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Hey everyone,

Here's the first half of the next chapter. I've proofread it, but let me know if you spot any mistakes!

I hope you enjoy it,




Woot, feel better


Yay, 1st.... I haven't been 1st in a long time lol


Thanks Tefler, get to bed and get some rest right after you finish here Take care of yourself,


Thanks Tefler


Yeah, will do. I've got the shakes and not from doing anything fun! :(

bob lakhanpal

Thanks tefler.... Please take care of your health. As a person who recovered from covid-19 two weeks ago, I know how bad it can get.

Bp Hlpt

Thanks, Tefler!


.09: Oh boy, oh boy! So excited, thank you Tef, and get better... take care... ;-) TTFN

Puttanegra Ficondo

This is amazing writing, Tef. You are at your best.


cheers and a good start - let the games begin

Christopher Miller

When I had it, it was almost 3 weeks before I mostly recovered from the virus and the complications. I didn't even want to read during most of that time, let alone concentrate on something like creatively writing. Hope you continue to recover. Be well man.

Florida Reader

CORRECTION: . "The ancient device seemed to radiant an ominous sense of foreboding... " should be radiate

Jedi Khan

Hm. I wonder what the power increase was once the team left the Shroud? 1.5x? 2x? It was obviously enough for them all to get glowing eyes, and Jehenna a little punch drunk maybe, but just how much did it do for them?


I like the plans being laid, excuse the pun. I like the governors so far, I wish we could have politicians that gave a shit about what the people wanted.


.15: A wonderful start into exploring Larn'kelnar's now largely unwomaned planetary systems.... but has anyone of John's bright girls (Rachel or Jehanna?) ever questioned how one progenitor, producing about 1 1/2 gallons of psychic sperm per day, and that would allow him to enthrall about 150 thirty years old women per day... how the heck did he build up to the billions of lost thralls that Tef is showing us so far? It would've taken almost 20 years for him to reach his first million thralls. If he had some enhancement method to let one load bring thousands into the network at the same time... well John should find out about it... And the shroud muffled psychic abilities in and around our space... eye opener... First the Invictus crew needs to investigate a close by fleet, then onto Larn's Homeworld, and then the meeting with Auralei... Now if only Gahl'kalgors' minions can wait a few more days until finding John's corner of the galaxy, we need to hang a "No Asshats Allowed" sign on Shrouded space; a 'Progenitor go home' message... Loved #148, part one, take care of yourself, drink lots of fluids and take vitamin D and Zinc... all that fun stuff... ;-) TTFN

Bp Hlpt

CAUTION: corrections with possible spoilers follow

Bp Hlpt

Chapter 148 - 1st Part Corrections Let’s get the weapon fire test over with, -- Aren't there two different weapons to test? Ahhh, never mind. John and Calara don't know about the defence grid upgrade. Nice move, well done. dreadnought... but that doesn’t mean I can’t wait to fire my first Quantum Flux Cannon! -- yes it does, ie she can't wait. dreadnought. Don't tell Dana... but I can’t wait to fire my first Quantum Flux Cannon! John said, greeting the blonde as she sat John greeted the blonde as she sat This is a great opportunity to get some great action shots -- too many 'great's? This is a great opportunity to get some action shots -or- This is a wonderful opportunity to get some great action shots somebody got out of the wrong side of the bed. somebody got out on the wrong side of the bed. -- I've seen both 'of' and 'on', but more often 'on' or you could just perform a fire test and find out for yourself. or you could just perform a test fire and find out for yourself. confused by the exchanged. confused by the exchange. Calara signed with resignation. Calara sighed with resignation. gesturing towards the chunks of rock spinning through space.” -- extraneous quote mark gesturing towards the chunks of rock spinning through space. gazing off into the distances as she studied the schematics. gazing off into the distance as she studied the schematics. I think it was more of a reconnaissance in force, I think it was more of a reconnaissance force, The ancient device seemed to radiant an ominous sense of foreboding... The ancient device seemed to radiate an ominous sense of foreboding... her defiant growl came out more of a piteous sob. her defiant growl came out as more of a piteous sob. -or- her defiant growl came out more like a piteous sob. you’ll receive a massive investment into planetary infrastructure, you’ll receive a massive investment in planetary infrastructure,

Bp Hlpt

but that doesn’t mean I can’t wait to fire my first -- Isn't that a bit of a double negative? if so then that's the same as saying -- but that does mean I can wait to fire my first -- and I don't think she can wait --- but that's just the way I read it. I did know what she meant, after all. Perfectly OK if you disagree.

Jedi Khan

Now that the crew has left the safety of the Shroud, the real test for how safe they are from Xar will be when John goes to sleep. I know he is convinced that he's safe, but he won't truly know until he gets a good night's sleep without any interference or subliminal messages from Xar.


I thoroughly enjoyed this chapter. Can't wait til the next one.


Did we ever figure out what has Ghal’s panties in a twist? Something about being under the Shroud I assume. Also - I had speculated that Ghal’ might not be a particularly strong Progenitor. However, Tef does make a point of Ghal’ having a trophy room full of other dead progenitors. Don’t think Larn’ had one of those.

Brian Woods

I don’t know what others may believe, but something tells me that Gahl has a less than stable personality, given his relative desire to use and abuse his matriarch regularly in a violent manner. Also, his unbridled anger on that console back when they ravaged Rhan’s ship shows off his short temper. If I were to guess, Gahl is losing the restraints and/or leash that Xar put on him to hold back his ferocious nature, and will eventually explode all over someone or something.

Brian Woods

…So, Jedi has brought up some interesting questions regarding psychic power balances and possible nefarious observation outside the Shroud, but I’m more concerned about some of the existential questions brought up by the glowing eyes of the crew. To wit, did Larn, Rahn, and Mael notice a decrease in their overall power after entering Shroud space, or is it like the Eldritch Inhibitor and a sufficiently powerful psychic can overcome the effects? Given that John and the girls eyes are alight with power, does that mean they’re stronger than most or just less restrained? When John and the girls fought in the Astral, was Xar’s power muted somewhat by pushing through the Shroud, or was maybe John’s power less potent in reaching beyond it? So many questions, not enough answers…

JC Armstrong

One, great chapter and waiting for the next one but get better first. Second, can't wait for the coming space battle ... to see a gleaming white ship attacking those that are pitch black. Third and this is the one that I really look forward to space battles are nice but Psychic battles are so much more fun to read and now that John is no longer at half strength because of the guide or under the shroud ... should make him even more dangerous than before. I see it like this the guide cut him in half so getting rid of the guide doubled his abilities and getting out from the shroud might have double him again that would make him four times stronger than he was. That would make him a very real threat to the rest, and that doesn't even begin the subject of his women being way stronger than normal thralls


I know Gahl’ got pulled out after bombing Rahn’s old ship. When was the second time? Thought he was all in this time after building a hyper warp gate.


How does Gahl’ know John’s progenitor name?


So this just hit me. Larn tapped out his vast hordes of thralls (millions if memory serves) to power his fight against John and this fight occurred under the shroud. They fought while Johns mind was still split between himself and the guide. The guide was active and free for the fight (as they had called a truce for the showdown with Larn) so, while John probably still wasn't at 100% strength, he was stronger than his pre-absorption "normal". The major difference here is the thralls. Johns' were all under the shroud with him.. with muted abilities and power imposed (according to this chapter) by the shroud itself. While Larn's thralls were, by comparison, bursting with power because they were in Larathyan territory out of the shroud. Even though, at the time, with barely 1000 women in the network, John was still more than a match for Larn. It would be fair to say that John's available total pool of psychic power is/was on par with Larn's because, well, John won that fight didn't he?! Now extrapolating from there, the Invictus' arrival in Larathyan space means John just showed up on the doorstep with an entire empire's worth of psychic power aboard a single ship!! Because we all know the breakdown would roughly be roughly Alyssa = 50-60%+ Jade = 30-40%+/- (cause catgirls are massive pools) and Edraele 10-20%+/-. So if they are bringing the fight to the Progenitors, fighting out from under the shroud will mean massive boosts in John and the girl's strength!


Xar told him "you have a new target, Baen'thelas" At least that's what he told Valeria his matriarch.

Jedi Khan

I wouldn't exactly say Larn's thralls were bursting with power. Even outside the Shroud, their amount of power pales in comparison to John's Wards (the Maliri connected to Edraele) who remain under the Shroud.


Great story keep going please


.43 I believe John now has a cloaking device. So maybe the opposition will not see them?


.44 Why are the Matriarchs discussing whose fleet to send first? SURELY the aim is to send crews to man and return with Larn's requisitioned fleets! Consequentially they should be sending only ships filled with crews and Maliri ships that can return with skeleton crews.


.46 Hyper-warp gates Tashana told John that they found Mael's gate and it should be fully charged in two hours [ch 147]. BUT we do not know the full charge time. As the receiving gate would not necessarily be charged the sending gate must supply all the power - hence the massive power drain and limited running time Sparks mentions [ch 137]. Tsarra mentions nine hours left for recharge. It could be as much as the 12 hours that the dreadnoughts need to recharge their wormhole generators? If able to control both gates and power shared the recharge time could be halved allowing double the traffic rate. Important if reinforcements are needed! As Larn expected to use Rahn's gate Progenitors must be able to take over gates belonging to others. Also the Kyth'faren had a network of gates. Many probably still exist but seem to be 'undiscovered'. I wonder how much information is retained in each gate regarding usage and other gate codes and locations... I guess the Irillith will find out.

Bp Hlpt

As far as I know, that's the idea, but I think the number of available Larn's ships, plus their scattered locations throughout Larn's empire, makes it more efficient to send many ships to get them at once, rather than having fewer ships sent that are packed to the gills with standing room only crew members that then have to act like a bus service going from ship to ship, dropping off the crew. Also, since those ships will be full of husked corpses, I'm not sure how John wants to handle that, especially if he has any thoughts of claiming the survivors. Think of the potential conversation -- "Oh, your mother, sister, and aunt were all crew members on the dreadnought? What happened to them? Don't worry, I spaced them. Now, get ready to get claimed!" -- Doesn't seem very respectful. But if they don't do that, I don't think the Maliri are going to enjoy the smell during the trip back. Not to mention are all of the ship controls familiar to the Maliri? I know the twins were able to read everything, but I think any writing is in, or similar to, ancient Maliri, isn't it? Is that common knowledge for all of the Maliri? Anyway, I also figure that John and Edraele want to continue to foster the spirit of all houses working together and everyone participating, but the gate timing won't allow everyone to get through at once, so somebody has to go first, so Edraele is letting them work it out themselves, including the efficiency as a factor.


Too much exploit opportunity. If gates have a programed recharge/cool down and opposing progenitors have to eventually use opposition gates for area invasions wouldn't it make too much sense just to keep it on perpetual cool down? Just sending a couple ships with the mail would lock the door until you're ready to use it for a purpose

Jedi Khan

So what happened to that prototype Rachel started on back in Mael's lab? Didn't she say it would take about 16 hours to be ready? Unless Rachel requisitioned part of the lab to put on the Invictus, and has the prototype there, they won't be able to check on it when it's done, and who knows if they'll ever go back to Kythshara.

Tefler Fan 007

So Lynette promised the new governor from the colony John and the Girls freed from the kirrix to remove all reminders that the kirrix were there. She said it would help with there healing to not have to look at all the damage and wreaked ships on the planet surface. But maybe they should leave the wreaks of the destroyed ships in orbit as a warning to others not to fuck with the Lion and Lionesses.🤔


I think the thought was putting the lab on the Invictus. But with a couple days of flight time in front of them I suspect we’ll get caught up on all they found here shortly.

Jedi Khan

John has already provided plenty of warnings to that affect, so there's really no point in leaving behind navigational hazards or debris that could eventually fall on the planet. Besides, at this point, the only ones who would try to fuck with the Lion and his Pride are Darwin Award contenders, and the universe would be better off if they became winners.

Jedi Khan

With Tefler indicating that Rachel is currently growing a spare body, with no real hint as to who it is for, it seems to me that Tefler has set himself up a perfect opportunity to get the community's input on who should get the body. He's done it before when he had multiple choices for things, such as Tamolith's fate and who won the trivia party between the Invictus girls and the Matriarchs, meaning there is precedent for him to post a poll. So I'm going to preempt him a bit by posting my own. Who gets the body? Faye or Athena?

Jedi Khan

I'm leaning towards Faye. All the ingredients are there, Tefler has been foreshadowing her becoming a real girl since forever, and we've been bugging the hell out of him to bring her back. Making her into a real girl is the only way to develop her character, as bringing her back as an AI is more of a step back in her development than it is a step forward. As for Athena, it is possible that she could get a body, but what is that going to do for her other than pull her into the physical world and remove her as the caretaker of Alyssa's subplane? She's currently suffering an existential crisis, as her continued existence keeps Alyssa from obtaining her full potential. I don't really see how moving Athena into a body of her own frees up the bit of Alyssa's potential that Athena's existence locks away. Not without some handwavium and Space Magic on Tefler's part at least. Also, putting Athena into a body of her own pretty much eliminates her power. It'll be as if she only just got her powers from John, with no real reserves of her own. Despite all her knowledge, she'd be starting from square one. Whereas, as she is now, she has all the power that Alyssa possesses at her command and then some.

Jedi Khan

Hm. Thinking about Athena in my previous post got me to wondering: what effect has leaving the Shroud had on Athena, if any? How about Alyssa's subplane? Any changes there? Being on the Astral plane, Athena and the subplane should both technically already be outside the Shroud, but we know so little about the Shroud and it's relationship to the Astral, that it is possible that the Shroud does have an effect on the Astral. I'm curious to find out more. Maybe we'll find out when John visits Athena later after he's gone to bed.


.84: The Invictus is traveling first to verify a 'close by' marooned fleet location, then plans on visiting Larn's home world, Larathyra, where we know they will meet Auralea (soon to join the crew? or to be in charge if her world?) ... Tef could give us even another twist, so who knows? ;-) TTFN


.85: And Irillith must figure out how to break in and take control of all those ships, to allow the Maliri that follow them access.... codes, traps, sharp doors, other dangers? and how's the Larathyran ship's chow that the Maliri Prize Crew might eat? ;-) TTFN

Tefler Fan 007

I believe at some point Alyssa’s astral fortress will be discovered but when the Astral monsters attack and try to tear it down they won’t be able to due to all the love John showed Athena there. The Fortress would have absorbed all the loving energy (opposite PBM) and the monsters will be burned when they touch it. When they try to surround it to pull it into the deep astral they will be repulsed by the positive energy and be unable to.

Tefler Fan 007

In the next battle on the astral plane I believe Helene will play a key role. She was easily able to manipulate the astral plane to rebuild Irillith mind and her positive love energy is effective against PBM and probably the astral monsters. We saw how Xar was affected when John sent the love energy at him so Helene might even be able to hurt Xar or the mist monsters.🤔😁


.96: I do not recall Irilith ever actually traveling the Astral plane, not at any depth anyway. I wonder if her cyber talents would be of use there; how is the Astral hard wired? And if compatible for information retrieval, then might she locate more Kyth'faren Citadels of Knowledge? I know that this thought is way out there, but I have heard stranger in these comments.... your thoughts anyone? ;-) TTFN

Tefler Fan 007

I’m still waiting for when they find Grumpy Maels soul bound to an astral construct and he refuses to help John. Then John brings valada’s soul back and binds it to Mael so they can be together forever. Baen’thalas righting a 10,000 year wrong ❤️😁


107: Luna and Edraele both had a power boost, upgrade, and ability enhancement on John's most recent trip to Genthalas shipyard. Luna's Psychic Alacrity (speed) has been already shown, and John did wish Edraele to have fun with her new abilities (plural), and that both Edraele and Luna will be training together... makes me suspect that at least Edraele, if not both, will now have Psychic shields, that require practice to improve on. I also am hopeful that Edraele will have gotten that nifty little, short-range teleport ability, that they first saw Larn'kelnar use to escape from John. (Thanks Larn, for the spinning hex shields too) anyway Tef will surprise us in later chapters... ;-) TTFN


.109 Another Matriarch Auralei has been tipped by many as the next matriarch. Any predictions in which chapter this happens? John has yet to visit Larathyra. So many questions about when and what he does there. And if John can claim more than one thrall race and their compatibility with the Maliri! Will also be interesting when John defeats Gahl as similar thrall questions arise again.


It will be interesting to see how the Maliri react to the now unclaimed Larathyrans. My guess is that they won't go ballistic like Tashana with Rhan or when the twins were aboard Larn's dreadnought. Also it would seem the Maliri might have gotten their name from Mael'nerak so if John claims the Larns, perhaps they too keep their names.


Where is part 2?


Damn you covid.


I will come back next month I guess

Tefler Fan 007

Tefler was on discord last night and stated he was finishing editing 140 for Lit and 148 part 2. He expects to drop 14th or 15th


.135: Thank you Tefler Fan007, and happy St, Valentine's Day! ;-) TTFN


The prototypes needs to be Faye, and Athena needs to merge with Alyssa so Alyssa can be complete. Alyssa should become an amalgam of both. She should receive Athena's wonders, knowledge, experience, and power along with her own abilities, strengths, virtues, humor, and character. The merge of Athena with Alyssa should not be a loss but an enhanced Alyssa; merge herself into Alyssa without losing herself. This action will require some Tefler magic. Faye has been gone too long; She needs to join the team as a true Lionesse. She needs to experience the wonders of Daphnie as her daughter. From her initial creation, Faye was always an integral part of the crew and very special to them all.

Tefler Fan 007

I’ll probably wake up in the morning and see it. Getting late and have to get up early for work😢


Not tonight

Malcolm Rickarby

It’s lunchtime on the 16th already and no news in the great south land of Oz.🙁


if I read Tefler Fan 007 right then 30mins??? But we'll see..

Tefler Fan 007

Maybe…it’s normally around 10 pm eastern standard time US. So maybe 13 minutes 🤷‍♂️


and that warp gate does distort time somewhat.....

Michael carney

Just a question on crewing the new fleet. All the talk about which fleet goes first. It sounds like all maliri ships will be abandoned in favour of progenitor ships. Seems a waste. Surely better to ferry maximum number of spare crew to new ships whilst retaining the most advanced ships for auxiliary tasks in known space leaving the new fleet for the main fight. Idea came to mind whilst looking over invites blueprints. Original crew quarters human, over 300 bunk spaces. If invictus was packed in all spaces including all decks with maliri. I would fully crew a number of ships for space battle, no foot soldiers, use them as escort for many more skeleton crewed ships. Getting maximum number of ships back home for full refit and manning. Plus a proper clean up of previous crew remains. Then you could use new ships to ferry even larger numbers of new crews to collect more ships. Goal being to collect every ship possible, resulting in fleets of extra ships. Also take over all the infrastructure to collect raw resources whilst they still can.

Bp Hlpt

I think we can all agree that there seems to be quite a bit of Space Magic going on with guides, as evidenced by what all has happened with both John's guide (PJ) and Athena. Here's a little of my random recent thoughts about the subject. Where did Athena come from? [John gave her to Alyssa as a guide.] How? [Through his spunk and then "changing" her in the same way he gave her a third helix and her psychic abilities.] But how did John know how to do this? John's guide didn't teach him, and he gave Alyssa and the other girls psychic skills that he himself didn't know how to use. He also gave Athena knowledge that he doesn't know he has and Alyssa has yet to learn. Even now, after John has absorbed PJ, John doesn't seem to know some of what Athena knows, nor how to use some of the psychic skills some of the girls have. Of course, this also ignores the massive hand waving and Space Magic required for the concept that the vast, vast, VAST amount of information, knowledge, and abilities, not to mention the personality and very unique spirit that is the guide, can all be encoded, stored, and transferred to another person through DNA and/or TNA or whatever method is used. [John made Alyssa into a Kyth'faren.] How and why? Was it intentional? This happened before PJ was absorbed and before John had visited the Kyth'faren library, so how did John get the knowledge to do this? Bottom line, Alyssa got Athena from John, but how did HE get Athena? And what was the deal with evil John, ie PJ, while John is good? The closest analogy we have in our world is someone with a split personality, where a person has two or more distinct personalities. The thoughts, actions, and behaviors of each personality may be completely different. And there are sometimes "battles" between personalities for control. But at least that "proves" that John and PJ could have different personalities, knowledge, memories, etc. But how did they get there? [John's dad Rahn put all of John's knowledge, along with PJ, into John through the same process that John used with Alyssa, obviously. He had thousands of years as a Progenitor to learn things, and had been to the Kyth'faren library many, many times, and everything! John was bred as a Progenitor killer, after all.] Well, yes, but just like Athena and all of the girls, John ends up with abilities that Rahn, Larn, and PJ, had never seen before, so how could that knowledge and those skills have been passed down to John? Rahn's knowledge only partially explains how John got to be Kyth’vindathys, the Vengeance of the Kyth’faren reborn. Rahn has never said that was a goal of his for John. Related, the Kyth’faren were the race before the Progenitors, and they had both men and women, so what happened to make Progenitors all male (as far as we know)? I guess we can mark that one up to Xar. If humans can create seedless fruit, yet still manage to produce crops year after year, and also figure out how to create mules, not from other mules, they are usually sterile, but always from female horses and male donkeys, then I guess Xar could become so powerful that as he killed off the other Kyth’faren, he could breed them to only produce male Progenitors. But what's unique about John that he ended up as Kyth’vindathys? If it was meant to happen sometime, why now? OK. If we can agree to the same hand waving and Space Magic as before about how information, etc can be passed on, then here's a possible explanation of how it all works. :) Back in the days of the Kyth’faren, at their peak, when they wanted to exist forever as a proud race with immense power and infinite knowledge, guiding the rest of the galaxy in a peaceful, benevolent way, the Kyth’faren leaders got together and created what was the spirit of the best of the Kyth’faren, and implanted it deep into each of the finest examples of their people, so that their high ideals would never be forgotten. Over the following millennia, eventually the civilization began to decay, unfortunately. The knowledge that the spirit of the best of the Kyth’faren was now hidden deep inside a large percentage of the population, thanks to the Kyth’faren having always been a very randy and productive species, was largely forgotten. Evolution can sometimes combine the best traits of the previous generation, and sometimes the worst. Xar was an example of the latter. Not only that, but his inner spirit had been damaged because of a childhood disease that had been cured, but left the damaged inner spirit as its only unnoticed consequence. Even so, Xar became immensely powerful, but he always wanted more. Fast forward to later in the story to where it became obvious that Xar wanted to destroy all the Kyth’faren, and had begun boasting that he was going to create a new race based on himself and they were going to rule the galaxy forever. There were still a few loyal Kyth’faren left who remembered the old ways, and the spirit of the best of the Kyth’faren. They didn't believe that Xar would actually create a new race based on himself, because he would always want to be the best and would never want the remotest possibility that anyone could ever be his equal. Rather, he would more likely base his new race on one of the best of the warriors that Xar was gathering around him. The leaders of the loyalists somehow managed to convince all of Xar's warriors to take a special elixir that was supposed to help them become the greatest of all so they could each aspire to have the honor of being picked by Xar for his greatest missions, and receive the highest glory. Secretly, the elixir also had a component that was supposed to help wake the inner spirit, but to make sure that aspect was not discovered by Xar, it was designed to not take effect until well after the next generation. This same loyalist group was the one that established the Kyth’faren libraries to help support whoever eventually came to battle Xar. (As an aside, John wasn't recognized by the caretaker of the library because he had not absorbed PJ at that point, and the inner spirit had not awakened.) All information about the elixir and the inner spirit was closely guarded, and Xar never found out. But Xar wasn't stupid. While he didn't know about the inner spirit, he was intent that he was always in total control, so he established the oath that he required ALL Progenitors to take. If any refused, they were killed, no exception. A side effect of the oath process was that it prevented the inner spirit from being wakened. Thus were the Progenitors born as a race, and Xar continued to grow more and more powerful. The sleeping inner spirit continued to be passed down, from Progenitor to Progenitor, but never wakened. All of the Progenitor knowledge and guides were also added, but the hidden inner spirit remained, with all of the Kyth’faren knowledge as well. After more millennia, along comes Mael, Rahn, and John. John is conceived under the shroud, so out of "sight" of Xar, and the inner spirit is passed to him, along with all of the Progenitor knowledge and the guide. He was sent to the Federation to be raised, and his grandparents were a very large influence in his life, the kind that a Progenitor normally doesn't have. They helped prevent his guide from training John, and helped him learn how to block PJ. He has a storied career in the military and becomes a successful trader, learning his own knowledge and set of skills, well, well, well beyond the age the "normal" progenitor has been trained by and absorbed his guide. I would assume that would usually begin in early childhood and be completed in late adolescence. John has had a few occasional interactions with women, essentially a long series of "one night stands". The inner guide has not begun to awaken, probably because no real Progenitor type of activities have occurred to waken it. Then comes TSM. Being stuck with Alyssa in the Fools Gold means that John's matriarch is created, unintentionally, but it happens. John still has PJ mostly locked away, and the inner spirit begins to waken with the Progenitor activity. He helps pass info to John, though John doesn't know it, but the spirit is mostly blocked by PJ's existence. The Kyth’faren had no knowledge that the Progenitors would implement the guides, so didn't plan for them. The existence of Athena, and the skills and knowledge that John and the girls have, that Rahn and Larn can't explain, come from the spirit, but John has no knowledge of the spirit either. When PJ is absorbed, more of the spirit's knowledge is released, along with that of the Progenitors, and Kyth’vindathys is born. But because of all of the Progenitor knowledge he also has, and the long influence of his guide, the full knowledge and identification of the inner spirit is still not fully realized. This brings us up to date, and explains how the various knowledge and skills have been passed to John and the girls, and the creation of Athena. However, I just don't see, based on the information that Tefler has provided, either directly or by way of the explanations that have been given about John and his guide, how Athena can survive in any form AND Alyssa can reach her full potential. If there is any way, through either hand waving or Space Magic, then I'm all for it! Brian Woods has proposed the argument that Athena has already shared all of her skills and knowledge with Alyssa, or is willing and able to do so, and the only thing keeping Alyssa from reaching her full potential is that she needs to be able to fully expand her mind into the spaces Athena currently occupies. That argument has some merit and provides for the possibility that Alyssa and Athena can simutaniously and separately exist, which would be wonderful. If all else fails, there's always Space Magic!


One dream, one soul, One prize, one goal One golden glance of what should be


.164: Well, it was not the #148, part 2, that I was hoping for, but it was almost as long. Thank you for quenching my reading needs for this evening, ... and I did enjoy it. ;-) TTFN

Tefler Fan 007

Well 140 did drop on Lit last night so maybe today for part 2


Don't stop believin' Hold on to that feelin'


This is getting old.


He just updated SOL


.171: I am siding with Tef Fan007 on this, I too believe that the dropping of TSM #140 on Literotica last night is a very good sign, I think that this evening, USA-Pacific coast time, part 2 will arrive for our enjoyment. ;-) (it is currently midafternoon, so only a few more hours, hopefully) TTFN


Then why even put a date on it if he isn't even going to keep to it ?


.175: Authors sometimes work better under a time constraint, Tef is like that. ;-) TTFN


Unpopular opinion? / Whiny bitch-fest time: Problem 1: I would be 100% ok with the current release schedule/delays if the files uploaded for part 1 and part 2 of chapters released in this way were separate somehow and there was a better way to alert all of us. I just find it confusing and annoying reading a draft, and then when Tefler comes back to release the “final” 148, I’m not quite sure what parts I missed the first time around… I love reading his work! But I honestly don’t think I have time to be re-reading the entire (blessedly enjoyably long! ) chapters to find the bits that were missed. So, I wait for the final. But since it’s going to be an edit to the same post, I won’t get a notification in Patreon. So I have to keep checking manually, because I am eager to read it, too! It’s not a huge problem, just an annoyance. (hence me admitting I’m a whiny bitch). Problem 2: I have absolutely no problem with the need to “pre-charge” for some content once in a while as we all know he’s good for it. I think it was a bit unfair to have done so just before the end of the month and not give any followers who didn’t agree time to unsubscribe or change their settings… shit happens to all of us, too. We can’t all just ask for advances on our paychecks… so I feel like he needs to tread lightly on this aspect for a while. Even folks who might have wanted to increase their tier (to give love and help with the financial crisis) may not have had time to do so before billing time. So, it goes both ways. :End bitch-fest… bring on the hate:

Big Orca

The last time Tefler dropped the 2nd part of the chapter, he left a # mark that one can search for, denoting where the 2nd part starts.


He has done that for years. either a # or multiple of them. That way it’s easy to find where the first section ends and part 2 starts


.176: and I still am looking at my math scribbles and shaking my head, I do not see how Larn'kelnar had thralls everywhere, by the billions, and ran through them all too... he would have had to enthrall them by the many thousands a day, and it still would have taken him about a thousand years to reach his first billion, with growth slowing each year. He could have had a few million thralls manning his fleets, and a million or so more in other key positions, but at least 90% of the over 30 females would have been left untouched... Tef either must explain this or he must admit to a major writing boo-boo. I mean, if Larn really had BILLIONS of thralls then he should easily have out-lasted John and his girls, right? ;-) TTFN


.178: ... even if Larn were able to keep his thralls living many extra centuries, thralls numbering in the billions were still a long time coming about... how? How were ALL the over 30 females wiped out? Tef must explain it to me, ... One Progenitor's Quad just cannot do it, ... I just don't see it! ;-) TTFN


.180: I had thought on this problem and had hoped that the mass husking of 'every' older female was confined to the home world, or better yet one continent on that world, and other world of the former Laranthyran Empire could come to their aid, ... but now Tef is spreading the math problem and the story's horror far and wide through-out Larn's former empire. How can Tef explain this, there must be some very powerful 'giant' Quads at work, ... ;-) TTFN


.182: Okay, sorry, but this is more on the disparity between Tef's apparent Progenitor billions of thralls versus the millions that are possible... one solution is for Tef to invent a progenitor spunk duplicating machine that could take one four-pint load and increase it to hundreds of gallons... a load or two a day into huge storage vats, and then a Progenitor might reach a billion thralls before his first thousand years, but that's with no war losses, ,,, Otherwise Tef will need "giant' progenitors pumping out swimming pools of cum, this may well be your only way out big guy (Tef), and as the erotic story author, it is your responsibility, and it is you that must come up with how he manages his 'giant' cum releases, ... so, does he masturbate, or does he use a giant-sized milking machine? ... ;-) TTFN


.183: And one more poo-poo on Tef's vision of the Laranthyran horror show; why would ALL his fleets have ALL crews of the enthralled? (Security maybe?) However, if the enthralled were around 99.9% of the officers' and most of the key enlisted crew, and then the remaining low ranked, less experienced crew might not yet be enthralled, then most if not all, of the fleets' vessels, that Calara and John wish to requisition, and they would still be lightly manned by some very inexperienced and frightened crew women, needing his help. And that Tef could still do, if he hasn't submitting part 2 yet... ;-) TTFN


.184: And if there is no #148, part 2 tonight, then I am so Sorry if I managed to convince Tef that he needed a quick rewrite... apologies all around ... ;-) TTFN


The real question that tef has tip toed around is, how does the progenitors spread their seed, I remember reading hits to a coming-of-ceremony if all participants drink a "drink" as part of that, males get one females get another, it would explain the current situation in the Laranthyran empire.


And from a tatical point of view, would you, as a intergalatic power have none thralls on your vessels that could potentially be a security risk

Michael carney

My take on the thrall numbers. The progenitors create a race and breed them to be enthralled. But there would have to be some interaction though distant, as in be in his domain. Explains the young not enthralled as he had been away for decades. Not done as John has done, because John needs the physical. Also the progenitors matriarchs have that close contact giving them more power over the other thralls. That would also explain why John was so much more powerful in a fight against the other progenitors, because his is a stronger physical bond than the others.


The emotional connection he has to his girls and the fact it's fueled by love and passion is why he is so much more powerful with fewer thralls bound. He gives to his girls and its returned to him many times over when he needs it.


.190: And recall that his channel/pipeline for eldritch power is vastly enlarged due to his taking out the 'control' of his thrall's link, ... John is different, and that has made him more powerful by two or three times. -- Oh, and Michael, you said that Progenitors create a seed race, I'm sorry, but that was never said nor implied (it was the evil Xar'aziuth). And a Progenitors' local breeding of his thralls has to be fairly limited in scope, most would be bred by the 5% male population, ... ;-) TTFN


.191: I said security issues were a big maybe, ...Well, at least not have any non-thralls on the battleships. Those John can swipe, err. requisition... ;-) TTFN


Hate? Point 1 - Tefler does release a part of the chapter at a time but he doesn't go back into the part he's released to add more material. He will put ## or something similar to indicate where to pick up from when you open the completed chapter if you simply wish to continue where you left off.. He even puts that in the notes for the release to say what I just said. Point 2 - some good points so can't say much here.. to each his/her own.


I thought about this too but we're missing something that could make this work relatively easily I think. If the government decided we all needed more fluoride in our systems to promote tooth health and the FDA approved it, how do you think they would administer it? Right, through the water supply. Not saying that's how the Progenitors do it but there are many ways to administer mass dosing's rather than have one person walk up at a time. Also, the boys live for up to five days after sliding into home plate for humans but who knows how long they live in the story. And exactly how many are required to enthrall? If it was administered through the water supply, you could conceivably dose and re-dose, in tiny amounts, hundreds of thousands a day. Just saying.


To address the problem of the "math" issue with the huge numbers of thralls; If the government decided we all needed more fluoride to promote tooth health and the FDA approved it, how do you think they would administer it? Call us up and have us run down to the health department? Nope, through the water supply which is what they currently do in the US. Not saying that's how the Progenitors do it but there are many ways to administer mass dosing's rather than have one person walk up at a time. Also, the "boys" live for up to five days after sliding into home plate for humans but who knows how long they live in the story. And exactly how many are required to enthrall? If it was administered through the water supply, you could conceivably dose and re-dose, in tiny amounts, hundreds of thousands to millions a day. Then the math works out fine. The women wouldn't age either, if they were being dosed so often so there would be huge numbers for a very long time.. Just saying.


Copying from the interwebs, "A healthy adult male can release between 40 million and 1.2 billion sperm cells in a single ejaculation." And John does 4 pints per and each pint contains the equivalent of 96 normal male emissions. So 4 x 96 x 40,000,000 = 15,360,000,000 on the low end up to 460,800,000,000 on the high end. And if it only takes a tiny amount to enthrall, then the numbers are no issue at all.


This has been addressed wrt Larn's thralls. He "fills the vats", they unload ;) when they get back to the home planet. All females take a shot when they reach a certain age as part of a ceremony. This is why only the youngest are left, and the thrall fleet is certainly empty.


Never would have thought I read a story where a man sperm cells are a topic of conversation in the fan comment section.


.202: Alright Jeff, just do the math, Latn'kelnar himself said that he gets 100 thralls per load of his cum (4 pints), and that is a lot smaller of a dose than John gives to his Maliri. And that is fine for up to a few million thralls... built up over many, many years, ... but how do you get to billions? In my math doddles it would start to work if he could get around 5,000 thralls per load and have no losses from wars. '-) TTFN


Tef - just a reminder, this is not a leap year. Can you finish 148 in 10 more days while dealing with omicron? We are hopeful and sending you best wishes.

Jedi Khan

Michael, it's Tefler's story. If he says there were billions, then there were billions. Chalk it up to Space Magic and move on.


.205: Yeah Sceptre, we have a little bit of apples and oranges' here. I do not think that Tef has ever implied that a single swimmer or two is enough to bring a girl into the eldritch network. The main point of my problem is that one set of progenitor Quads cannot enthrall billions, the number is just too high. A few million I can except, but to reach even one billion would take about 1,000 years, and that's if no war losses and a enthrall rate of around 5,000 per 4-pint load, (100 times greater than John does at present in the story) and is that even a TSM / Tef possibility, and can John learn to pump-it-up like that to use on his Maliri? ;-) TTFN


.206: Okay Sceptre, maybe IF you assume that a microscopic smear (500 or so) of sperm cells is enough to enable a girl to join the eldritch network. But I doubt that it has ever even been hinted at that such might be possible, Larn'kelnar himself stated that he gets 100 thralls per load, and that was the number I used, ... However, our good ole Tef does Need a way for a Progenitor to have thralls in the billions and He may Need to buy your theory. Congrats for saving TSM continuity! ;-) TTFN


.207: Okay Jedi (master) Khan, if you say so, I just wish it made a little sense, sigh, and SMH ;-) TTFN


Actually, there is just such a story about a stranded thrall on ancient Terra: “There once was a thrall from Nantucket. Who drank sperm from a bucket, And when she ran out, She began to much pout, So she opened her mouth and said: “F*ck it!” The man from Nantucket being the original lymeric fits John well also...

Unresolved Plots

You are mixing the Soul Forge sacrificial numbers up with numbers enthralled using vats. 100 thralls at a time are strapped to chairs to be husked when creating PBM in the Soul Forge. No mention of numbers enthralled by using the vats has been given. How many sperm are produced in one Progenitor load (Humans produce 200million-500million per load)? How many sperm are needed to enthrall? I think it possible that millions could be enthralled with one load, if required. What number of unenthralled females did you use as your starting reference? A Neophyte Progenitor coming of age within a thrall species could have tens of millions of females to begin with ready to enthrall (assuming all the females under 30 survived the last Progenitor death and there has been approximately 20 years for the Progenitor to become an adult, then many will have already reached adulthood at this point). Edit: The percentage of Earths population under 30 is 52%, lets assume half are female, so 26%. Earths population is approximately 8 billion. So approximately 2 Billion are females under 30. Larns empire consisted of numerous planets, so its a fair assumption to make that the starting number of potential females ready for a Neophyte Progenitor to enthrall is greater than 2 Billion to begin with, assuming the planets are populated like Earth.


"There once was a Hermit named Dave, who kept a dead whore in his cave, she was missing one tit, and she smelled just like shit, but think of all the money he saved... " ;-) TTFN


,211: There once was an Asshat named Larn, Who fought and lost to good Admiral John, Cuz Larn's meddling had made a big mess, And his Matriarch got white haired and stressed, 'til that Asshat had completely Drained all his Thralls to their deaths, ... :-l TTFN


.212: So, instead of a small mouthful of psychic cum, you propose that a tiny smear on the tongue would do... but would it? hey Tef! would it work? Well, that could get an empire into the billions of thralls ... ;-) TTFN


.213: BUT the idea of just a tiny smear of progenitor psychic spunk on a girls' tongue being enough to enthrall her into his eldritch network, it shakes my TSM 'world view'. and it wasn't a confusion on my part, I recall pondering the number difference between Larn and how many girls (Maliri at the time) that John and Jade were enthralling (20 to 25 small mouthfuls) at one time. I based some numbers on that higher (Larn's smaller mouthfuls) count at that time (from that chapter), and depending on my assumed numbers, I got only a few hundred thousand thralls to a few million, at the most, which was enough to man his fleets... I had to do a lot of re-figuring when the Auralei spots began, and the numbers did not compute, error, error! But it is Tef's story to tell, ... so what, if an erotic space adventure has a few unrealistic things in the story! It is still a wonderful story. ;-) TTFN


.214: Ta-dah! and on the morning of the 19th of February 2022, TSM #148, complete, did drop... the second part doubling the length to about 20,557 words :-)) TTFN


.216: Yip, you are 100% correct jdg45, I doubled all the numbers, my bad! -- corrected ty ;-) TTFN


.207: Alright, IF we assume a microscopic smear of sperm on a girl's tongue will do it, make her one of Edraele's wards; then on each of Baen'thelas's official state visits to all of the New and the Young Matriarchs Home worlds. John leaves a vat with a few loads of his fresh squeezed psychic cum with the planet's Governor to be used /distributed to clinics across that matriarchy for the purpose of bringing many, many Maliri into the Network supporting their beloved Baen'thelas! Then John would be well on his way to billions too! (Hey Sparks, whip us up some cum vats please honey) ;-) TTFN