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Hey everyone,

I've been working more on chapter 148 this afternoon, and as I said in my previous post I'll upload that for you later tonight before I go to bed. 

Unfortunately, I find myself in dire straits again, having lost so much time being sick this month. I have the final payment to the builders due, so I was trying to complete two billable chapters to pay off that debt.

I really hate having to ask this again, but would you guys mind me billing for chapter 149 at the end of this month instead of February? I know this really upsets some of you, so if you hate this idea, just cancel your patronage and you can re-join at any time next month to avoid the charge. 

I won't bill anything until the early hours of the morning here in the UK (about six hours from now), so that should give you enough time to cancel if you so choose. I really hope you do come back for the rest of the story though, as we're just getting to some long anticipated bits after the recent setup chapters.

Anyway, sincere apologies again. I absolutely would not propose doing this if it wasn't a real emergency, but I promise you will get the completed chapters in February at no extra cost.

Thanks in advance,




Life happens. I'm good! 👍


Fine by me... I know you're good for it :)

rich ed

happy for you to do so. hope covid is kind to you




Do whatever you need for your family.


Go for it, hoping you feel better soon!

Florida Reader

It's all good, Tef. Just keep writing (oh, and try to enjoy your life).


Works for me. Just remember not to charge the second time lol 😛 feel better soon.


No problem do what you need to do


I'm ok


No worries, do what you gotta do. I enjoy the story too much to worry about a few dollars.


Honestly it's quite a small amount of money lol feel better soon!


Yes and I will double my pledge


...Has anyone ever actually said no or gotten mad? Unsubscribing is always an option for the disgruntled and the rest of us will stay here and hold it down. . Do whatever you need to do to get by.


Go for it!! Love your work.


I’m in agreement with Nicholas👍


If you had a tip jar, I think most of us would be thrilled to drop in whatever you need when these things come up - don't stress, enjoy life and family, and keep on writing :)


I’m good as well… Getting well should be your priority. 👍


No problem. It evens out in the end


It's worth the extra, definitely A1 work.


Just asking, do you schedule shifts for how long you write? Maybe standardising your time would help?


Happy to help , hope your feeling better soon . But of course if you die before completing TSM , I will seek out a Necromancer to bring you back to finish . joke :P


Appreciate the heads up, Tef. Thanks for that AND your continued excellence with this story.

Michel Lepage

Yes. Your value for my money is better than almost any other autor a support.


While I do not like this, I appreciate the fact that you posted this early enough for people to consider it. A day or two warning would have been better, but 6 hours is certainly better than no warning at all. I also appreciate that you pointed out a way people can get out of this if they really do not like this. So because if this, I think I’ll stick around.



Austin Mills

I was on the fence the last few times, but now it seems like a trend has started. I sure hope your builders don't start billing you in advance.


Get yourself healthy, I think most of us are ok and understand.


It's all part of the suspense. Feel better soon, write when you can. We know you're good for it.


same tfler bill away i appreciate the sacrifice you make in giving us a great story i hope you and the family pull thru you have our best wishes


And let me point out to everyone, if you opt out of this chapter, and resubscribe next month, you get the chapters for free unless you increase your subscription for two posts in the future.


I'm good with it. It's not like you're taking money away that I need to pay my bills. I know things come up unexpectedly and it can be trying financially.


Upped my level and canceled the monthly limit I set in the early days. You deserve it.

Who Me

I will gladly pay ANYTHING you ask for. This story is just too wonderful. Please take care of your health. Don't want you to get too sick to finish this thing!

Robert Kerr

I don’t mind. It’s the same amount, just front loaded. And I’m happy to help with a cash flow problem.


Go for it. Always here to support

Kyle Oathout

Go for it. We're here to help!


Oh Noes! $2 in a month instead of $1?! Whatever will we do?! 😋 (Or twice what we usually pay at our tier. Whatever it is is virtually meaningless, so feel free to charge more bro!) I'd only have a problem with it if it was an all-the-time deal and you never got caught up. Which isn't your M.O. at all. Feel better man!


Fine with me!


Having had to go through the same this past summer I understand the situation. Get well and good luck with the builders.


No worries Tefler. Happy to help!


Yes I do mind.


They did. We were charged £4,000 up front. There was a second payment before Xmas for £2,000, then the final payment is due now for £3,000.


I do not mind at all.


Nah it's fine go ahead


And thank you for the amazing story you share with us!


Not a problem at all!


I'm sorry about that. Come back next month and read it for free, no hard feelings.


I don't mind to help, and really value your attitude about it. Some would just shorten the chapters to release 2 and bill it anyway.


As long as you keep writing this amazing space saga all is fine with me. I had so much fun reading it that it is well worth it. Get well soon and thank you for the great work!


Just do it. We all want to see you in good health, so relax and recover. Power to you!


I just tripled my per chapter payment. Keep writing.


All good with me!


No problem, but bring Faye back!


Hey, you do what you gotta do. "We're with ya Raynor, I mean Tefler." XD


No problem


No, problem. Love your writing. Take care and I hope you feel better.


Bless you tef - I’m fine with that. Get well and please dont stress over it :-). I’m looking forward to the fruits of your efforts so far, and the rest in Feb. Take care and get well. Don’t take liberties with COVID, it doesn’t like it!

GDay (FMS)

Fine with me Tef, we need you healthy and safe in your own environmental bubble.


All good brother, keep bringing us the awesome story and you got my patronage


Go ahead


I support exactly two people on Patreon, and you were the first, Tefler. I am here until this crazy ride is over or you decide you can't do it anymore. Do what needs to be done, I'm not going anywhere, buddy.


No problem. Keep yourself well. Isn't always that things gang up like this.


Go for it


Of course not, John and the girls would insist!


Your readers fully support you Toffler. Stay safe


I think you should simple post it up and go get some sleep so you can get better. I had it a couple weeks back (vaccinated an boosted) still a couple days of chicken soup ,sleep and liquids did a world of good.

Puttanegra Ficondo

If setting a higher tier will help, I will gladly join it.


I have no issues - I know I don't have much pledged, but I chose to support you and if this is what you need to do to keep writing a story I keep wanting to read I am glad to deal with this. Get well, take care of yourself and your family, and I will look forward to the next installment when it comes. Thanks!


In principle, I would mind if a supplier asked me to pay for goods he could not deliver, but to be honest, I feel that I am getting a bargain. I would up my patronage if it weren't for the fact that I have been unemployed since March 2020 due to being extremely vulnerable and since having fractured my spine in 8 places. So go right ahead, us suffering through this pandemic need to stick together and help each other out.


I’m happy to help.


No worries, Tef.


No problem!!


No problem, take care and I'm looking forward to the releases


I'm agreeable to support you buddy. be well!

Idaho Spud56

Bill me please. :)


Well, I'm disappointed that you are still having to ask for patrons to prepay in order to pay for expenses. I can see in your requests the incredible stress you put yourself under in doing this. I would suggest that you set up a GoFundMe page, but I respect that you would rather borrow from future work than ask for a donation. To assist you I have reset my contributions from $2 to $25, which I will let take effect for the next two releases. I figure I'm still way ahead of the game since I only joined around chapter 136 and immediately picked up four chapters for free. In the meantime, please relax, get well, let the creative process take you to a better place and I look forward to any and all future chapters.


I'm good with that. Life needs to find some other place to take a crap.


I’m upping my contribution as well.


I'll join my colleagues in stepping up and double my contribution for the next two instances. Hope you get well soon!


As i know for sure That i am getting what i am paying for, its ok to pay for it in advance.


Here's a little bit more. Feel better.

Dave Barrack

It's not like we think you're going to take the money and run. Go for it.


No problem. I'm fine with your request. FWIW I considered the possibility of having to make extra-to-normal payments before I ever committed to become a patron of yours here on Patreon and you are merely asking for a payment in advance. Take care and I hope you recover quickly and completely from COVID.


Increased my contribution per chapter. Take care of yourself

Big Orca

Go for it. Get well, and keep the ink flowing!


I have no problem with it. Please take care of your health and family obligations, not just because I love your story, but because you are a human being with feelings and I want to you to continue with both storylines.


Go ahead, I will survive...


I have no problem with it. You always let us know what’s going on in advance.


You’re always good with your word about charging us I have no problems with this


Go ahead, no issues from me at all.


no worries from me either. Just get well soon


Your good for it. Take care man.


Go for it! Thanks for sharing your talent with us who struggle with a two sentence post.

Robert Wrigley

I don't necessarily mind, but I feel compelled to give you a bit of a hard time about it simply because there needs to be at least some pushback to help prevent you from falling into the trap of viewing this as a "standard emergency fund" sort of thing. This is, what, the third time you've done this in two years? And my bigger worry is that if someone decides to escalate to Patreon, what the chances of them just dumping you from the platform over what someone could claim as fraud? If your finances are so tight with 8k a chapter coming in, consider how bad off you'd be (at least in the short term) then. I'm sure most of us would find some other way to support you, but it'd still be a hassle.

Bp Hlpt

No problem, Tefler!


No problem. Happy to...


I don't mind at all either. Unfortunately as Wrigley points out, there's the danger of some idiot causing a problem where there is none.


I'm cool with it. You having security makes me good story! Go for it!


No worries!


.105: Here in the States a few decades ago, there was a country music-comedy television show called Hee-Haw (the sound made by a braying donkey) anyway, there was a regular sketch that they did each week, where they started it off by singing, "If it weren't for bad luck, I'd have no luck at all", and now your troubles do remind me of that gleefully mournful tune... be good to yourself, and yes bill me for #149 this month... you've proven that you are good for it! take care... ;-) TTFN


As a physician (internist) who went through COVID 1984 in 7/2020 and now just got past omicrom; many of us experience months of chronic fatigue after the virus is long gone. This is not unique to this virus, but it is a common problem with it. This may be affecting Tefler's performance. Someone else mentioned an oxymeter and in fact O2% is the single most important number to follow with the original strain. The original strain also caused tiny strokes (lacunar strokes) in a few people which in some led to some intermittent neurological symptoms. That is because by attaching to the ACE II recepotor on the endothelium, it would uncover an underlying polymeric von Willebrand factor that promotes clotting in the arterioles (which is also why BP tends to roller coaster). Omicrom is milder and attacks more the upper airways. However, there are many free apps that turn smartphones into reliable oxymeters; though for ease of use you can't beat the little clip ons. I will not go on and on about COVID 1984 but thought to add these 2 comments, plus of course I have to write about my wife. At 62% O2 sat, she looked like a smurf (at 4'11" I would not call her a Maliri, plus she was dark blue). Why did she get there? Because when I took a little time to go bathroom, she took off her oxygen and went looking for Oreo cookies. Me and the kids had a complete meltdown yelling at smurfette. In all my years I have never seen 62% outside of someone dying in an ICU, and I mean dying. How she was walking and coherent is explained because she is Morticia, and we are the Addam's family. It was a colleague that began calling us "The Addam's Family after several of us were reported to the medical literature for bizarre diseases. The latest, my first grandson, is now part of the international genetic database as only the second known mutation of his kind. My family would keep Rachel amuzed for quite some time.


Just doubled my contribution - hope that helps!


I really wish you would just split the chapters into shorter chunks and do it that way. I would rather get 2 chapters a month that are half as long (and pay for them both!) than have this thing where you are sort of borrowing from your readers. Your content is amazing, and I wouldn’t mind paying more for the same number of words. But it does make me feel uncomfortable to sort of loan you money by getting incomplete chapters. Just make them shorter and charge the same amount per chapter. You will make more money, your fans will be happier getting more consistent (though shorter) chapters, and you won’t have to worry about what day of the month it is.

Stephen Paynter

Just doubled my contribution - shows my comments about feminism really weren't meant as criticism.


In the old times you had around 3 chapters a month. I don’t mind at all, even prefer


fine by me. go for it.

Steven Allen

I too do not mind, while I miss the old days, I find these later chapters where you are taking more time are better than some of the earlier chapters.


Since you insist on sticking to writing one great chapter per month I’m going to have to insist on raising my tier. Damn, you’re good. 😏


Go ahead & hit me!!! I even increased my tier. I will also say that while I love the big chapters, I think some of the comments about going back to more, smaller chapters each month may be onto something. With this big, beautiful story/universe you have created, you shouldn't feel bad at all about "hitting" us for smaller chapters more times a month. But having said that, it is to your credit that you worry about it at all. Just do all of us fans a HUGE favor?!?!? Don't stress so much you burn yourself out!!! I've seen to many good stories die unfinished because the author lost their muse from stressing about such things.


All good with me. Please take care of your health and your family. Thanks!


I'm fine with this and went one patreon level up. These are somewhat stressful times and I'm always happy to read one of your stories.


Go ahead man, for all of us fans, we don’t mind to keep the TSM journey alive even if it makes us wait a little longer. Just makes the journey even better


Go for it, keep the journey going.

Thin Mint Ninja

Sounds good to me. Keep up the good work!


As a show of support as many have also done. And as my first time commenting. I too have raised my level.

Dark Storymaker

Good with it. Definitely worth it


Like Dark Storymaker Go for it.. your doing good and ur health is primary..


What's the point of avoiding a charge? All of us pay chapter wise Thinking of getting a free doc is cheap Rather pay in advance


I’m good with it.


When a friend asks for help, you help them.


Good on my end!

Randall Herzog

To help out I just upped from $3 to $10 per story.


Green Light! Go for it

Philip Lemon

I strongly agree with this idea AND I understand that method my not work for Tefler. This is a massive story that I love reading. Please take of your health and family!


Hi Tef, I signed up to support a (great) author, not for a magazine or book subscription. And support is obviously needed now. And support is what I will continue to give. Hopefully the majority of the supporters will have a similar view. (And get well soon)


All good Tefler, do the billing however you need to do it.


Happy to continue to support this story, rather you wrote than worried.


Go for it. I hope your Covid strike was a glancing blow


I'm good with it and agree with Kim (above).


No problem, just get well.


I’m cool, get better

JC Armstrong

Dude so not a worry just get better

Christopher Miller

If this was something that happens several times a year and you were chronically behind I would be annoyed. Probably to the point I'd just cancel and jump back in a couple times a year to reengage with the story. It doesn't happen that way though. It sounds like a series of health problems with a financial crisis with your home has put you in a bind. I have no issue supporting on of my favorite authors with a modest contribution for material to be available in a few weeks. Get healthy and I'll look forward to reading the next full chapters soonish.


Tefler, thanks for the transparency.. It is truly appreciated!


I’m good with it Tef❤️


Fine by me.