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Hey everyone,

I've got a significant chunk of chapter 151 completed already, which includes a number of scenes I chopped from chapter 150.3 and 150.4. 

I need to fit them together and do an editing pass, but I'll add them in as soon as I can. 

To avoid publishing only 1 chapter in April and 3 in May, I'll charge for this chapter now, but you should get it very soon. 

It's been great having my muse back again!





Well I started to read the full 150 chapters again boy did I miss some parts of the story I think it was because of the part chapters being posted up to 115 now still reading noticing a bunch of new stuff again I think I will only read a full chapter for now on with changes Tefler may make or add to each one makes it hard for me to read so I will wait for the full chapter to come out and read it all in one as they say. Just waiting here for next chapter to show up lol

Green Seadragon

I think that the money I spend here is a better thing than the coffee I buy every morning. Imagine if earlier sci-fi writers had 8k a month support in the early days.


i made the mistake of doing a reread too - is it new stuff or did i just miss it? Still a good read except for Faye and the cliff hangers which just reiterated how good Tefler's writing can be. John probably annoyed me more than i remembered with his whinning and poor me's. I'm going to have to go back and watch some B5 because I think I have whitestar and invictus in my head even though i think their schemetics are really different. There is some clever dialogue and loving the collective's references - timeless. Can't wait for the books but would rather wait long time for those and have a good time with 151 and the next chapters. It's the 29th here so technically have 2 more days to get two pieces of writing (won't call them chapters) before the end of May but know in reality its 3 of my days. The new pieces I know won't solve some new queries I have after the reread but will add to them , sigh....


I just hope Tefler is doing OK.


i SSSOOOO want to KNOW what is n the bunker under the palace on valaden theres just so many things it could be


.332: And IF the time is right for the reveal and for the answers to a number of questions, then Tef will write it into a chapter, ... sooner or later, so patience, ... (and I groan also), ... ;-) TTFN


.333: The reveals that I want to know most are, on Kythshara, in Mael's Lab, the first clone, will it be a clone of Alyssa for Athena's body? And the next will be cloned from a Nymph (Jades?), for an organic body for a restored Faye, ... and if she is restored as an AI first, then will that create an aunt for Daphne and a sister for Faye, ... and then a series of Faye class AI's for running spacecraft for the Maliri, ... so many possibilities. ;-) TTFN


yes but first lets get the new fleet (hopefully somehow cleansed), save earth and the outer rim, defeat Gahl, make up with mommy dearest and have an orgy....


i also want to know more about the vats both alianthia and valieria have talked about them so i cant help but wonder if the progen have a glory hole on there ship do drop lodes in be like i need more slaves here goes


does any one know how fast the progen tachion drive is the invictus had a standard teran drive then an ashanath drive was how much faster than that then the progen is faster than the ashanth so how many times faster is the progen than the teran


We do know that Progenitor thrall ships travel at 4x as was stated in chapter 150.1. Tefler hasn't stated yet how fast a Progenitor Dreadnought is. We do know that the Invictus does have a Progenitor FTL drive, but Alyssa was always using her slingshot assist to increase the speed which turned out to be 6x speeds. So I would assume a standard Progenitor Dreadnought to be somewhere between 4x and 6x. After Alyssa strengthened the Invictus bow in chapter 126 she can now dive inside a gravity well to increase the speed to 12x.

Jedi Khan

I believe the speed of the FTL drive has gone up by a factor of 3 each time, so the Progenitor drive should be about 9 times faster than the original Terran. However, Alyssa's slingshot maneuver around a star brings that up to about 12 times faster.


.339 And Rahn commented the Invictus was twice as fast as him. And at the time Alyssa was sling-shotting at 12x.


Keep in mind that the mass of the Invictus, even with all of its enhancements, is only a fraction of the mass of a Progenitor Dreadnought, yet it’s using Progenitor drives now. Consider the impact of that.


Can we confirm Tef is healthy?


i hope tef is do in ok i realy want a ship count on the fleets there (requisitioning) from larn


Babylon 5, my favorite Sci Fict TV show (Twilight Zone is not exactly Sci Fict. I have this long document including tables on the questions posed such as "Who are you?" Vorlons, "What do you want" Shadows ect and all manner of historical, scientific and other tie ins. That show is a lot like TSM. Technically, such as acting and effects, only fair on a good day, but the plot from year 2 through 5 is truly a wonder. It was in fact the first sci fy show with long arcs. The long arcs and the deep ties to both universal Truths and human deep psychology are magnificent. It was put together by people who had lived under USSR style communism, so of course I resonated with so much of it.


Please would someone make clear for me in this dicussion, 2x compared to what? 1- the Fool's Gold? 2- Standard Terran military? 3- Ashanath?


In one of the parts of chp 150 they say how many ships are in the fleet but then again that's just one fleet

Tefler Fan 007

Thrall fleets consist of 6 battleships, 36 cruisers, and 48 destroyers (90 ships per fleet). There was six fleets close together 2 days from gate and 1 fleet between gate and Larns homeworld. That one fleet was incomplete with 6 battleships, 31 cruisers and 39 destroyers. Some of the missing ships were found between that staging point and the homeworld since that fleet was in the process of being created.

Tefler Fan 007

The data they reviewed on fleet locations stated Larn sent 2 dozen fleets to attack unknown progenitor and he still had scores of fleets in reserve. A score is equal to 20 so he possibly had 40-60 fleets in reserve since Tefler used “scores” indicated 2 or 3 times a “score”.

Tefler Fan 007

Just the 6 fleets on the border close to the gate have 540 ships. If Larn had 40 fleets then that’s 3600 ships


I just can't wait to hear his excuses. He writes fiction, people. With his optimism from Apr 30, I wonder what he's going to say happened to his chapters ("avoid ... only 1 chapter in April and 3 in May"), and to see how he spins the inefficacy of his muse ("been great having my muse back again!").


Dude, the guy writes like 30k words a month. Considering the average novel is 90k words that is the equivalent of 4 full length novels a year and here you are bitching cuz he's a few weeks late. Maybe calm your tits.


@Aaron, that may be true for a romance novel, but typical sci-fi is more like 100-120K words. Writing 30K words a month for someone that is a professional writer and doesn't require research (because he's making everything up as he goes) shouldn't be an issue. Especially with a muse in hand and majestic claims of multiple chapters this month (3). I'm not pressing F5 . . . I wait until the 1st and see what Paypal takes on his behalf.


I agree there is always some excuse for not meeting his commitments. Admittedly having a stroke is tragic or can be...I have had several TIA’s, but they were short lived, as the name would imply and did not block the blood flow long enough to cause neural damage. However, having said that he said: in the first week of May, that he was "almost" done with 150 and all the mini releases. He did not say when the “suspected” stroke occurred. If it had occurred during the first week of May then he has a valid argument for the delay. If it had occurred later in the month he had ample time to release 150. As it is, his release of 150 only combines the mini releases into one download and is not a new release. As for the “suspected” stroke…the docs would have done an MRI asap to determine if the “stroke” was hemorrhagic. This step is very important to determine what medication to administer…the wrong one could increase the bleeding and could be debilitating if not fatal. The MRI would also verify whether, or not, a stroke had occurred. Anyway that is the procedure the docs did on me when I had the TIA’s. Now you can go back to your LOL’s and ROFL’s and my “tits” are calm.. Have a nice day….


You do realize Tefler didnt have a stroke, it was his mother IN LAW.


That all makes sense... assuming you're dealing with competent medical staff. Sadly the NHS has been in massive decline for years and our local hospital is a disaster zone. Despite my wife insisting that there were stroke symptoms, (sagging face etc), the medics have been focused on the fractured arm and hip. My Mil recovered later, so it was probably a TIA, but they still haven't done an MRI. With all my wife's hospital visits, I've been doing the childcare, which was compounded by the fact that their grandmother used to help out too. So for the last few weeks, I've just not had much time to write anything.


Take care of your family. That's more important than the writing, until you can get back to it.