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Hey everyone,

I'm making great progress on the next chapter and have nearly completed it. I was trying to get it finished today as I've got a busy day tomorrow with a blood test and few other real life things I've been putting off, but I ran out of time. I'll aim to publish the chapter on the 10th instead.





Take the time you need, we all love your work

Jim lynch

Thanks for the update tefler


thank you thank you thank you!!!!!


Thanks for the update Tefler. Stay safe. I hope it isn't anything serious.


Thanks....always a great day when I have something of yours to read .

Idaho Spud56

Okay, thanks. Take all the time you need.

Tefler Fan 007

Ok cool, thanks for the update. Don’t forget to post 139 on literotica.com😁😜

Who Me

Thank you for the update - I really appreciate that!


.12: This is one really GOOD benefit of Tef going to a dropping of multiple chapters each month (2+),.. more updates!,.. greater communication with his fan base, yeah! And so, since the first of three scheduled chapters is now running two days later, I have a question: does this back up the other chapter dates by a further two days, more or less? ;-) TTFN


I am NOT . not . not not NOT complaining this is what he dose each year and i love it! glutteny in November and diet in December after alll everyone deserves to be off for the holidays happy Yule(to blanket all celibrations for this time of year no matter the belief) to Tefler and his thankyou sir for years of professionalism!


Thanks for the update. Take care of yourself and the family.


Thank you for the update. I really appreciate the "heads up".

Tefler Fan 007

Please please please drop chapter tonight!!!😁😜🙏


See how today goes


Better no Chapter tonight and a quality Chapter later on than a rushed product

Tom Ray

ok.... so...... today is now the 10th........


F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5


F5 to refresh screen, to see an update.


.24: ,.. oh we're Tefler-man-i-acs,.. and there's bologna in our slacks,.. now where did I last see that ole F5 key?,.. oh yeah, there it is, (press down),.. nuttin yet! sip, burp, belch!,.. another sip,.. another burp,.. ( that was fun),.. (?),.. where was I?,.. oh yeah, I was singing, of key,.. (of course-cuz I'm tone-deaf,.. oh well,.. my cross to bare,..) -- We're Tefler-man-i-acs, and we're Zany to the Max,.. so sit back and relax, press F5 until you collapse,.. -- there's bologna in our slacks!,.. we're Tefler-man-i-acs!,.. totally insane-y,.. it rains in Spain-y,.. chicken chow-main-y,.. Tefler-man-i-acs!,.. and those are the facts! ,.. burp! ;-) TTFN (shhh,.. Be very, very quiet,.. Mikey has been drinking again,.. burp!)


.25: Burp, belch, hic-up,.. I'm gonna start singing now,.. you know, for good luck,.. !!??!!,.. ;-) TTFN




I give up and shall check in the morning. I am off to bed night all you other F5ers.


.32: Aww, too bad sleepy head, you missed the drop by less than 20 minutes,.. enjoy the new chapter in the morning! bless you now! ttfn