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Oh my word! What's occurred? Another installment of the Q&A podcast? Oh my, how delightful! You simply MUST come and listen at tea time. 




Uffda, Definitely been there with the half past 3am Restlessness, hope you got some proper rest after! <3

Harry Moore

We ADHD folk are night owls statistically anyway. You're self employed during a pandemic, this is fine for you <3

Harry Moore

Yeah conversation has basically become Twitter arguments. Argue against them, defeat their arguments... they make weak arguments running down the clock enough to bring the point back to their original opinion pretending you never defeated it


Wait, UK health care is genocidal? What? o.o

Shapie Starberrie

Apologizes in advice, I been busy at work, and just been given some bad news. In the form of my Aunt passing way, and cheering up some family members from the news. Sorry for missing out on a chance to ask A question.


damn, i just realised i had missed out on 22 to the current.


A whole lot of the UK healthcare systems foundations were built by people believing in eugenics. And then there is the forced sterilizations, the way it prioritieses illnesses and so on and so forth. And before Americans start feeling smug, having to pay ludicrous hospital bills, or even having to pay for healthcare at all is well in the realm of American eugenics which is based in making the poor die.


They were right, btw; I had already been looking at spicy bean burger recipes to try.


I'm not a vegetarian, but a black bean and portabella mushroom burger is quite tasty.


Your mentioning of the fatphobia in the UK reminded me of a short documentary I once saw about Sarah Ferguson, Duchess of York. After she divorced Andrew, she started stress eating and the tabloids called her the "Duchess of Pork," which further damaged her self-esteem and mental health. The tabloids hounded her for years while her ex, Andrew, was partying with Jeffrey Epstein. That double standard is sick and the UK tabloids are just the worst.


Love your work! Just an FYI, the volume seems to be pretty low, requiring me to jack the volume up substantially on my phone, which risks blowing out my ears once my player advances to the next podcast. As someone with fairly sensitive ears, I'd appreciate it if you could make the mix a bit louder next time!


...yeahhhh I really did jump straight to “we can make you some burgers!”... lacking Conrad’s meticulous, prepared nature I’d already hit send before they guessed the exact thing I would do. The audacity 😆