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Hey everyone!

Sorry this one took a while to finish. I reorganised the order of some of the scenes and cut some parts for the next chapter. 

I'll add a fourth part to chapter 150 (150.4) to wrap up some more important subplots in this part of the story.

Anyway, I hope you enjoy the finished release!





Here is another non-canonical side dish. In other words, an ignorable and iggnogable, ignorant, ignitable vignette from the mind of an iguana on a beach who thinks it is a man. Apologies to Ignatius. Reposted because I think Patreon deleted it for too frequent editing by the iguana, thanks Bp! “Recalcitrant Reset”, prelude to “Moment(s) with Matriarch(s)” and “A Parlay with Progenitors” Gal on his knees, crying. Sakura’s two ninjatos impaled through the joints in his armor just below his armpits in his lungs; axes now on the floor like him, useless. The point of John’s Runeblade less than two centimeters from his throat. Kyth’vindathys hungry, writhing, flames licking him his face impatient for the black core of him. Valeria had already gone to pieces, literally, and her head sideways perhaps two metres in front; eyes accusing him, sardonic smile frozen as if to say “My Lord, does this please you?” from her blood, demanding vengeance. Gal cried in shame. This was his doing, his bargain with Xar’aziuth notwithstanding. His decision even after escaping into the shroud to continue hunting “The Righter of Wrongs”, rather than to seek a compromise. To Live and Let Live, rather than be an agent with a license to kill; his whole life, double zero nothing. No, he deserved this. Not that he had any further reasonable hope of evading his demise; but this “Lion” deserved better than a cold victory. Gal dropped his mind shields completely. He made a fluttering telepathic nudge at John, retreating back into his now unprotected mind, inviting John to extract all that he knew and end him, body and mind. John did not follow. “John,” Gal half gurgled and wheezed, “if you kill me now all that I know will be used by Xar’aziuth against you. Wipe my mind clean and then end me. That way you will kill me twice and given nothing to our enemy. Or wipe my mind and place me in cryostasis under guard so that even my death would be unknown and you gain time before another is sent. I want vengeance on at least one of you, and I hate Xar’aziuth more than you. Whatever you do, I offer no further resistance. I submit to your torture so that before you collect my head for a trophy; perhaps I would know Xar’aziuth is dead. Do as you will.” In that moment for what he thought would be his last, Gal finally said goodbye to his adoptive parents whom he had so miserably failed, as he had failed everyone including himself. Hate for Xar’aziuth burning in him. “Cut your bond to all your thralls now, and promise to make no other, and you will live.” Said John, strangely fighting his own sword which seemed to twist in his titanic grip, hungry, flaring fiery destruction snarling in it and in him. Kyth’vindathys, hate going from it, not alive, not quite not alive, almost an entity; a part of John, apart from John. Twisting Eldritch runes appeared around John and seemed, seem, to be battling. Blake against John; Kismet against Choice, nature against nurture, pleasure at war with Semper Fi, a Marine in Full Metal Jacket. For a moment it seemed the galaxy held it’s breath. The past at war with the future, the Now in balance. Chpt 136: “ In the billions of years the galaxy had existed, his astronomical ascendancy was unprecedented…my true name is Kyth’vindathys. For I am the Vengeance of the Kyth’faren reborn.” It was then the battle lines were redrawn. Now either Blake or John would pick a side to lead to victory. He would either serve Kyth’vindathys the sword, BE the sword; or his sword Kyth’vindathys would serve him, and he would remain John, just John. JohnBlake as Ashanath so accurately called him seemed to stroke his white hat with the black band and waited. A few seconds of the material world, much longer in Astral. As the spiral of the galaxy continued turning, would it return again or would something new be born, Kyth’farenathys. The Kyth’faren reborn, free of vengeance. Gal came out in his Spirit form and caressed the bond that had fed him so much pleasure and power since coming of age, for a moment lusting after the power. Spite, to drain them all rather than hand them over to this Baen’thelas perversion… and for the first time a true full Progenitor was revulsed at himself. A Progenitor saw for the first time that the enslavement went both ways. It was his undoing, his curse and he wanted an end. In a moment of fury, not at John or even Xar’aziuth but at himself; he cut the cord. Being snapped back into his body, Gal began to die from his injuries, now having only his own reserves to heal, not caring. Sakura exclaimed “John, the lines are gone! There’s nothing connecting to Gal anymore!” “Yes I can see that Sakura, but thanks for confirming it.” John’s body said as John directed it from his own astral presence. “Gal, pull out the Ninjato now. You should have just enough reserve to heal the worst of it. Then take off your armour, slowly. No sudden moves, I am everywhere now. Come, join me to defeat Xar’aziuth.” Stiffening in pain, Gal took out each ninjato out one at a time and cast it at Sakura’s feet. Then closing his eyes he healed what would have been mortal injuries. Stifling a yawn, he took off his helmet first and then began to unbuckle each section of his armour letting it drop to the floor with a clang. He slowly got up using a hand to the floor. He took off the greaves, but did not bother with the short boots. They seemed miles away and he felt certain that if he bent down to do it, he would collapse on the floor. Looking at the floor, shoulders slumped, he awaited his well-deserved death. He was sure that this Baen’thelas was just lying to him about an alliance. Just an obvious trick to shorten the fight, no matter. Death did not come, hungering he was for and end, bones weary, arrogance drowned in despondency. Sakura in psychic alacrity picked up her blades and standing behind Gal, at his throat horizontally the right death instrument; raised above the point at the joint of the neck to skull the other twin death instrument. Eyes on John, synchronized, a willing hungry tool, John’s priestess of Justice also hungry for vengeance. Sakura was not as impatient as Kyth’vindathis still twisting, furious, so hungry, in John’s grip wanting the power that was still barely John’s to control. Kyth’vindathys called out to Blake, but John had already taken the decision when Gal had chosen. Gal no longer afraid, tired, wanting as The Blade did, his end. “Now go to that comm station there. Issue a command to all your fleets, cease fire, power down all weapons and shields. Retreat half speed just inside Kirrix space. Only audio communications with my fleets to be sent or accepted. I offer them their lives as the only condition for their surrender. I know you want to die, and perhaps I will grant your wish for a psychic death; but not now. There is much you do not know.” Gal moved slowly as Sakura would permit to do John’s bidding. John followed to the side. *Alyssa, Edraele, Jade it is over for now. Cease fire on any ship that is not actively hostile. Follow them with your shields and weapons at the ready. You know the terms. Relay my orders now.* An outpouring of relief and joy was cut short as John sternly added, “But I need to talk with each of you individually soon. Some adjustments are necessary and we will come to agreement together.* Gently, submissively, Alyssa *Yes John, you are in charge.* and felt approval, acceptance and trust. With great relief Edraele *Absolutely John, I am here to help however I can!” and felt respect, thankfulness and …was that doubt of her? In her boundless optimism and faith in her Master Jade added *I never doubted you Master!” Then Jade faltered as she could sense a whisper from John, not words, an emotion of disappointment to her only; almost like yes you have doubted, and still you do not know me…* Confused Jade kept quiet and wondered what she had done to disappoint the centre of her existence, the purpose of her being. Gal’s listless voice and slumped figure went out to all his fleet. *The conflict is over, cease fire. We have lost. Your lives will be spared if you abide by my orders now. Power down your weapons, then when not being fired on, de activate your shields. Proceed at half speed to the rally point outside Maliri space. You will be followed by fully capable ships. Should you continue to fight, you will die.” Team Redskin was confused. Fingers froze at control panels as an aching hole grew and despair set in. There were many suicides not much later that day; but for a time blind obedience like a habit caused most ships to power down, turn and limp back outside Maliri space. A few hesitated, and were obliterated by the wary Maliri who massed their firepower on ships that seem to just hang there, but shielded. Black ships escorting others back. “This is a beginning for you Gal.” said John carefully. In anger, Gal replied “The beginning of my torture, as I have tortured others! Drop the act, I am not that stupid.” Sakura lowered her blades, confused, not in control of her synchronized body and stepped back. Taking off his right gauntlet, John gently placed his hand on Gal’s shoulder. “I will not torture you. How much you torture yourself with the memories I leave to you. Come, it is time you met my parents. I will have my father take you deep in the Astral so you can begin to understand. You will see my mother, a thrall in love no longer in compulsion. Not that my father understands much yet, but he can take you part of the way.” Putting his gauntlet back on, still not turning his back to Gal, Sakura at the ready john began to walk backwards then stopped. “I don’t like you Gal, or my father Rahn for that matter; but it is time to for me put away the hate of the both of you…of what I was.* Still needing great effort to control Kyth’vindathys, he sheathed it on his back and turned his back on Gal. “Tell your former thralls to evacuate the bridge and clear all passages leading from here to there, as well as to the Raptor inside the hangar. Follow me, we’re going to the Raptor and get some more girls…and Gal, you can look but you better not touch!” Incredibly to Gal, John winked at him with a smile. Confused Gal began to walk behind John, Sakura behind him, blades drawn but not so near now. For a moment Gal thought John a fool to leave his weapon so close that he would be able to grab it. He looked at the Runesword with desire…and shivered with fear as Kyth’vindathys seemed to twist and flare at John’s back hungry…for Gal’s life force. They walked in silence, John calm, Gal confused, Sakura wary and controlled. Elsewhence Galadriel smiled as she also remained Galadriel, Just Galadriel. Frodo lives!


"Take O John; receive all my liberty, my memory, my understanding, my whole will, all that I have and all that I possess. He gave it all to me but I give it all to you. Do with it as you will, according to your good pleasure." (adapted from Ignatius)


.112: OMG, ... Valeria dies, and that s***eating Asshat, Gahl, is granted more time? A twist worthy of Tefler himself, ... ;-) TTFN

Bp Hlpt

Most excellent, 2ndA! I haven't seen “Moment(s) with Matriarch(s)” or “A Parlay with Progenitors” yet. Still to be posted I assume. Glad you found my comments about edited texts helpful. Here's some more info to consider: If you have your Patreon account set to receive them, you will receive email notifications for newly posted comments. You will NOT receive notifications for edited comments. This includes Tefler. He receives notifications for every new comment, but NOT edited ones. While using Notepad or whatever is very helpful, you still have to be careful. Patreon seems to also be sensitive to comments that have been deleted and re-posted at times. Just yesterday I had one that I had posted, deleted, and re-posted a time or two, trying to get it exactly like I wanted. Patreon quit talking it. I would post it, it seemed to take, but when I refreshed the page it wasn't there. Even though it let me make other new posts, it wouldn't take that one for some reason. It finally let me post it after several hours. While you can delete a post, don't do it if anyone has commented on it. If you do, the post will become blank, and any replies will become inaccessible. The blank post will still be there and will show 'Load reply' or 'Load 2 replies', or whatever, but they will not pull down, no matter how much you click on them. You'll just get an endlessly spinning circle.

Bp Hlpt

Nah, still have 11 hrs and 30 minutes. Cut-off time is 12 midnight Pacific time. (Patreon is based in California)

Tefler Fan 007

At time I posted it was 2:30 pm eastern standard. 7 hours 30 minutes would put the drop at 10 pm eastern standard time and that is around the time most drops happen.


I am completely re-writing Moment(s) with Matriarch(s) which I had fortunately never posted; because Tefler has introduced jealousy between the Maliri and Larn's greenskins. To make sense of it I wrote Gahl's defeat as a first part. I want to remind everyone, AGAIN, that I do NOT have Tefler's permission and that if he asks I will delete anything I have written. Also, if at any time Tefler wishes to appropriate anything I am writing here, even word for word wo giving me credit, that would be an honor for me. I am not a professional writer nor looking to be one. I am very adverse to being doxed, again, by the "tolerant" people. As to your contributions Bp, THANKS AGAIN! As for TF4EVA figuring out my apology to Ignatius, I am quite impressed. For someone as arrogant as me to be impressed is, impressive. :) I would imagine finding a Hume-rous iguana was easy. As to Gahl getting more time. The centerpiece of that story is that JohnBlake is still at war with himself. He absorbed his guide, and so he is no longer insane (which is why his primary matriarch had to be A (NOT) Lyssa (Insane) and in a marant (funny in French) way help JohnBlake out of his insanity by being single minded rather than at war with herself. John means "favored of Jehovah), ie, the "luckiest SOB in the galaxy" in Marine terminology and as John explains he has made much of his own good fortune by being a good guy. Blake means black, the dark side and so as I see John struggling to not be selfish that he's still at war with Blake. This is an old trope, as "the Enemy Within" from the original Star Trek and many other places. I have often written that I consider Tefler to be a meh to poor writer, BUT an excellent story teller. I also believe that much storytelling circumvents the concious and draws from archetypes (whether this is actual spirituality, some sort of cultural background or just the unavoidable response to our genes interacting with the environment I am not sure; but it does not matter for this. As I look at the etymology of the names Tefler has assigned to Terran names, I see a long string of "coincidences". I am reacting to this by writing these side dishes for the primary reason that I want ALL PEOPLES TO PRAISE ME and FEED MY INSUFFERABLE arrogance....or something like that. Basically as my wife often complains, no matter what the subject I will twist everything to be about me. I should have joined Monty Python. Would have made an excellent recurring character.


Bsically, John has a choice, the choice of Galadriel when offered the One Ring To Rule Them All. Will she stay Galadriel, a gentle though powerful soul in the books (not the CRAP presented in the latest Hobbit movies) or will she with good intentions, end up becoming a tyrant in he Just right for vengenace? I quote the chapter where John says he has become the sword. If he does, he is merely an instrument of vengeance. He may eventually kill Xar but then, what will he be? What does vengeance become when untempered by mercy? Zelig, though unbalanced has a legitimate warning for them. Tefler will obviously write this whatever way he wishes. I am imagining John as conquring his Blake, and subduing Kyth'vindathis rather than BECOMING Kyth'vindathys. If "Fat Tony" survived Alyssa, was even rewarded for it; can we not perhaps find a way of redemption? These are very old questions, and TSM is just another vehicle to think through them. A trashy, ridiculous and absurd vehicle but far better than the soul-less technically excellent crap that dominates today. Of course everything I post has to end about it being me. Because I am an unhinged unrepentant megalomaniac; I believe wo any evidence Simon and Garfunkle wrote a song with a line about such as me: "The words on the prophets are written on the subway walls In tenement halls". There is more fundamental Truth in this trashy Tefler tale than in most of Hollywood today. It was not always so.


.124: I like your guesstimate, ... I exist on the Left Coast (PDT) and Tef generally drops his installments on us between 07:30 pm and 09:30 pm Pacific time, ... and several hours earlier too, ... fingers crossed, ... ;-) TTFN


The great question is do we get the classic Tefler Curve and the end of this chapter has nothing to do with the battle ahead and it is not until chapter 151 that the battle takes place


.125 Hi 2A. Do you have Aristotle as a middle name?


I hope Tefler sticks with the stripped back rawness of the last couple of installments. Given it is a classic curve BD, I suspect many of us know the next installment will be mainly concerned with getting the invictus into the battle, getting the new fleets crewed, readied for battle and to the party. Of course there will be space for some Lynette, some repentance by Nathan, some orgy and a lot of cut way to Gahl and Valeria......F5. The battle royale will be 151! Let's get ready to...... F5


Hard to say if 151 will be the battle. The entire TSM epic has been about building up to this battle. If Tef wants to take another 10 chapters to whip the scene into a proper frenzy then I’m sure it will be great. We’re all eager to get to the battle but the journey, all 150 chapters of it now, is what makes TSM great.

Jedi Khan

What battle? Between John and GK? Not a chance of it being in 151. It'll take John at least a couple days to get back to the warp gate to return to Maliri space, and another couple days to get to the Terran border region where GK is at. At the pace the story is going, that is at least five more chapters. GK could always use his wormhole generator to jump to John's location, but how would he know where to jump to? Even if he did know, he isn't going to, now that he's discovered that he is free from Xar's control in this region. He's not about to risk leaving anytime soon.


It doesn’t look like it will happen.

Tefler Fan 007

It will so he gets paid for April


RANT ON, totally unrelated to TSM, you have been warned 1- Thank you for feeding the "I Am Legend" of my mind jdg45. 2- I actually have something of a distaste for philosophy. I far prefer Sofia's less pretentious sister, Scierra (Science), and my formal education, job and personal reading have been mostly science. As to philosophy of Science, I FAR more line up with Popper than that CUNT Khun. It has been oft noted that scientists make poor philosophers, but that when a philosopher turns his mind to science, he often does very well indeed. 3- That said, I stress neither Plato (archetypes while not Platonic, are along those lines, strong ontology, weak phenomenology) NOR Aristotle (weak ontology but robust phenomenology). What little philosophy I have, beyond the usual pragmatism so common among physicians, could be described as a synthesis where I wind up holding BOTH views in tension. 4- Because I had to pretend to be stupid until 4th grade (otherwise I would be forcibly removed from my family just like an older cousin was), I received most of my REAL education at home. My father taught me math and the sciences, my mother how to street fight (I was never good at it) and my grandmother the most vital life skill of all: how to curse. Spanish is prolific, even poetic in cursing. My grandfather, a self taught man, taught me ethics, history and philosophy. Grandfather was the most ethical, wonderful, stoic man I have ever known and I loved him most of all. He was an introvert and a careful thinker; neither of which I am at all. Nevertheless, he patiently managed to get a few things into me. Too long to put here clearly, but he HATED Hegel, communism ect. He had a completely different approach to problem solving than synthesis-antithesis--> new synthesis and the following is an illustration. There's 2 ways to resolve conflicting ideas. One is to compromise, bring the 2 sides in closer to the middle, find a middle way or some other way. The other is to hold both sides at the same time, far apart, in tension and struggle with the paradox (this is NOT "doublethink" in 1984 terms). People who walk high wires use the second method, a long beam with weights at both ends because THAT method yields the most stable balance. I would love to go on and on about how brilliant I am...and that;'s how I handle my arrogance. I put it out there, in the extreme, and then both mock myself and invite others to do so. Too many people try to be humble, so as to get along. As Alyssa would say, "Where's the fun in that?" That's one of the things I hate most about Clown World: they have NO sense of humor. If everybody is sensitive and being able to claim BULLSHIT victim status for a "microagression" then Seinfeld might as well retire. Western culture is now so gynocentric that the old "sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me" has become a competition for victimhood status. I'm not Australian, but relative to the USA I DO come from "A land down under, where women love and men thunder." Generations of stable patriarchal families that did NOT cheat, beat or denigrate the women (like so much of Latin America which do). Androcentric AND Gynophilic, just like Tefler's world. RANT OFF


if each chapter covers only a few hours of TSM time, it could be awhile before the battle.

Evan Van Dyke

... Wow. The start of this section REALLY makes me despise Alyssa. She's more than smart enough to realize that the setup with Auralei will make John feel violated. And she does it anyways. I was really hoping that John would give her a dressing down for betraying his trust.

Rayce Royal

I'm really tired of Alyssa always going behind his back and doing things to force his hand. She's definitely my least favorite character in the entire story.