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Hey everyone,

It took a lot longer to write the previous two chapters than I anticipated, because of all the battle preparations and the in-depth discussions about Faye's prototype. 

I'll be able to catch up now that the prep work is done for the Galkiran fights, so I'll charge for this chapter in September and wrap up the Progenitor invasion in October. 





Been a long time since the last posting, can‘t wait anymore :-( maybe we get a double this time;-)


.912: chapter #157 completed dropped a little after 3pm PST, ... #158 to follow, ... ;-) TTFN


The hurry up about getting Faye into her new body was not making sense until I had 2 thoughts, both which make sense of this. 1- powering up Irillith right now makes sense but only to break into the Dreadnought or hijack some battleships. However, often the best way to hit a target psychologically is to aim somewhere else. This is why to sleep the LAST THING you want to think about is that you need to go to sleep. So, by having Irillith work on Faye's integration, rather than directly on hacking Progenitor networks, you bypass her fears and possibly errors when it is time to do it. So, it makes sense to power up Irillith and have her work on the Faye problem. 2- there's also the irreplaceable Mael lab at Kyth'shara. If Gal gets too far into his invasion, they'd better have a way to complete the integration before Gal gets there. I still think it is a mistake not powering up Calara just before an engagement so she can use her prescience more. The idea of loading up the team with Joh's spunk is a great one. I do not understand why it is not being used much now. I do apologize for interrupting the Tribe Wars. You can all go back to complaining or complaining about the complainers now. I'm just glad there's no moderators to plug the valve on the pressure cooker, which is all censorship does. Disclaimer: I am OFR censorship in certain cases, such as direct physical threat, doxing and perhaps a couple of others. Otherwise, I think ignoring what you don't want is a far better way to do things.


.917: Yes, 2ndA, I too have noticed the inconsistencies in regard to John topping off the girls before there is trouble, ... I just know it is because Tef knows whether or not his current story plans require it, ... no need, then he just presses on, ... and I am still puzzled (no mention of any reason not to) by Dr, Voss and/or the Grand Engineering Overlord not saying that they need a storage vat for some of John's cum, just for emergencies, ... like the Nymph falling asleep for 12 hours before sharing, .... or a crew member's hand getting blown off while John (had been kidnapped) was not there, .... and now with his greater crew size, having a load or two on hand before a battle might let all the girls get a bigger share and have it last longer, ... just so long as Dana doesn't take the occasional sip and drain the container, ... ;-) TTFN

Rev. Thwack

So much for Tefler's comment on the 31st that we'd be getting something for 158 on the 1st. Another broken deadline on a chapter Tefler's already charged us for... business as usual for him I guess.


I tried reading some of the Space Operas from this century and so far, every one is a huge disappointment for various reasons. Let me give one example of something Tefler introduced recently which is brilliant: spider mines. I do not know where he got the idea, but after introducing hard shields, which makes all other mines obsolete, he writes Sparks coming up with an ingenious solution. The only thing I would have changed is to have colored them black , even if only superficially with paint, to prolong the mystery of what was blowing up the engines. TSM reads in a style reminiscent of the ORIGINAL Dune, the Foundation trilogy and several others. Most other modern writing makes things so bizarre that I cannot relate. Perhaps that will date Tefler, so that when "singularity" ( the theoretical merging of man and machine) occurs, TSM will be thoroughly outdate. Yet I am not concerned about how my grandchildren will react to TSM. I care about my entertainment now, and most modern writers stretch the envelope so far I cannot relate. That is before we get to my own obsession with mammalian differential hypergamy; or a number of other issues that I lump into what I call Clown World. This last chapter was a good one., and Tefler's lateness is therefore more than tolerable to ME. Which is not to say someone else might not be bothered by it.

Rev. Thwack

Spider mines...... Starcraft, US Army, Titanfall 2, Unreal Tournament 2004, and countless other stories. Spider mines are not an original idea. Tefler has had many good ideas, and crafts a very good story, but he doesn't get credit for inventing something that's existed in many different forms over the years.


.921: ...have you ever experienced C.H.Darkstriders, Project Prometheus series, ... it is quite good, and shares some similarities to TSM with an Alpha-male Primary character and with a growing group of ladies to his harem, ... many battles, psychic/ether abilities and superior gear, ... if you haven't already found this one, I highly recommend it, ... Also, they have duplicated their AI, not killed her off, a plus, ... '-) TTFN


Being a Starcraft player (not a good player, I am in fact one of the worst video game players around), I am quite familiar with the spider mines from Jim Raynor's favorite bike transportation. Sure they burrow and are therefore "cloaked" and then run to a target even if cloaked like a ghost before detonation. They are very different in concept than the ones in TSM. They are not used to get beneath a shield and target an engine at all. As to the other games ect you mention, I know not.


Alright, 2ndComemeconium, just how bad are you at video games? Well, even my daughter helping me, I managed to kill myself on Minecraft creative mode. That's supposed to be impossible, but somehow I floated off the world so far that I couldn't get back. I am spectacular, even in failure.


I'm confused.... are we skipping 158?


.928: .... chapter #158 is coming, eventually, .... and most likely this month, ... I am just hoping that Tef doesn't have any sort of Holiday induced writer's breakdown, from putting pressure on himself, ... fingers crossed, ... ;-) TTFN


.929: .... perhaps, .... instead of only some chapter #158 battle highlights that Tef had first thought to squeeze into the tail-end of last month, ... with the extra time he is taking, ... perhaps he is trying to fully complete #158 to appease his rabid fans, .... maybe? ... ;-) TTFN


sigh forgot chapta 112 and i reread....... 156, 57, 58, 59 who cares......Whether our story progresses or not Tef has left his mark indelibly etched n my soul... Mumble and grump all we like about work being produced but Faye and her wish, her anguish and dreams...... Yes i want a battle and lots of action but i reread 112 and I can't unread....


.931: I just hope that if he is slaving away to complete TSM #158 ASAP, then I also hope that the strongly suspected of procrastinating, Tefler, actually drops it to us rabid fans right away as well, .... -- And Tef's TSM has surpassed the 4-million-word mark now, almost 10 times the length of "Gone with the Wind", .... ;-) TTFN


C.H.Darkstriders, Project Prometheus leads either nowhere or to an 8-12 age group.


.933: Well, it's 11/10/22, 1/3 through the month of November, and I was hoping for a completed TSM #158 by this time, ... and according to his goals, he should complete all of chapter #159 too, by end of month to catch up/break even, ... if that is all (about 1 1/2 complex chapters) he gets done then, ... then he will need another advance (TSM #160) payment to tide him over until X-mas, perhaps 2 advances, ... although, knowing that Christmas is just around the corner, he just might force himself to finish off TSM #160 this month too, ... fingers crossed, .... ;-) TTFN

Rev. Thwack

A lot of us switched over to paying for a max of one post per month, after August when he decided to put in two placeholders for the first time. His recent activities, and him staying two posts behind, have really lowered how much he'll get if he tries to do two advances.


Sadly one pay a month never catches up, unless some posts are significantly discounted. I just changed my account to support every post. The cost is not really relevant to most of us...


I tried reading C.H.Darkstrider, I believe it was indeed Project Prometheus... and my brain short-circuited on the first few paragraphs of the first chapter. I don't know how well he writes now, but the start of the story was very much indigestible for me. YMMV, though.


How rude. Everyone else is either here to diss or be dissed and you've made them lose focus.


.937: Well, it's 11/29/22, and with tomorrow being the final day of the month, I fully expect a couple of TSM chapters to drop (TSM chapters #158 and #159), ... and at least one more placeholder or a partial chapter to help Tef have a Merry Christmas, ... and now that the holidays are here, poor old Tef will have many more distractions to keep him from advancing Faye's story, ... so sad, ... ;-) TTFN


Subjugation, Book 8, in the series by Fel features spider mines a lot as well as do some of the earlier books in the series. I know that Tefler reads this series because he recommended it one time when he was late in releasing his work. Fel is now in the middle of Book 10 releasing this monumental series. Subjugation is free and the chapters come out on time in spite of some major lifestyle events in his life. The first nine chapters in aggregate are quite a bit longer than Tef's length and Fel is a very experienced author in terms of writing style and story.


Agreed doc. No way we are seeing two full chapters tonight


I Feiled to be Subjugated by Clown Worl....sorry, lost focus there. I Failed to read that series. OK, fine. but clearly the way John ended the Maliri civil war with War Game simulations was no tic tac toe but wholly original. Wait, is that right?


.942: Well, it's 12/09/22, and while we got most of chapter #158 at the end of November with its completion was quickly followed on 2 December, ... there was a new placeholder (TSM #160), ... and #159, from last month, has yet to arrive. On the free sites, Tef did drop #143 early in October, but is now a whopping 15 chapters behind Patreon, ... Tef cannot easily turn on the creative juices to create more TSM, so he seems to be slowly falling behind, ... I will say a little prayer for our Tef, and cross my fingers too, ... ;-) TTFN


.943: ... #158 was finished/completed 12/02/22, and #159 was posted-complete on 12/26/22, ... Will #160 put in an appearance this December too? (Complete or partial?) ... ;-) TTFN