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Hey everyone!

Thanks very much for all your words of support on the previous post. I hope you enjoy the first half of this chapter. I'll wrap up the rest as quickly as I can.







Thanks for the installment


Woo hoo


Purple Mists of Loralar, here we come,.. ;-) TTFN


Thank you, Tefler!


Thanks Tefler and good luck with the roof.

GDay (FMS)

Thank you Tefler your work is greatly appreciated. Good luck with getting the Reno fixed properly.

Jedi Khan

So I'm guessing we can expect a second post shortly, but with nothing attached?




"Armoured boots ringing with every step", I would hope the GEO would instal suppressors on the MK II suits, especially with Jon's sensitive hearing


Great chapter, I should really slow down, but can't get enough. Thanks


Good luck with your house Tef ✌


Definitely interesting. I had been wondering about telepathy, interesting to start seeing some more of John's new power. Can't wait for more! On an unrelated note, does anyone have an invite link for the discord?


Hello everyone. Why didn’t Alyssa and or John reinforce/give energy to support Rachel?


Alyssa has done that for Irillith at least twice.


oh you terrible man! teasing us believers with hope for the reincarnated FAYE. and the rest of the story was awesome tooo!!!!

Bp Hlpt

Thanks, Tefler!

Jedi Khan

Damn it. I was hoping that would last longer. Only three hours in on a 12 hour shift at work. Need more please.


.15: Yeah, and still way too much Titanium around too,.. strip and replace it all next refit, please! ;-) TTFN


.22: Yeah, more please! I mean, Tef gives us an awesome start to this current adventure, (12k words - on 29 pages in MS Word) but I didn't want it to end already,.. we were getting to the really good part(s),.. I will say this, Kythshara, is up and running, it's well maintained, and it's still defended,.. and as Dana says,.. with this kind of advanced computers and robotics available, the gang should be able to find info that will let them restore Faye ( I wonder if they have gotten a new server for her to move into yet,.. I wonder how many minutes it will take the Grand Engineering Overlord to get the fabricators to crank out all the bells and whistles to make her one,.. if Daphne hasn't already done so,..) please tell me that I am not dreaming,.. that this is not a tease,.. that we could have Faye back soon, for real? '-) TTFN

Jedi Khan

One step at a time. They have to deal with the local(s) and the planet's defenses first, then repair the Raptor. Then they need to find Mael's warp gate, go get Larn's fleets, and prepare for the coming invasion. Then they can do some R&D and possibly bring Faye back. So, soon(tm).

Jim lynch

Crap crap crap why do you kill me every time with cliffhanger’s. Absolutely great chapter but for gods sake stop wi the cliffhanger’s lol. Hope you sort out the house troubles buddy asap.

Jedi Khan

Cliffhanger, you say? This is nothing. This is half a chapter. 120 was a true cliffhanger. Everything else pales in comparison.

Jim lynch

But they just landed with every chance of bringing Faye back I’ve missed Faye’s outlook on life such a lovely happy character we need her back asap that’s why I called it a cliffhanger just like when jade was killed that was another cliffhanger but tefler loves a cliffhanger.

Tefler Fan 007

If there is an AI on the planet then I can definitely see Daphne helping out her father to show how John and the Girls are friendly with AI’s.

Tefler Fan 007

Ok random thought- (spoilers) reading 143 for a second time with the full knowledge of the rest of the chapter given and I had a strange idea. When they receive the message “the light in the darkness” maybe the AI was asking if John was the light in darkness. Maybe the AI is aware of what’s happening to some degree due to the psychic machine and wanted to know if John was the one fighting the darkness. Maybe Mael left this world behind and protected it until there was another willing to fight the other Progenitors to save the galaxy from Xar?


Nice work Tefler.


.36: Okay, another random thought,.. Faye, a perky PURPLE pixie,.. the Mists of Loralar, Swirling Purples as well,.. both were shaped, created, developed by good ole Mael'nerak,... And might 'the Light in the Darkness' be the color purple?,.. then we find out that there is some surviving AI on Kythshara, after nearly 10,000 years have passed,.. so, maybe there might be a Cyber Purple connection,.. and it just Might involve an Astral sub plane too,.. that Mael'nerak sure did like his Purples,.. (betcha he had a purple suit too) -- man-o-man that Tef makes my head spin,.. yeah, well I did say it was a random thought,.. you were warned! ;-) TTFN


.37: -- that crazy Michael,.. is really imagining things,.. a Purple connection between Mael's computers, and computer controlled stuff,.. that's crazy, right?,.. or is it? I wonder if NEXUS had some purple component before Terran cyber geeks started to take him apart? ,.. ;-) TTFN


I wonder why Tashana wasn't affected by the mist. Even Irillith was affected. So what makes Tashana special? Is it all the real suffering she endured in her life that makes her immune?


.42: Yeah Akram, they never guessed why she had such good resistance to the Mists effects, just that after John, Alyssa, and Jade, Tashana was the next strongest,.. I think you may be right that her experiences in the Unclaimed Wastes helped her resist that psychic fear/terror field,.. after all the fear and terror she had to live with for years, she has a little bit of an immunity built in,.. just my guess,.. ;-) TTFN

Jedi Khan

Before or after blasting all the robots trying to kill them on the planet?

Tefler Fan 007

Random thought- Jade is unique among nymphs as she can remember thousands of years in the past and the others forget. When Jade froze up looking at the planet, She had a look of anguish and pain on her face. I believe she realized and remembered what the nymphs true purpose were for Mael. He used them like batteries and would kill them instead of the Maliri. The shock of remembering her true purpose was too much for her mind to comprehend.

Tefler Fan 007

Many times over the course of The story. Jade has been referred to as a powerful psychic battery and it would make sense that the evil Mael would not care for them the same way he felt for that Maliri. That’s why the Valada was so proud when he released them.


The last installment was welcomed. They almost didn't make it to land safely. Can't wait for the continuation and maybe the resurrection of Faye.


.59: after they survive and learn stuff from their visit to Mae'nerak's old Throne world,.. Dana and all her engineering minions can get a start on refitting/rebuilding the Invictus, the Raptor, build a new (destroyer) secondary vessel, and upgrade the Mech too,... among other upgrades to their suits and guns,.. fun times ahead,.. since they don't have much time for Gahl'kelgor,.. they just need to drain him and toss him aside rather quickly,.. then make their plans to invade/destroy all the other Asshats under Xar'aziuth's banner,.. again, fun times ahead!! Oh, and restore Faye too!!! ;-) TTFN


I wonder if Jade froze up because of a data overload of 62k years worth of memories suddenly opening up - triggered by laying eyes on Kythshara.

Brian Woods

That is my assumption as well, Akram. Either that or there’s some Achonin secrets about to come to light, cause we still don’t know the true purpose of the runes on her heart. Perhaps a last minute fail safe by the group to damage Mael somehow…who knows?


I do wonder about the nymphs. Why were they created and for what purpose. They are a strange species indeed. I wonder if we are about to find the answer to that question.


.65: Or at least we should be finding out Jade's recollection of why Nymphs were created, developed, or brought forth,.. (likely will have some partial truth to it, maybe not the whole picture, but a few more pieces to the puzzle),.. As slaves/thralls/psychic power batteries, they quite likely may not have been made aware of everything,.. ;-) TTFN


The way Jade keeps messing up combat situations she should be benched and probably the rest of the nymphs too. A reasonable person would come to this conclusion. Fay would have never leave them in the lurch like that! And with a couple thrall robots she could follow them into combat as well as pilot the raptor! Go Fay!


Or maybe they could transfer Fay into a Nymph crystal! That would be interesting!


.68: Do you think that we are getting close to the posting date for 2nd part of chapter #143? We are a week into October now, and last month Tef gave us the chapter #142, part 2, extension pages, by the 10th,.. So,.. do you think we are close? I want to see some advanced Kythshara computer tech that can be used to restore Faye,.. and a safe and quick way to retrieve those derelict ships from Larn'kelnar's fleet,.. oh, and I'd like a winning lotto ticket too,.. ;-) TTFN


I'd love some bday TSM reading this weekend... just saying


.71: I am getting a little curious on the TSM timelime, it seems to be going a but slower than I was thinking that it was,.. like how close ( or months away) is John's birthday ( we started this harem infested rodeo right after his 40th, back in chapter one,.. and of course Alyssa's 18th a few weeks later,.. it has to be more than 8 months further along now,.. doesn't it? I mean it's nice that the Gahl'kelgor threat has taken over a year in 'real' time, but only a few weeks total in Tef's TSM universe,.. So, John and girls can do a lot of other misc. stuff and maybe finish a quick Invictus refit before they'll need to clobber this Asshat! Just don't drag out the restoring of our sweet little purple alarm clock, alright!? Even if you thought Faye would make an Awesome 41st B-day gift for John,.. I don't wanna wait! Plus Faye can really help out with all the new technology they need to now deal with,.. Poor Grand Engineering Overlord is swamped, even though she seems to design, create, and boss her loyal minions throughs lots of gizmos almost every minute of the day, and still runs the fabricators over night,.. so Faye really could help her out, again,.. and maybe they can adopt this 'new' NEXUS (see if it/he comes in a Purple?) ;-) TTFN


.72: Regards the Invictus Refit: We and the Invictus crew have discussed building a powerful Auxiliary vessel (a super Destroyer type), but what about building a Mother ship,.. John wants to keep the Invictus a lot smaller than a dreadnought, also very fast and powerful to strike terror into his foes, yadda-yadda,.. But how about a dreadnought sized 'support' vessel? It could carry lot's of Crystal Alyssium for repairing the Invictus, and spare crew (Maliri) and 'bots too,.. It would have huge onboard facilities for growing Maliri Crystal too,.. Basically it would be a small, portable shipyard and a warship too,.. It would have a thick armored hull made of Mael's white metal,.. Also it would have both improved weapons and many more of them too,.. a couple 2 or 3 dozen Quantum flux cannons, and so forth,.. It could also carry a small fleet of versatile Corvettes and combat ready Frigates too,.. Dreadnoughty crew would include Security / warriors, engineers / construction task forces, medical / emergency response forces,.. and more,.. like farmers, including zoologists, botanists and veterinarians,.. assassins and diplomats. Or would this be better used for the methodically exterminating of the various cruel Progenitors, while liberating their empires,.. possibly in the sequel story? So,.. Down With All Asshats!! Oh well, that was enough of the ole thinking for tonight,.. catcha on the flip side dudes and dudettes,... ;-) TTFN

Tefler Fan 007

Well we know Gahl dreadnought was able to jump 4 cruisers to Arcadia so your idea of a mother ship is possible. I would like to see a purpose build carrier ship that doesn’t carry fighters/bombers but 8-10 destroyers (dreadnought killers) to jump in and out of battles. Plus these new carriers could be sent to recover other Progenitor ships once they are defeated.


I think the collective can help out more, and would be willing to do so too


Thanks Tefler, I’m really enjoying this chapter so far, keep up the great work!


The 15th. Now would seem to be a good moment for the next publication? Certain expectations have been set.


.80: Yeah, what he said!,.. pant, pant,.. drool,.. press F5 key,.. (Deja Vu all over again,..) ;-) TTFN


Given that the 15th as passed in this part of the world, I'd say no. but I still think we'll see something this weekend. This makes 6 days Tefler has been at work this week. At 3000 words a day average, I'd say he should be at another 18000 words about now. With a little editing and review,I'm thinking maybe Sunday night possibly earlier.


Well, it’s the 16th and no update from Tefler. I’m going to assume he hasn’t changed his schedule to accommodate this financial emergency and we won’t get the second half of this chapter until the end of the month.


.83: Okay, maybe,.. but just to play it safe, we should wait 'til the weekend is actually over with,.. just say'in,.. '-) TTFN


.84: and today was my grandfather's birthday ( he passed a number of years ago), and if he was still around today, I think he would really enjoy reading TSM,.. he would just worry that he might not live long enough to see it conclude,.. and now I am worried,.. ;-) TTFN


.85: Okay, I have personally given up on Discord, but to each their own,.. anyway have any of you, who do still blunder about on Discord, heard anything? Is his roof work progressing alright? Has he stubbed his toe? Anything?,.. gossip or news, anything at all? I hope that the Oct 20th date for completing chapter #143 holds up,.. just a few more days, this week,.. then whoppee!! and Kythshara is ready to be explored, quick and dirty like,.. :-) TTFN


Tefler — 10/11/2021 The builders should be coming over to put a tarp over it until they can do the work.


FYI; Tefler has been online 6 days this month and is back on today ( Sunday night) I would think we might see something tonight.


It's all fine and dandy that he has been on discord 7 times now this month. If he put up a note on Patreon every so often his supporters wouldn't stress out so much, you know let the rest of us know how everything is going. Otherwise the rumour-mill gets going sowing dissension throughout the fleet! Also even though he did say that he would be delivering the completed CH143 and CH 144 in October, I am with Shep op this topic, I would just be happy to just see 143 come out this month. I would hate to see a hastily thrown together ch144 put out just to appease the masses.


.95: Also Brian, it is more likely that Tefler will be late with a chapter, than that he would 'rush it' and not give us a good product each month,.. and I hope that the new contractors can really fix his roof, leaks are no fun,.. and purely based on a very old comment on his writing timeline, he thought then that he could have TSM #143 completed by Oct 20th,.. I have crossed my fingers for luck and am hopeful about getting the 2nd part of this current chapter today,.. cheers! ;-) TTFN


.97: Or might our Tef gift us with TSM#144 at the same time as TSM#143, part two? and will that be at the end of the month, or sooner, or later? - like maybe next month?,.. Tef has been really good at meeting his end of month partial chapters lately, and he asked his fanbase for help to get the contractor working on his roof, with no delays,.. He will want to come through for us with a good story, no hasty or rushed pieces,.. but is he able to? we will see,.. :-l TTFN


I am still waiting for the chapter so I read it in full gurrr almost started it twice waiting lol


.98: You just have to hang in there, not too long now,... ,.. but not tonight, sigh,.. ;-) TTFN


Was going maybe these1.5 chapters would be released before the end of the month but oh well


.100: Hey, we still have a week left, so expect TSM #143, part two at month's end,.. And Maybe part or all of TSM chapter #144 too,.. maybe,.. got my fingers crossed and I'm ready to sing (off key) all night, on St. Hollows Eve if I need to,.. "We're Tefler Man-i-acs,.. and we're zany to the Max,.... there's balogna in our slacks,.. We're Tefler Man-i-acs,.. and those are the facts!",.. and pause to catch my breath and to burp, cause I ain't singing that song when I'm sober,.. ;-) TTFN




.102: It has been just over 3 weeks since Tef's last posting, at the end of September, I think we are all figuring him to post/drop the latest on Halloween, trick or treat! It should include TSM #143, part two,.. but how much, if any, of TSM #144 will be there be made available on the spookiest night of the year? We are all wondering, and some of us are planning to drink rather heavily and belch out the "Tefler Maniacs' ditty,.. I know, it's quite irresponsible,.. but whatcha gonna do? SAY BOO! ;-0 TTFN


Well I will back next month and ask again


.103: Tef's a writer and words are his tools,.. so why did he write: " I'd like to create a second paid post at the end of this month, then finish chapter 143 and 144 for you in October. " and "Obviously I won't double charge you for chapter 144. It will be "free", you'll just receive it a few weeks later." That sentence confused me,.. what was he talking about,.. so, is 'later' in November? and how much, if any or all of #144 will be dropped in October? on trick or treat night we will know,.. I really hope ole Tef is slaving away on his keyboard, parting the purple Mists of Laralar, and exploring the world of Kythshara and it's hostile digital natives,.. and please, restoring our Faye! ;-) TTFN

Jedi Khan

I believe Tefler's intended plan was to finish 143 and write all of 144 within the month of October, with us having 144 in our ends by Halloween. However, if Tefler follows his current pattern (which seems to be the case), we'll get the second half of 143 on Oct. 31st, then likely half of 144 by the end of November. That unfortunately goes against what Tefler said his plans were, but we all know at least one saying regarding how plans work in real life. This will end up meaning that the second half of 144 will come out at the end of December. Also, if Tefler stays true to his word and does not charge again for 144, the next paid chapter will be 145 coming out sometime after the New Year.


"no plan survives contact with the enemy". We don't know what may have disrupted Tefler's plans, but I'm sure when he wrote what he did, he intended to do just that.


107 While we are waiting for the next chapter... So many outstanding threads put aside while discovering Kythshara. - hopefully we will learn lots with discoveries at Kythshara - Achonin, apparently a lot of knowledge there about progenitors... - Unclaimed Wastes and what the Underworld really is - Irillith clearing Thomas Walker - promised! - the outer rim rebellion - maybe Lynette has to have a Lioness speak to the outer rim and reveals - especially as the first contact with Gahl'kalgor's ships searching for John is probably going to be on the Outer Rim. Which means Lynette can notify John? - Rahn must have had a gate too - where is it? - Will Jessica persuade Rahn to become involved to save John - do they get to recover the Larathyran ships before fighting Gahl'kalgor And on some discussion - The Kirrix are insects while the Vulkat are spiders. So 6 legs vs 8 is a bit different! Although if Tamolith can be changed as Rachael speculated who knows...


.108: Well we all agree that we should see TSM#143, part two drop on Halloween,.. #143 no matter what,.. whether or not anything else drops then,.. so we will have a happy holiday, and I say -BOO!- to all those who are Tefler doubter's,.. not that you don't have cause, but I think he may well surprise us on this #144 thing,.. ;-) TTFN


.109: And I would love to see Jessica get her Rahn and Larn's old dreadnought involved somehow,.. maybe she / they will help out Admiral Lynette on the Outer Rim, should Gahl's forces show up there,.. And Jessica can give the dreadnought a name too, like the Invictus,.. she'll call the dreadnought the "Lollipop", cause it's a good ship now,.. - and on that note - exit stage left, sashaying all the way,.. ;-) TTFN

Tefler Fan 007

I want to hear how Jessica is making Rahn regret ever turning on John. I wonder how backed up he quad is with Jessica withholding sex🤣😁.

Tefler Fan 007

Lynette is going to end up rallying the forces when they come under attack by thralls using sonic cannons to level the playing field. Once they take out a few they will recover thrall weapons and use them against the others. Which will by time for John to come to the rescue.


.112: I just don't know if John has the time to ride to the rescue, at least not until he has his own Worm-hole generator on his ship,.. that's what made me think of having Rahn come to the rescue, and then maybe Jessica will ease up on him bit,.. (his poor, achy blue balls,..) And so what if Rahn'hagon had never even heard of Shirley Temple or the 'Good Ship Lollipop',.. I think it's a rather cute name for a giant black metal space dreadnought that could defeat the entire T-Fed, Ashanath, Trankarans, the Drakker and all the minor empires put together,.. and could also give the Maliri a tough time too! that's one hard to lick Lollipop! ;-) TTFN

Tefler Fan 007

Rahn has been written as a coward so I think it will be some time before he does anything and when he does it will be to save John to earn redemption.


.114: But TF, a coward with a big powerful and cloaked ship that can strike fast and then disappear,.. I can see Rahn doing that if Jessica goads him into it,.. He has many lifetimes of experience attacking from a position of strength, just so long as he himself is not at risk,.. and the Good Ship Lollipop is a pretty big stick for even a coward to weld,.. (if only he had a crew,.. like who: the Drakker?, Ashanth? Terrans?, others? like, big if, maybe a few hundred or a thousand Larathyran thralls? - that might take him a week or two to give them all a quick taste, but Larn had Vats onboard, if he uses his time in Jessica's dog house to fill a few, then time may not be a factor ),.. ;-) TTFN


.115: We know that John and the girls will not be spending a lot of time on Kythshara, despite a badly damaged Raptor ( the Invictus will be there to pick them up, and retrieve the Raptor) they will need to move on fairly quickly. They need to get the ball rolling on Larathyran War Ship retrieval,.. John and Rachel need to get back to Valaden to see if they can help Matriarch Vestele Waephyra from her coma,.. and also begin the needed ship, raptor, mech upgrades, and maybe build a destroyer too,.. Tef is going to have get the crew the most important answers fast,.. and he will throw in a twist and a surprise revelation, just for fun,.. but he will get them out of the purple Mists of Loralar ASAP,.. only a few more days and we will see how Tef goes about all this, and I expect it should be quite fun! Prediction: And he will find some lame excuse for NOT having a way to restore Faye right away, SMH, sigh,.. I miss her,.. ;-) TTFN


So when you say they will not be spending much time on Kythshara, do you mean time as John and the girls perceive it or actual time out here? Because as you know Tefler could be up to chapter 150 and only have 15 minutes pass in story. :) Just sayin


.117: Yes Brian, I meant that John and his girls really cannot spend too much time on Kythshera, at least not on this trip,.. (things to do, people to see),.. as they have a very tight schedule, and they don't even know yet that the next evil Asshat (Gahl'kelgor) and his thrall fleet have arrived, and are searching for Baen'thelas,.. busy times for our hero and his heroines,.. -- And yeah I know whatcha mean, it's been over five years out here, but only eight of nine months for John and his girls, smh ;-) TTFN

Tefler Fan 007

4 more days till…..Halloween 🦇. Maybe these thralls aren’t just robots but zombie cyborgs🤔. Halloween twist for the win🤣🤣🤣

Rouge Dions

Head Cannon here. They will find Maelnarak at a very weakened state and he will impart all the secrets he knows and ask john if valada is still alive. Knowing that his love is dead he will ask john to end his suffering and lay him inside the tomb on valaden beside valada his true love ..

Tefler Fan 007

It’s more likely that Mael bound his soul to an astral construct and is found by John. Mael is full of grief and refuses to help John. John ends up bringing Valada soul back and binding it with Mael so they can be together forever. John- Righting a 10,000 year wrong.❤️


.122: Only four more days until,.. Halloween?, nah, it's four days until the end of the month drop of TSM's latest and greatest,.. I can scarcely contain my excitement! What will they and won't they find in their quickie look-see of Kythshera? I've got goosebumps, and not from spooky ole Halloween either,.. Possibilities include: An AI that is a bit lonely and misguided (a newer Nexus type), Info on: Mael's work on Astral sub planes, and also what his involvement was in Nymph evolution, Star Forges at the Trankarans,.. Hyper Warp Gate on Kythshare with operating instructions,.. stockpiles of many raw materials including those needed for making White metal,.. and a prototype Star Forge, (and they try it out fixing the Raptor?),.. And after setting up the Larathyran War Fleet recovery effort with the Maliri Fleets,.. pulling Matriarch Vestele Waephyra from her coma,.. the gang rushes to Trankaran Space and the Star Forges, to do a superfast refit/upgrade to the Invictus,.. then it's Asshat kicking time for poor old Gahl'kalgor, who gets his mojo drained via John's runesword,.. and then John and the girls will now have two Progenitor Fleets, with one completely 'manned' by red skinned thralls (from Rahn's old empire?), maybe few could tranfer over to help 'man' the Good Ship Lollipop (smile),.. and they'll bring with them foods that Rahn hasn't tasted in 10 millennia,.. Jessica gets the recipes,.. the Maliri now have Larn's old Fleet and have finished the defense parameter that Calara blueprinted for them,.. so they are more than ready to defend their home turf,.. Then the gang goes back to Kythshera to talk to the AI (gotta have a name) and find a copy of Faye's old operating system,.. restore Faye!! - and party like it's 2799! ;-) TTFN


.123: I also have a sub-plot involving that Kythshera AI (Let's call him George, okay?) and with that old dreadnought of Gahl'kelgor's,.. set up George with a human-like / android body, put him in charge of Asshat defense,.. And also methodically sexually satisfying his entire Thrall crew, it's a good thing that he doesn't need to sleep - cause he ain't getting none,.. (cause George will have an18 inch cock! that stays fully hard as long as he wants it to -- Dana's Idea when building him,..),.. then John launches his deadly strikes against the rest of the cruel and sadistic Progenitors, and also sets up a support/recovery program for all the Asshat-less empires,.. then comes the sequel starring the Enshunu as the bad guys, and including the further adventures of Tom Walker - I didn't do it - fugitive at large,..? maybe? ;-) TTFN


.126: George George, George of Kythera, strong as he can be,.. George, George, George of Kythshera, watch out for that tree! (bam! - fall - ouch!),... with apologies to 'George of the Jungle' and of course 'Chicken Man', He's everywhere, he's everywhere,.. ( sorry, lots of time in front of the television as a kid,..) ;-) TTFN


.127: but at least I'm not singing 'Tefler Maniacs',,.. yet! (chackling evilly) ;-0 TTFN

Tefler Fan 007

George will use the Robot army to protect Daphne and John so he gets brownie points with his future father in law 😁.


.129: Hey there TF, what do you suppose 'George' (the AI) would need to sic his deadly robots on anyway?,.. maybe some roving packs of former zoo animals? mutant clones? crazy killer clowns from outer space?,... Hungry hordes of Loralars? (purple of course) ;-) TTFN

Tom Ray

Next Chapter??????


Not minding the wait too much, but would be nice to get some kind of an update and projected time line. Here's hoping.


.133: -- my poor old F5 key is looking really worried,.. Tef's routine has been to drop his latest and greatest at the end of the month,.. so TSM chapter #143, part two,.. and maybe all or part of TSM #144? fingers and eyes crossed,.. hard to see the computer screen this way,.. - new chapter(s) - I hope, I hope, I hope!!!! ;-) TTFN


.134: George can play 'solders' with his fake thrall army all he wants to,.. Just so long as they (George) can come up with a match for Faye's Operating system,.. ;-) TTFN


.136 Sorry for all the comments in a row, but I just thought I'd share this crazy idea that just popped into my noggin,.. What if 'George' is a Georgette? using an Avatar, robotic body, and - hold onto you hats people- it is an exact replica of Valada of circa 10,000 years ago! whoa! Lot's of other crazy concepts sloshing around up in my brain pan,.. but I spare you those, cause they make restoring Faye that much harder to do,.. And those ideas I do NOT want Tef to pick up on,.. '-l TTFN

Tefler Fan 007

What if georgette was a copy of Valada’s personality but was jealous of the real Valada and barred her entry because she want Mael for herself???🤔


,140: See, not only are you a romantic TF, but you should write for Hollywood,.. ;-) ttfn

Tefler Fan 007

I have my moments 😁, It would be nice if Tefler dropped the second part before the 31st and then dropped 144 part 1 on Sunday night. Oh well 😢 Guess we will have to see what happens Sunday.


.142: ,.. from your lips to Gods ear,.. I suspect that Tef will come through for us on Halloween night! (fingers crossed),.. ;-) TTFN

Tefler Fan 007

Since Tefler has created the whole TSM universe does that make him god???😁😁😁


.144: (gross) Yes, in the TSM universe Tefler would be the de facto God!,.. can you give me a Hallajulah!,.. Amen,.. -- back in the early 1980's, the late great Robert A. Heinlein wrote a sci fi / fantasy novel along those lines, the main characters discovered that they could travel to places from books they had read, they traveled to John Carter's Barsoom, they also joined Dorothy and Toto and went to the land of OZ,.. they even ran into Lazarus Long (one of Heinlein's own characters),.. they found that writing a story (in an infinite number of universes) created that story's universe,.. so, be careful when you create the 'bad guys' in your tales,.. you could make them 'real'. interesting huh? Ole 'Bob' later wrote that he was relieved that none of the 'bad guys' from his stories were too powerful, no Mighty Conquering Cosmic Overlord types,.. ;-) TTFN