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Hey everyone!

Here's the second half of the chapter. I want to add more to the final scene, so I'll merge the two halves when that's completed. 



(I'm not charging for this post).



Outstanding! Thanks Tefler!


Joy :)


Thank you, Tefler!

rich ed

Thank you so much Tefler. We in NZ are back to lock down so a timely drop of your glorious story. Hope you and yours are well




Yes, thank you. 5:40 in the morning, getting an early start today 🙂


annnnnnd gonna wait for the Merger :D gotta wait for ALLLLLLL the details. This is how we should wait for our games. THE FINISHED ... okay... since TSM is still a work in progress, I know it sounds hypocritical... PRODUCT!


cheers mr


Thanks Tefler


Wish I could say I had that sort of willpower. I tried to wait for the combined chapter. I really Tried. Managed to hold out for just over 10 mins...



Bp Hlpt

Thanks, Tefler!


As predicted - but thanks Tefler


Ugh, and I'm finished with it.......damnit why do I do this.....I'm so disappointed in myself.

dakota downey

Ty for the chapter I noticed that you skipped the sex scenes and honestly I feel the story flowed better for it maybe d9nt skip all of them but for the most part I dont mind skipping some of nor most


So this is the part two but still not done for 142... I suppose the wait continues.

Antoine Scrivener

Much appreciated. Quite a number of points clarified.


You really should charge for this post. Most of us couldn't care if you call it part 1 or part 2 as long as we get our monthly dose. Thanks, Tefler.


I think the sex was important in 'building' the team & establishing mechanics of the rapid development of their extraordinary powers/abilities & tools . They've gone from aging recluse & a bunch of teeny bopper "cheerleaders" To Demi-Gods & unifying disparate Empires & cultures into a force to challenge a vast powerful enemy . With all-out war in the near future , I'm sure we'll see more action & less 'build up'

David Brock

Definitely a surprise ending. B-D


Sigh... won't be long, Bob


Thank you, Tefler.

Tefler Fan 007

Great second part!!! It’s sad I’m going to have to wait till the end of the month for the next chapter. 😢 I did like the AI scenes, I could see Madame Daphne finding a new role helping out the crew when they have been bad girls🤣.


.28: I actually would have liked a bit more on the Brimorians,.. especially Athgiloi going nuts at the grim news,.. LOL and ROFLMAO,.. -- do you realize that when the Deep Lord finally gets his, and Celphna is freed, ole Athgiloi will be the ONLY former Nymph master that lasted so many chapters,.. the next closest, in 2nd place, was Jade's old pirate lord master, Everett Hitch, and he really didn't last all that long. And the Amiralty's wet works boys took out the next four Nymph's former masters,.. And Ailita was freed from Ex-Admiral Khatri's basement / dungeon after the girls sensed her presence,.. so, no one has had nearly the build up our nasty fish face lord has had,.. so I do hope his ending is appropriate,.. just can't decide on whether it should be a slow or fast demise,.. maybe string him up, and let the rescued Abandoned poke fun at him with sharp and pointy sticks, like a disgusting, fishy pinata,.. ;-) TTFN


Ok, everything is now setup for some action - The invaders can start making some aggressive moves - The outer rim can provide an interesting twist (Bunch of worlds declare allegiance to John Blake and Lynette can't do much about it). - Walker can hopefully be integrated into the main story line. - Mists expedition can do some awesome reveals. - Murphy hooks up with those two girls (I like Leprechaun), but a certain Maliri fighter pilot is making inquiries... - We're told what happens to those Abandoned they saved. - The Brimorians capitulate. Totally happening in the next chapter.


Actually, Celphna hasn't been disclosed to John and the girls yet, so we don't know how long it will take John and the crew to deal with Deep Lord Athgiloi once they find out. The longest were the four Nymphs, as they found out before the battle of Terra II and were not able to do anything until after the battle. Jade and Ailita were real quick and I would say a tie for how quick justice was dealt with.


Well written chapter, though I wish you would stop going into detail with him being distraught on how he is torn between lovers/ignoring someone/guilty for ensnaring them. I feel you have covered this admirably in past chapters and you could probably just put in one or two lines to reiterate and not two or three paragraphs. With that said I am really enjoying the story and probably just a little pissy that haven't reached the nebula yet because only like three days have passed in the last 5 chapters. :)


Arrrrghhhhhh. So. close. to. the. secrets. to stop. Anyway, thanks Tefler. I hope you and the family are doing well.

Tefler Fan 007

Teller is trying to set something up big for chapter 150 since that would be a good mile stone. That’s just my opinion.🤔😁


.40: As !raptor says,.. "Arrrghhhhh, so close,.." we were right there, at the Mist's of Loralar, the Throne world of Kythshara tantalizingly nearby,.. and the chapter ends, and we must endure another months wait,.. I repeat "Arrrghhhh!!" ,.. that's life!! ;-) TTFN


.41: That's right Brian,.. only 3 days story time over the last 5 chapters, and John reminisces about how it has only been a couple weeks since they lost Faye ( back in chapter 121),.. I love the thought and detail in all these chapters,.. but this Epic Sci Fi Erotic tale is stretching out over the years,.. and this is both wonderful and hair pullingly frustrating for all the waiting for more of this totally gripping story,.. Many have said that they are skipping over most of the sex scenes to get to the meat of this action / adventure story, but I say that Tefler has created something incredible here, the erotic part of the tale is central to our main character's power, growth, and self discovery,.. and his ability to aid his wounded little birds,.. Tef had a true flash of genius when he first plotted out this fantastic, set in the future, sex and adventure fantasy! And I like it!! but he could go a little lighter on all the Titanium and the Sashaying. ;-) TTFN

Jim lynch

Do people think this was it for this nth or is it just the ending to chapter 142. We usually get 30,000 words per chapter per month and this was only 10,000 words. I’m thinking we will get more this month well I’m hoping we get more lol.

Paul Mansur

Well since today is the first of September I think it's safe to say that we aren't gonna get anymore for the month (of Aug)... the question is... is that the end of that chapter or is he planning on adding more to that chapter and if he does will we be charged for it or not...


i have to admit i dont realy care if we or in my case i do get charged for the next part or chapter its more than worth it for 2$ hell it would be worth it for 10$ but i still like it a 2

Tefler Fan 007

I want the Invictus to get quantum flux cannons. Then they will tear some shit up. Plus progenitor shields and engines and they will out maneuver the other progenitors ships even if they don’t have the armor.


This story never stops sucking my right into the middle of things but allays levees me wanting More! damn 143 can't get here fast enough!

Big Dude

Based on Tefler's latest deliveries, I don't expect 143 before Halloween! Big Dude has spoken.


Thank you


Just what I needed to distract me from hurricane damage. Much appreciated.


I have to say, for waiting the entire month for what is not even of entire last half of 142, I find this to be somewhat less than satisfying.


You dropped TSM off of SOL. Is this just temporary for updates? Was mid way through a reread chapter and then, done. Still up on Lit tho


We really need you on there. Half the Author Recommended list I've read dozens of times over the last 20 years are suddenly Premier paywalled.

Brittany durin

Brimorians were the highlight of the chapter, great intimidation by the kintark


SOL.com is storiesonline.com.


.72: And since Dana needs to redo the front and sides of the Invictus to accommodate the Quantum Flux Cannons and the Warp field generator with a faster recharge rate for their smaller ship,.. I would love for her to either use Trankaran Sun Forges with Mael's White Cyrstal for the ships superstructure and hull,.. that is if Dana finally finds the Tankaran's Sun Forges,.. or as a fall back, use the Maliri crystal with a wee bit of Etherite to nearly double it's strength,.. ( approx 10 times that of Titanium),.. I am rooting for the Sun Forges though, as they should complete the Invictus way faster, and be way cooler,.. but I'll take what I can get,.. This really should be an Awesome refit! Come on Throne world tech!!! ;-) TTFN


.72: Even without Calara's excellent help. ole High Prelate Zorlin is still pretty savvy,... generating lots of fear and confusion for our fishy lunkheads!!!,.. I wonder if Tef will have the Kintark be the first 'good guys' to spot Gahl'kelgor's Baen'thelas seeking cruisers, and spread the word,.. ;-) TTFN

Stephen Paynter

Just noticed TSMs is no longer on SOL. I noticed first that it was no longer in the top recent serials, and was going to suggest another of the back chapters be released there to get it back on the list, but when I visited Tefler's page, it was no longer listed as a story of his. I am a little sad about this, as SOL is a good way of drawing in new readers, but maybe it is in preparation for some kind of publication.

Jedi Khan

Tefler is already publishing on Amazon, so that's not an issue. There are four books, up to chapter 37, of the story available there. As for why the story is no longer on SOL, there is speculation that Tefler ran afoul of one of SOL's rules that states that authors who have Patreon accounts cannot have their SOL postings be more than two chapters behind Patreon.

Dominic Janning

That's how I got into this story. From sol


How does SOL help draw readers?

Tefler Fan 007

So in chapter 121 when John is talking to his father, Rahn states his thralls had to fight the drakkar towards the end of the war with Mael. In talking he indicated they were effective against thralls but what really interested me was when he had to personally get involved to fight against Drakkar females and they were extremely powerful. Plus the male drakkars were scared when the Ashannah offered to contact them. My question is how powerful are female drakkar and what do they look like? Do they have four armed and thrall shaped bodies? The drakkar refer to them a pod queens, so maybe they are large Space faring organisms that grow ships and pop out drakkar warriors? Since they were made by Mael maybe they have genetic programming like the trankarans and John will add a female to the crew😁🤣.


Anyone know what Tefler total word count is now days. Was just wondering. With the release of Robert Jordan’s Wheel of Time series remake on Amazon. Got me thinking, had to google that series word count and saw it was just over 4mill words. And it is the largest most in-depth series I have ever read. Was wondering how Tefler’s TSM stacks up to another master piece

Stephen Paynter

Speaking from a sample of one ... i.e. me ... I got into it by reading it free on SOL for years. Eventually, I wanted the most up-to-date chapters, and so became a supporter here. I rarely buy new kindle books, unless I have discovered the author first on SOL, but I do try to budget for the kindle books when they eventually appear (if it is a story I have enjoyed on SOL). One decided advantage that SOL has over kindle books from my perspective, is that the whole story can be downloaded as one epub if one uses the FanFIcFare plugin for Calibre - without all the messing about with multiple parts/files, and then it can be converted to an auto-generated audio book using the freeware, Balabolka. I've listened to TSMs as an auto-generated audiobook. It takes some time!

Jedi Khan

I don't think TSM is that far behind. SOL would offer an estimate, if they hadn't decided to hide the story. Last I checked, their estimate put the story at over 3.5mil words, but that was awhile ago.


Just Chapter 80 has the word count up at 1.6 million, and theres still plenty of hefty chapters to count. Most likely the total count as of chapter 145 is around 3 million words, and I can't see the story finishing soon without using a deus ex machina.

Tefler Fan 007

So many story lines I want to see in the next chapters. I really want Walkers saga to come to the end but that’s been hanging there since before the battle of terra. I’m really looking forward to Lynettes negotiation with the outer rim colonies. It should be interesting to see how Tefler handles it. I also want to see the Invictus in the shipyard for some major upgrades and then a battle with thrall forces. Maels Throne world is interesting but I want the story to move forward. I guess we will have to wait and see.


.87: I am still curious about the Black stealth shuttle they got from the 5 cyborg ninjas that tried to steal the Invictus way back when,.. the shuttle has been used a number of times since, like when Jade followed Admiral Weber to Tartarus in Ganymede and rescued four of her nymph sisters,.. and a few later times too,.. but not since they got that Progenitor use only, Infiltration shuttle, Ascension class, that Alyssa then blew a big hole through it,.. anyone have any ideas where that older, less advanced stealth shuttle has gotten off to? ;-) TTFN


.89: maybe it's just still in the cargo bay, but blocked in by ore crates,.. they might mention that shuttle when they have to move it during this next refit,.. maybe ;-) TTFN


.92: one other maybe that I'd like see the story line develop is the Enshnu,.. a nasty bunch if there ever was any,.. but if they are from a thrall race,.. Maybe that cute couple, Rahn'hagon and Jessica, can take a little trip into Enshunu space with that big ole dreadnought of theirs,.. and maybe get Rahn's Matriarch a few thralls to boss around,.. but real friendly like,.. And just how close are the Unclaimed Wastes and the Enshunu to the area in Kirrix space, around Archadia that Gahl'kelgor is starting from,.. will his scout cruisers pay the Sarkhon Refinery a visit,.. and get blown away by the powerful Achonin facility run by the Enshunu,.. and will that buy John and the girl a bit more time,.. and it might be nice if Rahn would help by keeping our heroes informed of what Gahl's forces are up to, by jumping around in that cloaked dreadnought (,.. and will Jessica name that sad ship? maybe give it a fun and friendly name, like Lollipop!,.. then it could be a good ship!),.. fun chapters ahead,.. ;-) TTFN


Never mind the Tom Walker story, what about Rahnhagon - wtf is he doing to deal with his pissed-off matriarch?

Tefler Fan 007

Rahn is going to break his connection and then alter it to give Jessica free will. Rahn will get big power boost and try to learn some new ways to get stronger. And just for the people who will say he won’t do it, John already told Rahn that he gave them back their free will just before the fallen progenitors destroyed the fortress. After Jessica gets her free will back she is going to kick Rahn in the quad before she kisses it to make it better 🤣😘

Donald Randolph

the alternate posts at literotica[dot]com stalled on chapter 137 a couple months ago. That is were I was introduced to TSM after recommended in a grrlpowercomic[dot]com post from Dave Barrack


.103: hey Donald, I hope that you thanked Dave for that wonderful recommendation,.. he really did you a favor! ;-) TTFN


.104: John Blake, the Lion of the Federation, the Great Protector, the Maliri's Baen'thelas, and thanks to John's cowardly Lion of a father, he is the Kyth'vindahy, the vengence of the Kyth'faren, Reborn!!! John is the first and he is unique, partly due to a defective 'guide', he and his girls developed their eldritch abilities both slower and differently from any Progenitor norms,.. So, can Rahn'hagon learn from his Kyth'faren enhanced son,.. or is he a Dandy Lion? -- (but maybe our sweet Jessica Blake will take a swing with some hard and solid object aimed at Rahn's hard and stubborn noggen, just to help him think straight,.. 'BONG!!' ) ;-) TTFN


I guess I'll have to wait for the combined version to read this chapter. I waited for the release of part 2 before reading part 1. Unfortunately, I just downdoaded part 1 and word is unable to open it. I've deleted the file on my computer and redownloaded with the same result. I can open part 2 as well as all the past chapters that I have stored, so there is nothing wrong with ms word. So, as I said in the beginning I'll just wait for the combined version and hope it doesn't have the same problem as part 1.


.106: while rereading TSM, in the comments after chapter #127, was an interesting idea from a Wolrab, and he thought that a currently used metal tempering technique might work with Crystal Alyssium,.. take a focused heat source and draw it as a band around/down the material you are tempering, back and forth as many times as you need to. And I was wondering if that might be a way to improve Mael's version of Crystal Alyssium, his White Metal replacement for the Soul Forge's Black Metal,.. since neither apex metals are made to be reshaped,.. could passing an eldritch band over the material, psychically tempering it, and further strengthen it? maybe the Sun Forges do that,..? ,.. and the Trankaran's thick rusty red ships armor is just the best substitute that their Forgemasters could come up with after the Great Maker left them,.. :-) TTFN


.107: I wonder if they can recreate Mael'nerak's simpler version of CA,.. whether they need the sun forges or not, then build a complete new hull for their ship,.. Invictus II (?),.. and then supercharge Dana again, an have her give it her patented golden glow, and strengthen it to it's Apex metal max! Only Sparks and Tef could say whether something like that might work,.. but it makes you think,.. ;-) (-: ( then they could get a few hundred tons of Etherite from the Ashanath to build the bulk of their ships superstructure, as it doesn't need to reflect nor absorb Laser fire, but could made many times the strength of Titanium from psychic shaping by Alyssa or John) TTFN


.105: Just to further make you day Richard, I just tried to download chapter #141 and #142, parts 1 and 2,.. all came through without a problem on my MS Word,.. sorry,.. looks like you've got a bug in your machine,.. good luck buddy,.. :-) TTFN


.108: the chapter @142, part 2, ending in a meek cliffhanger,.. Just as Tashana was about start the briefing on Valada's life's work at trying to safely reenter/reclaim Kythshara in the Mists of Loralar nubula,.. you just know that they'll get some clue, that their talents will allow them to use,.. will Rahn dare to follow? 'cause if he doesn't, Jessica will bonk his hard, progenitor skull with a frying pan,.. ;-) TTFN


Just waiting on a complete chapter 142. I read the last partial chapter what 3 months ago and could never find the new content once tefler added it. Being patient sucks.

Tefler Fan 007

I wonder if Jessica is going to find another psychic inhibitor and a pair of hand cuffs and have a heart to heart with Rahn after she cuffs him while he’s sleeping.🤣🤔


.113: when the girls, encouraged by Jessica, released Rahn,.. it was off the books, not shown directly in Tef's pages,.. so did they wreck the eldritch inhibitor weakening Rahn? (it would've been after Larn died and his protective hex shield faded out), because if they just shut it down,.. then Dana would have taken it apart and learned how to build a better one,.. and that didn't happen, in the written chapter,.. then, our tired little Dana went on a progenitor, big toy, equipment scavenger hunt through Larn's NOT all broken up dreadnought,.. ( and that did happen,..) -- a lost Tef moment, I guess!! ;-) TTFN

Tefler Fan 007

Food for thought- Currently all ship upgrades and construction for the Maliri is occurring on Genthalas but where did all the other Maliri Houses build and maintain their ships? Does each Maliri house has its own small shipyard? If they do, then why don’t they use all the ship yards to upgrade the fleets faster now that John claimed the Maliri and they are all serving him? I know at first it might not have been safe to give the other house all the tech but now there shouldn’t be an issue. Could the other shipyards start building more of Calara’s defensive devices to help speed up deployment? Hopefully Tefler might answer some of these questions it the future.

Jedi Khan

Not enough engineers. All the ones trained in shipbuilding and adjacent fields have been moved to Genthalas, and even then the station is still not at full operating capacity. As it is, if they were to send those engineers back to their respective Houses, production at Genthalas would be severely impacted. It'll take awhile to get enough engineers trained up that they can start producing at the other House shipyards again. Even at reduced capacity, Genthalas still outstrips all the other shipyards in production.


Been re-re-re-rereading some of my favorite chapters, and I've been struck by how different the overall ambience on the the Invictus is with and without Faye. She just brings a sort of innocent energy that seems to carry over and affect everyone else. It's very different with the Nymphs, who kind of act as her replacements in setting the mood. Leylira and Betrixa in particular share her love of life, but are much naughtier and sexual. Neysa and Marika sort of share her innocence, but just don’t have that force of personality Faye did. My favorite Faye moments- 6) Smile #48- Maternal pride. 5) Faye first meeting Dana and Rachel in engineering while they are kissing. It's just soooo cute! 4) Faye's VI showing up after Little One had her epiphany and became Daphne. My heart jumped in my throat and I nearly teared up. 3) The first time John and Alyssa visited Faye in the cyberplane and Alyssa was a one woman orgy that completely wore out all 12 of her avatars. Faye was like HOLY SHIT! What just happened? 2) Faye's very subtle reveal that the tale by the author Carlo (Lorenzini) Collodi intrigued her and became her favorite. It was an awesome way to foreshadow her character's arc and really revealed a lot of her thinking upon rereading that chapter. 1) John and Daphne in Faye's room watching over her chassis just before John went to confront his guide. John saying he needed a hug from his daughter DID bring tears to my eyes. ::Edit- Not everyone has had the chance to take World Literature and won't recognize the name Carlo Collodi. He was a satiricist and humorist who lived in 19th century Italy and is really only remembered for one story. It's about a wooden puppet who magically comes to life and experiences a lot of misadventures (still as an animated wooden puppet). Ultimately though, his only heartfelt desire is to be transformed into a real human boy. Yes, we are talking about.... Pinocchio

Tefler Fan 007

True, but before John all the houses were working against each other. Now that they have all united there is extra manufacturing capability that can help with demand. Before John came all the Maliri Houses would Have to build their own ships because they were all feuding and not sharing.


I’m what chapter do they lose Faye

Tefler Fan 007

I miss Faye😭. Bring Faye back so John can use some new ability to make her a biological life form so she can go through the change. Her old body can be a hand me down to Daphne. Tefler we miss Faye 😢

Jedi Khan

There are, but as I stated previously, there's not enough engineers to go around. Edraele had all the engineers reassigned to Genthalas, in order to bring that monumental station up to speed, and even then, Genthalas has not yet reached full production capacity. Once Genthalas is at full capacity, and there's a surplus of engineers, then Edraele will start sending them to the various house shipyards. Right now, it would be counter productive to redirect resources from Genthalas to the other shipyards, especially considering that Genthalas by itself has more production capacity than all the other shipyards combined.


Rumor has it that we should see the last bit of the chapter possibly today. (Considering that Tefler mentioned it on discord)

Dem0n Hunter

So looking forward to them getting through the mists and seeing what’s there.