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Hey everyone,

I've completed the final scene for chapter 142 and combined the two halved together. I really hope you enjoy it!



(You haven't been charged for this release.)



If you want to jump straight to the new scene, do a search for the # symbol. :)

CJ Mora

Thanks, Tef!


Thanks tef


Hahaha, just came to ask how to find the new stuff! :D Thanks Tefler!


Why haven't I been charged for this release?! Charge me!

bob lakhanpal

Love the combined chapter…..


That extra scene was fantastic. I'm eagerly looking forward to the next chapter.

Bp Hlpt

Thanks, Tefler!


Ty Ty Ty


Fantastic addition to round out the chapter - love it!


Good ending, nice setup for the next chapter.


Awesome thank you Tefler!!!

Pat White

I cannot wait for the next chapter. Nice work Tefler.


Thank you, Tefler!


Cheers from DownUnder.


cheers mr


bravo, now that chapter feels complete.... very nice ending


OMG definitely rounded the chapter out well and now anticipating the next round..... Thanks

Antoine Scrivener

Much appreciated. Sets the scene very nicely for their exploration of The Mists


Nice chapter. Looking forward to newer better discoveries and general knowledge for everyone else!!


Thanks, Tefler. Great stuff!

Tefler Fan 007

Worth the wait 😁😁👍👍 Now just 20 days to the next part.


amazing amazing amazing AAAMMMAAAZZZIIINNNGGG I LOVE IT i so cant wait for the next chapter please write faster (f5 f5 f5 f5 f5) thank you so much for this story


Looks like we are making significant progress to finally tying up the loose ends with the Larathyans. Calling dibs on the prediction that Auralei will become John's 4th Matriarch and she'll manage the thousands of Larathyian women who hadn't been bonded to Larn yet and will become John's new wards. I think John will wholesale move all the Larathyians to Maliri space, and VOILA! Millions of eligible men are available to solve the Maliri birthrate crisis. This will keep the Larathyians safe and give a huge shot in the arm of the Maliri


Did I miss a section added during final touches? I don't remember the Larathyians in this chapter at all


Why aren't they using the progenitor cloaking device to keep them safe from the static defences?

Tefler Fan 007

Personal opinion- After they shut down the psychic machine in the Mists of Loralar Dana will figure out how to reverse engineer the machine to make it smaller to use against enemy thralls ships and crews. Plus the static defenses will be composed of weapons made from the white armor. They will include white quantum flux cannons that Dana will repurpose to use on the Invictus. The remaining defenses might be relocated to defend Genthalas. Just some random thoughts😁.

Tefler Fan 007

However before they go John is going to strip all the armor from the Raptor and shape it 25-30 times. He’s also probably going to inscribe runes to their suits to protect them and give them courage against fear.

Tefler Fan 007

It takes a lot of power and they were unable to run the Invictus shields when using it. There is a device Dana mentioned that could give them enough power but she hasn’t made one yet. The Raptor probably doesn’t have enough power to run it.


I extended the discussion to cover why they weren't going to try using a cloaking device. Thanks for the feedback! :)

Tefler Fan 007

Random Thought- What does everyone think the star system with Maels throne world will look like? Is it going to be a single planet orbiting a star with lots of gun turrets around the system? Is there going to be gas giants or moons with star bases or facilities? Maybe even an astroid belt from destroyed planet. Please feel free and throw out ideas😁.


Kind of off topic here but , yeah i know , I'm getting old and forgetful . Maybe someone can remind me . if Mael' was feeding Valada how was she still suffering from a brain tumor ? I am going to do a reread again soon but that one kind of stopped me .


Old wood the way I understand how Valada received the brain tumour is a result of being converted to have powers. I think mael tried to protect her by giving her the ability and extended her life span. But as John discovered there is a darkness woven into their connection that would have been designed to keep thralls from living beyond their progenitor life span. John has cut all the darkness out and his girls have developed beyond the restrictions of being a thrall.

Tefler Fan 007

When he cut his connection he altered her DNA to protect her from the side effects of being cut off from him and to protect her. The problem is it cause the tumor by accident.


Been rereading the whole story again. 5th-6th time, something like that. Currently on chapter 63 at the scene when John takes Jade in her original cat girl form. She mentions John needs to be rough with her to get her off. And I had a thought. What if John were to do Jade when she is in her 900lbs tiger form. Talk about getting some wild strange pu**y


Ah, but how about John in his giant form and Dragon Jade? Good practice for Tamolith!

James Mayer

Btw Three Square Meals is back on SoL has up to chapter 138


.57: Hey there James, I just checked Tefler on Literotica, and it has yet to post #138, still has #137 from July as it's most recent,.. smh ;-) TTFN


Man, 143 should prove to be a great chapter. We're almost at the point of conflict with Gal'khagor and we're off into the mists.. exciting stuff! Imagine if Valeria and Alyssa fight it out one on one.. Val's in for a rude awakening!


Alyssa would destroy Valeria. She'd probably immobilize her by TKing her a few feet above the ground and just skewer her with Psi-lances. Sakura's speed means Valeria would be decapitated less than a second into the fight. Calara would never let her land a blow. Luna, Amari or Ilyana would probably come the closest to to a "fair" fight given that the Maliri have equal or less combat experience. The wildcard there is we don't know how much Gal has physically enhanced Val, if at all. The Maliri assassins were enhanced by John to be as strong, fast and durable as physically possible without psychic powers, so I still don't think Val would stand a chance against them as well.


@Brian woods, actually only about 2 years of actual combat she was frozen for the rest of it. But she did get a lot of knowledge "loaded" into her mind, hard to put a "years of experience" on that. Luna vs Valeria would be the most interesting fight. Or maybe Sakura if she doesn't have her abilities. It'd be nice if Valeria were saved.


If you’d like to try something different… how about Valeria vs. Helene? Think about the possibilities…

Brian Woods

I wonder…though Tefler pointedly told us Helene has no battlefield applications for her abilities as of yet, so theoretically she gets curb-stomped rather easily. Her only use currently against other people for her powers is distinctly pleasurable in nature, i.e. that love orgy breaking Larn’kelnar’s bed. Maybe, she could get Val feeling extremely good in the nether regions quickly enough to put her on the ground, writhing and moaning, but given most of her sexy times are toxically entwined with sadistic Gahl’kalgor, the adrenaline rush might make her faster and stronger too, killing Helene much quicker.

Tefler Fan 007

Wild Thought- Besides the fact that Kythshara was Maels throne world and there will be some tech there, why did Valada want to get back so badly? Maybe when her connection was cut she was so distraught that she fled before she could take something with her and when she remembered it the defenses were up and she couldn’t get it. Mael loved her and would want her to be safe so maybe he built a ship for her during the war before his soul forges were damaged (Trankarans sun forges). Maybe he built a white dreadnought and jumped it out before Rahn damaged the forges. Once the defenses are deactivated John and the Girls would take the new ship to Valaden and make it the Maliri flagship. John could have the Maliri Fleet Commander jump to the different fleet locations and capture Larn’kar ships and then send them back with the warp gate that’s at Kythshara. John will of course keep the Invictus and continue to upgrade it to be on par with a dreadnought but the new ship will be left to defend Maliri space when he starts hunting the other progenitors. We know from past chapters the trankarans stated they rebuilt the sun forges after the war in the heavens and they are described looking the same as soul forges. Plus they were his miners so it make sense to place his ship building capability close to the materials. As we know Dana said the new white metal was made in a soul forge due to the wave patterns it the metal. If Mael was going to make white ships it would make sense to build a white dreadnought first and then jump it back to Kythshara to be safe. At least it will allow the Maliri to claim ships and not tie up the Invictus to haul passengers and John and the Girls can still fly around saving people.

Brian Woods

Soooo…the Star Forges of the Trankarans only look similar to the Soul Forge, not exactly the same. During Valeria’s inspection of Gahl’s Forge, it is described as a ring with teeth, and those rings generate/discharge the psychic energy needed for creating ships and stuff. The Star Forges were six sets of giant rings and hoppers designed to pour liquid metal into them, thus producing the rust red superstructure of a vessel, and then moved along an assembly line for installation of various weapons and armor. Not really the same, but perhaps a similar enough process line for worshipers of the Great Maker. Second, we aren’t entirely sure HOW much metal Mael was able to produce using his new techniques. Given how frustrated and haggard he looked when creating the Terrans all those thousands of years after the Ashanath, and theorizing the idea that their race was involved in his making the new white metal, maybe his terrible appearance had to do with certain failures in mass production of the material. Therefore, he might have only had enough to forge Valada’s bunker and not a full sized dreadnaught. It would make sense, given his words that he ‘should have foreseen’ Rahn’s arrival. That suggests he didn’t have the resources for a campaign against another Progenitor, including his new metal.

Brian Woods

Interesting theory: what if Kyth’shara was the center of the Achonin Empire, and Mael just repurposed it after the war? Stay with me while I explain: if we theorize that they created the Shroud to fight a Progenitor, and further suppose that the machine generating it can’t be moved, and perhaps that Mael wouldn’t have designated a Throne World for a simple war campaign against an inferior empire, what are the odds…:0?

Tefler Fan 007

Underworld was an Achonin base located in the unclaimed wasteland. In that chapter it was stated all planets were destroyed in that area and that base was the last remnant of the Achonin empire. Mael more than likely destroyed all their planets.


I messaged Tefler on here, but is there some other way to get a hold of him? (email, Discord, Twitter .etc)

Jedi Khan

When he has the time, or if it is something he wants to respond to, he will. He does occasionally put in an appearance over of the Discord server, but again, if he has the time or is willing to respond.


First comment here, but considering that this is chapter 142, suffice to say I've been around for a while and have been following this story for even longer.... Now, first of all, this was absolutely one of the best chapters so far, and as usual, I'm itching for the next one... One stray thought did occur to me over the last chapter or two... Lynette’s clothes... So... she's been turned into a Lioness and wears her holo projector... but... Her clothing sizes wouldn't be affected by the holo projector, i.e. her laundry would be a dead give-away as to her actual size... Now, I'm not really complaining here... I mean, given the vast scope and SciFi nature of the whole thing, it's really a very minor quibble... but my mind kind of got stuck on this little detail... If anything, it sort of highlights, just how far you have come in your writing from the very first chapters to now, if that's sort of the only detail that suddenly jars my mind... All in all, like pretty much everyone else, I guess I'm just waiting for the next chapter...


.100: And Tentaclesforall, welcome to TSM's comments,.. ;-) ( I just had to grab the comment 100 spot) TTFN


.102: Tidbit -- Literotica has caught up with SOL and posted TSM Chapter #138, the Invictus crews most recent return to Maliri space and Valaden,.. ;-) TTFN


Oh wow, my mind is kinda blown here... I made a first comment and although it was a little critical, the welcome here was really more than I expected. I'm a bit of an old fart and used to the insular nature of internet incrowds, but I really have to say that this is just about the warmest welcome I've ever receive in any sort of online community... Alright, I may be a little bit mushy, but seriously online communities are usually just a little bit more standoffish... or at least that's been my experience in the last 40 or so years since the days of dial-up BBS's...


Yeah, I suppose I'm not the only one that stumbled upon this increasingly vast tale first on Literotica. It's also something that immensely irritates me, because even leaving all the naughty bits aside, it just makes for a damn decent SciFi tale! I don't have enough fingers to wag at people that would just casually dismiss at people that would dismiss all of that Tefler has achieved as just smut... Shit, I've read Fantasy and SciFi for 30+ years... From 1950s type stuff to the present day, and damn! Alright, maybe the first couple of chapters need to cleaning up, but I've read quite a bit of mainstream published crap that doesn't come close to this.

Who Me

If you really want to find a good discussion of this story, head over to the TSM Tefler Discord. Since you are a Patron of Tefler's you will receive special privlidges there! https://discord.gg/


.107: Thought: this idea may have been dropped before that Mael'nerak brought his lovely blue skinned thralls with him 72,000 years ago,.. and that they were not found already seeded in this arm of the galaxy,.. if so,... could it be that 'our' Maliri have blue skinned cousins somewhere on the other side of the galaxy? And what happens if they meet? Will they hate each other on sight as thralls to different Progenitor masters? Or will they be as sisters? Will Xar'aziuth be afraid to send in the blue thralls or is that not even a consideration with him,.. and if he did send in an Azure fleet, would that be a major mistake that John could take advantage of,.. maybe claiming those girls for himself and draining their former Progenitor, go Baen'thelas! anyway,.. other thoughts,..? ;-) TTFN


I think you just stumbled on how John can win agaisnt any progenitor. Simply take over his link to all of his thralls. It's the cleanest way to save lives then he can take out the progenitor with relative ease and no guilt of him murdering an empire of women.


In what chapter does the invictus get cut in half?

Tefler Fan 007

My personal opinion is that when John finally goes to talk to the Maliri males he will have the twins Come with him without armor. The males will be shocked and John will tell them since he rules the Maliri he gets to make the rules from now on. I still don’t think the Maliri males will agree to come back and John will have Ceraden and his wife’s come back to Valaden for their protection. It will take a couple of the trade stations being destroyed for them to agree to come back but by then John will have claimed Larns thralls and add those males to the Maliri population 😁.

Jedi Khan

Don't need the males from Larn's empire in the event that the Maliri males are wiped out. Got plenty of horny Terrans right next door who would gladly volunteer for a harem of gorgeous blue babes.


.117: Okay, but blue mixed with light green,.. a bunch of teal babies,.. let's mix them in with the Abandoned on the Maliri oceanic worlds too, that will keep the relocated males gainfully employed helping to bring the regressed aquatic Terrain's up to the 28th century,.. it would be a multi-generational project, but it could work,.. ;-) TTFN


.119: Hey there, anyone wanting to speculate on the current Invictus refit (s),.. ? or the achievability of building powerful auxiliary ships like a few companion destroyers/dreadnought killers,.. your thoughts,.. :-l TTFN

Tefler Fan 007

Quantum flux cannons are a must on next refit and the dreadnought shields for the Invictus. I think the armor will get to at least 25 shaped or more. Don’t think they will have time for wormhole generator but that would be nice. I still think they will find a ship when they explore Mael throne world but maybe it will be like the progenitor shuttle but with white armor and a single quantum flux cannon along the spine of the ship.


Well, it's obviously possible for a new progenitor to build a soulforge without refined black metal. At least a placeholder/temporary one to get through until enough material is ready to build a permanent one. Remember at the Battle of Terra, Larn was shocked when John didn't have the beginnings of a thrall fleet less than a month after claiming the Maliri. Catch the significance of that? It's EXPECTED than a neophyte progenitor have not only a soulforge fully built and operational after only a few weeks, but that they will also have several capital ships built and battle ready as well in less than a month! The primary shipyards of the major empires like Kinta and Olympus (except perhaps the Maliri) take an in story average of one month to construct a single cruiser. So thrall empires are about 4 to 5 five times more efficient at building capital ships, which makes sense since progenitors are being constantly pushed to rush more and more thralls to death in battle. ::edit:: If I had to guess a Progenitor would build a disposable "micro forge" made of inferior materials built to last long enough to pump out enough black metal to get the soulforge operational. And then both would be used side by side until the microforge burned out. By that time the Soulforge should have been upgraded to fully operational status and the young progenitor would be off to the races.


What I’d like to see is not the complete genocide of the kirrix but giving them one planet in Terran space outside of the shroud in exchange for all of kirrix space (them becoming a very minor empire)escorted to the planet by a fleet of Terran ships to that planet where they can then restart with their symbolic hosts


.129: All excellent points chris, I especially like your noting the progenitor fleet building time line,.. and that maybe a neophyte progenitor's first soul forge is a boot straped affair,.. maybe,.. You think that Mael'nerak was at that 'boot strap' phase with his white armor when ole Rahn'hagon got too much of an advantage in their centuries long war and disrupted his plans,.. leaving Dana to finish what Mael started,.. maybe,.. will all the knowledge be on Kythshara? maybe,.. will a large Nexus like computer be maintaining the Throne world's stuff?,.. or a smaller one on a par with the 'hacking deck' that Tashana found?,.. (FAYE!!),.. so many possibilities and maybes resting on what is found on Kythshara,.. and then John must feed the 17th ranked Matriarch, before she dies,.. and then he must kick Gahl'kelgor's cruel and sadistic ass,.. such fun to look forward to,.. ;-) TTFN

Tefler Fan 007

More than likely the new progenitor asshat will probably wipe out the rest of the kirrix and the last dreadnought and fleet will be the last queen alive. She might even ask for help🤣😳


.136: When Dana was bubbling on about all the new and complete Schematics she now had, one of the weapons that she mentioned was a Quantum Devastator, any thoughts on this bad boy! She mentioned it right next to the Quantum Disintegrator, so maybe slightly more or less powerful? maybe,.. Or was Tef going all 1960's Batman,.. you know - bat this, and bat that,.. and then Tef was just going all Quantum this, and Quantum that,.. maybe,..? Nahh, he wouldn't,.. would he? ;-) (-; (and I'd bet that if you added some Infinity crystals to the quantum devastator it would let that bad boy really make some noise! - same with all the other big Progenitor energy weapons - add Infinity Crystals and blow that dreadnought to pieces) TTFN

Jedi Khan

I believe the Quantum Devastator is the main gun on a Progenitor dreadnought, the same weapon that cut the Invictus in half. The Quantum Disintegrator is the weapon that destroys planets.


.144: (that's gross!),.. okay TF007, yes a Quantum Disintegrator is what cut the Invictus in half,.. and yes IronLance it was a kilometers wide Quantum Annihilator that Nexus dug up on the Earth's moon,.. my question involved the Quantum devastator, one mention only from our Grand Engineering Overlord,.. not a part of any story chapters weapons used so far,.. just looking for your guess work on this powerful Quantum Gun,.. and if Dana can slap one together in time to kick Gahl'kelgor's dreadnought out from under him,.. you can check the chapter after John defeats his guide and he fills Dana's head full with all the missing Progenitor schematics,.. she mentions a number of weapons and ship upgrades, including that Devastator,.. thoughts,.. :-) TTFN


I tend to think it was either an autocorrect mistake from Disintegrator to Devastator or perhaps Tef having a brainfart (or saying Dana did) and mislabeling said weapon system. After all, even awesome authors and editors slip up occasionally. Alternatively it could be something completely different, for instance, a torpedo or missile delivery system that could crack hard shields. If it is an actual non-snafu though I'd think it's a downgrade from the Disintegrator, like the Disintegrator is from the Annihilator. Possibly the main gun on a Progenitor battleship, the counterpart to a Maliri Nova Lance. That's assuming the Disintegrator (normally mounted on a Progenitor dreadnought) is to big to be mounted on a battleship. Have to say though, that if this was a mistake I expect Tef to own it and roll out a new and totally awesome weapon called the Quantum Devastator that would leave George Lucas breathless!


.150: oh yeah, the Quantum Devastator, based on the Quantum Disintegrator, but using a frequency very close to Helene's Concentrated Love energy that cleanses the painful soul forged echoes, causing the progenitors fleet's hulls, instruments, and weapons to fall to pieces, white crumbly powdered metallic dust,.. oh yeah, devastating alright,.. maybe something that Mael'nerak was working towards, but he didn't have Helene as his guide,.. shoot yeah, Dana could throw that together and then kick ole Gahl'kelgor's slimey butt!! one good blast, and it could take out the dreadnought's Omni-phase Scan Array, and it's main gun too, leaving them blind and weakened,.. Gahl' would be pulling his hair out!! and Valeria would just have to bitch slap him,.. ;-) TTFN


.151: HEY TEF!!! A Quantum Devastator, that cleanses Soul Forged black metal into powder,.. we want Dana to build one for the Invictus, Okay? ;-) TTFN


Lol! ; P


.157: Okay, Mael'nerak picked the beautiful Valada to become his new Matriarch around 50,000 years ago, And she served him well for 40,000 years,.. so what happened to the previous Matriarch? -- Now we know that around 50,000 to 60,000 years ago, he was studying Astral sub planes with the newly cloned/created Ashanath,.. and then he finished after a few centuries,.. and left the Ashanath to themselves pretty much since,.. What if his previously devoted Matriarch sacrificed herself much like the ancient Kyth'faren's when they used their souls to maintain their Citadels of knowledge, and maybe she aided Mael'nerak in his sub-plane efforts,.. but to do what,.. I'm guessing that he wanted to secure one of those Citadels in his own 'safe from Xar'azuith and his monsters' sub-plane,.. so he could relax and study all he wanted to, safe from the Astral monsters. Or he wanted a safe from Xar'azuith place to hide the psychic source of the Shroud,.. huh, right?!! And if his former Matriarch is still maintaining it,.. it might still exist,.. what other bits of knowledge might he have stashed in his own sub-plane? Could there be clues to it's access on Kythshara? if there is one,.. If the psychic source of the Shroud is tucked away in that possible sub-plane,.. can it be expanded? ,.. might be, possibly,.. but how likely is it that Tef is thinking along these lines,.. Tef does like his curveballs,.. but this, or something like it, has been building for quite some time,.. he may be committed to a secret sub-plane as part of his storyline,.. thoughts, before John and the girls take the Raptor for a spin,.. ;-) TTFN

Tefler Fan 007

She might have had her life drained while Mael was playing on the astral plain or when Mael was creating new species. We still does now how he powered those pods he used to create life. Maybe he drained the life’s of Maliri to power them.


.161: and if Mael had himself one of our version of the Quantum Devastator then Rahn'hagon would have been toast,.. but then no John and the girls, so, sorry Mael,.. ;-) TTFN


.162: I found it!!! On page 11 of 67 in chapter #142, Dana says, "Firing a Quantum Devastator this close to the surface wouldn’t be practical, so they’d have to rely on Quantum Flux Cannons. " I was sure it was a much older reference,.. but at least I didn't imagine it,.. seems to be a narrower energy beam compared to the Quantum Flux Cannon,.. but I still like the version we came up with better, that 'powders' Soul Forged black metal,.. now that's a Devastator! ;-) TTFN


.163: maybe Dana can still build a cleansing cannon that still 'powders' Soul Forged metal,.. a Quantum Devastator Cannon,.. take 1 part Quantum Disintegrator, 1 part Helene's Love frequency, and a pinch of hard shield tech, then viola you've got a big gun that takes the fleet out from under the enemy,.. Dana could do it,.. bring on those Quantum Devastator Cannons, blasting out lethal broadsides at Gahl'kelgor's fleet,.. and poof! the fleet is gone! ;-) TTFN

Tefler Fan 007

They need to build a chair that Helane sits in and a bunch of psychic amplifiers along the hull of the Invictus to Broadcast Helane love energy. It would form a sphere around the Invictus and whenever a thrall ship flys into that area white cracks start to form, breaking down the black metal and disabling them. Or they could just broadcast fear to the enemy thralls too.😁


.167: They could broadcast John's "I really Love you" emotion,.. and swing the whole enemy fleet over to our side including Asshat's Matriarch,.. so cool,.. ;-) TTFN


.171: SEVERAL BIG IF's: -- IF Mael'nerak did create his own sub-plane after his little experiment with the Ashanath (fairly likely),.. then not only did he put something in there (enclose-capture) / keep something in there (maintain it),.. But, and here is another Big IF: how does someone other than Mael'nerak access it? What if it's the Shroud that is hidden in Mael's Astral sub-plane? Or what if he stole a Kyth'faren Citadel of knowledge and tucked it away in his nice safe sub-plane, for his further study,..( or both,.. and maybe more),.. -- now he himself could no longer maintain said sub-plane after he died,.. so IF it was created, and IF it is still there,.. as the Shroud is still there (IF there is a connection?),.. then who or what is maintaining that sub-plane? My thought was it was/is Mael's last Matriarch prior to Valada,.. and her soul keeps it active, much like an old Kyth'faren soul maintains a Citadel,.. that is a lot of IF's and maybes I know,.. but Tef has been building up to something,.. any other wild ass guesses?!! And what and where will our gang find their clues on Kythshara? -- my other wild ass guess is that the gang may not only find another Nexus on Kythshara, but one with Mael'nerak's personality as it's operating system,.. Yeah I know it's a cliche Sci Fi story device, but would Tef do something along those lines or not? it/he would tell them everything it knows and give them access to his sub-plane, cause it/he would be rather lonely after 10K years -- thoughts,.. ;-) TTFN

Tefler Fan 007

My personal opinion is that Mael soul is bound to a Secret astral plane construct and John will pull Valada soul back and bind it with Mael so they can be together for the rest of time.❤️


A lot of interesting theories. I wonder how often can theories end up being right because Tef reads them and likes the idea enough to do it (or something similar). I imagine it could be a good way to get the creative juices flowing if nothing else.


Wow, last couple of comments I've left here have disappeared, and probably 4 out of my last 7 in total. What's going on? Anyone else experiencing this?

Michael carney

I can't see John using something that would kill all thralls by destroying WHOLE fleets of ships. He would want to save them. Also cancel my idea of kidnapping Valeria and feeding her (if that would then get all her bonded thralls). But John's matriarchs would have had to do a big sell to get him to force feed as distinct from his normal slow consensual approach.


.180: Yeah, me too a month or so ago, it seems like every other comment disappeared,.. TefFan007 even teased me about getting old and forgetful,.. and accidently deleting them myself,.. grrr! But not so much lately,.. it seemed to have run it's course with me,.. I guess it's just your turn now chris, sorry,.. ;-) TTFN


.182: Well there have been a few cases of an author, here in Patreon, taking a fans idea and using at least a part of it in his/her story a few chapters later on,.. I would truly love that, it would been both a thrill and a rush to see one of my goofy thoughts make it into a favorite story line,.. wow! If there is a chance of that with Tef and TSM's then I guess I'll keep tossing out the notions as they surface,.. who knows,.. maybe one will work for his tale at the right time,.. maybe,.. ;-) TTFN


Patreon does this stuff from time to time. I always work up a significant post in another piece of software, then paste it into Patreon. Their drafting software, and how reliably it uploads, makes one want to cry at times …

Tefler Fan 007

10 days till 143 part 1😁😁

Tefler Fan 007

Ok so in the last chapter John was telling Dana and Daphne that they would have to make a couple dozen more power suits to protect the Matriarchs but are they going to have adjustable stomach area for the pregnant ones? How effective would those suits be then? Just a random thought.


All the suits have adjustable belly sections. I believe Jade tested the first models for Dana after she got loaded up.

Tefler Fan 007

So I need to apologize, in earlier posts about the next refit and also the next chapter 143 I stated that John was going to shape the Raptor and Invictus armor to at least 25 shaped. I was just rereading chapter 127 and John already shaped the Raptor armor to 25 when they rebuilt it after Larns attack. The Invictus armor is 20 shaped for first 50 meters and 15 shaped for the rest. So in the next chapter 143, I predict John will get the Raptor up to 30 shaped 😁 before they make a run for Maels throne world and the Invictus will be upgraded at the next refit so the whole ship is 25 shaped armor at the very least.

Tefler Fan 007

With the Raptor 25 shaped already we will at least find out how effective it is when it goes up against Maels static defenses because they are bound to take hits before John decides to throw a psychic hex shield around the whole ship to save them😁.


I've been considering tactics for what would be the most efficient and bloodless way (relatively speaking) of taking Gahl out. Calara's defenses aren't fully set up yet and it's going to be down to the wire on whether or not a significant number of Larn’kelnar's fleets will be recovered in time to face him. While I think it would be best to capture Valaria and turn her and her network to John's side after Gahl was dead, but it may not be possible w/o a ton of Maliri dying. Personally I think Alyssa needs to boost the shit out of Iryllith to hack Gahl's dreadnought, cripple the shields, lock out all the life pods and shuttles as well as keep the docking bays shut tight then launch it into the heart of a star and immobilize it. Yes, in theory, the black metal is capable of surviving being inside a sun, but if it acts like other metal it'll absorb the heat and transfer/distribute that 14,000 degrees of death all through Gahl's ship. In essence, it'll be like wrapping an egg in tinfoil and throwing it in a microwave on high. And yeah, Gahl, and his thralls are the egg. Once Gahl is toast John (again in theory) can claim another race of thralls and their fleet with the only casualties being Gahl and his flagship's crew. ::edit:: We'll see if this comment sticks around

Tefler Fan 007

I agree it will come close to the wire but I think John will hijack the connection and either kill them or cut them off from Gahl. Valeria might drain the thralls to save her master but the psychic attack will strike fear in the others and Gahl. Plus once they kill Gahl I think they will wait cloaked this time and ambush the next progenitor sent to investigate Gahls death😁.


👍looking good so far lol


And yeah, Tef has a gift for completely surprising us with his famous plot twists 😎


.206: Brian an chris are both right,.. changes are coming,.. and a battle Must be won very soon,.. and then they can accomplish the latest refit,.. (and a purple pixie could be restored?) ;-) TTFN


.207: I mean, there just HAS to be some advanced computer tech remaining on Kythshara,.. right,.. so,.. that's information that should lead to a restoration of our Faye!!! ;-) TTFN


.208: It's been another 1/2 day, so it's been over 24 hours now,.. I think this one has made it okay, right chris?,.. Yay! ;-) TTFN

Tefler Fan 007

Ok were will the Gahl asshat thrall ships strike first? Will it be outer rim colonies, kirrix, Maliri, or another empire space? Open to all guesses. Winner gets to say I told you so.😁


.211: As they (Asshat's black fleet) are jumping out into Kirrix space, I say it's 3 times the charm for Progenitors wiping out those bugs,.. then the Enshunu need a visit before Gahl'kelgor's black fleet runs afoul of Calara's minefield protecting the Maliri,.. then John and his girls can drain the Asshat of all his Mojo, toss him onto Valeria's not so tender mercies, and John can lay claim to the former Galkiran empire's thralls and ships,.. And then poor Xar'azuith can be very confused, unhappy, and soon to be dead (John saves his daddy, and gives him back his old Randari empire, with Jessica to help him do it right this time,..) and we get Faye back too,.. And Tef will take around a hundred more chapters to tell the tale,.. so, what do you think? ;-) TTFN


How about this: If Irillith figures out a way to hack an enemy dreadnought, Sakura, Calara and Alyssa can sneak into the ship. And with the help of Calara, Sakura can sneak up close enough to be in line of sight of Gahlkagor and just shoot his head. Blowing him up before he can have a chance to heal himself. That would prevent his network from getting drained. PS: I'm only including Alyssa because I think the black metal of the dreadnought's hull prevents any psychic conversation that Alyssa needs to keep going for Sakura and Calara to be in contact with each other.


Thinking further about this - the whole team could sneak in but stand back and let Sakura try her thing. If it doesn't work, then the rest can jump in to finish off the enemy progenitor in the old fashioned slug fest.


219 I am fascinated that John's rune sword was able to hack a piece out of the 'new' white metal. We do not know how strong the sword really is because it was created without us being told how tough it is. And it has not been swiped at progenitor black metal that Dana needs for some weapons. So just how strong is the white metal? Will the manufacturing method be discovered? Is it good enough to substitute for black metal??


In what chapter does John fight his guide?

Tefler Fan 007

Random thought- John has tried to bring back someone’s parents soul three times and two of those times Xar'aziuth has hijacked his connection and tried draining John and the Girls. However we learned the last time that the connection is two way with John sending loved up power back down the connection and making Xar'aziuth sick. My thought is that if it’s a two way connection maybe John could drain energy from Xar'aziuth to weaken him if they ever try again. This would serve the purpose of allowing John to bring a soul back and strike fear into Xar'aziuth making him realize he’s not as strong as he thinks. Just a random thought 🤔😁.


Just a thought but shouldn’t John reshape is sword and sakuras blades and the Valkyries sword too?like 25 shaped

Tefler Fan 007

At 20 shaped Johns sword is already strong enough for combat with other progenitors plus he might not be able to make it again because he doesn’t understand the runes used to make it. Now the valkyries sword should be upgraded to pierce the hulls of thrall ships.


.241: So, the Mists of Loralar,.. the Fear and terror factor,.. Mael'nerak's defensive emplacements,.. the actual Throne world of Kythshara, and all it's varied secrets,.. will the gang find a working Hyper-Warp Gate, and start sending Maliri through to retrieve Larn'kelnars former fleet?,.. will they have much time on this trip to search for more things, like cloning equipment, and like some cool digital gear that could mean their getting Faye back?,.. A working Soul Forge,.. a stock pile of various metals and ores,.. A written diary, or a personal computer that has a whole lot of Mael'nerak's thoughts on it,.. info on any sub planes that he may have created,.. any up and running thinking machines (Nexus or higher level AI's),.. Any completed or mostly completed Warcrafts,.. any people (thralls or non-thralls) in cryostasis, that might be recovered,.. any really cool, but incomplete weapon ideas,.. any left-over (from 10K years ago) prisoners of war?,.. Any other surprises,.. ;-) TTFN

Tefler Fan 007

There SHOULD be a warp gate there but not sure on soul forges. The static defenses I believe will be white metal and they will Cannibalize them for parts and weapons (quantum flux cannons) for a rapid refit. I also believe there will be an advanced white metal ship that was meant for Valada, either a large ship dreadnought or maybe a small new designed ship to protect her.


.246: I am hopeful that Tef can remain a 'good boy' and post at least 1/2 of the next chapter at/by the end of the month,.. he has been quite consistent the past months and I have a lot of confidence in his letting us in on the Mists of Loralar exploration,.. crossing fingers and toes,.. 4 and 1/2 days more to go,.. ;-) TTFN


.254: Your thoughts on any and all pre-programmed scripts for taking over Black Fleet Vessels, by Irillith,.. for each ship class,.. I would expect different types of orders for a Battleship than for a destroyer,.. and how do you break through Progenitor Shields and Sentinels to plant any instructions,.. ideas? Yeah, I know that Irillith has been awaiting a few examples of Thrall ships from Larn'kelnar's fleet to serve as her learning tools, but what do you think she should tell those enemy ships to do, just turn off shields and shut down, or what? Some various if then, then that multiple scenarios? With alot of yer just plain ole shoot your neighbor ship blasting away,.. ? ;-) TTFN

Tefler Fan 007

I think she just going to open all the air locks and blow them into space. Then she has perfectly good ships to give to the Maliri.😁

Tefler Fan 007

1/2 now and the full in another 30 days has been his standard plan these last 6 months.

Tefler Fan 007

Ok food for thought, what’s the purpose of the fire control tower since they have never gone into it and there is no access from anywhere on the ship. I know what it SHOULD be used for but on the Invictus they never use it and don’t send anyone up there to spot targets. It just seems like waste of space. Maybe they could modify it to add another weapon to the ship😁.


.260: Maybe it's just full of sensors to help them know where to shoot,.. or something like that,.. and just the Maintenance 'bots go there every once in a while,.. I'm a little bit surprised that Dana hasn't mentioned the fire control tower in all her Progenitor instruments/sensors upgrades,.. they must just be all those 'minor' items that she felt were just not worth mentioning at the debriefs, 'cause she was in a hurry to get to the orgy part of the traditional 'John' meeting,.. BUT it might be a dandy spot to place a Quantum Devastater Cannon on a big ole swivel mount,.. ready to blast away sir! ;-) TTFN

Tefler Fan 007

3 more days😁😁😁 Looking forward to some light reading Friday morning if Tefler keeps to his normal schedule. Besides the ship refit and impending battles with Gahl thralls, I really want to see what happens with Lynette and the outer rim colonies. For some reason it has got me interested on the many ways it could go. The Walker saga just has me bored.


Every writer has some blindspots (areas they can improve their craft in) and one of Tefler's is leaving several unresolved hanging subplots. Tef doesn't plan EVERYTHING out (who can?), and so he understandably gets distracted tying up some plot threads while nearly ignoring others for several months/years in real time. When's the last time we've had and Auralei update? How long is Admiral Almada going to be raped before John and the girls just show up to put a bullet in his brain? What is going to be the final fate of the Vulkat? What was that mysterious presence in Brimorian cyberspace? These are only a few off the top of my head. One of the pitfalls of writing a story like this in monthly installments is that plot points like these are easy to put on the back burner and hard to fit into the narrative the further you go. There is attention being paid to the Walker subplot, but little of actual substance has been driving it for several months. Pretty much nothing of importance has occurred beyond what we knew and expected since Tom's fighter was recovered. Yeah, yeah, Mason betrayed Tom, leading the TF investigators around by the nose courtesy of an above average frame job. Charges mount, tension ratchets up and he and Anna actually reconciling is the only significant development there. I hope John offers both the Walkers as well as Anna and Natalie Newmount positions in his organizations like the Lion Foundation or his trade stations out of the public eye to keep them safe. Because their will always be dangerous conspiracy crackpots who will believe they are guilty. We don't even have confirmation that Mason snatched Beth when he fled to Brimorian space yet. Beth is my call for the next Terran wounded, little bird to be rescued by John for his crew. The only major annoyance I find in Tefler’s epic is the ambiguity of minor characters being reused over and over. Are Krisalei, Leprechaun, the Maliri hackers, Fat Tony, Perl & Kelly, the Commodore of the Orion and his girlfriend, and others, just narrative devices to give another POV, or are they actually going to be intrinsic to the plot at some point? I want to care about these people in Tef's universe, but get frustrated not seeing these characters in the story for years, only to throw a cameo of some of them in before ignoring them yet again. It feels like Tefler is incredibly ambitious about building this amazing universe of his, but gets bogged down and distracted trying execute what he wants to do. That said, this opus is and for the foreseeable future will be drug of choice. I can't wait to see where he takes us next! ::edit:: Since Mateo and Emily are going to be stationed on the Orion with his brother I could easily see that ship being a window into the TF POV with a half dozen side and tertiary characters being in the same locale.


.271: I wonder if ex-Commander Tom Walker will make it to the Wedding,.. you know, looking for some 'help me I'm so very desperate' help from the Lion,.. he would be a very impressive wedding crasher, considering Oceanas security,.. ;-) TTFN


.272: And the wedding date will be after Gahl'kelgor is drained, and tossed aside,.. but before the next Asshat makes his appearance,.. maybe around chapter #152 or #153,.. hopefully that soon,.. Maria will keep the pressure up on those love birds,.. ;-) TTFN

Tefler Fan 007

So after Lina becomes a secret Lioness who will be next in High Command? Admirals Espinoso and Maybridge are options. Aeri Malone and her Husband serve on different ships and fleets so they might have an open relationship were Aeri could become a secret lioness and keep her husband happy 🤔🤣.


.286: And is Lynette recruiting all these Admirals to make the running of the High Command and therefore the T-Fed easier, or is she still trying to build a harem around Charles? ;-) TTFN

Tefler Fan 007

Maybe a little of both. It would make running TFed easier. Charles would have Lina and Lynette so he would not want anymore. Espinoso and Maybridge would be great to get in relationships with some of the other Admirals such as Kester or Darces. Maybe even Cartwright 😁. Caldwell is a stick in the mud so he won’t be for it. Aeri and Conner Malone relationship could be interesting. Both serve High Command and Both have their own fleets so maybe they have an open relationship when they are apart and would be interested in John giving Aeri a deluxe upgrade 😁. It would also give permanent support for the Fleet admiral and John.

Tefler Fan 007

In reading some chapters over again I had an interesting thought. What tech will John give the TFED next? When John and the girls were brainstorming what tech to give the Kintark when they were invaded, John and the Girls considered giving them pulse cannon technology but decided on EMP missiles because they were quicker to make. With that in mind I think John will give the TFED pulse cannons and EMP missiles. Dana could even design some sort of punisher heavy cannons that are rail guns to upgrade the current heavy cannons. Now some of you might be worried about those weapons being used against John but John still has the secret kill switch in the power cores that Dana designed. Just a random thought 🤔😁.

Tefler Fan 007

I can see the Punisher Heavy cannons now, double barrel turrets with rails running down each side of the barrels. When powered up, each rail will glow blue and when they fire each round there will be blue Tachyon particles trailing each round.😁

Tefler Fan 007

1 day and a few hours to go!!!!!😁😁😁


Pretty good story chpter 142 combined, unlocking more secrets and trying to get onto mist with going crazy.


.292: OKAY, we are now on the 24 hour count down clock,.. cum on TSM #143 !! ;-) TTFN

Tefler Fan 007

Bringing Back a DemonHunterCole classic before the the drop. This is for all the Tefler-maniacs 😁😁🤣🤣. (to the tune of Animaniacs) Everyone: It's time for Teflermaniacs And we're zany to the max So just sit back and relax. You'll laugh till you collapse. We're Teflermaniacs Michael and Anthony: Come join the Addict Brothers Brittany: And the Addict Sister Brit Everyone: Just for fun, we run around the Tefler movie lot. They lock us in the tower whenever we get caught. But we break loose and then vamoose and now you know the plot. We're Teflermaniacs Brit is cute and Michael yaks. Anthony packs away the snacks While Tefler Fan 007 plays the sax We've got wisecracks by the stacks. Tefler pay zero of income tax. We're Teflermaniacs Meet Lilith and Rus who want to rule the universe. Addicts flock together, while Tefler whacks them with his purse. Jedi Khan chases Cignal, while Muledriver sings a verse. The writers flipped, We have no script, Why bother to rehearse? All: We're Teflermaniacs We have pay-or-play contracts We're zany to the max There's baloney in our slacks! We're Teflermani Totally insane-y Teflermaniacs! Those are the facts!


.298: OKAY Now, in just about 15 more hours we will all be setting out for a little trip into the Mists of Loralar nebula,.. kind of like a treasure hunt,.. oh boy, oh boy!! ;-) TTFN

Tefler Fan 007

It’s almost like Christmas waiting for next chapter to drop😁. How will Tefler surprise us today? Partial chapter? Maybe no chapter? Or the extreme off chance of a full chapter!!!😁😁😁


Rumours have it, it is going to be a few days late 9 days the rumours have it


The nine days late refers to a comment made on the 29th about the fact that Tefler said he was hoping to have 143 done by the 20th.


Sorry, are you talking about a comment on September 29th (yesterday), referring to October 20th as to when 143 would be done? I apologize for the confusion.

Tefler Fan 007

Someone please make the the mean posters stop posting that 143 won’t post tonight 😢. Tomorrow is fine but doing it today is like telling kids the day before Christmas there is no Santa😁🤣.


I would be quite happy to pay for September, myself. I hope that Tefler's doing well, regardless of when he next posts an update.


.306: Personally, I'm leaving out some milk and cookies for my favorite Erotic Sci-Fi Author, Just to be safe,.. ho-ho-ho wishing you a Merry chapter #143, and to all a good night! ;-) TTFN

Tefler Fan 007

Don’t forget the carrots for Rudolph and the other reindeer 😁🎅🦌🦌🦌🦌🦌🦌🦌🦌.


.309: Well, if Tef said that he hopes to complete chapter #143 by Oct 20th, Author work timeline,.. then he should readily be able to drop us a first half chapter tonight,.. right? So no worries there mate, all is well,.. And have a very Merry #143! the purple Mists of Loralar await! ;-) TTFN


Hello everyone, I joined this site at 137 because of SOL not having the next chapter. I just wanted to say that the wait here is more bearable reading all of your comments. I'm finding things out that I didn't know before. So thank you all

Tefler Fan 007

No problem, welcome to the asylum. Feel free to post random thoughts and stupid ideas like the rest of us😁🤣🤣

Tefler Fan 007

Yaaay…..Mist of Loralar here we come!!!!! Maybe we get a hint that Faye will be back soon😁. We Miss You Faye❤️. FAYE FOREVER!!!!!

Tefler Fan 007

Literotica.com is at 138 and updates when new chapters are dropped. It’s 4 chapters behind.

Bp Hlpt

Chapter 142 Thank you for going for making such an incredible effort to make us all feel at home. Thank you for going to such an incredible effort to make us all feel at home. -or- Thank you for making such an incredible effort to make us all feel at home. is if they were testing my abilities and prepare measures to counter them. is if they were testing my abilities in order to prepare measures to counter them. “The way they feel is never going to change, John,” Rachel murmured, given him a gentle kiss. “The way they feel is never going to change, John,” Rachel murmured, giving him a gentle kiss. it felt like being a voyeur on something intensely private. it felt like being a voyeur of something intensely private. Yes. You have my solemn pledge than I will never be killed ever. Yes. You have my solemn pledge that I will never be killed ever. to reclaim Kythshara and all its secrets for the Maliri.” # --- Hash tag no longer needed? She glanced at Irillith Please could you gather the staff and have them accompany us to the Invictus; Please gather the staff and have them accompany us to the Invictus; -- John really isn't asking a question -- or if you mean it to be a question, then add a question mark

JC Armstrong

skipped 142 part 2 and then had to skip about 30+ pages to get where I needed to be but great chapter ... but being the devil that I am ... post 142 as part 1 and then part 2 over on SOL that should get you more time here to get even more chapters out LOL

Bp Hlpt (edited)

Comment edits

2022-08-27 08:41:32 I saw the updated chapter 141 at Literotica. Thanks! I didn't re-read the entire chapter yet, but I noticed that these typos still exist: Tom gave her beleaguered shrug. -- add "a" before beleaguered Tom gave her a beleaguered shrug. Luna and Sarinia will be travelling separately and will arrive shortly afterwards. -- Sarinia > Sarene --Edraele knows her name is now Sarene and it has been announced to the other matriarchs Luna and Sarene will be travelling separately and will arrive shortly afterwards. She struck from the shadows repeatedly to keep the thralls disorientated and maintained the element of surprise. -- maintained > maintain -- 'maintain' goes with 'keep', not with 'disorientated' -- ie she struck ... to keep ... and maintain ... She struck from the shadows repeatedly to keep the thralls disorientated and maintain the element of surprise. Athena laughed, then turn her attention to Jehanna. -- turn > turned Athena laughed, then turned her attention to Jehanna. she replied, her tone lightened considerably. -- her tone lightened > as her tone lightened -or- lightened > lightening she replied, as her tone lightened considerably. -or- she replied, her tone lightening considerably. his height clearing well over fifty metres until he ceased his psychic expansion. -- until > when his height clearing well over fifty metres when he ceased his psychic expansion. Kelenis face crumbled and she fought back tears. -- Kelenis > Kelenis' -- ie possessive, you could say Kelenis's if you prefer Kelenis' face crumbled and she fought back tears. Will you be updating the post here at Patreon with the updated chapter?
2022-04-15 09:08:09 I saw the updated chapter 141 at Literotica. Thanks! I didn't re-read the entire chapter yet, but I noticed that these typos still exist: Tom gave her beleaguered shrug. -- add "a" before beleaguered Tom gave her a beleaguered shrug. Luna and Sarinia will be travelling separately and will arrive shortly afterwards. -- Sarinia > Sarene --Edraele knows her name is now Sarene and it has been announced to the other matriarchs Luna and Sarene will be travelling separately and will arrive shortly afterwards. She struck from the shadows repeatedly to keep the thralls disorientated and maintained the element of surprise. -- maintained > maintain -- 'maintain' goes with 'keep', not with 'disorientated' -- ie she struck ... to keep ... and maintain ... She struck from the shadows repeatedly to keep the thralls disorientated and maintain the element of surprise. Athena laughed, then turn her attention to Jehanna. -- turn > turned Athena laughed, then turned her attention to Jehanna. she replied, her tone lightened considerably. -- her tone lightened > as her tone lightened -or- lightened > lightening she replied, as her tone lightened considerably. -or- she replied, her tone lightening considerably. his height clearing well over fifty metres until he ceased his psychic expansion. -- until > when his height clearing well over fifty metres when he ceased his psychic expansion. Kelenis face crumbled and she fought back tears. -- Kelenis > Kelenis' -- ie possessive, you could say Kelenis's if you prefer Kelenis' face crumbled and she fought back tears. Will you be updating the post here at Patreon with the updated chapter?

I saw the updated chapter 141 at Literotica. Thanks! I didn't re-read the entire chapter yet, but I noticed that these typos still exist: Tom gave her beleaguered shrug. -- add "a" before beleaguered Tom gave her a beleaguered shrug. Luna and Sarinia will be travelling separately and will arrive shortly afterwards. -- Sarinia > Sarene --Edraele knows her name is now Sarene and it has been announced to the other matriarchs Luna and Sarene will be travelling separately and will arrive shortly afterwards. She struck from the shadows repeatedly to keep the thralls disorientated and maintained the element of surprise. -- maintained > maintain -- 'maintain' goes with 'keep', not with 'disorientated' -- ie she struck ... to keep ... and maintain ... She struck from the shadows repeatedly to keep the thralls disorientated and maintain the element of surprise. Athena laughed, then turn her attention to Jehanna. -- turn > turned Athena laughed, then turned her attention to Jehanna. she replied, her tone lightened considerably. -- her tone lightened > as her tone lightened -or- lightened > lightening she replied, as her tone lightened considerably. -or- she replied, her tone lightening considerably. his height clearing well over fifty metres until he ceased his psychic expansion. -- until > when his height clearing well over fifty metres when he ceased his psychic expansion. Kelenis face crumbled and she fought back tears. -- Kelenis > Kelenis' -- ie possessive, you could say Kelenis's if you prefer Kelenis' face crumbled and she fought back tears. Will you be updating the post here at Patreon with the updated chapter?


Thanks for letting me know about those. I've updated my master copy for the chapter and uploaded it to the patreon post. :)

Bp Hlpt

Thanks, and sorry for posting this under the wrong post. By the way, I didn't mention it earlier and I know you normally can't "see" them, but you should really check your chapters for the various "white space" errors that can crop up: 1) tab - anywhere 2) multiple adjacent spaces - sometimes within the text, sometimes at the end of a paragraph 3) paragraph end mark followed by a space - ie extra spaces at the beginning or between paragraphs 4) a space followed by a paragraph end mark - ie extra spaces at the end of a paragraph You almost always have more than one of the above in every chapter, and in Chapter 141 you still have more than one instance of all four cases. Let me know if you want me to detail where I found them. ( My word processor found 569 white space errors in Ch 141. LOL ) If you do a search for the four cases above, AFAIK you ideally shouldn't find any of the four.

Bp Hlpt (edited)

Comment edits

2022-08-27 08:41:32 I saw the updated chapter 142 at Literotica, and here at Patreon as well. Thanks! I didn't re-read the entire chapter yet, but I noticed that these typos still exist: “The way they feel is never going to change, John,” Rachel murmured, given him a gentle kiss. -- given > giving “The way they feel is never going to change, John,” Rachel murmured, giving him a gentle kiss. it felt like being a voyeur on something intensely private. -- on > of it felt like being a voyeur of something intensely private. Please could you gather the staff and have them accompany us to the Invictus; -- delete "could you" -- John really isn't asking a question Please gather the staff and have them accompany us to the Invictus; There are also several cases of extraneous "white space": There is a "tab" in the blank line before: (1 case) “Likewise,” she said, nuzzling into him There is an extraneous space in the blank line before: (2 cases) “Dana is asking for you in her Workshop,” “Easy now, you’ve tapped yourself out after There are extra spaces within text: (3 cases) everything you can!* she gasped in desperation. -- before 'she' Admiralty uniform. “I know you’re a -- after 'uniform.' This is important, Charlie. We’re planning to make -- after 'Charlie.' There is an extraneous space at the start of the paragraph beginning with: (1 case) “Alright, let’s give it a try,” There are extra spaces at the end of the paragraphs ending with: (100 cases) across the entire Protectorate!” -- (1) introducing him to their people. -- (1) Rachel replied with a fond smile. -- (1) when he saw Dana’s pout. -- (1) let’s head back to the Invictus.” -- (1) he conceded with a wry smile. -- (1) reaching for their own weapons. -- (1) they returned to the study. -- (1) as she turned and fled. -- (1) bearing down on her current position. -- (1) the task it had been assigned. -- (1) by the radically advanced code. -- (1) as they repelled the attack. -- (1) curling into a wicked smile. -- (1) an incredible job, well done.” -- (1) into the concealed room beyond. -- (1) from the corner of the elevator. -- (1) gleaming with excitement. -- (1) the planet,” Alyssa said softly. -- (1) John said, his expression grim. -- (1) all those Trankaran worlds.” -- (1) replacing her Paragon helmet. -- (1) fingertips across its surface. -- (1) her back to the T-junction. -- (1) reached for her scanner. -- (1) to face his Chief Engineer. -- (1) attached to her Paragon suit. -- (1) submerged in molasses. -- (1) shook his hands and arms. -- (1) readying another blow. -- (1) echoing around the chamber. -- (1) darting over to the wall. -- (1) to enraptured fascination. -- (1) set at the end on the right-hand side. -- (2) girls away from the door. -- (1) Tashana informed them. -- (1) while she was down here.” -- (1) purpose,” Rachel said quietly. -- (1) as she led them inside. -- (1) missing the vivacious brunette. -- (1) endless darkness of space. -- (1) between Charles and his guest. -- (1) her suspicions with a nod. -- (1) far from it in fact.” -- (1) if you asked for my advice.” -- (1) than he’d ever seen her before. -- (1) her head on his shoulder. -- (1) uncharacteristically sombre. -- (1) for him in the corridor beyond. -- (1) how resilient that metal was. -- (1) might have had something to do with it?” -- (2) make it snappy, we need lots more!” -- (15) big enough to take these bad boys!” -- (7) stepped into the corridor. -- (1) look at the autopsy reports!” -- (1) raising an eyebrow in amusement. -- (1) into him affectionately. -- (1) burying her face in his chest. -- (1) that hit the spot.” -- (1) is not like ours at all.” -- (1) time together as possible?” -- (1) outlook was so alien to his own. -- (1) no intention of upsetting them. -- (1) I just have to be patient.” -- (1) caricature of mock indignity. -- (1) wouldn’t bring Faye back any faster. -- (1) how to use Shadow runes?” -- (1) John was inclined towards. -- (1) to create one of his own. -- (1) to the armour-equipping frame. -- (1) about letting the team down.” -- (1) the other went on the attack. -- (1) for its flowing elegance. -- (1) agility and flexibility. -- (1) explained with a pensive frown. -- (1) woman down on the deck again. -- (1) informed him in a sultry purr. -- (1) lopsided grin. “Duty calls?” -- (1) pensive silence was shattered. -- (1) fears banished as hope returned. -- (1) massive spacecraft directly. -- (1) make out the name now. -- (1) Shoal Master Kaelotegh’s mighty flagship. -- (10) flank the cohort of Brimorian battleships. -- (13) everything that transpired here!” -- (~319) - WOW! A new record! LOL how exotic you girls are.” -- (1) her neck, making her giggle. -- (1) his full attention once again. -- (1) in the Maliri Protectorate!” -- (1) said with a playful grin. -- (1) took his breath away. -- (1) John agreed, stroking her back. -- (1) thinking about me anyway, Jade?* -- (1) Edraele?* he asked inquisitively. -- (1) member of the crew plain to see. -- (1) in an ethereal shade of purple. -- (1) already totally devoted to him.” -- (1) it’s got a cloaking device.” -- (1) we’re there,” Dana persisted. -- (1) Mael’nerak left for us to find.” -- (~591) - DOUBLE WOW! Another new record! LOL In order to find those "white space" errors, I searched for the following and in all cases I repeated the search until none were found: tab > replace by nothing space followed by space > replace by space paragraph end mark followed by space > replace by paragraph end mark space followed by paragraph end mark > replace by paragraph end mark
2022-04-18 08:00:34 I saw the updated chapter 142 at Literotica, and here at Patreon as well. Thanks! I didn't re-read the entire chapter yet, but I noticed that these typos still exist: “The way they feel is never going to change, John,” Rachel murmured, given him a gentle kiss. -- given > giving “The way they feel is never going to change, John,” Rachel murmured, giving him a gentle kiss. it felt like being a voyeur on something intensely private. -- on > of it felt like being a voyeur of something intensely private. Please could you gather the staff and have them accompany us to the Invictus; -- delete "could you" -- John really isn't asking a question Please gather the staff and have them accompany us to the Invictus; There are also several cases of extraneous "white space": There is a "tab" in the blank line before: (1 case) “Likewise,” she said, nuzzling into him There is an extraneous space in the blank line before: (2 cases) “Dana is asking for you in her Workshop,” “Easy now, you’ve tapped yourself out after There are extra spaces within text: (3 cases) everything you can!* she gasped in desperation. -- before 'she' Admiralty uniform. “I know you’re a -- after 'uniform.' This is important, Charlie. We’re planning to make -- after 'Charlie.' There is an extraneous space at the start of the paragraph beginning with: (1 case) “Alright, let’s give it a try,” There are extra spaces at the end of the paragraphs ending with: (100 cases) across the entire Protectorate!” -- (1) introducing him to their people. -- (1) Rachel replied with a fond smile. -- (1) when he saw Dana’s pout. -- (1) let’s head back to the Invictus.” -- (1) he conceded with a wry smile. -- (1) reaching for their own weapons. -- (1) they returned to the study. -- (1) as she turned and fled. -- (1) bearing down on her current position. -- (1) the task it had been assigned. -- (1) by the radically advanced code. -- (1) as they repelled the attack. -- (1) curling into a wicked smile. -- (1) an incredible job, well done.” -- (1) into the concealed room beyond. -- (1) from the corner of the elevator. -- (1) gleaming with excitement. -- (1) the planet,” Alyssa said softly. -- (1) John said, his expression grim. -- (1) all those Trankaran worlds.” -- (1) replacing her Paragon helmet. -- (1) fingertips across its surface. -- (1) her back to the T-junction. -- (1) reached for her scanner. -- (1) to face his Chief Engineer. -- (1) attached to her Paragon suit. -- (1) submerged in molasses. -- (1) shook his hands and arms. -- (1) readying another blow. -- (1) echoing around the chamber. -- (1) darting over to the wall. -- (1) to enraptured fascination. -- (1) set at the end on the right-hand side. -- (2) girls away from the door. -- (1) Tashana informed them. -- (1) while she was down here.” -- (1) purpose,” Rachel said quietly. -- (1) as she led them inside. -- (1) missing the vivacious brunette. -- (1) endless darkness of space. -- (1) between Charles and his guest. -- (1) her suspicions with a nod. -- (1) far from it in fact.” -- (1) if you asked for my advice.” -- (1) than he’d ever seen her before. -- (1) her head on his shoulder. -- (1) uncharacteristically sombre. -- (1) for him in the corridor beyond. -- (1) how resilient that metal was. -- (1) might have had something to do with it?” -- (2) make it snappy, we need lots more!” -- (15) big enough to take these bad boys!” -- (7) stepped into the corridor. -- (1) look at the autopsy reports!” -- (1) raising an eyebrow in amusement. -- (1) into him affectionately. -- (1) burying her face in his chest. -- (1) that hit the spot.” -- (1) is not like ours at all.” -- (1) time together as possible?” -- (1) outlook was so alien to his own. -- (1) no intention of upsetting them. -- (1) I just have to be patient.” -- (1) caricature of mock indignity. -- (1) wouldn’t bring Faye back any faster. -- (1) how to use Shadow runes?” -- (1) John was inclined towards. -- (1) to create one of his own. -- (1) to the armour-equipping frame. -- (1) about letting the team down.” -- (1) the other went on the attack. -- (1) for its flowing elegance. -- (1) agility and flexibility. -- (1) explained with a pensive frown. -- (1) woman down on the deck again. -- (1) informed him in a sultry purr. -- (1) lopsided grin. “Duty calls?” -- (1) pensive silence was shattered. -- (1) fears banished as hope returned. -- (1) massive spacecraft directly. -- (1) make out the name now. -- (1) Shoal Master Kaelotegh’s mighty flagship. -- (10) flank the cohort of Brimorian battleships. -- (13) everything that transpired here!” -- (~319) - WOW! A new record! LOL how exotic you girls are.” -- (1) her neck, making her giggle. -- (1) his full attention once again. -- (1) in the Maliri Protectorate!” -- (1) said with a playful grin. -- (1) took his breath away. -- (1) John agreed, stroking her back. -- (1) thinking about me anyway, Jade?* -- (1) Edraele?* he asked inquisitively. -- (1) member of the crew plain to see. -- (1) in an ethereal shade of purple. -- (1) already totally devoted to him.” -- (1) it’s got a cloaking device.” -- (1) we’re there,” Dana persisted. -- (1) Mael’nerak left for us to find.” -- (~591) - DOUBLE WOW! Another new record! LOL In order to find those "white space" errors, I searched for the following and in all cases I repeated the search until none were found: tab > replace by nothing space followed by space > replace by space paragraph end mark followed by space > replace by paragraph end mark space followed by paragraph end mark > replace by paragraph end mark

I saw the updated chapter 142 at Literotica, and here at Patreon as well. Thanks! I didn't re-read the entire chapter yet, but I noticed that these typos still exist: “The way they feel is never going to change, John,” Rachel murmured, given him a gentle kiss. -- given > giving “The way they feel is never going to change, John,” Rachel murmured, giving him a gentle kiss. it felt like being a voyeur on something intensely private. -- on > of it felt like being a voyeur of something intensely private. Please could you gather the staff and have them accompany us to the Invictus; -- delete "could you" -- John really isn't asking a question Please gather the staff and have them accompany us to the Invictus; There are also several cases of extraneous "white space": There is a "tab" in the blank line before: (1 case) “Likewise,” she said, nuzzling into him There is an extraneous space in the blank line before: (2 cases) “Dana is asking for you in her Workshop,” “Easy now, you’ve tapped yourself out after There are extra spaces within text: (3 cases) everything you can!* she gasped in desperation. -- before 'she' Admiralty uniform. “I know you’re a -- after 'uniform.' This is important, Charlie. We’re planning to make -- after 'Charlie.' There is an extraneous space at the start of the paragraph beginning with: (1 case) “Alright, let’s give it a try,” There are extra spaces at the end of the paragraphs ending with: (100 cases) across the entire Protectorate!” -- (1) introducing him to their people. -- (1) Rachel replied with a fond smile. -- (1) when he saw Dana’s pout. -- (1) let’s head back to the Invictus.” -- (1) he conceded with a wry smile. -- (1) reaching for their own weapons. -- (1) they returned to the study. -- (1) as she turned and fled. -- (1) bearing down on her current position. -- (1) the task it had been assigned. -- (1) by the radically advanced code. -- (1) as they repelled the attack. -- (1) curling into a wicked smile. -- (1) an incredible job, well done.” -- (1) into the concealed room beyond. -- (1) from the corner of the elevator. -- (1) gleaming with excitement. -- (1) the planet,” Alyssa said softly. -- (1) John said, his expression grim. -- (1) all those Trankaran worlds.” -- (1) replacing her Paragon helmet. -- (1) fingertips across its surface. -- (1) her back to the T-junction. -- (1) reached for her scanner. -- (1) to face his Chief Engineer. -- (1) attached to her Paragon suit. -- (1) submerged in molasses. -- (1) shook his hands and arms. -- (1) readying another blow. -- (1) echoing around the chamber. -- (1) darting over to the wall. -- (1) to enraptured fascination. -- (1) set at the end on the right-hand side. -- (2) girls away from the door. -- (1) Tashana informed them. -- (1) while she was down here.” -- (1) purpose,” Rachel said quietly. -- (1) as she led them inside. -- (1) missing the vivacious brunette. -- (1) endless darkness of space. -- (1) between Charles and his guest. -- (1) her suspicions with a nod. -- (1) far from it in fact.” -- (1) if you asked for my advice.” -- (1) than he’d ever seen her before. -- (1) her head on his shoulder. -- (1) uncharacteristically sombre. -- (1) for him in the corridor beyond. -- (1) how resilient that metal was. -- (1) might have had something to do with it?” -- (2) make it snappy, we need lots more!” -- (15) big enough to take these bad boys!” -- (7) stepped into the corridor. -- (1) look at the autopsy reports!” -- (1) raising an eyebrow in amusement. -- (1) into him affectionately. -- (1) burying her face in his chest. -- (1) that hit the spot.” -- (1) is not like ours at all.” -- (1) time together as possible?” -- (1) outlook was so alien to his own. -- (1) no intention of upsetting them. -- (1) I just have to be patient.” -- (1) caricature of mock indignity. -- (1) wouldn’t bring Faye back any faster. -- (1) how to use Shadow runes?” -- (1) John was inclined towards. -- (1) to create one of his own. -- (1) to the armour-equipping frame. -- (1) about letting the team down.” -- (1) the other went on the attack. -- (1) for its flowing elegance. -- (1) agility and flexibility. -- (1) explained with a pensive frown. -- (1) woman down on the deck again. -- (1) informed him in a sultry purr. -- (1) lopsided grin. “Duty calls?” -- (1) pensive silence was shattered. -- (1) fears banished as hope returned. -- (1) massive spacecraft directly. -- (1) make out the name now. -- (1) Shoal Master Kaelotegh’s mighty flagship. -- (10) flank the cohort of Brimorian battleships. -- (13) everything that transpired here!” -- (~319) - WOW! A new record! LOL how exotic you girls are.” -- (1) her neck, making her giggle. -- (1) his full attention once again. -- (1) in the Maliri Protectorate!” -- (1) said with a playful grin. -- (1) took his breath away. -- (1) John agreed, stroking her back. -- (1) thinking about me anyway, Jade?* -- (1) Edraele?* he asked inquisitively. -- (1) member of the crew plain to see. -- (1) in an ethereal shade of purple. -- (1) already totally devoted to him.” -- (1) it’s got a cloaking device.” -- (1) we’re there,” Dana persisted. -- (1) Mael’nerak left for us to find.” -- (~591) - DOUBLE WOW! Another new record! LOL In order to find those "white space" errors, I searched for the following and in all cases I repeated the search until none were found: tab > replace by nothing space followed by space > replace by space paragraph end mark followed by space > replace by paragraph end mark space followed by paragraph end mark > replace by paragraph end mark