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 IMPORTANT : a bug has been found , if you want to use the story mods you need to patch some dlls (just overwrite them) with the follwing ones.



The link above will carry you to the (un)official discord channel from  Pervy Rogue  , i will try to be online as much as i can for helping you out with the modding framework.

Anyway , as many of you have seen i released the beta version of AATOFL (0.6 ). Along with some minor content addition comes the story mod framework. 

Since this beta does not offer much content i don't actually know if i made a public release out of it. I guess only a few people will ever work with the modding tools and the additional content in this beta is not really much. 

And... for linux and Mac versions of beta 0.6. Ahm.. i try to do this in the week or something. Kind of time consuming to switch from vesion to version and compile it.

And... next weekend... Mh... i guess i will buy from new stuff from the unity asset store and start to work on the next level xD


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Very cool. Thanks for putting the mac/linux versions no your to-do list!

Doug Dastardly

Since you're doing this all on your own, please check out my Patreon page. It might make things a bit easier on you. :)


BugReport: The restrain tables generic event is broken for both girls. I'll take Vivian as an example. I talk to her about putting her in a restrain table, she agrees, and then we're supposed to be teleported to the table. But only player's viewpoint is moved to the table. Vivian stays at the point of dialogue. After a few VN frames we have an orbit camera around Vivian, and she's floating in the air at the point of last dialogue. All animations play properly for her, but not for the table. And if we go for sex options Victor is invisible. <a href="https://i.gyazo.com/89755085bb5c07da730ba88a485ff46e.jpg" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://i.gyazo.com/89755085bb5c07da730ba88a485ff46e.jpg</a>


Update: Tables work fine if don't move them to the hangar. And they still work if i move them one after another, but not when moved both at the same time.


Hi, I found the alpha version 6.0 from the network. But when you boot the start of the new screen to 2.215213% each time the game hangs for 5-20 minutes and then writes (crashes). update files laid out here did not work. Is it because I have an alpha version on the pantheon beta? and is this error known to you? 5.4 works without complaints.


Tz tz tz.. pirates everywhere... Anyway , my game is very RAM hungry. Please make sure to have at least 6GB free. Furthermore to lower the ram consumption and general CPU/GPU workload you can choose another grpahic option before starting the game. Did you tried it with the present *Fastest* ?


if that does not help. That will remain only transfer to the post you. <a href="https://drive.google.com/file/d/1SOVEj8yT7mwT2EbxwRFe_pMlSjDOzggg/view?usp=sharing" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://drive.google.com/file/d/1SOVEj8yT7mwT2EbxwRFe_pMlSjDOzggg/view?usp=sharing</a>


Mh.. oh my.. a gt220 .. that's old.. but since you said you plaxed version 0.54 with this i have only one guess. One frame before the game actually starts the player sees everythign from the level due to my framework. Unfortunately i added one more level with many realtime lights and maybe your graphic card isn't up to the job anymore. just a guess.