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Hey everyone!

A nasty cold has wreaked havoc with my intended schedule for this month, but I've finally completed chapter 144.

I cut out the final scene with the governors and have pushed that into chapter 145, because it wasn't in the correct place in the timeline. So that was about 2.5k I cut, which I've now replaced and expanded with different scenes. 

I hope you enjoy the new section I've added with the different ending to the chapter. I'll continue on with chapter 145 and will try to wrap that up as quickly as possible. I have most of that chapter planned out already, so I'm hoping to make rapid progress.

Anyway, here is chapter 144 in its entirety. Please let me know if you spot any typos!







Feel better soon




WOW...what a ride!!!! After that, 145 cannot come soon enough!!!! More questions than ever left for answering. Such a stimulating saga!!!


.6: Thank you Tef... it seems that you are feeling a whole lot better now, and I hope your son has gotten over that nasty head-cold bug also... #144 updated... now #145 by End of Month? maybe? creativity-writing joy-quality, stay true to your convictions Tef... and as for the updated #144-WOW! 21K+ words, up from 19K- words, well done on those added scenes... ;-) TTFN


Seems like levels are on the way; yay!


Huzzah!!! Thank you for this update! Glad to see you are better and back to posting!

Bp Hlpt

Many Thanks, Tefler!


Thank you! One typo: Alyssa carefully levitated Jade onto a >>flouting<< gurney


Well done, Tefler! That’s one down, one more to go! I am looking forward to the full restoration of the last of John’s girls.


Sorry if this is really dumb, but I'm new here. I downloaded the 144 from the 10th, and this new 144 from the 19th, and the endings are identical. Not sure what I'm missing. Appreciate any tips.


Never mind, I figured it out. Downloading from this page got me identical docs, even though from different posts. Downloading from my email notification, which I haven't done before, got me the new one. Sorry to be a bother.

Jedi Khan

So, why does John turn to his left when facing off against dragon Jade, when she's coming in from three o'clock, which is to his right?


Excellent! Edge of the seat stuff! Thanks for a great one!

CJ Mora

Nice work on the extra scenes, Tefler! I'm very anxious to see what happens next!! There's a nasty cold here in the States, too, that takes about 2 weeks to recover after a week of being sick. I hope you didn't catch that variety...either way, I hope you're feeling better!


I'll be honest: I don't care you about the date when you release a new chapters. if its every 2 weeks, every month, every... (yes the longer the wait the worse, but the great story is enough payback :) ) BUT: If you set a date, it creats expectation. So i am looking forward to it. And if its not out on that date, i understand, i know healt or the real life is more important (honestly), but i am still a little dissapointed that its not out. So please, just dont give a concrete date und just say "in the next weeks" or something :) and then take the time you need :)


Discussing Irrilith's aversion to using her psychic abilities due to old Edrael's torture, speaking with her:  You should probably skip dinner, because I’ll deal with you tonight. I’ll resolve this nonsense with Irillith when I get back to the Invictus.* They're already on the Invictus. Genthalas? Valaden?


If others haven't tried this, the MS Word/review/cpmpare feature is gret for seeing what has been changed and added


.27: Question one: with the runes gone, what changes will Jade face now? loss of some ancient memories or more freed up? Question two: Will she now be able to handle weapons or wear armor? Question three: what might she 'report' to John? and Tef only knows... stay tuned... TSM #145 is coming soon, by the end of the month? -- And John and the girls can get on with: retrieving Larn's ghost fleet... starting the refit / upgrade of vessels (the Invictus, the Raptor, etc.) ... looting / requestioning (safely) from Kythshara, advanced and powerful weapons and technology to defend Maliri space-plus... and finally to restore our Faye? ;-) Oh, and bring dying Matriarchs out of their comas... ;-) And to prove Tom Walker's innocence, once they know of him and his frame up situation... ;-) TTFN


Another excellent chapter. Moving the govenors meeting to ch 145 and resolving Jade's current crisis was the right way to go.


Thanks for wrapping up 144 Tef. Wish we could have learned more about those Achonin runes. It would be useful to have runes that turn thralls against their progenitor.


I don't think the Governor's should get a free ride. Tefler may intend to write it into the storyline later but the Governor's need to be scanned by Alyssa just as the Admirals were. John and Alyssa both have already stated they would support the outer rim worlds but we all know politicians are crooked. So no free ride should be given.

Pat White

Thank you Tef. I am so glad you went back and finished it the way you did. Hope you and your family are feeling better.


Found two errors, one you spelled to as ot, search for space ot space and you will find it, and the second was you dropped the letter i in the word putting. NOTE, I fast forwarded through the sections that seemed to be repeated from the earlier offerings.


"Whilst endearing themselves to their master in such an <> way", I think you just need <>.


Clarifying, the new scenes were at the end of the chapter, right? Nothing added to the middle?


Mr. Tefler is on discord if you want to chat with him


... You should probably skip dinner, because I’ll deal with you tonight. I’ll resolve this nonsense with Irillith when I get back to the Invictus.* Except he's in the Ready Room on the Invictus. I thought at first you might have meant back to the Palace but I've talked myself out of that so I'm at a loss!


Bravo, Thank you for your continued amazing efforts.


Tefler. covered a lot of ground in the chapter Looks like you are trying up all the arcs and we might be finished by winter; end a couple more chapters until finish?


Thank you for writing this. Having 4 (now adult) human parasites of my own, I sympathize. As a physician, when asking a woman if she might be pregnant, I ask her if she might have an "internal human parasite". After explaining myself, I often comment that the human parasite infection is the only one that gets worse after getting the parasite out of the mother. My wife of 42 years and I love our kids, though we sometimes remind them they were only a necessary step to getting our (so far) 3 grandkids. Hang in there Tefler, few easy things are worth while.


.51: Yeah, Dr. Spud, ... this revised chapter was even better (and longer too) than the first version of TSM#144, with much more Jade fixing... we needed that! And I can scarcely contain my voracious need for the next chapter (#145)... And since Tef lost around a week to ten days with his illness... And I really hope/expect it by end of the month? And that's about four too many sentences beginning with the word 'And' !!... ;-) TTFN

Tefler Fan 007

I’m so looking forward to 145😁. Been mostly on Discord and hearing what Tefler has planned is great. https://discord.gg/jk9TG9kd


Much better ending

Jim lynch

Yes a lovely ending and it’s about time you let go of your usual abhorrent endings that do my nerves no good at all lol thanks for the extra words I must say I’m looking forward to the next chapter very very much.

Tom Ray

Chapter 145??????????????????????????????????????????????????


Not to spoil things but I’m pretty sure the Shroud is on the Achonin ‘mining’ facility. The working theory is that Mael’ didn’t destroy that facility because it was an insignificant mining operation. But I think Mael’ knew the Shroud was what made it possible for him to escape from Xar’. A progenitor under Xar’s control could not have made such a thing so it had to be the Achonin’s. And the mining base is pretty much the only thing left of them. If not there it has to be on a hidden Achonin base we haven’t seen yet. I’m pretty sure Achonin tech is going to be the key to winning the Progenitor war. They have to get it from the Achonin mining base, or perhaps out of the memory of one of the nymphs that wasn’t wiped by Mael’.

Tom Ray

that has been destroyed.... oops spoiler......


Well are we going to see 145 in a few days?


He was planning on two chapters this month so he may pull it off


if you read his update on Oct 31 , chapter 145 is over due by 10 days and 146 is due tomorrow.


Surely you are not implying that we will not receive two full chapters tomorrow?


Have spent this month rereading the entire series from the beginning. Finished just in time for chapter 145. Yay! But then what will I do next month? Sigh


Has the Bromian fish king been killed yet?


.85: Well sighing Sven, you will have then joined the rest of us anxiously awaiting the next chapter, but lucky timing for you, Tef is in the process of altering his chapter size and frequency. He will be writing shorter (not the average 30.000+ word chapters) but we will see just how long these twice per month offering will be,.. maybe around 10K to 16K per short chapter, however the 1st one (#144) was over 20K... so Tef is finding his new comfort zone. But if he averages around 12K to 16K per these new shorter chapters, that would be in the 30K word count of his most recent chapters, and that would be every month,.. if he can keep to that schedule,.. fingers crossed. Again sir, you have good timing! ;-) TTFN


.86: Well CR, I would like to think that ole fish-face, the big bad Brimorian Deep Lord will get filleted very soon, but by who? There are the Maliri that are rescuing the Abandoned, and there are many of Gahl'kalgor's Black fleet cruisers scouting for Baen'thelas and they might stop for a bite of sea food, just to pass the time,.. and then if John gets a spare minute I'm sure that he would like to cut the balls off of that slimy character. -- However Vizth Hal, I don't think Athgiloi knows his time is really limited, but he is worried things are not working out for him and he really doesn't know why. he-he! ;-) TTFN

Tefler Fan 007

12 hours till drop😁😁😁

Tefler Fan 007

The Brimorian Deep Lord is going to take it really deep from the Kirrix Hive Queen 😁. The last kirrix Dreadnought should be hitting brimorian space soon and when it discovers the border fleet wiped out and Abandoned gone they are going to decide to have fish for Dinner and Desert 🤣


11 days since 144 was finished, so the chances for even half a chapter are not good. But I’m hopeful anyway.


.91: Oh yeah TF007, that's a real possibility... those bugs must feeling backed up against the by now... so look out! ;-) TTFN


.92: So what-cha think? A whole, but short, TSM #145 today? or a half chapter? or just a note saying that he is working on it? Huh? I think that we will get something to read, or he doesn't get paid for the month of November... Maybe another glossary? So what-cha think? ;-) TTFN


Ch122 Beth studied him in fascination. "I've never had a chance to take a close look at your eyes before. I thought they were all blue, but you've actually got golden rings around your pupils... they're beautiful." Surely this will be resolved in a matter of hours now... Please?


I wouldn't bet on it, but I am definitely curious to see where that goes. I wonder how she would (will?) react.


I'm thinking about 10 more chapters will see some movement on Tom


So about 50 chapters to tie in the Walker arc? Seems plausible.


Come on everyone let the man do his stuff we all love his story we only pay when he posts a chapter if he doesn’t then we don’t pay. Please don’t push let’s be happy when Tefler does post


.96: So we'll get to see Gahl'kelgor's ass being royally kicked by around chapter #150, and then the Tom Walker sub-plot finally gets rolling around #200? That seems about right! ;-) TTFN

Son Of Anubis

I didnt say this before bit RIP Raptor. You a tough badass warhorse and very clever girl.


Here are some typos I’m not sure have been caught yet…I hope I’m reading the latest version. Just when I thought I had this figured out, bjcreek’s comments have me second guessing. Typos: She zoomed in using her Paragon suit’s HUD and searched for any sign of (moment) Alyssa made a quick gesture and a dozen telekinetic hands surrounded them. “I know your Paragon suits are wrecked; I’ll just carry you back to Rachel.”   He nodded his assent (consent?), then they rose into the air beside Alyssa. “That’s not the first time I’ve been (favourable) compared with an elephant,” he said, waggling his eyebrows suggestively.

Bp Hlpt

Chapter 144 If they’re all as arrogant as Larn’kelnar turned out ot be, If they’re all as arrogant as Larn’kelnar turned out to be, springing up from her seat behind the Comms station and pointing frankly at a holographic screen. springing up from her seat behind the Comms station and pointing frantically at a holographic screen. the sensuous pair licking, sucking and gently biting her hardening buds. the sensuous pair licking, sucking, and gently biting her hardening buds. then a rippling pulse of light spread out from her stomach to spread out around her body. then a rippling pulse of light swept out from her stomach to spread out around her body. as he wondered how best to encourage Irillith to open to him. as he wondered how best to encourage Irillith to open up to him. I’ll resolve this nonsense with Irillith when I get back to the Invictus. -- This makes no sense because John and Irillith are currently in John's Ready Room on the Invictus After that, I’ll resolve this nonsense with Irillith when I get back to the Invictus. -- Now it's clear that John means after he deals with Edraele “That’s actual a precise reproduction of Neysa’s mind,” “That’s actually a precise reproduction of Neysa’s mind,” Alyssa’s telekinetic bands erupted out of the earth, then lock around the scaly limb, Alyssa’s telekinetic bands erupted out of the earth, then locked around the scaly limb, She zoomed in using her Paragon suit’s HUD and searched for any sign of moment, She zoomed in using her Paragon suit’s HUD and searched for any sign of movement, “That’s not the first time I’ve been favourable compared with an elephant,” “That’s not the first time I’ve been favourably compared with an elephant,” with no way of stopping her puttng her full weight into those vicious rakes. with no way of stopping her putting her full weight into those vicious rakes. If they’re all as arrogant as Larn’kelnar turned out ot be, If they’re all as arrogant as Larn’kelnar turned out to be, whilst endearing themselves to their master in such an overwhelmingly way that most men -- overwhelmingly == to an overwhelming extent whilst endearing themselves to their master in such an overwhelming way that most men -or- whilst overwhelmingly endearing themselves to their master in such a way that most men -or- whilst overwhelmingly endearing themselves to their master so that most men -or- whilst endearing themselves to their master overwhelmingly so that most men

JC Armstrong

I am thanking Tefler right now, having really bad knees is a pain, and well i slipped on a screwdriver that was on the floor and really screwed my knee up, so instead of driving the boredom away with watching movies or something else, I'm playing catch up and enjoying every minute of the story