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Hey everyone!

Here's the fourth and final part of chapter 150. I'll compile them into a single version and add a separate post for easy access to the combined chapter.

I hope you enjoy it!




Axel L

Por Lynette, though


.70 There is speculation about how much damage Gahl's fleets will do to the Maliri facilities. However, if John gets back with his new wormhole drive and attacks as Rahn designed him to do Gahl might be dead before any thrall attacks can occur? Then the Maliri could requisition lots of 'local' Gahl fleets. And maybe give some to TFED and/or their other allies?


I have only one issue with John now that he has merged. When will he reduce his simpiness? Don't want it completely gone as that makes him who he is...but his ridiculous over over protectiveness seems a bit much doesn't it? It's like he ignores reality when ever he gets into one of his "moods" and ends up emotionally hurting his girls when he's sworn not to do that... Anyway, going on year...damn I for got and still here so great job and I look forward to another fun year of the saga!


Is there any doubt that Mom and Dad will show up to help defeat Gahl there by redeeming themselves in the eyes of John?

Jedi Khan

I doubt Rahn is going to show his face. While he does have a dreadnought, it is staffed only by him and Jessica. I would think that Rahn would have some issues taking it into battle without a full crew complement. He could possibly pick off Thrall ships with it, if he decided there was not much risk, but going up against GK directly? Not a chance.


Yeah, this really is rough on Lynette. Thigns between her and Alyssa can't go on like this, and I don't blame most of it on Alyssa. I am quite unhappy about that opportunist Stephan and even more about how Novitsky is feeling also.Well, we haven't heard the end of it.. Perhaps by chpt 3,852 it will work out.


My issue is not the simpiness. While it is usually a REALLY BAD THING in practice; in the Tefler world it is kind of "fixed" by how the network is and how the women respond to him. In fact, how he refused to bring in Sarinia, and in fact effectively executed her, tells me his "white knight" problem has a limit. I do have a new problem with John as of 150.4 He came up with the brilliant idea to hook himself up top the Soul Forge and with Dana and everyone else's help (including a very savy Jade) it worked. Him calling an idea that worked so well "stupid" is ridiculous.


Yeah, unfortunately given that John now has a wormhole generator on the Invictus, that seems the case. I'm still hoping Rahn does.


That is exactly what I was talking about 2ndAndrocentric.


I don't think that Rahn'agon has anything to worry about with regard to Thrall ships. They probably couldn't harm his fully protected (since the ship was never damaged) Progenitor dreadnought even if they all attacked him at once. By design, it takes a Progenitor to kill another Progenitor.


Rahn's ship could DEFINITELY be harmed by thrall ships. What I was hoping is that by Alyssa calculating how to navigate using a Hyperbow wave in Hyperspace, Rahn could serve as a "rabbit" (a decoy too fast to catch).


John and the invictus needs all the help he can get. Whether he is a planned or unplanned distraction Rahn can serve a purpose. As much as Rahn is struggling with himself he has a Jessica and may well be realising he is in love. I'm sure if there is a puppeteer out there pulling Johns strings he or she will have Rahn's redeptemtion or sacrifice plotted and ready for execution.....

Bp Hlpt

Even more Ch 150.4 typos Are we sure this is a full scale invasion? -- full scale > full-scale Are we sure this is a full-scale invasion? launch a full scale invasion of Maliri space. -- full scale > full-scale launch a full-scale invasion of Maliri space. might be the prelude to a full scale Thrall invasion. -- full scale > full-scale might be the prelude to a full-scale Thrall invasion. could be the prelude to a full scale invasion. -- full scale > full-scale could be the prelude to a full-scale invasion.


Ok so you have lost me I always wait till you say it's complete and this chapter has been dropped in a goddamn blender , what is the full and complete chapter or what order do I download and read this mess ? Sorry I know your busy tefler but if you gonna post like this make sure you have " read in this order " on every update


This is part 4 of chapter 150. Tefler will compile all 4 into one complete, single chapter at a later date.


Thank you I'll wait then


I was just thinking if a progenitor needs the soulforge to make the black metal, but it is made from the black metal how does that work which comes first?


.102: I don't recall which chapter it was in, but it was mentioned that to build a soul forge, first you needed a fuck ton (Sparks measurement system) of the black ore Onxyium, ... Was it Larn'kelnar explaining a Soul Forge to John? And why he wanted his or Rahn's Hyper-Warp gate, less work for his lazy ass, ... or am I confusing the two things? ;-) TTFN


.103: however, if a soul forge is made of Onxyium, then that goes a long way to explaining John, Jade and Dana leaving their psychic marks (colors) on the much-whitened Forge, ... Even if they did also break it, ... ;-) TTFN

Jedi Khan

You're missing a step or two, Michael. Kensyi is asking which comes first: the Soul Forge that makes PBM or the PBM that the Soul Forge is made out of? How does a Progenitor go about building a Soul Forge out of PBM when it is the Soul Forge that makes the PBM?

Bp Hlpt

And what I am confused about is that now that John has absorbed his guide, shouldn't he know how to make a Soul Forge from scratch? Shouldn't it be built into his DNA?


It is and she does, but Dana has to rework how to build it, but if they have access to a soulforge it is easier than trying to build one from scratch


.107: A Progenitor's First SOUL FORGE is built boot strap, a portion at a time, with the Progenitor providing the juice, much like how John built the wormhole generator, ... he knew he should be able to do it, ... ;-) TTFN


I'm going "full Athena" here with a cryptic answer, so don't read further if you don't like looking at a puzzle that has a simple solution; but I at least will refuse to present it. Where there's a will, there's a way. More importantly, the converse is also true (an independent fact, not a fallacious argument from the first).. Where there is no will, there is no way.

Tefler Fan 007

This chicken or the egg comment has been asked several times and has not been answered by Tefler yet. But it doesn’t matter now since they have a white one they can take with them thanks to Dana.

Bp Hlpt

They now have a white Wormhole Generator, but not a white Soul Forge, only the rings, which is being held together with Dana's gold lattice. We don't know if that is permanent or how strong it is.

Axel L

Maybe the first one is built using a jury rigged soul clay furnace or something. Or maybe even some other tough metal. And then, after it gets going, they patch it up with some proper black metal.


Someone said Tef confirmed the now white soul forge is buggered. It was just barely held together by Dana. When Helene purged black metal it became weak and brittle. Basically the same thing happened here and Dana’s golden lattice was a duct tape job.


Do we have a compiled version of 4 parts yet?


.114: chapter #150 (complete/combined) came out on 31 May 2022, on Petreon, as I am sure you have since learned, See ya 'round, ... ;-) TTFN


yeah, some form of 'boot strap'. A Progenitor might even have a version of the small, startup Soul Forge on his dreadnought to fix/make repairs, or to create new gear, ,,. ;-) TTFN


I think we're having a GRR Martin problem. Way too many characters for you and the readers to keep track of. Especially the Invictus crew. As brutal as it sounds, you're going to have to start killing off characters, even crew members.