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Hey everyone!

Here's the next chapter for Three Square Meals, I hope you enjoy it!

As usual, please let me know if you spot any typos or continuity errors, and I'll try to fix them immediately.



P.S. You have not been charged for this post.



So if Irrilith now can bring Faye back as a real girl, does that make her the Blue Fairy? Faye was reading Pinocchio a while ago.


.118: the girls have crafted/built a faithful reproduction of Faye's body, her Precious PURPLE Pixie body, (I sure hope she has her wings) ... now after Irillith gets her original digital memories to mesh with her organic mind, then John needs to give her the Spark of Consciousness (Life), and then pump her full of psychic cum, to allow her to join Alyssa in telepathic con-fab's, ... ;-) TTFN


I wonder what psychic powers he will give to her?

Jedi Khan

To Faye? Probably something akin to Irillith's ability to enter the cyber realm, but more refined. Maybe. Faye does need to be able to go visit her daughter and the boys in the digital realm.


Or sound as she sang so much. Maybe like the Pokemon Jigglypuff that puts people to sleep.

Big Orca

Levitation and teleportation.


Banshee is good, she seems to have had an affinity with the sonic canons!


Sadly one pay a month never catches up, unless some posts are significantly discounted. I recently changed my account to support every post. The cost is not really relevant to most of us... Unless Tefler can get a reasonable pay per chapter we may never catch up. The story is good enough to deserve a full pay each time. If people drop off as Patrons we may never get to finish TSM. Please do not let this happen!

Rev. Thwack

Perhaps if Tefler wanted a reasonable pay per chapter, he wouldn't keep charging for what he hasn't delivered, breaking his word on everything he tells us, and he'd actually speak up to address our concerns with some sort of real explanation instead of short excuses. If TSM dies from people dropping off and a lack of support, there will be nobody to blame other than Tefler himself. It's his actions that have been eroding good will amongst his fans and supporters.


Tefler would have well over 8000$ in pledges per chapter if not for the precharging. But that's a vile cycle that's hard to get out of. I don't know what is the driving force behind the current issues, whether it be depression/anxiety/RL issues/mismanagement/lack of discipline, but this kinda can't continue. If enough people complain to Patreon, then the deal is done, and we're without a story and Tefler is without his income.

Florida Reader

Wow. Ok. So, here is the problem. Tefler is human, and he is a writer who as been incredibly productive for quite some time and now he is struggling. Wow. Big surprise, All of the bitching isn't going to help. Cut him some slack. Her will eventually catch up ... or not. I am willing to risk it. All y'all seem a little too whiney to me.


nope sorry Florida Reader i disagree, due to the precharging i have dropped my contribution to the lowest it can be, because i do not appreciate this attitude


Typos as requested. '“That sounds amazing!” Helene gushed, her eyes light up with excitement.' …“Lighting up“, or maybe "lit up"

Rev. Thwack

Florida, The complaining isn't because he's not being productive, the complaining is because he's charging for a product he hasn't delivered, and is falling further and further behind on delivering, constantly setting and failing expectations on when he'll deliver this pre-charged product, and refusing to give any real communication as to why all this is happening.


This one is still outstanding: Mael’merak s/b Mael’nerak.


I could see Faye becoming John's Matriarch of the Machines. Her powers would be all about being an AI ambassador. Just thinking through how she might differ from Irillith's hacker powers.


.142: Yeah RB, the connection between Faye and the cyber realm as well as the Collective are strong, her own memories and background, plus her body was developed from Irillith's (with her electro/cyber talents), ... so yeah, she must have some cyber abilities, ... I do want to see her first getting together with Daphne (formerly little one), and the new cleaning 'maids' in their 20x CA chassis, ... Tef will have lots to write down, ... ;-) TTFN

Green Seadragon

I was impressed at the way they refit the ship then attacked. And the way he shows his love to all the girls.

Michael56Smith (edited)

Comment edits

2023-03-30 07:17:19 .144: I have just recently visited SOL and have read all of the epic Arlene & Jeff tale (717 installments) and I love a few of that series' unique sex practices, ... their 'daisy chain' is when any number of other girls physically touch the man (an Alpha) or the girl on the receiving end of a good pounding, or even some sweet loving, all those in contact feel it all/share it too, just no mess for the additional ladies to clean up. The Alpha-male needs only have sex with 3, 4 or 5 of his ladies each evening, yet all twenty some beauties are satisfied each and every night, no waiting. John could use something like that for his ever-expanding harem, (think Dana and a few of the insatiable others), ... ;-) TTFN
2023-03-30 07:17:19 .144: I have just recently visited SOL and have read all of the epic Arlene & Jeff tale (717 installments) and I love a few of that series' unique sex practices, ... their 'daisy chain' is when any number of other girls physically touch the man (an Alpha) or the girl on the receiving end of a good pounding, or even some sweet loving, all those in contact feel it all/share it too, just no mess for the additional ladies to clean up. The Alpha-male needs only have sex with 3, 4 or 5 of his ladies each evening, yet all twenty some beauties are satisfied each and every night, no waiting. John could use something like that for his ever-expanding harem, (think Dana and a few of the insatiable others), ... ;-) TTFN
2022-12-09 04:33:12 .144: I have just recently visited SOL and have read all of the epic Arlene & Jeff tale (717 installments in the 3rd section, so add a few hundred more chapters for full length, wow it is quite long!) and I love a few of that series' unique sex practices, ... their 'daisy chain' is when any number of other girls physically touch the man (an Alpha) or the girl on the receiving end of a good pounding, or even some sweet loving, all those in contact feel it all/share it too, just no mess for the additional ladies to clean up. The Alpha-male needs only have sex with 3, 4 or 5 of his ladies each evening, yet all twenty some beauties are satisfied each and every night, no waiting. John could use something like that for his ever-expanding harem, (think Dana and a few of the insatiable others), ... ;-) TTFN

.144: I have just recently visited SOL and have read all of the epic Arlene & Jeff tale (717 installments in the 3rd section, so add a few hundred more chapters for full length, wow it is quite long!) and I love a few of that series' unique sex practices, ... their 'daisy chain' is when any number of other girls physically touch the man (an Alpha) or the girl on the receiving end of a good pounding, or even some sweet loving, all those in contact feel it all/share it too, just no mess for the additional ladies to clean up. The Alpha-male needs only have sex with 3, 4 or 5 of his ladies each evening, yet all twenty some beauties are satisfied each and every night, no waiting. John could use something like that for his ever-expanding harem, (think Dana and a few of the insatiable others), ... ;-) TTFN

stephen mincher

I also. Another 4 million worder, weekly updates(sigh). John can sort of daisy chain using the catgirls.