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Since many of you liked the new clothes from the last GIF  i uploaded one where you can see how it really looks like.

But i am a evil Kerni and i do only plan to include this clothes later in the game (i guess the crew quarters or so) but not just in the next release.

Anyway , my plan for this weekend is to finish Vivian's generic enema device event after that i want to include a device which will be able to call the girls when needed. (this is actually the device Aemi is holing in her hands in the GIF)

And when i am done with those two things i have to make a smoketest-playthrough and then i could (if i do not find any bugs) upload the next public release.

And then.. work for the next level and the minigame..
wait.. i forgot the milking machine in the hydroponic deck uff... >_<



Kravenar Games

I wonder how are you able to convert 3d animations to gifs... btw keep up! *_*


easy :) <a href="https://screentogif.codeplex.com/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://screentogif.codeplex.com/</a>


Looking good Kerni, just out of curiosity, could you pm the hidden strings/codes to me please? I'd like to see the ones I have in my current game copy (hey, I like pretty things :P )


Come on.. you can wait a bit longer, can you ? Besides , i don't really know if THIS outfit is in my 0.3 build. (I gues ibut i would have to try out)


Hey Kerni, love the new clothes but I personally do not like the chain parts, still cannot wait to see your next build


Smokin' outfit. I like it.


The scale-like section over her breast bone looks like it is changing colors. Is that intended to be just from a changing angle of the light source or actually changing colors? If it IS changing color, is there something tied to the change or just decorative? (It got me thinking of something like a mood ring that could change color as the desire to "fool around" changes)


It it the GIF itself =) In the game it does not change color.


Oh shit, that is one hell of an outfit. Do need. Time to start an patreon just to make kerni's outfits in real-life.


Are those above mentioned changes online yet? As I cant seem to find them for download anywhere... q_q


Currently the new changes and additions for the next version are only on my pc for now in my developer version. I will post an weekend update log later today =)