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As some of you may know , i released my patreon beta v0.6 last weekend for my beta testers and i also re-uploaded it several times since many things were broken. Especially the new mod system is... ahm.. new... and.. buggy...

Anyway , i hope i fixed the most fatal issues and now i need to think about the last level of the game  , the command section. I need new Animations new devices and of course a new level so... this could take a while until it is finished.

This weekend is about creating a animation for this level since many of you wanted more -girl on girl - stuff. And.. i better don't spoil too much xD




I only regret that i can click “like” but once.


Hello Kerny. There was a problem. I can not get out of the ship to open the hangar doors. There is no sign of interaction. When you start a new game. I remember that I had a problem in earlier versions too. But I do not remember the ways to solve it.


Then you grabbed a faulty game version i accidently uploaded. I updated the game download three times due to some fatal bugs in the new mod framework and the newest one does not have this kind of bug.