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Hey everyone,

It seems my early optimism for May tempted fate.

My mother-in-law had a suspected stroke, fell and shattered her wrist and hip. The doctors think she's going to be okay, but it's going to take her a long time to recover. While my wife's been busy with hospital visits etc, I've been taking care of the kids, so I've not had much time to write. 

I have nearly completed chapter 151. It should be finished by tomorrow night, along with a combined version of chapter 150. There's one significant edit I still need to make on 150, which I might finish first, then just post that in the morning.

Anyway, that's it for the update. Sorry it's not great news.




Take care of your family first Tefler, We can wait.


Hope your mother-in-law will be okay!


As a person one might call superstitious, may I suggest not promising a double release month anymore? Just surprise us with a second, if the mood fancies you. It seems something bad keeps happening!


Best wishes to you and your family, Tefler. Thank you for letting us know what’s going on. As for your stated release plans from the end of last month, I will just reference the old adage: “If you want to make the gods laugh, tell them your plans.”


God bless you and yours...good reports for your mother-in-law. Looking forward to the next chapter. Thanks.


I appreciate the updates regarding your family and I'm saddened to hear of all the health issues besetting your and your wife's aging parents. It is never easy to see those we love grow progressively more frail as they get older and best wishes to your MiL for a speedy and successful recovery. I look forward to the next TSM Chapter but only when you can focus your talents on your writing so please take your time. Family come first!!

Robert Nichols

Family trumps personal stuff. Always. I wish you MIL a speedy recovery!

Wassim Haroun

Although I have been suffering like a lot of readers here, I’m actually happy now as I’ll be off for three days soon in a hard to connect area in Africa and now I know I’ll have two chapters to keep me company in the jungle nights.


Thanks for the update Tef. Real life complications are a crappy de-motivator. I had a TIA a few years ago and know personally that anything brain related is always frightening. And my uncle had a stroke about a month ago and my own parents are getting on; at the ages when you MUST be vigilant for medical issues. Please give her my best.


So, better luck in june for you and your family, but no more jinxing! We need our steady dose of TSM. Wish you everything you long for.


Tef, know what you are going through, hope your mother in law is doing better.


your MIL being ok is always good news.


Visited Coral Castle, the most uncomfortable seat there, on purpose, was for the MIL the builder hoped to have. JOKE IN POOR TASTE ALERT, do not read further if you're easily offended. Who cares about the MIL, as long as the MILF is happy!