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Hey everyone!

I've added more to the chapter, but my son helpfully gave me a heavy cold, so it's been hard to wrap everything up. 

I want to add a couple more scenes to conclude Jade's current subplot, and I might also chop the final scene with the rogue colonies, then push that back a chapter to better fit the timeline (it should occur at 9pm). I left it in here to give you something of a preview of how that particular storyline develops.

All being well (excuse the pun), I should be able to wrap up the rest of this chapter by tomorrow. 

I hope you enjoy it,


P.S. You haven't been charged for this post.



Thank you, Tefler! Heh! Never had the first post before! :-)


Waaaaat!!!! Was not expecting this one. Thanks Tef! Get better!


Thanks Tefler.


.5: Attaboy Tef, head-cold and all, ya done good! 18.7K word count ;-) TTFN


Hi Tef, thank you very much for releasing Ch. 144. Looking forward to reading it and getting the update tomorrow (or in a day or two!). I hope you get over your cold quickly and your family stays healthy over winter!


Take care of you and your family Tef. Thanks for this but then again darn because my next few waking hours/ days will be consumed with the great TSM saga.......


Great chapter Tef .... interesting to see why the Nymphs were created ;)

Bp Hlpt

Thanks, Tefler!


Best of health to you and your family, and thanks so much for another installment!




Agreed. It’s what a number of us speculated on, but good to see it as being confirmed.


Another chapter showing further confirmation of just how imaginative, suspenseful and thoroughly entertaining the TSM story continues to be! Thank you Tefler for being the master storyteller you are and sharing your talent with us!

GDay (FMS)

Thank you Tefler, your universe is a welcome distraction. Keep up the great work.


.17: Okay, #144 is an awesome chapter, currently at around a 18.7K word count, and subject to adjustments in the next day or two,.. and today was two days later than originally scheduled when Tef announced his ambitious November schedule of three completed, albeit smaller, (less than his normal of around 30K words) chapters. So my question is do we still expect TSM #145 on the 19th (a Friday) or a couple days later, the following Monday (the 22nd)? So unless Tef intends for #145 to be noticeably shorter still, I should think he'll require the extra days,.. This TSM #144 had quite a few typos and word mistakes that Tef doesn't normally let get by him into the dropped copy,.. shows that his head cold let him slip a little,.. I should expect him to need another day or two to avoid errors like that in completing the next chapter,.. and was the nearly 19K word count in TSM #144, just a little bit larger than this new, smaller format will get to be? If all the Outer Rim paragraphs are removed to the next chapter, then that might put the total word count closer to what it will be for our new normal? Say around 8K to 12K average, but now a couple of drop times per month, so that's also with twice the comment opportunities with his fan base on Patreon,.. this could really be pretty good! ;-) TTFN


I'm a mazed how much Background and ideas you have created for this Saga. I love it!


"Conclude Jade's current subplot" makes me tremendously excited! Also, the rebels are in for quite the surprise when Lynette is entirely supportive.


I don't know it you read these Tefler but on what is my page 25 is the line "“It’s not always away the money, Luce,”". Instead of "away" did you mean "about"? If so you can fix it before the general public sees it. If not, my bad and I apologize for coming across as nit-picky. Just you are my favorite author on Lit and I don't want people to see anything other than the best.


Holy sh***t, it gets better and better ;-D


Spotted a couple of telepathy - speech mismatches, *Thanks for letting me know,* John said gratefully. *Send Irillith to my Ready Room, then gather everyone else in here. I’ll find out what’s wrong with Irillith, then we’ll join you.” *We’ve been over this before, Edraele,* John said sternly. *You two are completely different people now!” and a digit misalignment with the keyboard. ... audience. “Hugh Command might like to keep its planetary governors in the dark ...


Thanks for letting me know. I've fixed that and updated the doc. :)


Thanks for those edits. I've corrected them, so they should be fine now! :)


Your killing me Tef, absolutely killing me. I can't wait for the next chapter


I have just listened to this part of the chapter and going yes! yes!! yes!!!...... Git. What a cliffhanger. Get well soon.


lots or exciting things happened, cant wait to see how Lynette handles Stephan and what Dana and Tashana find on Lorath to help them reach the next level...going to be interesting to see if Mael escaped the explosion in the war with Rahn and is in a room watching John and company. Most of all, it is going to be interesting to see what happens with Jade.

John P

We need to really maximise the drama - make one of the governors secretly the child of a Galen Prime rebel. One that John killed personally.

John P

Also I really want to see some movement on the Trankarans finding out John is actually the son of The Despoiler.


Being sick is no fun Tefler! Get better soon. I am starting my second read through when I get off work. These chapters need more than one read through.


Really important insight into the technical superiority of the Achonin. If this is right then there is a potential treasure trove of tech superior to the Progenitors in the Achonin refinery. Remember those weapons that were activated by the Enshunu?


God's are often relatives of evil ones. I doubt it would startle them much.

Son Of Anubis

Calara getting her hands on those defense turrets would be something terrifying


What if John and team can replicate Jades heart to bring back Fay?

Son Of Anubis

At this point Tef would tease the possibility before an "Accident "happens and all research is lost


Thanks! Looking forward to reading this one after a long day at work


.38: And maybe even greater Achonin tech knowledge to be found on Kythshara (if the AI didn't take it with it/him/her?), or possibly from Jade when she makes her double agent 'report' to John ,.. this story is so much fun! ;-) TTFN


Awesome! Wasn’t expecting this. I’m busy today so I’ll read it Friday night and maybe you’ll have posted a final version by then.


loved the chapter !!


.42: So, awesome #144, right? now will #145 be before or after next weekend? Even if it's on the Monday or Tuesday after (22nd - 23rd) that is still pretty good, a fast answer to our cliffhanger... thank you in advance Tef, feel better soon, and I hope your little boy is feeling better too... ;-) TTFN


So, so, good


.43: And how about if she can get a few Genthelas engineers and a few Malari fleet ships (before they get sent out on black Fleet recovery), and have them dismantle and relocate a few of those cloaked weapon turrets of Mael's and set 'em up to protect Valaden and the Genthelas station... those Maliri work pretty fast... give them a week to ten days, maybe? It would make Calara happy! ;-) TTFN


I was feeling too rough to write today, so I'll wrap up chapter 144 tomorrow. As I mentioned in the post, I'll add a bunch of new scenes to this one and cut the final governor scene, which I'll push back to 145. The Fleet Admiral arriving at Brecken's World happens at 9pm and it's still early afternoon in the scene where they're discussing Jade.


Damn it, Johnny boy! First you storm the super-secret dungeon without level-grinding, then you've been neglecting symmetrically balancing your party! Get it together before the Fate of the Galaxy ends up proper-fucked.


Hope you feel better!

Jim lynch

Oh not again what a spot to stop the chapter arghh. What a chapter it was though Jesus the nymph’s great twist tefler great twist I’m wondering how that will play out in the end ?.

Son Of Anubis

It made so much sense. Just imagine, "Execute Order 66" from the perfect infiltrators and they could destroy whole governments


It was fantastic. Thank you! Rest up and get better soon!


Sorry for the silly question, so has this been updated yet? The file size is almost the same and I was wondering if that was just the typos being fixed.

Tefler Fan 007

No update yet….he said on discord last night he would try today but his son was sick.


Wow - some serious revelations. My theory now is that the shroud was created by the Achonin as a way to break the chain of command between Xar and progenitors. It’s interesting that the Achonin were too powerful to defeat. It seems like those weapons could be used to defeat other progenitors but there must be a problem with this idea because Mal’ didn’t do this and he had tens of thousands of years of opportunity. My theory is that he didn’t have access to their most powerful weapons or technology to build them. I thought it was mentioned that Ailita would be the key. Possibly she never returned to Mal’ to have her memories erased and she knows the Achonin secrets… or where they are.


I don't see the problem with the different time zone's issue. The governor's are on a different planet, John and the girls are in Maliri space. Maybe it makes sense in Tefler's head but we have 4 time zone's from east coast to west coast in the U.S. so I don't see the need to rewrite that part of 144. As I said it might work in the authors head but I don't understand why.

Tefler Fan 007

TFed fleet operates on Earth standard time. Maliri are 4 to 6 hours ahead, can’t remember which.


.63: Dear AzureReader (the Maliri must just LOVE you!), you forget that Mael'nerak mind wiped all those little kittens before he let them loose on their very own planet... so with the exception of our very own double agent, Jade, no one else has any of their earlier memories, you don't think that Ailita is a double agent also do you? What are the odds, sheesh!? SMH ;-) TTFN


The military all use Terran Standard Time, and it's not so much about timezones for the rigid 9pm arrival, but the travel time it takes the fleet to get to Brecken's World. As for timezones... well they'd be different on every planet, with some having shorter or longer day and night cycles depending on their size and speed of rotation. To save me pulling my hair out trying to track everything, most of the planets they arrive at are on "Invictus time". That is, if it's day time for the crew, then it's day time in the city they land on. I have made a few specific changes to mix that up in the story so far, but that's mostly for dramatic effect rather than any scientific reason.


Its always daytime somewhere on a planet.....unless its tidally locked! Then its just a mess!


Thanks Tefler for the explanation. It makes sense that way.


.69: Oh, darn it! I had a long and winding comment after Tef's 'Time' clarification, and it just up and 'poofed' on me... yeah, yeah TF007, I'm getting old and hit the wrong button... I don't think so... but it was mostly a see there, Author's creative license... Plus, a whole lot concerning the gangs own time crunch, known and unknown... and I can hardly wait for TSM #145 in a week or two! oh boy! ;-) TTFN


Why were the girls not "pre loaded" prior to the dangerous exploration at Valada and the entrance to the mists? Why was not even an attempt made to psychically remove the etherite containing metal Maelnerak used?The 10 shaped rapto armour was supposedly immune to beam weaponry, so why is the 35 shaped armour easily destroyed by Maelnerak's weapons?

Jedi Khan

Because Mael's weapons are something other than laser energy weapons, which is what CA is immune to.


Mael is dead. John can't claim Maliri if he was alive. Nymphs would not have accepted John as ultimate master if Mael is alive.


it's daytime somewhere even if it IS tidally locked.....it's just that it's ALWAYS daytime there.


.81: Regarding the 'pre-loading' of the girls before a dangerous mission, to allow John to know if any of his crew were hurt, and to psychically heal them ASAP... but he has to spread it out over a number of the Lionesses... So, my Question is: how long a time is a 'pre-load' good for? My answer: John puts that dose on 'stand-by' and it's not on-the-clock until it is needed, or the mission is over with. Maybe Tef's time sense is different, but all those fractional loads would normally be rapidly absorbed by say Alyssa or Dana (minutes only), so some type of holding action was needed... Come on #145 and #146... I want to get to the REFIT soon, and away from my disappointment that no way to bring back Faye has been or is likely to be found anytime soon. ;-) TTFN


I keep coming back to the fact that there is no preplanning durng the DOWN times beween fighting. While John is capable of releasing a full load (I believe) every four hours, his primary function on the ship aside from overll leadership should be filling a vat full of his cum so they have reserves at the ready in the event it is IMMEDIATELY needed as is the case with the injuries suffered in their most recent actions. We know Larn keeps vats filled (presumably to get his thralls pregnant without the act of sex) so a Progenator's cum will keep. Why has Rachel (the planner) not suggested one of the ladies help him provide reserves during the down times? It seems like an obvious miss. Also, it would provide all of his women with a preload before they fight, not just those presumably in danger AND it will help in the further development of them as more cum helps develop their psychic powers as time goes by.


I must say I love the resolution of "what are the Nymphs". Previous theories were way off and this solution is much better than our theory crafting. Which is not going to stop us from doing more theory crafting of course. The Enshunu have been theorized as being an abandoned Thrall race. What if they're actually the descendants of the Achonin that have experienced a societal regression akin to the Maliri? Would explain some of their indepth knowledge.

Son Of Anubis

Let the crafting continue on!!! Isnt there in the Brimorian Conclave? It would be a shame if she was secretly triggered to eliminate an annoyance to John


I have a question about Jade's "activation." Why is she being "activated" now if she was changed by the Achonin to get back at Mael'Nerak. We know from the video archives that the Nymphs had their minds wiped of the Achonin by Mael'Nerak...released and settled on Lenarra some 70,000 years ago...if I remember right. She is with him in the room in that video on Kythshara, so why didn't the Achonin glyphs on her heart activate at that time in his presence? She was obviously around Mael'Nerak AFTER the end on the Achonin when she would have been captured and altered. Did I miss something?

Jedi Khan

Other than the timing for when the Nymphs were freed by Mael, you're correct. Something is missing, but we won't know what that is until John has a look at Jade. As for when the Nymphs were released, it wasn't 70k years ago, it was more like just over 10k years ago.

Idaho Spud56

Great chapter, looking forward to what happens with Jade and the meeting with the Admiral.


I have 2 theories on why Jade locked up. 1st being that John has given her free will and she chose to lock up to not "betray" him by reporting. That would make a lot of sense. The 2nd theory is there might possibly be a few Achonin still around. If they saw the threat and realized it to the point to try and alter it then I think some might have gone into hiding and possibly kept one or more nymphs to experiment on to turn the weapon around so to speak. I'm thinking since we are missing say 50k years of Jades life she might have been holed away and experimented on by an Achonin and when they deemed her to be finished with the reprogramming set her free to report back. I think this theory would make a very interesting storyline because it just may give John a new potential ally against the other progenitors. Enemy of my enemy type deal. He finds the last Achonin(s) and they help each other defeat the other progens. Could unlock more technology to help stave off the incoming threat until John and the others can figure out how to make a soulless forge strong enough to go toe to toe.


.105: I'm sorry Matt, but I am afraid there a few holes in your creative theories... 1st theory: there'd be no 'reporting' betrayal as John (the Progenitor) would the one she'd report to. And on the Achonin side, it's not reporting that Jade is fighting against, but some form of physical violence, i.e.: a 100 ft Dragon can do a lot of damage... I believe that is why Jade is 'locked up', she is/was preventing herself from destroying the raptor and killing the crew along with John... 2nd theory: Refer to Occum's razor, and don't make up more variables than you need to understand a problem, the possibility of a surviving Ancient Achonin is a fantasy, creative and imaginative, but a fantasy. Tef's twists are a wee bit bolder and usually quite unexpected... -- And besides the six Sun Forges the Trankarans have, there might even still be Mael's prototype Sun Forge around Kythshara somewhere and maybe enough stockpiled raw materials to let Dana repair the Raptor, maybe allowing Sparks to understand it, while testing it out prior to 'fixing' the Trankaran's Sun Forges... Kythshara can still, possibly be a real treasure trove of tech and knowledge for John and the girls... but will they be able to restore Faye? I am worried that Tef won't let it happen, not yet anyway... '-) TTFN


.107: Poor Tef and son of Tef with head-colds... delaying his work, i.e. the publishing of his redo of TSM chapter #144, and the dropping of #145 (delayed-pushed back one week, ten days, more-less?), originally schedule for this next Friday (the 19th)... expect at least a weeks delay on that one... So, in spite of a burning desire for the next chapter(s), I am wishing Tef and family good health and feel better soon! ;-) (-; ;-) TTFN


Friday, on Discord, he indicated that he was feeling much better. Tefler — 11/12/2021 "I'm over the worst of it"


Welp… guess his new method of keeping us updated wasn’t going to last for long. I’ll check back on Friday and maybe there’ll be another update.


Did tefler add to this chapter like he said he would or was it already done?


Thanks !raptor


I donot expect an update soon anymore


I suspect he will update it as he posts 145, since he's planning to remove, or rather move scenes around, so that nobody feels hurt that scenes disappeared from the chapter.


.122: I like that 'guess' vontzki, and it smacks of Tef exactly... good call! ;-) TTFN


Teflers illness was an obvious case of Rogan's rot. Lucky thing some pretty doctor lady invented a cure :)


And thank you Forbsey for asking so I didn't have to. :-)


.126: Oh, the poor guy, Rogan's Rot is serious stuff, hope the 28th century T-Fed medical community has cleared the cure for him to use... if not the Invictus might need to make a little side trip for emergency medical aid; they could test out their brand-new worm-hole generator... providing Dana has built the darn gizmo yet, ;-) TTFN


Tef doesn’t screw around with the life disasters. If he doesn’t have ebola his roof is caving in. Still, if he can finish 144 by end of the month and 145 by end of December he will have doubled the 1/2 chapter a month speed we’ve adapted to. Best wishes Tef. Please don’t walk under ladders. Or breath in the presence of other people.


Tef's pretty lucky that his 'job' nowadays is writing erotic sci-fi. Can you imagine ANY employer who would have retained him had he been as reliable with work as he has with writing? He sure picked the right time to change career paths ;)


In his defense he is pretty consistent. He was very consistent with the 1/2 chapter a month for quite a while. I think setting overly optimistic estimates of writing speed without factoring in “life happening” is what causes some readers to be disappointed. Scotty from Star Trek would say a chapter ‘“cannough be finished in less than four months, Capt’n.” Then be a miracle worker for delivering in two.


How's this for a twist: Xar’aziuth was a female Kyth’faren who reversed the natural patriarchy and now runs progenitors as polyandry.


LaForge had to remind Picard that he did not purposely exagerate the timing as Scotty did. Still prefer the original despite the drawbacks.


"Beam me up, Scotty." was never actually said.


I just wish Tef would stop making promises or statement that he will be producing more or less. Just write, and put out the chapters whenever they are done. Don't try to keep to a timetable, if you don't put out a chapter every month, so what! If you put out one or more, Yeah! If the chapter is 30k words that's wonderful but if it isn't that's great too. None likes a padded story anyhow. There are some authors I support who don't put out chapters for months on end, others put out multiple stories a month. It doesn't mater, you've got a great story and we all love it. Just stop making promises, it disappoints everyone when you fall short.


I 100% agree. Love the story but tired of promise’s. Make it a chapter a month or give a schedule you can meet. Also, it’s annoying when I read a almost done chapter and then get a update that he changed something or added more. Just my observation


Just a thought for all of you who don't like how Tefler is doing this. Go find something else to do for a year.! Stay away from the story and when you come back only read a chapter per month. problem fixed. Then we don't have to read the whining . Your happy and we are happy.


Ah, Tef. The anticipation is well worth the payoff. An extremely well thought out universe and a compelling story line with characters who are actually interesting is hard to grind out on a schedule. I'll keep checking, and when you've completed the next chapter, I'll be there.


*you're And everyone is entitled to their opinion. No need to tell people to GTFO if you don't agree with them. Suggesting an abeyance from reading the story is fine. Phrasing it as such is just poor form. May I also point out you are whining about people whining? On top of that you suggest people should not read things to avoid vexation, yet you yourself are vexed over the things you read. Perhaps you should lead by example...


I think it's fairly safe to say that we're all here because we love the story. Some of us just have some well-founded issues with the management around it. I fully understand that creativity does not come on a fixed schedule. That isn't what the grievances tend to be about. I hope lessons will be learned at some point, but I'm not holding my breath.


Anything new?


,147: No, not yet Kensyi... my best guess would be to check back on Friday (19th), maybe? ;-) TTFN


What if... Lenarans can survive the Kirrix life cycle and they have a bunch of them stowed away being constantly tortured? John would go ballistic on a whole new level.

Idaho Spud56

Just noticed you had a cold. Lots of vitamin c, vitamin d, zinc with quercetin (which helps to absord the zinc).


I thought of this back when the crew went to the asteroid where the AI fleet spawned from and Jade healed in rhino form. It'd be a dark twist for sure.


.152: uh. Dr. Potato head? ... And 65 years old too? ... welcome to the club! ;-) TTFN


It's the 19th. I do wonder if Tefler will deliver 145 today. While we wait. What did Faye see on the internal cameras that she never got to tell John about?


It’s unlikely 145 is coming out today if he hasn’t finished 144.


.155: Faye wanted to speak to John about it, but she felt she could wait, indicating that she didn't think it was important enough to break into his schedule for... However, it might be that Something was Larn or his minions / thralls, or his ship's computer system was doing (snooping)... she might have detected something, maybe? And if Larn's ship in its snooping about the Invictus might have made a copy of all the Invictus's files and programs... maybe there is a copy of Faye buried in what is now Rahn'hagon's ship... if only Faye could talk to Jessica, then they could reach out to John with some good news... ;-) TTFN


.156: What if Tef drops both the update #144 and the completed chapter #145 together? He could well do that... and it could be today! (This was his originally scheduled date for #145), or he might at least write us a note saying he is still catching up from the days lost due to illness... fingers crossed for #145 TODAY!... ;-) TTFN


Well shit… unfortunately no update today. Guess that means we won’t hear from him until the end of the month. Sucks, because he really had me convinced he had changed and would be keeping us informed more often.


the fat lady has not sung my friends......


oops that should have been the larger sized person of x gene persuasion has not yet had an opportunity to express her/she itself in these gender and size biased times.....


162: Yes! The hefty Lady has warbled! -- TSM#144 complete with Additional scenes... 2K+ more words, even after removing that formerly last Outer Rim scene of the Fleet Admirals eminent arrival... well done Tef, feeling better, now so are we! Hazzah! ;-) TTFN

John Doe

And… Tef is baaaaccckkkk! Whatta story!!!