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Hey everyone,

This is a placeholder for chapter 149. I'll wrap this up as quickly as I can in February to keep the plot moving along for you at a faster pace. It's been a while since we had a space battle and I'm really looking forward to writing the next... two? ;-)

Thanks in advance for the support and I hope you enjoy the upcoming chapters.





Cool 😎

bob lakhanpal

OK.... Have we been charged in advance for 149?


More space battles are always welcome!

Bp Hlpt

Have we been charged? -- Yes. Note the "Paid for by patrons" in the top right corner of the post.


.06: Our place has been saved, thank you, I look forward to next month. You plan to try to play catch up on your writings during the shortest month? brave man Tef,... ;-) TTFN


.07: TSM space battles are Awesome! as the Invictus Grand Engineering Overload would say!!! :-) TTFN

Puttanegra Ficondo

Time to see some black ship changed into Swiss cheese. Time to be the Cat.


Anyone with covid should probably adjust their optimism about their productivity down a notch. If your struggling to finish 148 pt 2 by the end of February don’t worry about it. Global pandemics are a shared experience, increasingly first hand as more people get covid. Not many people will be expecting your most productive month. Hopefully not you either. Good luck.


Yeah, don't rush it just to fit a Patreon schedule. We know you'll get there.


Seems like the response from a lot of us is doubling our pledge to get you over the hump with your house. Shut up and take our money already (and keep writing).

Crystar DeWolf

Increased to $10 per chapter.

Darrell Van Ember

Just keep spinning this tale and let the nay sayers suck on a flux cannon...


148 pt 1 is excellent and more than offsets the "placeholder" for 149. Looking forward to 148 pt 2 and, of course, the upcoming space battles. Take your time, recover your health and thanks, Tef!

Jose Bueno

Genius can't be prodded along. It goes at it's own pace and damn the rest.


Great start...waiting for the rest of 148! Thanks, and here's to a speedy recovery!

Jim lynch

Is that ta ta for now or the Terran federation network ?


Yes, I had it 7/2020 and just finished omicrom last week. Many people experience prolonged fatigue.

Walter Davis

I love this series and hope you and your family are doing well


Does Dana have curly or straight red hair? I don’t believe it’s mentioned. Wild curly hair would be a very cool contrast from all the straight hair. An entire species of straight haired Maliri would find curly hair blow-your-mind exotic. Tef never mentioning it though makes me think straight.


I would assume if it makes their Har grow longer, it would also make it fit the "template" of straight as well...


1- A law must be passed that no Maliri can dye their hair white, else there's going to be problems soon. 2- One of the upcoming girls should get the "dimensional warp" power so she can transport people around short distances. It would be ideal for one of the former assassins like Luna's friends.

Jedi Khan

1. They can try dying their hair, but it'll be obvious that's a dye job rather than "natural," to the Maliri at least since it's in their genetics. 2. Alyssa has that dimensional gate trick that we fist saw Larn use. She used it to rescue Irillith on Kythshara. It likely requires a lot more power than any of the non-Invictus girls has, aside from Edraele. John could give the Maliri assassins the power, but they won't be able to use it for awhile, not without a month or more of TLC from John.


In what chapter does John defeat his guide?


John just gave Luna speed powers, and Edraele some kind of additional powers… doesn’t seem to be clear which ones. Obviously Luna’s power is like John and Sakura’s power, and Edraele’s new powers are likely a duplicate also. This is going in the right direction. I think John needs to start loading up all the matriarchs and their personal protection teams with powers. Empowering the people around him is John’s secret strength that will win him the war. It’s the opposite of what progenitors do and something they would never expect. So why not go all in with this strategy?


So, how many of us are looking forward to John getting another surprise prostatic massage from a Nymph? I would write in Betrixa giving him a surprise just as he starts climaxing now that dunking him in water is not working. Somehow, none of the patients I've given a prostatic massage to have said they enjoyed it..


.36: I know, I know, we have already discussed exactly what enhancements' John has gifted to Luna and Edraele... We know Luna is faster, Psychic Alacrity, but what else might she have, she will be training with Edraele, so my guess is that both will have psychic shields to practice with and strengthen, but what else? Please don't let Luna get Dana's shooting fire balls out of her eyes... I hope one of Edraele's enhancements is that short range teleport ability, a cool and fast escape, in case her telepathy and TK are not enough. thoughts? ;-) TTFN


.37: Another thought to consider, out from under the shroud psychic potential is increased... if the angerly flung feces strikes the rotating blades, then could there be SIX dragons (Nymphs) rushing to John's aid? That Tef, he's amazing and he hasn't even done this yet! ;-) TTFN

Dads Gonna Kill Me

I would love to see Helene manifest into having one of the most deadly Psychic Powers, but one that is a total wildcard and almost unknown till a tipping Point (when that is or against whom would be up to Tefler)... My thought is becasue she is so Emotionally Sensitiv, at some point she is filled with the Anguish of all those who have perished in a Soul Forge and they Explode out of her (and From the Ship Shes on) to vanquish a Progenitor or even Xarruth {sic} ( The being is Charge of the Astral Plane)... maybe she is able to Cleanse the Ships(?) turning them white (?).... Or even a point where she is aboard the Invictus, and is woken from her sleep by the whispers and Cries from the shuttle... she gets up and goes to it, places her hand on it and "remembers" all the woman who were sacrificed to make it... Cry and luaghing and Reliving their lives till they are Cleansed... Or they communicate with her and Seek Justice for themselves... So many ideas and thoughts and directions this could go...


.45: Dear Tef, I completely understand that you have been less than 100% lately due to catching the Covid virus, and this has greatly reduced your available time. However, please note that of your free chapters on Literotica, the last chapter there was #139, posted last November... and I suspect it is likely SOL is similarly in arrears, ... I have noticed a slow rise in numbers, increasing the count of your followers on Lit lately, it would be a shame not to catch them up a few chapters. Be healthy, write as the muse strikes, love this series.... thank you! ;-) TTFN

Who Me

Stories On Line is also on Chapter 139

Stephen Paynter

Although I now get my chapters straight from Patreon, I too am keen to see the chapters on the other sites be kept more or less up to date. Regular chapters keep TSMs on those site's radars, and encourage new readers ... some of whom will make the jump to here eventually ... improving Tef's cash flow. A win-win scenario.


Ridiculously petty comment: the lionesses should have a place to put their rings before getting in the Paragon armour. Otherwise an explanation of how the gloves fit around rings should be made. Yeah, well, this is the kind of stuff I think about.

Tefler Fan 007

The lionesses have fought my battles over several hours inside there suits but the real question is how can they hold not going to the bathroom so long? My wife and daughters have to use the restroom every 50-60 minutes in car rides so is there a built in place to use inside suits?😁

Megan Donahue

Wait, you're working on chapter 149 already? Did I miss an update where you posted the entirety of chapter 148?


Why can't the paragon suits have a small container containing John's spunk - to be ingested during emergency at any point during battle.


Hello all. I have been following TSM since its beginnings on SOL and then here on Patreon. Unfortunately my reading days are coming to an end. I have terminal cancer and unless the clouds part and a beam of light comes shining down holding a miracle inside I'm afraid there's no last minute reprieve. I've thoroughly enjoyed the story and am very happy to have been a part of the process of creating it. And of course the comments. I have chosen not to enter into verbal discourse over the different points being argued here but reading and following along makes me feel like a part of the TSM family! It is a great story with a great group of readers creating a Universe worth being a part of. While I won't be able to follow the story directly I'll try to keep an eye on it from the other side. I haven't sold my soul so I know where I won't be going. : ) May the Spirit you believe in touch your heart with love! Brian


Excellent idea, also when they went to Kythshara the girls were not "pre loaded".


.62: Not to worry Megan, only the first part of #148 has dropped so far, but soon (in the next week or two) we should see #148, part 2, and before months end, at least a partial on chapter #149... there all caught up... We are all hoping that Tef is feeling his muse after the Covid virus, and can crank out some good stuff leading up to a grand space battle (or two?) ;-) TTFN

Malcolm Rickarby

One of the best things to have in life is something to look forward to. It has helped me and many others to get through hard times and illness and our friend Brian has helped me to realise that this is a unique experience for all of us. To be a part of the community of readers who can communicate with each other and the author of a tale that leaves us looking forward to the next chapter for the past few years. Go well Brian and enjoy.

Jim lynch

I must say I seem to be refreshing this page every 20 mins or so for past 48 hours I need help or a chapter lol. Please tefler pretty please wi cherries on top.


.68: Oh we're Tefler-maniacs, and we're zany to the Max... So sit back and relex... you'll press F5 'til you collapse... we're Tefler-man-iacs.... we've got wisecracks by the stacks... and Tefler pays little income tax... Just for fun we run around the Three-Square Meals movie lot... they lock us in the Tower whenever we get caught... But we break loose, and then vamoose... and now you know the plot... we're Tefler-man-iacs... we're zany to the max... there's bologna in our slacks... and we're totally insaney... It rains in Spainy... Pinky and the Brainy... Citizen Kaney... chicken chow-mainy... Andromeda Strainy... Hydro-planey... Money down the drainy... Tarzan and Janey... Have no shamey... Hunchback of Notre Damey... Bangor Mainey... Frazier Craney... Quiche Lorrainey... Lake Champlainy... High Octainey... Public Domainy... Candy Caney... Hurricaney... Shania Twainy... Horses maney... And those are the Facts! ;-) TTFN


Dunno when the next chapter will drop. Hopefully he's not fighting 'brain fog.'


Tef - how’s the covid going? We’re all concerned - I’m sure your fans wouldn’t mind a personal note to let us know.


.77: Tef my friend, I would appreciate the dropping of TSM #148, part 2 soonest, please. and if you could update those free chapter sights, Lit and SOL, when you have a moment, it would be a great service to your many newer fans, thank you, :-) TTFN

Tefler Fan 007

I really hope Tefler is ok with his Covid? He hasn’t been online for a while so I hope and pray everything is ok with his health and family.

Tefler Fan 007

Maybe he will give us Part 2 as Valentines Day gift because Tefler loves us so much😁❤️


Mr. Tefler is on Discord on the Spoilers Channel

Tefler Fan 007

Said 14th or 15th for part 2


So march?? As usual


.96: Yay! this week! great! ;-) TTFN


Hey Tef any possibility of finishing 148 by the 26th? My time to leave this plane of existence and travel to the next one is the 17th at 2:00 pm eastern time. I'd love to finish this chapter before going. Thanks if possible!


In Canada we have something called MAiD, Medical Assistance in Dying. If approved then yes I have some input into the timing.


.101: Regarding some things that I hope the Invictus crew will learn/discover, now that they are in Progenitor space, maybe in the next couple chapters: Whether or not there were nymphs on their side of the galaxy before Mael'nerak arrived at the shrouded side... And if there are nymphs there now? also, our Azure Empire Ladies under Queen Edraele and Baen'thelas, were the Maliri a seed race already here, that Mael'nerak found when he arrived, or did he bring them with him, in at least a few fleet sized groups. And if he brought them with him, any pretty blue thralls left behind would have aged and died after a few centuries, then they'd be needing a new neophyte progenitor to claim them (will they meet the new, blue Progenitor?) ... Okay, that's enough for now, I'm sure that Tef and the crew will discover lot's more too... ;-) TTFN


.104: Known Nymphic Knowledge: The shapeshifters were used by Mael'nerak to spy on the Archinins, and to help win his war with them. (Did Mael have a name for them back then, maybe the word for shapeshifter in ancient Maliri?). Millennia later it was largely due to Mael's sweet, young and the fairly new Matriarch that he gave those shapeshifter's their own world of Lenarra, and then they were the 'Lenarrans', More millennia of living as hunter gatherers, then about 3 centuries earlier (25th century) an exploratory scout vessel of the Terra Federation found on a world acquired from the Ashanath, lovely shapeshifting females that automatically became the perfect woman for their Master, and they were then bestowed the name of 'Nymphs'. I suspect they were a species of shapeshifter that Mael'nerak brought to the Achonin War from his former side of the galaxy, he might have made some genetic alterations to them, both before and after they were his spies... don't really know how much genetic knowledge Mael had way back then, ... if this was the case then Jade may have cousins (?) in progenitor space (will they meet any this trip?) And might those maybe cousins have been slowly made less intelligent (environmental) over the last 72,000 years, or maybe Jade and her sisters might have slowly grown smarter? There are lots of possible story (sequel?) plot lines that could be drawn from just this idea. ... so, what's a Tef to do? ;-) TTFN

Tefler Fan 007

Time to click our heals together…..There’s no story like TSM, There’s no story like TSM, There’s no story like TSM.😁


but how did that work out for our Faye? I know she is coming back, I know she is coming back, I know she is coming back. She is, She is..... but...


.,109: ,,,, and we are all holding our breath, we are all pressing F5 to refresh our screens, and we are ALL Jones-ing for part two, ... We await you oh mighty (getting over being sick) Tefler and will rapidly devour your words! ;-) TTFN


OK, so more pointless bitching from a mere marine. In chapt 44 Rachel says that there is no genetic tampering to Terran DNA; but later that Terrans were genetically experimented on from Neanderthals. While not contradictory, it begs the question.


Also, when will the catgirls get their tails into action? I am also eagerly awaiting John's second prostatic massage which I hope comes as a surprise like the first. Maybe both can be combined? Also, John mentioned that he's not going to go giant and "fuck a dragon" when answering Dana about Tamolith. I think having John "eat his words" might make for an interesting "tail".


,114: and now that they are out from under the Shroud, will John be vulnerable to some things that he has never faced before, similar to getting a head cold (but not a sickness as Progenitors do not get sick), but like that... use your imaginations people, think for Covid weakened Tef... so, come up with a plot device people, ... ;-) TTFN


.116: The last time Tef had us in this type of situation, the half chapter dropped between 7pm and 9 pm in my PDT time zone, it is 06:30 pm now, so with my fingers crossed... and I'm clicking my heel too, ... ;-) TTFN


.117: it's 3 am on the 17th, there hasn't been a dropped chapter yet, off to bed, maybe later this week, ... a note from Tef would be nice, ... Toodles, ... ;-) TTFN


I paid for 148 and 149 so I’ll stay till then


I feel like having paid up front for a chapter 3 times now, as well as receiving half chapters many times, giving us a free chapter would go a long way to restoring some good will.

Rouge Dions

Patiently waiting... Tef tested positive for covid so im sure that sucks as a writer. Get well soon tef

Kenneth House

I would appreciate a short hey people I'm not dead things just got busy so we can use our time in a productive way


Tefler lives as he posted Chap 140 on Lit on the 16th. I believe it’s nearing the time Tefler should consider stepping away from this storyline and recharge. He’s obviously burned out, missing commitments precharging clients etc. Step away from Patreon for a couple months as a breather.


Honestly I thought the whole F5 thing was just a joke.. Now I’m starting to wonder.

Kenneth House

Didn't he go to full time writing when the subscriptions hit a certain level?

Michael carney

Yes. But it's been a long journey. Other authors who deliver in full book form have a chance to do other things. To keep up this pave of producing every month is only leading to burn out, poorer quality of content. Maybe he should step away from the TAM world and write anything else. I am only a lower tier follower and would stay for other short stories of his quality while waiting for TSM in more periodic doses. When I read Amtrak Wars, everytime a new book was published I started to read from book one. Meaning I read book one 6 times. I have read Tefler's other stories. And TSM is so big I believe I'm not alone when I say that I forget characters and scenes. What I don't want to happen is the content to end.


.131 The chapter size has been reduced from 30,000 to some 20,000 words. This was to ease the workload and give time to consider the more complex storyline now. It seems that 20,000 a month is sustainable and if Tefler can write slightly ahead of the current monthly releases there will be time for a break when needed? I too wait for every release and trust they will be ongoing...


.132: Oh, we're Tefler-man-iacs, and we're Zany to the Max, so sit back and relax, you'll press F5 'til you collapse, ... etc, ... Yeah, while not exactly a Joke, we do like to have some fun,... ;-) TTFN


Tefler Posted on Discord Wednesday night [EST] 8:14 PM] Tefler: I've been making good progress on chapter 149. Hopefully I'll be finished by Friday night.


.134: Alright, aiming for Friday evening, ... so there is still the weekend and Monday to get a partial chapter out, and still get paid, ... we are looking at 25th thru to the 28th for TSM #149 (part one?). ;-) TTFN


Certainly may take longer to finish, as he can be a bit overly optimistic. But in context it seemed all of 149 by Friday night was his goal (Leaving some time possibly for a partial 150?)


.136: Oh, and wouldn't that be fantastic, but a complete #149 by itself, so that we can get to a finished/complete chapter (20K words) every month thereafter, would be awesome! ;-) TTFN

Tefler Fan 007

Also has someone working on blueprints for Raptor 2.0 replacement 😁 should be getting those soon.


.138 Looking forward to ch149. Not long now! I have tried to get onto Discord a couple of times but too hard! When I logged in, from memory, nothing much there? Any advice?? Only 26th Feb in Oz. Guess I have to wait for the 1st March....


jdg45 There is lots on the Discord for TSM. But, you do have to show your support level to access the Patreon only content, which is where Tefler spends time (Mostly in the Spoilers area) Here is the link https://discord.gg/KfGF6d6h post something in General and we'll help you through the rest


Tefler, You could just release what you have today and we'll be happy to do the final review before you publish to the free sights ;~) Just sayin' we are happy to do our part as Supporters (i.e.Fanatics)


.144: "OH, WE'RE TEFLER-MAN-IACS, and WE'RE ZANY to the MAX, so, sit back and relax, you'll press F5 'til you collapse, We're Tefler-Man-iacs,... " '-) TTFN


.146: Ta-dah! At 07:36 PST we have TSM #149, completed, ,,, YAY!!! We're Tefler-man-iacs,.. ;-) TTFN

Creative Amoeba

Tefler mentioned a faster pace, which makes me very happy! I think Tefler's strength as a writer is his imaginative plotline. A smaller strength is the dialog that demonstrates relationship-building. I favor the dialog of relationship building between John with the ladies rather than lady with lady. I am not nearly so much into the sex scenes. I look forward to a somewhat simpler plot construction. It seems that there are so many subplots hanging right now. I liked Tony somewhat. Maybe he will end up dying and the cousing being a lioness? I don't care about the human fleet admiral's love life. I don't care about Walker? (the guy on trial). Then there is the potential rebellion, new worlds in lizard's galaxy, the new dragon empress, the naughty fish, the abandoned, the humans - who could always be trouble, the trankarian queen who was nice, the shroud, and so much more it's hard to remember them all. I could imagine John building his empire with some red thralls too. Unlike normal progenitors, I couldn't see him committing genocide on Laern's surviving thralls. It sounds like there is at least one progenitor that is ready to invade, and John's fleet is still lagging behind tech-wise. He needs a better drop ship and his own dreadnaught with dreadnaught killing weapons. And of course, he needs his own massive fleets and additional defenses for his empire. The curious thing would be how much tech he will share and how much burden he will bear on defending other nations. I think he would be stupid to give his best tech away or even to sell it. Then again, he has done things that I consider stupid before. Never trust the humans who are deceitful, aggressive, and generally owe him no allegiance! Nor the dragoness unless you have control or a great relationship with her. I would say that he could probably trust the grays and trankarans, but the Maliri are his and deserve his greatest attention. John has grown leaps and bounds in power, but I am wondering how much he is practicing his own psychic abilities. I suspect that If his blonde matriarch absorbed her guide that she would be more psychicly powerful. (When will that happen?) John should practice more on using his psionics in a way to kill progenitors rather than just practice his swordsmanship. Case in point, why is he not doing anything with the runes of destruction? I would guess that they would work marvelously vs shields!


.147: You sir or madam, are a very Creative Amoeba, I like a lot of your thoughts and questions, And I hope that Tef will get around to tackling some of those fine points you brought up soon, ... ;-) TTFN