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As stated on friday i worked on the enema machine generic events for Vivian this weekend and i finished it.
Currently i am into a bit bug hunting since i also implemented a device to call the girls to Victor. This process does not work immediately and has to watch out not to interrupt if the girl restrained herself in the restrain machine or anywhere else.(bugs.. just..MPff... >_<)

I  think i COULD create the next public version next weekend. I just need to make a smoketest (running through the story again to test all out) and create a new safefile (as always).

And i just want to say that the next version isn't that much different from the last one since i only Added :
- The generic events for the alien plant
- The generic events for the alien parasite
- The generic events for the enema machine
and... this device to call this girls to Victor.

BTW : The new clothes from Aemi isn't in the game yet (ok it is , but not used) since i wanted to give them to Aemi for a special event.



Kravenar Games

That sounds cool! Keep up!!! Btw I love it.


Looks very promising :) Can't wait. You do a great job :)


Oh my, new build is coming soon. Joyous news!


Know it will be good so worth that wait.


Always eager to see what story and wonders you thrill us with Kerni ^^


hi, Someone knows how to change the configuration of the keys, the launcher module does not work even in administrator mode (I can not find a file "config" or similar) thank you in advance


The launcher window does not open when you use AATOFL.exe ? (Or did i misunderstood that ?) And BTW some keys ar hard coded like USE or all the F-keys.


The launcher window opens correctly, but when I change a key in the "input" page, there is no change in the game. (The "graphics" page works well)


...Thank you for your answers (And sorry, English is not my maternal language)


Mh..i never changed the key configuration since i never needed to and i thought that at least the movement keys would change since i am only using the standard unity character controler. Is it that bad that the keys are hard wired ? (Would take some time to make it all configurable)


Sorryn but i had not seen your last answer.... ....Configuring the keys is easier for gaming uses, keyboard + mouse of course, such as placing the key running close to the arrow keys for example. And especially, some movements are impossible, like "crouch", " prone", "push", ...) But your work is already fantastic and I will sponsor you to enjoy the full versions !


I am sorry but you are the very first one who ever mentioned that the keys should be configurable. I never thought about this since i never needed to change keys. I hope this isn't that much of a bother sincei am currently occupied with debugging the next public version (as usual ~_~). And Crouch or prone or push keys are not implemented because i also never needed this function since the game amis to be a 3d visual novel and not a first person shooter :D


... OK, too bad! But your work remains excellent and I now officially support you. Thank you very much for taking the time to answer me cordially