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Hey everyone,

I'll do my best to get caught up this month, so there won't be any more back-dated posts. 

Apologies for the wait on the battles in 158, the recent chapters have been more time-consuming than I originally anticipated.





Nope. And no chance we see it before Dec 31. Same ol same ol.


He didn't even finish the chapter he claimed to be mostly done with at the beginning of the month


… implying either that he wasn’t telling us the truth then (he DID accidentally post, for a little while, an empty doc file of the chapter), or that he didn’t get any work at all done this month. Neither looks good.


I'm not really liking this place holder crap. Tefler is an adult. If he was working at a job instead of home he would have to produce work even with all the problems he claims unless he took the month off . I think he isn't using his time wisely now that he's working from home. I worked from home as a dba/programmer. You have to get up - shower - get dressed - eat breakfast and go into your home office and work. He obviously is not doing that.

Antoine Scrivener

Many thanks. Much appreciated. Made my day.


.598: ... we get the completed TSM #158 a couple days into December, ... so, might we expect #159 early in December too? After all, Tef is now recovered from his most current bout with Covid and has that free week from his family in which to work, ... so fingers crossed, ... several TSM Christmas chapters are coming, ... hopefully, ... ;-) TTFN


.599: ... and I really hope that Tef stays far away from that big time waster, DISCORD, ... if he ignores Discord, that should help give him more TSM writing time, ... fingers still crossed, ... And this 'stay away', of course, does not apply to Admiral Anthony Kester's new and improved Discord site, https://discord.gg/tXEPg9PuhM, ... ;-) TTFN


.601: Tony was the 600th comment! Yay! ;-) TTFN


Where is 159??!

Malcolm Rickarby

It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas 🎄 or maybe new year 🥳

Florida Reader

🎼 ... or St. Valentines or the Ides, or maybe the Fourth of July 🎶... when the next chapter drops. (Finished it for you)


2 months and 2 chapters behind, My patience is almost gone. Dropped support to the minimum and may cancel entirely if this continues much longer.


At least, I'd like to hear what's the actual "problem," what the holdup is.

Hendrix Morton

Covid/Kids/Parents/Car/Roof/House/Complicated Story that was supposedly all mapped out 3 months ago... Take your pick...


damn was hoping to have something for xmas :(


.613: #159 posted late on 12/26/22, the day (almost 2 days) after Christmas, ... Happy Holiday reading, ... ;-) TTFN