyes in the second panel, ha! That fox needs some love!