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Hey guys,

I went onto the discord recently and discussed my plans for two releases this month... Unfortunately, the last few weeks have been a disaster!

Gather around and I shall tell you me tale of woe...

Ten years ago, my wife and I paid for a big refurbishment of our house, which included a substantial extension for what was a galley kitchen. The building work was mostly done to a good standard, but we had a flat roof built over the kitchen which has proven to be the bane of my life.

It initially started to spring leaks during the first batch of stormy weather, so the builder came back and made some repairs which he assured us would fix it. It didn't. The water leaks got so bad that the beams got soaked and they had to replace the entire roof, including re-plastering the kitchen. 

"Everything's fine now. The Veluxes were just too close together and not at the right angle," our builder glibly explained to us... when it was his suggestion to put them in, instead of fixed glass domes like the architect requested. 

Then more leaks and another two-dozen visits to patch the roof, until he eventually went out of business and retired.

Fast-forward until April this year, when the intermittent drips had got annoying enough for us to hire a new builder to properly fix the roof. Except what was promised to be a two-week job has now turned into a six month debacle. The builder is an ex-squaddie suffering from occasional PTSD, and problems with his business has pushed him over the edge into full depression. 

The skylights in our kitchen have no glass... only tarpaulins covering them. We had a storm a couple of days ago and there's now at least 8 different areas of the new roof that are now leaking that were fine before, causing widespread damage to the kitchen.

Why am I telling you all this? 

Well, on top of the initial £4000 I wasted on the builder who left us in the lurch, we've had a quote for an accredited builder (who works for the crown estate) to fix everything once and for all... which will cost another £8000. 

I was planning to release the first half of chapter 143 to you later tonight, but I have a big favour to ask. To avoid further damage to the kitchen, I need to get the building work started immediately, before the rain causes any more problems. I'd like to create a second paid post at the end of this month, then finish chapter 143 and 144 for you in October. 

Please let me know your thoughts. 

Obviously I won't double charge you for chapter 144. It will be "free", you'll just receive it a few weeks later.

Best wishes, 




Works for me, your story is worth every cent. Best wishes on the home build, it can be a pain.


Fuck those builders, dude. Go for it! I'll gladly help out.


Same sentiment as the rest so far, go for it.

Nyx Midnight

go ahead, loving every bit so far


Not a problem Tef, sort that stuff out. I can pay now and read later.


Yeah I will support it


Bro. Do it. And that reminds me, been meaning to up my level of support, check if you published ebooks since I looked last


Works for me Tef. Understand how bad it can get and you have always done right as far as I am concerned.


Tefler, I have absolutely no problem with that. Fix your house. Family is of upmost importance.


Stuff happens and it’s not like you haven’t been decent in your dealings with us. Let’s do this! Roof for tef! Might try a go fund me as well if people want to donate separately


Sounds good. Glad we can help in some way.


happy to help out


Works for me. Go ahead!


Sure, it's ok by me


Do what you gotta do. Real life comes first.


You’re good Tef, get that stuff fixed before it becomes more of a problem.


No issues from me


It's fine with me Tef. Those builders are assholes and I hope you get everything fixed soon. Best Wishes. :)


I mean, I originally signed up for 2 smaller chapters a month, instead of the roughly 1 long one you've been doing. The way I see it, you've been getting half the money you should have been. Go double this time, and best of luck, Tefler!


No problem


No problem here. Do what you need to.


Not a problem. I would gladly support


Do it.


Works for me as well. I know the stress from having roof issues.


We have all had issues like this in our lives. I have no issue.


Bumped my tier. Best wishes!

Paul Mansur

100% agree with everyone else so far...


Thanks for the communication I am happy with helping out.


No problem at all!


Yes. Please do the 2 chapter posts this month with delivery in October. If you support please like this post for easy record keeping.


I think everyone here has chosen to support you in the hopes of seeing more. If this helps that then I think we are all for that. I know I am.


Happy to pay for each chapter regardless of delivery times. No freebies…sounds like you could use the £ anyway. Take whatever time you need Tef.


Go ahead and make as many charged post as you need even if there is no chapter or half chapter attached.


do what you have to do, sorry i am not close. I could have taken care of the issue for you.... good luck and thank you for the update.


pretty sure the vast majority of your supporters are *more* than happy to help out however they can with your house woes. I feel your pain; have been there myself.

James Mayer

Can you get the current builder to help file a suit for incompetence


Go for it :)


Go for it


Do it.


In for a penny, in for a pound. I have no qualms with a post dated chapter.

Dave Barrack

Fine with me! Plus I'm excited for what's happening next. Feel like we've been waiting for this nebula safari since about chapter 80. I had similar issues in my previous house mostly thanks to a "low angle roof" Luckily it was over an enclosed porch and not the kitchen, otherwise things would have been worse. Still had to eventually tear it all down and replace the roof though.


Do what you need to I’m good with an extra charge this month friend


No problem for me. Go right ahead. Btw, I have those windows in my roof - holes in roof? Bad idea. Let’s see, 12 year old house, apparently installed incorrectly. Both needing all new interior finish.


You've dealt with us straight for years Tef. Go ahead and run the charge.


Works for me. I'm cool with it.

Jim lynch

Listen your first responsibility is to your family and your home is their castle. Do what you need to do to fix this problem once and for all we can all understand that whatever you do you need to do full stop. You’ve never charged us when you easily could have in the past so in my eyes you’ve earned our trust so crack on with however your going to do the next few chapters ok tefler.

James Glass

Go for it. If a couple bucks from all of us can help you get your house in order, least we can do.

GDay (FMS)

Not a problem here Tef. Do what you need to do to have a safe home environment for the family. I will support whatever you need to do.


Works for me, happy to do my bit to get your house back as you need it.


Go for it, glad to be able to help


I am ok with it for my account


I am very appreciate the update a lot. Thank you.

Dark Storymaker

No problems here. Go for it. I'll still be here.


Do what you need to Tefler, hope it all works out


Ok, go ahead.


Go for it.


Just hope you add another 50k words to both chapters. ;)


Rest assured sir. Do what you gotta do. We can wait for a quality product.


No worries. Love the story line, so whatever works to keep you (and the story) going.


Sounds like a plan to me.


Go for it.

Tefler fan

Fine with me. Good luck with your kitchen. Your horror story with builders beats all of mine. I still feel like I am getting a great story at a bargain price. Thanks for not abandoning your epic saga.


It's a dollar each, go ahead killer


Greetings from Bavaria! I am ok with the idea.


It wouldn't be that different than when you've made paid posts that were incomplete chapters, and just didn't do another paid post until you finished the first one. So go for it.


Do what you need to do Tef, we will support you :)

Mark Adkins

Whatever works and is less stress for you! Take care of yourself and family!


It’s all good man. You have given us a good story. Do what you need to.


Charge me for each, I'm fine with that. Release it whenever you are able to do so. Best of luck!


Do it, every one of us here to support you and the TSM fam!


Go for it. I know the second will be coming


Do it!


All good with me, sort your stuff out, less worry hopefully equals more output 👍🏻🙂


Do it!! We’re here with you for the long haul.


It’s all good for me. Patreon is supposed to support art and the artists I like. If you can’t write because of an unlivable house, we all suffer. Do what you need to do in order to get your sanity back again. ❤️

James Straub

It's approved by me. Hope everything goes smoothly and fast with repair. And with chapters 😉


I support you on this brother ... stress will derail a good story, and I am very much looking forward to the next chapters ... get your house fixed so you can be the best you for your family and legions of fans


I can relate to all this running around builders/contractors and feel the pain. Please fix your home first Tefler. We can wait a bit.

dan davis

Sounds like a decent idea, do it.


Works for me 👍


Sounds good here! Hope it all gets sorted soon!


Do it. Fuck it, do 5.

Jeff Combes

Looking forward to when you can devote the time you need to continue without these things coming up.

Jedi Khan

Okay, couple things. First roof, the flat roof was a mistake. Not just because the builder fucked up but because it's a flat roof. Flat roofs are common in my area, but insurance companies will only cover a certain style of flat roof because of how easily they can leak and/or be damaged by storms. If you get a house that has the wrong kind of flat roof, you might not get insurance to cover it. Better to go with a pitched roof in general. Second, the double posts tonight. So how is this going to work? Half of 143 and half of 144 now? Or just half of 143 and nothing on the second post? Having half of 144 when 143 isn't even done doesn't make much sense. Either way, I echo the sentiment around here. Do what you need to do.


Good plan and I will stand behind you!


Go for it dude.

Jeff Combes

like mike holmes says, if your gonna do it, do it right.


No problem get the house fixed


Fix your house. I know what it’s like to have a home needing repairs and how it can drive you nuts . I can wait for chapters while you’re getting it fixed.

raymond sisko

No problem! Do what you have to do. All I ask is keep the story as exciting as you have. You have a real talent! Kudos to you sir.


No problem


Two chapters are always welcome!


It's no problem at all take your time tef


Do what you need to do. We'll be here...

Anthony Kester

If it helps you out Tefler, I doubled my donation for you and your family. I hope you get your house leak proof and a contractor that knows what they are doing.


Go ahead it's no biggie


Fine by me


Just release a shorter chapter because of real life and call it a day? I won't mind and I doubt most others will. I don't recall ever signing a deal were it said a minimum length per chapter or release time. Do what you have to do. If our favourite author has a mental breakdown because of a kitchen and stops writing completely we would all be devastated.


Do what you need to do mate. Im happy to wait


would be just fine i would say? i mean you gotta have a place to stay at!.

Daniel Watkins

Go for it, I don't mind, we all need some help sometime


Go for it but get both done next month no missing.

Chris Forbes

No problem here. However I don't know how Patreons terms of service work. I'd hate for someone to report it and endanger your account. Perhaps a Patreon pledge with an additional reward or something? I'm completely fine paying for two chapters just hate for it to get you taken down.


No problem.


I'm fine with that Tef. We are all here to support you!


No worries, take a deep breath, deal with what you need to deal with and we will be happy to front you the coin :). Get yourself in a good place and find some joy in the job!


Go for it


Fine by me, I usually read them every three months anyway


To clarify, are you asking if we care if you charge us for both 143 and 144 ahead of time? If so idc, I know they’ll be done eventually, what I really want to know is if we’re getting half of 143 tonight or if that’s not finished yet


Go for it.


Tef you have been nothing but honest in all your endeavors. Do what you need to do and you can get some satisfaction if you have a dishonest contractor get on the wrong side of John 😁


Not problem


Go for it.


I'm in, no issue with your ask. Good Luck

Tefler Fan 007

Happy to help, keep the chapters coming. 4 dollars is not going to break me this month 😁. My last house had skylights that leaked and I was so happy to sell that house.


Sounds great, let's do it


No worries, take care of your house. That way you can write those chapters stress free. Looking forward to them!

Megan Donahue

Yes, by all means, go ahead. Also, if you start a go fund me, I'd be happy to donate to the kitchen roof fund!


Alli good


No problem. Get it done


Go ahead.

Jedi Khan

That's probably why Tefler asked ahead of time. If someone complains, he has this post to point at with all of us saying "Go for it."


so to summerize. We get half of 143 now... but pay for 2 chapters? Then by the end of oct we shud have part 2 of 143 and all of 144? but they wont be charged? This is so you get 2 chapters of funds now to pay for your repairs. Then you can get back to writing more frequently and start feeding our insatiable hunger for more story? Im down, affording life is hard enough with a regular job. Get the roof sorted, supported you long enough this isnt anything to worry about. Just for the love of god get it done right this time 🤣


You need Dana to do your building!! I do not think anyone will begrudge you splitting the next chapter into two and then doing a double length chapter next. That should keep you on the right side of the T's and C's.


I definitely support you and your family in your time of need. On another note, I would suggest that you check your electrical in the kitchen. If water was pouring in like you say, then turning off all your power to the area so you can open things up to look for water damage could be very beneficial and save you a whole lot of problems later on. I'm an electrician and see it all the time. People always forget about the electrical that their appliances are plugged into and end up paying a hefty cost. Be save and best wishes.


Totally charge us. Just give us the story!


Go ahead man, everyone needs help now and then, we'll help out a little more for this month. It's the least we can all do :-)


Sounds fair, more story!!😂


Wait so when could 143A be released?


Whatever will help you out is fine with me!!!!!!


I'm game, shit just happens sometimes. Sometimes we all just need a little slack and a little help

Big Orca

Fine by me!

Tefler Fan 007

We are all Tefler-maniacs, and zany to the max. We all have your back!!!!👍👍


Fan for years won t stop now.


Go for it shit happens.


No worries if it is a little late now and then.


I am OK with your plan.

Idaho Spud56

I am ok with the extra charge, gotta pay for the new roof!


I have no objections. Like others, I have had issues with a leaking roof. Mine was finally resolved after three different attempts and $13,000 US. Good luck!


Sounds good take care of your writing environment first


Absolutely fine with me. Love hard work you put into every chapter so I don't mind a little extra up front. Heck, your roof story was almost like a small story in itself. 😁


I'm cool with it


oh no you're gonna charge me $4 instead of $2. Whatever will I do? /s Seriously I had no intention of cancelling so do what you need to do, that sounds awful.


Not a problem for me. Been there, done that and it sucks. While mine wasn't quite that bad, I completely understand.


Go for it. A bit like flat rooves, i know you're not going to slope off

Who Me

Personally - I have no objections for an extra payment to help with you roof. Please help yourself.


You've got a proven track record for releasing chapters. I'm not opposed to an early charge.


No sweat, our fantasy should not supercede reality.


Go for it! You’ve earned it!


Sounds good to me, I trust that you won't scam us :) Can someone send me a link to this rumoured Discord though?


I don't mind at all. Go for it.


Go for it


I have no problem with this plan. Nothing on my end will be hurt and I only wish the best for you. Go ahead.


Thanks for the update Tefler, I don't mind helping at all. I am good with whatever you decide :)


I am ok with that


Thanks for the heads up and good luck with the renovation.


Fix the roof. Can't have your mind on that and not writing. Why are so many builders F***wits? Is just that anyone can say they're a builder and most don't know shit about what the job really entails?


Look after your family and home. Good luck.


If you own a home these things happen. Do what needs to be done.


Oof. I've had to deal with roofing issues on a house and those can be a huge pain in the ass. Do what you need to do, from the other comments your community is behind you. Get it handled and we will all eagerly anticipate the next installments.


Go for it! I was born and lived in New Mexico off and on for a total of about 20 years and flat roofs are common. Pueblo style architecture, you know. They are almost always a colossal pain. Good luck.


Sounds fine to me. Hope you get a permanent fix.

Antoine Scrivener

No problem. No worries. The more I get the more I am happy to pay for it.


still a great value for my entertainment dollar, go for it


I'm happy to go along with this. Worth the money.


Works for me, hope all goes well with the repairs!!!!!


Whatever. You could also have a dental disaster next month as well, to delay the first half of the chapter further. Strangely, such disasters made no impact during the first few years of the story. You explained it well recently as writer's block (as I long suspected, as this story is now really hard to write), plus I think you only really have time to write at the end of each month, and if something happens then, then you don't have time. Okay, I get it, and I sympathize. I wish you well, but am not going to sugar-coat it. I look forward to you delivering the story you want to write, when you are able to write it.


wait... we're still getting some content tonight, right?

sweaty bastard

As a long time patreon, i say go for it. It is pretty cool how this platform works!


Totally fine with this


Just updated my payment to help you out


that's fine, that storm was no joke, I am south west London area


Good for me.


I’m fine with supporting you with an advance. In fact I’m going to increase my monthly contribution just to help out a bit more this month. I would recommend being more realistic with your pace given recent history. The first half of 143 now will be followed with the other half on October 31. The first half of 144 will come November 30, and second half of 144 on December 31. The next time you’re going to see money will be for the first half of 145 on January 31 2022. Everyone wishes you could write faster but we know the pace isn’t entirely up to you. Life keeps happening and if it isn’t the roof it will be some other chaos. We’re all in the same boat.


Just a thought. About 15 years ago I had trouble with all sorts of leaks with my flat roof. Got so fed up in the end that a had a fibreglass flat roof put in place. 25 years guarantee and virtually any colour you want. Cheaper house insurance because of the guarantee. Insurance companies don't like flat roofs generally. 15 years now and not a single leak and we've had some pretty bad storms down here in Cornwall over the years.


Good here get the work done and I will wait for the next chapter


You do what you need to do. Family and the roof over their noggins come first... always.

Justin Webb

Are we getting content tonight or not?

Jedi Khan

Likely half of 143. It was what most of us were expecting to begin with.

CJ Mora

I'm good with it. I just hope you can get them done and delivered with all the distractions. But winter is coming and you gotta have a place to live!! Big rocks first...


No problem. Having had roof problems in the past I feel your pain. Nothing compares to a good roof over your head.


What ever helps. I’m good with it. If you want to charge for two today go for it


Go for it.


Do what you need to do. I don't mind paying up front for a chapter.


Sounds fine. Good luck and I’m disheartened in the builders on the other side of the pond. ( I’m a building trade too, thrice over)


No problem with me. Anything to help out my favorite author.

Robert Kerr

No problem. You’ve been pretty good at posting regularly and sometimes real life just intrudes.

rich ed

Keen to help.


Go for it. Family first


All good


Just replaced my roof because of a small leak/repair that was done wrong long ago. I'm ok if you ding me now with the promise of a good chapter in the next few weeks.


Yes. Its good. How is your lovely English fall going besides the leaking roof?

Big D Daddy O

Happy to pre-pay for a chapter. All good! Best of luck with the new-new-builder.


Tef, I don’t mind at all but am concerned about someone crying foul to Patreon and you having your account suspended or cancelled. I think the safer bet is asking for folks that can, to increase their donation and you do your half a chapter post and collect what you can that way. I just increased my donation. Good luck either way


Do what you need to do man, its not that big a deal. My brother just went through a year and a half of kitchen/bathroom repair nightmares so I get where you're coming from. Post what you can, we'll be here


I’ve got no problem with it


Sounds fine to me. Supporting you is why most of us signed on.


Do it!


Sounds fine to me.


Sounds good to me. Sorry you have had such bad luck with builders.


I doubt that Patreon will care as long as they get their cut.

Pat White

For the simple fact you left it up to us. Shows your character. I'm fine with whatever you decide.


As a wise man once said, "Shut up and take my money!"


The way things are now, it's hard to find good help, let alone get the job done right. Who thinks a flat roof on a home is a good idea? Not me!!!! But without seeing pictures how it looks and what was done?!?! My own house has really slow slope roof. Makes for a tiny attic space to be in. I don't have shingles but rolled out stuff. Still, it's not flat.


I am fine with it. Good luck with the renos. Sucks it happened.


Absolutely. Hope it helps!


Do your deal bro. I'm down like 4 flat tires. Get your house fixed.


I'm good with that. No roof = no more TSM, lol. Good luck with the repairs.

David Brock

It's always a hit and miss thing finding people who do good work on cars and houses. Deal with that first. As much I will go through withdrawal and into depression. Real life comes first. Deal with that, as they say "Happy wife = Happy Life". LOL, mind you never seemed to work for me. Hope things get better for you soon.

Deryck Stevenson

I don't have problem with your suggestion. Been where you are so know how you feel


You've been nothing but reliable for years now do what you gotta do man I trust ya


That is fine with me. Good luck!


Whatever you need, take it.


I'm good with that. Hope you get your roof fixed soon


Trust go for it


No worries

Tefler Fan 007

Upgraded membership for this month to help out😁.


Do what you need to do.


Got my trust, good luck and God be with you.


I’m in! Do what you need to do


Go for it!


Ok by me.


Fuck yeah, send me more TSM! I'll pay triple for triple chapters too.


Been there before, completely understand, wish I had had something like patreon back then. I'm in


All good Tef. Hope everything finally works out.


Life happens and I have no problem with your idea. Go for it. Hope it makes the difference.


I agree


That sounds incredibly frustrating. If charging for a second chapter in advance will help, go for it.


I’d happily pay a second time to help


I'm good with that...


Hey, that’s fine. I know how you feel, I just had a similar situation. I hired someone to help me out with my garage, ok it’s my man cave. But anyway long story short, he f… me over, so now I’m doing it myself. It’s funny, no not really, but hay I’m learning A lot. So I’ll just say I’m with you.


Do whatever you need Tef, we're behind you.


You are supported. I’m fine with it. Go ahead and do it. Most importantly, please take care of yourself and your family. What we can do to help, we are happy to do so.


i have been unpopular for suggesting kicking in early before . you have given far more than my monies worth and wouldn't mind at all . add me to the list in favor .


Got you 💜👍


Definately Behind you, feel free to charge early :)

Arthur Bridges

Upgrading my tier to help!


Go for it


Go for it man. Get that roof fixed!


That won’t work for Tefler. He needs to release Paid for by Patrons posts to get paid for them, so one will be tonight- if not two - and the same next month.


So the real question, this second paid post, will it include spoilers? ;~) (though, I'm assuming it will largely be a blank page with 144 at the top)


All good mate


I’m in.


Good for me


I wouldn't mind "pre-paying" a chapter. I used to work in home remodeling/ rebuilding. You might not believe some of the horror stories I've had to help fix. There are some really really shady people out there. So yeah by all means charge for a couple or 3 chapters.


Tef, I really feel for you and your family and I'm completely in favor with your plan to bill now and complete the chapter when you are over the crisis in your kitchen and can get the time to write without having all that disruption to contend with. My very best wishes for a speedy and 100% satisfactory long term resolution to all the remedial work and also to your family as you all have to endure this major disruption in your lives. Please take your time and get back to normal before you continue with the TSM saga.


Although I will say I got my hopes up that this was the release and not just an update. Then they were further dashed upon hearing your going though this crap with a contractor. FeelsBadMan


Don't have a problem, this sounds fine. Dealing with the same thing myself, except it's self inflicted - up tracking down a leak in 30yo roof found & fixed, but I missed a joist and stepped through a section of ceiling - got to pull down 2 sheets of drywall to replace as the break because it went across a seam!!


Just a suggestion. If you can, have them put on a sloped roof instead of a flat one. Even if it is at 1/4" per foot. At least the water will roll off.


Thanks for all the kind words everyone! I like to think I've been reasonably stoic about all the nightmares with the builders, but it's only because we know couples that have dealt with far worse. One guy I know had a big falling out with their builders who ripped them off for about £40k. Near the end, after a big argument, the builder and the guys with him went to the bathroom at my friend's house and pissed over everything. Just animals some of these people... seriously.


Yeah the roof does have a slight incline to it, it's not completely flat.

Tefler Fan 007

Don’t know the building codes across the pond but try a 50y metal roof. At least have the new roof slope away from the house.


Im prety sure it will be unanimus. Go for it


Go for it


In the end it's tough to concentrate if the world around you is going to shit. Make it happen and It appears we'll back you


Go ahead


I have no issues with that :)


No worries


Increasing my chapter payments through the rest of the year.


As I'll be tearing out a kitchen floor because of water damage, I feel the pain. Go for it!


Do what you need to Tef.


Yes Tefler, please do what you need to do to get that fixed. I'd be happy to be billed 10 times this month if it will help you get that sorted. Thanks for all you do and I may not speak for everyone, but I'm sure I speak for a vast majority when I say "Yes" to this request.


Do what you gotta do man


Do what is best for you and your family. I have been with you since Dec of 2015 and I am not concerned as I know you will do your best for all of us! Stay strong and don't let the rain get to your keyboard!


Do what needs to be done! I'm perfectly happy with this idea and willing to support you. :)


do the needed repairs. home and family comes first.


I wrote this reply before reading all the other supportive posts. I'll be raising my contribution per chapter moving forward too. It's a great idea I read from several other posts and the easiest way to help I think. Thanks for the idea guys and gals!!

travis btmb

You do what you have to and get things done the way you want your family and home is more important hope everything turns out okay thank you for making one of the best if not the best sci-fi book series I have ever read


Do what you need to do, Sir Tef. We've got your back.


Family first Tefler! Direct me to your gofundme page and I’ll definitely chip in!


Go for it


I'm fine with anything that expedites a lack of leaks and a more supportive writing environment to continue providing a most entertaining story.

PLRus--Founding member of the TSM F5 club.

We need to talk Tefler into setting up a GoFundMe page. That way those of us that can help more can do so...and it is tax deductible that way here in the States.


I feel sure that Robert E. Howard would be supportive of your imaginative, galactic application of "Sword and Techno-sorcery."


A GoFundMe page is definitely the way to go. You just know that if Tef puts a charge through Patreon without an accompanying chapter someone in here is gonna yell "Fraud".


Sure, no problem


Im cool with that Telfer.


post the chapter with a single line "coming soon". I bumped my membership to $20 for the month to help out.

Old Salt

I’m in. Sound’s like this would make a good comedy, say with Tom Hanks and Shelly Long…


I'm down. Do it


.299: tales of woe, really are sad things,.. and the damage and frustration of drip, drip, dripping, grrr! It sounds like Tef is still taking pretty good care of his Fans, so best wishes on your new, and hopefully improved construction workers, and their working out for you and your home Tef. And greeting and salutations to all your loved ones, may they be healthy, hardy, and happy,.. ;-) TTFN


Yes, seriously. I believe that you will find that a GoFundMe page will not only cover the cost of the rook, it will cover the cost of the solicitor to sue the two incompetent builders. Those roaches always pop up and they never seem to go away. Or perhaps you could hire some guys with bent noses to have a meeting with them! Do the GoFundMe and I'll pitch in at least $500. I have to believe there are more like me out here in TSMLand

cittran genericlastname

Works for me -- you clearly need the help, and it's not like my money is generating interest at the bank, so it might as well be useful to someone :)


Just downloaded and can't wait to read the latest. Bumping up the sub


Tefler it would be rather hypocritical of us the fans to bail on you in your time of need. Please do what you need to take care of the most important thing ..your family. You have never given any of us a reason to worry so please be safe and do what needs doing.


I'm fine with the 2nd blank post or a GoFundMe.


Sure, get after it.


I support this. Thanks for your transparency!


Do it!

Ken Moreau

I fully support whatever you decide to do. Your delivering multiple releases in a short period of time sounds absolutely wonderful to me.


I'm fine with that!


Do it. What's only a couple dollars for most of us is a much needed boost to you.


Not a problem. Take care of yourself and good luck with the roof!


It's Allgood with me Take Care And Handle Your Business And Don't Let The Business Handle You. Good Luck With everything

Donald Randolph

Supporting the author is the whole reason for being here!


I agree. If I was in your position I would like to think people would be prepared to help. So I am glad I am in a position to help. Cheers.


Feel free. I already upped my donation. And no freebies. You put out a good yarn and It sounds like everyone agrees we want you to keep going!!! you have been very honest in the past even to the point I feel you should have charged. Take care of your roof and family. Then with a dry kitchen you have room to write. 😉


It’s a couple of dollars to me, it’s a new roof to you. By all means, please double charge. Triple if you have to 😊


Go with the extras. I am happy for you to charge for every upload anyway


Dude, take care of your home and family, we all want you to be happy and worry-free so you can have those awesome creative juices flowing! We got your back, man!

Kim Biel-Nielsen

Go ahead - a roof over your head is kind’a important. Upgraded to deity tier to support our long journey together.

Bp Hlpt

No problem, Tefler! Do what you need to do and good luck to get it all fixed.


Hi Tefler, As per fedback in earlier posts I would be pleased to pay for 10,000 or 15,000 word chapters. Anything to keep TSM going. Good luck with the building...


No worries, Tef. Gotta love dodgy contractors! Yeah, you do what you need to do. Cheers


Another donation upped. As some others have noted, you're why we're here 👍

Philip Lemon

Another donation upped 👍🏼


No problem. Upping donation. Thanks.


No problem go for it.


No problem here with this.

John Doe

Fully support it


Go for it

Brooks Moses

I'm part of the group that's been saying for months that these two-part chapters are long enough you should charge for both parts. So, indeed, I fully support what you're proposing here!


You have to do what you have to do, but I sympathise on the cowboy builders :( Always support the good ones and recommend them, word of mouth helps the good workers and helps weed out the bad. Doesn't matter what type of tradesperson we are talking about either.


I agree with Brooks Moses.


No problem go for it.


No worries.


no problem , you have my sympathies , have had "Issues" with so called 'builders' myself .


No problem. Family comes first.


Fix the roof Tef


No problem Tef, I'll always support you and know by experience what you are going through


It would be fine and I love your writing. Best wishes may you and your family be safe.


Do it mate.


I love the story and I have been a supporter for awhile. I will support this, but it is a bad precedent. I don’t have a problem with a half a chapter a month. I pay for what I get. Now you are committing to produce the “now” normal half chapter plus another whole chapter while you are dealing with the stress of your house falling down. You are being paid for work that you HAVE NOT DONE. You owe us. You are in debt to your loyal subscribers. Not a good idea. We are not a loan institution. 😔 It would be better for you to get a loan outside of us, or do the go fund me. This has the potential to come off very bad. I hope it works out and I will expect to see a full chapter 144 by Halloween. Good luck.


no worries

Toodles McGhee

While I'd much rather have you write four more chapters this month and pay you for all four of them, I'm certainly not going to unsponsor you over this 😁 I will hope that the resulting lack of distraction will result in higher productivity and resultant higher income for you. Good luck!


Hey, you take care of yourself and family first Tefler, do what you need to do.


... Tefler ... I'm of a partially-dissimilar viewpoint to 'Thetues', above; I long have thought an average of ten Literotica 'pages' adequate; that the frequent 19-ish pages, and the at least one-time Grand Battle 28-pages, may be thought of as earning leeway to gain income from an occasional smaller chapter for your sanity's sake ...


Go for it Tef... get that roof fixed..

Jacques Van Zyl

No problem with that, as they say, Life Happens


Do what you gotta do boss man


You got my support, no matter to me. I got spending income, so much so that I'm helping friends and family out while still saving.

Steven Allen

Do what you need to do


Fine by me


I feel for you, sounds like you can't find reliable contractors. What with this Covid thing it's difficult to find anyone to do the work we need done. I used to do everything myself but now I'm pushing 80 with bad knees. Trying to teach the kids but they are not into working with there hands except for gardening, although my son (50) did change a light witch the other day without my help so that's something. I keep trying to tell them it's only nuts and bolts and wires and screws. Keep the faith and check references and reviews on anyone you hire.


Ah, the joys of home ownership. Hope your roof is fixed soon.

Bill Phillips

I have no problem with double paying. In fact I am going to increase my membership level to help a little.


Wah, wah, wah! What a whiner! Buck up! Settle down and just write! You've got over 4,500 patrons, and if you just stick to writing and whine a lot less, you wouldn't have money problems! Sheesh!


I understand where you are coming from. And I also hope to see this motivate Tefler into completing Chapter 143 and 144 in October, as I actually truly believe Tefler can easily complete them both if he puts his mind to it. But in addition to the advancement for chapters 143 and 144, he also owes commissioned art work every chapter for the $2+ tier for the past 30+ chapters. I can’t remember if it was suppose to be for every chapter or every other chapter, but the point is it is still owed.


Supporting YOU is why I'm a Patron. If you need help, then I'm glad to help out. :)


Make it so