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Okay this weekend i want to make a smoketest for the new version.
(smoketest = playing through the story again and testing all the new events if they work properly)
After i am done with this (and some bug-solving) i will build the new version , pack it into a zip file and upload it.
This version will become the new public version since my last public version was V0.17_1  and i released this version last august , so i think it is timefor a new one. A new version for everyone.

After i am done with this and uploaded a working version , i will make a bit vacation for this weekend (if i have a bit of the weekend left) and then i will continue to work on the next generic event on my *to do list* The milking machine.

..and after that... i want to start to design the crew quarters.

Anyway , i will make a special post once i am done with the new version so all of you can download and play the new version.

BTW : With the controler you can see on the gif you can not actually control her devices in real time. Technically is is a event which will trigger once the requirements are given.
That means it wil trigger once she is able to.




Oh man, that is amazing. Really looking forward to it.


very nice


nice, are there any plans for the device to be able to do that in roaming mode, like I previously inquired about? I can see its only being viable when they reach a certain level of arousal, you could imply the toys require draw energy from the respective girl, and won't work if their arousal isn't high enough ;)<br><br> and... will the call option allow for said device to call them to you?,,,, interesting :P


Currently the device can only activate the vibration dildo in the free roaming mode. (if you do somethign with that device first , that i will think about this weekend) But.. it is not as fancy as you may think xD And yes , if you *Call* them they will walk to you. (Currently only walk and not run)


Your work looks superb as always. Looking forward to it!


soooo by Mondas then? whooo!


WTF! That was a spoiler! ... but dreams come true! :-)


i must set chrome to load no images for this site.


Spoiler ? This remote control is actually in the game in version 0.35 xD


I want to play it, when its finished :-)


To finish the game could still take a while since i wanted the game to include two more levels 1. The crew quarters 2. Command center (or something like that) .. but i guess this will be a small level. ..amnd then.. the game is finished and i am finaly free again :D