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Hey everyone,

I'm still working on chapter 142 and haven't finished it yet, but I'll give you the first half as the release this month. I'll add on the rest (without charging) as soon as it's completed.

I hope you enjoy it,




Wooo hooooo


Thanks for the update, we all appreciate your work!


Thanks for the update


Man I'm just ecstatic that more is out.


Will the full chapter be its own release, or will it just be the second half?


I'll wrap up the second half as quickly as possible, post the finished chapter here, then move onto 143.


cheers mr


Thank you, Tefler! I was not *surprised* by any of what I just read, but wow, I was impressed! VERY well done!

Tefler Fan 007

Love you Tefler, you made my night 😁


Thanks Tefler.


.14: Oh Tef,.. I am impressed,.. when I truly didn't expect you to send us more than a note that you were still working on #142,... and you gift us with a part 1,.. thank you! thank you! thank you! ;-) TTFN


darn...... I welcome return to your true path. This was so much more where I remember we used to be in terms of pace and feel. Well done. Was surprised Tashana as the resident archeologist wasn't more ooo aaahhh but then......... really wanted valada to open her eyes and say something to her descendants including edraele...Thought John might spend more time looking for evidence of what is happening in the mists but then happy they going to have a look...


Thank you Tefler! 🎉


That was an interesting first part. I really want to know what is inside that room 🤔 In the conversation between Charles and Lina, I totally understand how Charles is feeling. It would be hard for a guy to have his girlfriend to take a load from his best friend. Kinda goes against the Bro-Code.


Thank you!


Thank you Tefler

John Doe

Awesome writing again sir!


It's like those locked safe posts on reddit. What's inside?!?! Now I need to know!


Have you any thoughts on if you are going to go to 200 chapters or more? Or will there be a point where you end Encyclopedia 1 and start #2? Not complaining, you don't write fast enough for me to complain. :D Just wondering if this is something I will be passing my tablet to my caretakers to ask if they can check for new chapters for my future home reading bot to do something. :D

Bp Hlpt

Thank You, Tefler!

Tefler Fan 007

25: So what’s in the room? Dana really needs to focus on figuring out the metal situation but now I really want to know what’s in the room. Plus I like the idea of another collective and maybe Daphne will be the bridge to get their help. Great partial chapter 😁🎉👍👍

Tefler Fan 007

And I was half right with them finding Valada down there but no GILF sex😩😢


“You’re in charge until we get back, Captain Fernandez,” John said to Calara. “Please can you make the palace staff feel at home until it’s safe for them to return.” ---- There should be a question mark after the word RETURN.


There was nothing buy murky darkness... sb "but" murky


Thoughts in my head - So, this new metal seems like the opposite of the progenator black metal. It gives off no empathic sense of pain or terror. Wait... The bed on the other progenator ship was bleached white by their love making... Is this metal made with love instead?


I've been hinking that the love he shares with his 'thralls' will be the key as it so repulsed Xar’aziuth in the astral. It begs the question "Is love stronger than hate?" I know my answer to that quesion. Hell, anyone with kids knows the answer.


,33: This last month has shown a more Mature author, that has learned to be a bit more sensitive to the needs and desires of his many fans,.. And good job on the non-timeframe specific promise of completing the chapter,.. soon?,.. no, when it's ready! You didn't over promise,.. Awesome, Tef,.. just awesome!!! :-) TTFN


.34: Hows about Crystal Valadium (not to be confused with the stainless steel metal used in rings and such), for Mael'nerak's version of Crystal Alyssium,.. it is a variation that the Progenitor came up with over ten millenia before as a replacement to Soul Forged Black Metal,.. as opposed to Dana's version which is both strong and psychically reactive (using Etherite) and that allows it to keep getting stronger/resilient the more that it is psychically manipulated,.. And Crystal Valadium has a nice ring to it, as well as it is naming it after Mael's Matriarch. And the label Crystal Mael'nerakium just sucks ass (a Dana-ism),.. What-cha think, huh? ;-) TTFN


.35: So, over here (right arm) we have Crystal Valadium,.. (Yay!),.. and over here (left arm) we have yucky old Crystal Mael'nerakium (Boo),.. and can I get a show of hands for each one,.. just raise them high enough so I can see 'em,..the voting will go until late tomorrow,.. (?*#!),.. Okay, I'll let Tef know,.. then you can put your arm down,.. ;-) TTFN " 'cause we're zany to the max!",..


.36: Yakko, Wakko and Dot eat your hearts out! ;-) TTFN


I've got the rest of the story roughly sketched out in my head, and the next few weeks of story time planned out in more detail. It might well take me up to chapter 200 to wrap everything up.


.37: Oh! and by the way,.. when Dana talks about throwing her toys out of the "Pram", she means a baby carriage in non-Brit speak,.. I had to look it up, did you? ;-) TTFN

Tefler Fan 007

So Dana said Crystal Valadium (Michaels name not Teflers) was a simple formula and used different elements compared to Dana’s Crystal Alyssium formula. With that being said it might be able to be used with the Trankarans sun forges to make news ships to fight thrills while Crystal Alyssum can be used by John for rapid repairs and refits.


Thanks very much, Tefler. Another excellent addition to TSM!! Quote: “Thank you for going for making such an incredible effort to make us all feel at home.” Should this be: "Thank you for making such an incredible effort ..........." Or: "Thank for going to such an incredible effort .............."

Tefler Fan 007

Oh it would also be cool if Daphne can convince the progenitor sentinels (if they have evolved) to join the crew and John and Dana can make combat bodies to help defend the ship or go on away missions.😁


.42: Ah shucks, I just got word from the law firm of Dewey, Kheatem and Howe, and they tell me we can't use Valadium due to patient rights infringement,.. grrr,.. so, it's Crystal Mael'nerakium unless John's creative ladies can come up with something better,.. anything? ,.. Rachel,.. Faranise, please sweetheart,.. ;-) TTFN


.48: and sorry,.. no stealing from Marvel, so no Crystal Admantium or Crystal Vibranium either,.. ;-) TTFN

Tefler Fan 007

So John was able to make a “huge” eternity crystal…what kind of weapons do you think Dana could make to use them? Maybe Alyssa should make hers cock shaped and sell them as sex toys?🤣


.58:,.. little did the rest of the galaxy know, but the Trankarans had been using the Star Forges for millennia to craft their Crystal Commodes, the Rock-brothern need strong toilets! ;-) TTFN


60: An Ultra Advanced, Over Powered. Sparks Special, Super Duper, Nova Lance! able to blast a 100 meter wide hole in an Evil Black Metal Dreadnought in seconds,.. ;-0 TTFN


.65: ,.. and if Niskera ever joins the crew, the ships maintenance bots will be installing Crystal Alyssium Commodes all over the ship,.. and Alyssa needs to warn Edraele so she can have installed, some much stronger toilets at the Palace,.. A Maliri Crystal Commode, one hell of a crapper!,.. sheesh!! I hope Dana upgraded the ships plumbing on one of those refits,.. ;-) TTFN

Tefler Fan 007

Random thought: John was able to cut several inches into Maels crystal alyssum with his 20 shaped crystal alyssum sword without it breaking so is 20 shaped metal stronger than Maels metal? Plus why didn’t he copy Sakura and freeze it with his sword and make the metal brittle like Sakura did on Larns dreadnought? Since Jade was alive 10,000 years ago would she be able to get into the bunker if it scans her DNA? Just some ideas first thing in the morning.🤔


,71: Now TF007, why would Jade (whatever her real name was 10,000 years ago, 'cause she still hasn't recalled it) have been granted access into Mael's bunker? Was she special to Mael'nerak back then?,.. And When Sakura used super cold temps to "brittle" smash in the foot thick, black metal, door onto Larn'kelnar's dreadnought's bridge,.. she was powered up with extra Alyssa mojo and her cryo powers were psychically magnified through her ninjato,.. and although John might be capable of duplicating her tactic, I don't think he was ready to stretch himself like that,.. And John's Runeblade may have started as just 20 shaped Crystal Alyssium, but it was further forged into a Kyth'faren rune sword, with great powers, designed to slay Progenitors, those that gave a piece of their soul to the devil that is Xar'aziuth,.. a blade like that is not going to easily chip or break,.. That was an apple vs orange strength comparison,.. and good morning to you TF! And you just keep on with your randomly thinking,.. you did hit on several real good thoughts yesterday,.. congrats by the way,.. ;-) TTFN


.72: John's rune blade began life as 20 shaped Crystal Alyssium, then forged into something greater,.. Mael's Crystal Valadenium or Commodium or Teflerium,.. or whatever,.. held up to John's sword about the same as the Black metal door held up to Sakura's Ninjato's ( also 20 shaped),.. And while this is an apples and oranges comparison, however it does imply that Mael's White Crystal substitute for Soul Forged black metal is pretty darn good! Sakura's blades were more likely to break than John's sword in a straight comparison,.. but then his 5 foot long rune sword, combined with John's Herculean muscles, did manage to take a small chunk out of the wall for Dana to study,.. I'd say Mael's Crystal wall compares well in strength with Soul Forge metal,.. ;-) TTFN

Tefler Fan 007

Personal opinion I think Dana is going to combine tyrenium and crystal alyssum (25 shaped or higher) to form her own version of the Quantum flux cannons and wormhole generator. If a tyrenium lattice sphere can contain a black hole ( singularity drivers) then it should be able to handle a wormhole generator or quantum flux cannons.

Tefler Fan 007

Random idea would be they would have to cannibalize the tyrenium from the singularity drivers to make quantum flux cannons and then turn the singularity driver barrels into 400 meter mega beam cannons with those huge crystals (planet killer maybe or at least small moon🤔😜😁).

Sushant Bhartiya

I am losing my interest slowly because of delayed chapters! In fact I checked today to found latest being added!

Tefler Fan 007

Sorry you have to wait but join the club. 30-60 days wait is not unreasonable for Tefler to create and expand the TSM universe for each chapter. I’ll happily wait as long as the story keeps on progressing. Keep up the good work Tefler 👍👍.


While I'm not complaining about the progress in general (it's free content, after all, and the fact I'm giving something for it is honestly my problem, not Tefler's), but I do dislike the partial chapters "to be completed", and prefer full ones, regardless of the resulting slower rate of updates.


Every month the same complaint comes back about the partial chapters. This is the way it is. Accept it and adapt to it. No one is making you read partials, just wait for the rest. Tefler has a way of working. Complaining about it has shown to be ineffective and I duly suspect it causes him some irritation. So at this point just suck it up. Currently I am happy if one chapter is released every month without any unexplained hiatus. Tefler, please do your thing and try to keep the rhythm.


.81: Tef's word count average on a monthly basis, is pretty damn awesome,.. especially given the complexity and many, many details that he must keep track of over the years,.. when only weeks or months have passed in the storyline,.. there have been very few dropped balls so far,.. so cut the man some slack, why don't cha,.. this is an awesome story, even without our lovely Faye, sniff, I miss her so much! ;-) TTFN


I see where you are coming from, but it isn't really justifiable. Happening once is an exception. Twice could be a coincidence. Three times shows a pattern and a fourth proves to be a habit. I have no issues waiting for chapters, but after a certain point one should re-evaluate your schedule if you are unable to maintain the pace you set. I think the frustration comes from the fact that there has been no changes to the expectations of a full monthly release, yet it has consistently been 1, 2 or even more months for full chapter releases. That being said, it doesn't affect us as he usually releases the second part as a non charge. But how long does that continue if the trends keep going the same way?

Tefler Fan 007

The Tefler-maniacs are willing to wait and will except partial or full chapters. If anyone else can write 142 chapters of 30k or more words per chapter then I will happily listen to your complainants (won’t change my mind but I will listen). I like reading science fiction books and if I have to wait 30-60 days for Tefler quality work than so be it. The only thing I truly miss is Faye, I miss her and I hope she comes back soon to help whip some progenitor ass😁. So to all the Tefler-maniacs, I’m proud to be zany-to-the-max….Keep up the good work Tefler 👍👍.


.86: Quick question, can / could the Hive Queens of the Kirrix intercept the psi-communicated schematics sent to the Ashanith council,.. if their psi-gear let's them obtain a few ship and weapons upgrades, that might be a problem,.. Or is this not a problem due to the cruel and powerful fleet of ships Gahl'kelgor could have busy exterminating the Kirrix,.. although I do wonder what a Bug Boob ship would be like,.. ;-) TTFN

Tefler Fan 007

I don’t think so due to to the following information. 1) the astral plain is huge and someone would need to know one of the two locations to intercept the message by maybe getting between the two points (not likely). 2) it appears that there was a direct connection between everyone involved and the Ashanath were able to detect John as soon as he “high jacked “ the signal. 3) when they were using the machine it was instantaneous communication between the two points so there would be no time to get between and intercept the message.


What if John topped up Jade and really poured energy into her enhancement, as much as she could bear (which would be a lot). Get her to her final form. Dreadnought vs Dragon anyone?

Tefler Fan 007

Ok I really want to hear more about Johns new Trade Station (Battle Station😁). I believe we won’t hear about it until the current trade station is destroyed but I hope I’m wrong and we get information soon. The weapons on the new stations will be beast…tachyon lances and cannons, nova lances, emp missiles, and maybe some quantum flux cannons.


.92: And all that just sell a few hot outfits and sex toys at Alyssa's Secrets, and gadgets and gear at Dana's Improvement Center,.. plus some regular stuff too,.. I wonder what some of the other girls could come up with,.. ;-) TTFN


.93: And if John does get Jade to her ultimate form,.. will that release all her shrouded memories? And will the other Nymphs want to follow her and be just as bad ass!?? ( oh yeah!),.. Dragon Matriarchs are so cool,.. ;-) TTFN


.96: Hey TF007, (and any interested others) concerning the current planned Invectus upgrade,.. now Dana is holding off on some stuff due to the possibilities of more tech flowing her way,.. but what we have now, assuming that Mael'nerak's White Metal can be crafted to substitute for Progenitor, Soul Forged, Black Metal,.. Weapons upgrade to include Quantum Flux Cannons,.. Super Duper, Ultra Powerful. Nova Lances,.. Vulkat missile tech,.. and while the Progenitors have Tachyon Lances and tachyon rifles, Dana and John came up with the ship version, the Tachyon cannon for short to medium range blasting,.. also we'll see massively improved shields, and Progenitor grade sensors, stealth mode, wormhole generator (that recharges faster than the Progenitor's 12 hours),.. I'd also like to see the best of both worlds in hull and armor upgrades based on some 25 shaped Crystal Alyssium and Mael's White Metal (Teflerium?),.. and furthermore, will we get that Destroyer/Frigate Auxiliary warship promised but not yet delivered, Dana could start with that prior to completing refit plans for the Invictus,.. She could draw up plans and try some of her new ideas out on the smaller ship first, then she could have the Maliri engineers start on it while the Invictus checks out the Mist of Lorimar,.. and then if they had to rush off shortly thereafter, they might have that second vessel ready to aid them, and be just a bit better than an over powered Mech and a way superior Gunship. So, any ideas you guys? ;-) TTFN


I have reread the chapter again, but I did not understand the bunker part completely. I understand that there were 2 rooms in the bunker, 1> Tomb of Valaden matriarch 2> Blocked room. What is this blocked room?


After reading the scene in the bunker where Dana gets mad at her scanner and throws it away Aliyssa uses telekinesis to bring it back but later its found out there is a psychic blocker there that affects everybody. So how is she able to retrieve it via her powers, just bugging me is all if I got it wrong let me know figured I'd bring it up


Great chapter as always, I'm curious if anyone has a rough word count of Three Square Meals at this point?


.99: Yeah Chris, I just reread that part again myself, and without any of the gang moving around, closer to the wall, it was right after Alyssa used her TK to float Dana's "naughty" scanner back to her. Dana reattached the scanner to her belt and tried to use her own psychic powers to get a good scan of this white sparkling metal only to find that her powers were not working/blocked. All the rest of the group then realized that their psychic abilities were also blocked,.. so I think that Alyssa using her abilities near the wall caused the eldritch inhibitor to activate just then,.. cause and effect. But Tef really could have had someone in the gang make a comment to the effect that the blocking had just then started, it would've been clearer,.. Well done, that was a nice catch Chris,.. an almost boo-boo on Tef's part, and that would be awful wouldn't it? ,.. so hang in there, for lots more fun behind the locked doors,.. ;-) TTFN


.100: John and the girls figure that the blocked room is Mael'nerak's room, a work room,.. a sanctuary,.. a mediation chamber,.. unknown other,.. they didn't want to try to break through such a strong barrier, it could cause damage to what's inside,.. like to an operating system code to bring back Faye,.. so they'll come back later when they have a better idea of a way to access it. (if?),.. ;-) TTFN


.103: Early chapters were rather short, then several were extra long, but now the average is around 30,000 words,.. so a rough estimate would be to multiply 142 chapters by 30,000 words per, equals approx 4.25 million words so far,.. omg and wow! ;-) TTFN

Tefler Fan 007

I agree a destroyer size ship would be helpful however the progenitor shuttle fits that roll and has tachyon lances, black armor, stealth drive and takes up less space ( under 100 meters). If we use the Invictus as an example I believe eventually John will build a smaller, faster, deadlier, fleet of ships equipped with stealth drives and wormhole generators I jump in and attack targets and leave. No matter what Dana needs to build the designs so they can be made quickly.


.106: Thoughts with a question,.. A new Progenitor needs to construct his Soul Forge, which uses psychic energy to build his Ships and stuff using energy drained from his Thralls, up to100 at a time,.. so what does he construct his Soul Forge with/from? (Onyxium - maybe with a pinch or a dash of some psychically responsive Etherite?),.. Does this mean that if the gang finds Kythshara and Mael'nerak's 2nd Soul Forge, not his original, but one he made in his early years under the Shroud, (if he made one),.. then, I suppose they can try pumping their own psychic energy ( but not lethal amounts) into the Forge to create stuff? John's group has way more concentrated psychic power than any old regular Progenitor,.. so, an option, if the soul forge itself is not made from a Thrall killing, psychically draining, soul sucking, material to create it,.. ? Alyssa could tell,.. And did Mael'nerak use his Soul Forge to later on create his evil Black Metal substitute, the Crystal White Metal? (Valadandium or Teflerium?),.. that is a simpler version of Dana's Crystal Alyssium. Based on his using the Soul Forge to create the 'almost' Crystal Alyssium, I am assuming that a Soul Forge can handle both positive and negative psychic energy. And I also assume that the Solar Forges at the Trankaran, Vulkamduhr shipyards further substitutes sun/solar energy for pure psychic energy, thanks Mael! :-) TTFN

Tefler Fan 007

I see you copied my chicken or the egg comment in reference the the black metal and soul forge.😁


Instead of Valadium how about Valadanite?


121: Like it was from a Meteorite Chris,.. Great Ceasers Ghost! ;-) TTFN ( I did NOT say either Kyptonite, or Superman,.. )


While we wait for part 2, I have what could be a very stupid question :P I've been rereading parts of TSM and wonder about the origins of The Shroud. I don't recall all the info that we've learned about the shroud but is it possible the shroud was created 10,000 years ago when Mael’nerak blew himself up and stranded Rahn on Arcadia?

Brittany durin

Question. How many ships in a quadrant fleet,border fleet, and normal fleet?


It was ancient before Kirzuxa (the Hive Queen John lobotomized on the the Mhoirad Homeworld) was born, and she was more than 12,000 years old. In that chapter (117? 118?) going off her link to the hivemind's knowledge the Shroud was created by Mael'nerak 75,000 - 80,000 years ago after he got bored with the effort of exterminating them. They believe he created it to keep them from reproducing, so they took great joy in finding ways to survive and "sticking it to him". Fan speculation is that it is a psychic dampening field that blocks the Kirrix hivemind from bonding and communicating with newborn grubs birthed the ancient way, making them go feral. The unintended side effect of this seems to be that the Shroud now blocks Azur'Azurioth (spelling? Sorry) from using his psychic powers to directly control Progenitors living within it's boundaries. That is why over the years both Mael'nerak and Rhan'agon both softened from being sadistic, genocidal bastards into family men who seemed to care to in varying degrees for their Matriarch wives and children.


.141: Who's fleet are we talking about here, Maliri, T-Fed, Tarkaran, Ashanith, or Progenitor? I suspect all are a bit different,.. and Tef has not written down any established fleet sizes, so I'd have to guesstimate based on a few rough and incomplete numbers of some T-Fed fleets that were somewhat described, ;-) TTFN


.142: Okay, I've been thinking, and it hurt, and I have been speculating on just how a progenitor gets his first Soul Forge,.. using a f**k ton of that rare black metal Onyxium,.. with maybe just a pinch of Etherite for that Psychic bounce,.. then he uses his own psychic energies, along with a runic formula his guide taught him, to transform / create the evil device,.. secondarily it shows that he has matured psychically, and is ready to fight and kill by the multiple millions,.. John's right, wipe all those f***ers out of the galaxy,.. ;-) TTFN


.143: Ouch!,.. my head!,.. more thoughts,.. I further speculate that Onyxium is created in small percentages from Progenitors blasting perfectly good gaia class worlds with their big old Quantum Annihilators, maybe it is the heavy molten iron cores of such worlds that allow a few percent of the blasted tons of world material to become Onyxium,.. and maybe those progenitors think it is worth it,.. defeat your enemy and get a few hundred thousand tons of this rare and useful metal,.. a win-win, to make lots of your war stuff out of, in your Soul Forge (sucks),.. ;-) TTFN


Well, it's Tefler's universe, so he's the only one capable of giving a 100% accurate answer. Buuutttt, if he's basing it on 21st century Terran Bluewater navies it depends. The US has several "fleets" that are that in name only until things go hot. If that happens suddenly ships are transferred to that fleet from all over. In TSM, the border with the Kintark was peaceful for decades with an implied minimal military presence, but when the border war started suddenly ships from other quadrants were shifted to the Dragon March fleet making it the largest fleet in the whole Federation. The home sector fleet (that defended Terra and Olympus) was so weakened it was overrun by Nexus using a single battleship and a couple dozen cruisers. Additionally, the fleet around Port Heracles was two weeks from the Kirrix border and only seemed to have corvettes, destroyers and cruisers like the Indomitable. Even with an outbreak of piracy there were no heavy carriers, no battleships and certainly no dreadnoughts. Off the top of my head the Kirrix border fleet post invasion was 10 battleships, 30 cruisers, twice as many destroyers and a half dozen heavy carriers. Hypothetically the same size fleet would probably be stationed on the Brimorian border and any other quasi-actively hostile power. This would allow the smaller fleets on interior quadrants to act as reserves that could be shuffled around as needed. If I had to guess a "Border fleet" is a quadrant fleet in a border sector, which since there are on a border with another empire would tend to be larger with a higher concentration of capital ships. After all, hostilities are far more likely on a border than a more secure interior quadrant. How much larger would depend on how likely hostilities are and the numbers and capabilities of enemy combatants I don't think there is a "normal" fleet. Ships are typically assigned to a fleet according to their role in numbers that give them the best chance at completing their mission. In some fleets there will be nothing bigger than a cruiser, in other situations there will be multiple dreadnoughts. Tefler has done a decent job in most ways of creating a decent military feel to his universe, but it still different from our military in many ways.


There's a lot of talk about a construct on Karron, where in TSM is this encountered?

Brian Woods

So…I can’t remember the chapter offhand, but when Tony and the girls escaped from the Mortimer Mine after the miners attempted to rape the girls, there was an explosion that knocked all of them out. When they came to, a recent cave in opened up a passageway they could squeeze through to escape. As Tony was exploring, he found a pitted tan metal sticking out of the rock, speculating it was some sort of mining equipment buried in the explosion. Given the age of the metal, and the tan color matching with the refinery the pirates were holed up in from the Unclaimed Wastes, most suspect it is an Achonin refugee ship or device of some sort from during their reign.


Hey Brian Woods, good call on Larn’kelnar's thoughts about the Nymphs. I had completely forgotten about that. And I agree with you that we simply don't have enough information on the Nymphs to concretely sniff out their history. Sure is fun to try though


.160: Oh, loose thread, an early cloning experiment of Mael's were the relatively psychically weak Ashanna, which he used to research Astral sub planes,.. way back then,.. like 60,000 yrs ago,.. Question,.. did old Mael leave a sub-plane of his own just lying around (maybe accessed through his Throne world, Kythshara, protected by the Mists of Loralar Nebula),.. and if so, what might he have stuck in there? And is it still there? And will our heroes find it? And will it be Awesome or Cool? Only Tef knows,.. and we must wait on the next chapter(s) to find out,.. sigh!,.. :-) TTFN

Brittany durin

Does anyone know where or if there is an updated space map anywhere


.161: Grrr!,.. I had a rather lengthy summary .159,.. and it has disappeared,.. it covered a lot of TSM ground, but I thought it had no spoilers in it,.. did I guess too close to the mark, and it was then pulled for story line reasons,.. or did the computer gremlins just gobble it down? l-: TTFN

Tefler Fan 007

I guess now you’re getting senile in your old age with missing posts🤔🤣. Maybe your goat ate your post?


.166: Grrr! now my 2nd Summary redo has disappeared,.. there must be something in my random ideas that won't pass the Patreon sniff test! l-: TTFN

Tefler Fan 007

The only reason the Ashannah sub plane is still around is because they maintain it will their psychic energy. I very much doubt Mael has a secret one because it will decay like the kirrik one did after they abandoned it during civil war.

Tefler Fan 007

I did read it. Maybe you accidentally deleted it. Maybe you should be getting a new prescription of glasses in your old age. So you don’t hit delete when you’re trying to hit reply.


.173: Long ago, and far away,.. was younger Mael'nerak ( 72,000 to 80,000 years ago) drawn here originally by a Nymphly goldrush? Did at least some Progenitors discover the powerful psychic sex toy that is a Nymph? And did they start to take a few back with them,.. Did ancient Mael save the Nymphs by denying them to his Progenitor brethren? And then he wiped out the Achonin Empire, a connection,.. are Nymphs some relation to the ancient Achonin? Do the Enshunu have knowledge of their ancient Progenitor/Masters still? And was Karron known to the ancient Achonin? And are ever going to find out why we should care about poor old ex-Commander Walker? ;-) TTFN

Tefler Fan 007

😂 lol…let see how long before this post is deleted. 12 minutes up so far.


As we patiently wait for part 2, I am rereading. This pause gives me a chance to ask some questions I've been wondering about. I just read ch 94 when John heals Edraele on the Galaena Serine. He uses Jade to pump all the cum she’d stored directly into Edraele’s stomach. It seems to me that Rachel, being the smartest of them all, would have figured ou that having a ready supply of John's cum would be the most valuable medication on the Invictus and would make sure there is plenty saved up. Why hasn't she? On Progenitor ships, there are evidently vats filled with the stuff. Why not on the Invictus? I'm sure with their collective creativity, there would be tons of potential uses normal Progenitors haven't thought of. For example, I'd be curious to see what happens if Dana used a paint roller and painted it onto the black metal. Would there be a way to make it into an aerosol so the girls can breathe it in during a battle for a quick boost of energy? Hell, why not make energy bars out of the stuff for away missions?


.177: Yeah BF I concur! I have raised this question before,.. and a vat or non-organic psychic cum container would be quite handy for a number of reasons. 1) like when cum filled Jade sleeps through a battle and the girls have to go in not topped up,.. 2) with the larger number of girls his load is divided among now, if they had a way to have/store a couple two or three loads worth (12 pints or so) to top up the girls before battle, they could all get at least a pint a piece,.. instead of the fraction of one pint that their share is now,.. 3) as you say, emergency healing for when John's just not ready,.. ;-) TTFN


.181: the original Cum as you are party pills,.. I really thought that we would find the ancient formula for these beauties down the shaft, under the palace,.. ;-) TTFN


I was just reading above, about the cum filled vats, for emergency use, or a quick pick me up for the girls. Plus, I've always wondered, why rachel had never used johns cum as a model for chemical analysis, to develop a synthetic form of John's cum. This would help their civilian friends, with anything from aging to disease. The more severe the disease, or the more age regression Rachel wants someone to receive she just slightly increases the dosage of the synthetic medication. They probably wouldn't have this in widespread use, just a few close friends and maybe military personnel that are injured in battle. The synthetic takes about twice as long to work as the original.


.188: Sorry JV, but you made one really poor assumption,.. you see, John has a Psycho reactive cum that allows him to effect his subject/patient/thrall in all sorts of ways. He can heal them of major injuries or diseases,.. encourage growth towards a persons full potential, physical and mental,.. also he can alter DNA to enable others (his girls) to gain their own psychic abilities, like pyro (fire), cryo (cold), telepathy, astral projection, telekinesis, aero (air currents/wind), electro (electrical/lightning), and quite a few others,.. but they start and end with the Progenitor's psychic powers,.. a synthetic would not have this psychic part to it,.. and not work, sorry,.. ;-l TTFN

Tefler Fan 007

Ok I was reading some old chapters and in chapter 98 Irillith hacked into the Brimorian flagship and placed a back door to get in later. Why didn’t she hack the Brimorian flagship in the kintark battle and turn it over to them like she did with the battleships?


Might be a different flagship if read it correctly the hacked flagship wich was hacked is from the deep pool leader not the commander commanding the kintark invasion. If that makes sense.


Hey In what chapter did John fight the astral monsters and alter time?

Tefler Fan 007

104 or 105 it was after battle of terra (100) and when Lynette became permanent lioness.


The only one I've seen is the one posted here earlier by Tefler. I'd definitely be willing to plop down a fee to see a more detailed one with planets


Just a thought and some random speculation. Have we ever been given hints on what/who the Achonin were, humanoid, reptilian, arachnoid, insectoid, etc. I don't remember statues of them on Underworld, Tashana describing them from her research or any other information about them. Just that they were incredibly advanced and were completely wiped out by Mael'nerak. The reason I'm bringing this up is, what if we've already met them? What If they are the Nymphs? Sounds crazy I know, but hear me out and poke holes in my probably poorly conceived theory after I've laid out my thoughts. Michael56's comments about Larn’kelnar's musings about them "still performing after all these years" got me thinking. If Larn’kelnar knew all about them and their reason for existing they were probably around long before Mael'nerak was. I'll try to make a fitting metaphor. Mael'nerak was like an inventor who lived next to the grandfather he never met. Larn’kelnar had no real connection to him, never met him, and was from a different generation. Larn’kelnar's additudes about most of Mael'nerak's creations (the Ashanath, Drakkar, humans, Trankarans, etc.) has ranged from being dismissive to disgusted, but he was 100% intrigued by a Nymph. Furthermore Celphna was captivated by Larn’kelnar, even when her acknowledged Master was in the same room. Just how did Larn’kelnar know so much about a minor synthetic race created by an eccentric progenitor from a couple of generations ago?


My guess is the Nymphs were Not created by Mael'nerak, they were actually the Achonin. A race engineered by the Kyth'faren to act as scouts and spies throughout the galaxy. They could have been programed to "collect biological samples" by interacting with other species and were connected across the astral to their masters by telepathy. Shape-shifting allowed them to infiltrate less advanced races easily. After the Kyth'faren were annihilated the Nymphs had no coordination, and no direction. Leaders could have risen up from among them and gathered surviving Nymphs together to forge an advanced civilization. Hmm, wonder if there could have been a few Kyth'faren survivors living among them boosting a non-existent birthrate?


This civilization branched off from Kyth'faren culture and built on their scientific foundation becoming unique. Even going so far to improve and refine the Runic technology of the Kyth'faren. Progenitor technology seems to be stagnant, making no real advances for hundreds of generations. Mael'nerak being the exception once he became free by living under the Shroud. So one of Azur'zioth's big priorities would have been to neutralize these tech upstarts before they could become threats. Once Mael'nerak defeated them he kept a few (they still had Runic hearts), genetically modified them to aid him in recruiting thralls and then began breeding them as a slave race. Late in life after his damascen conversion he set them free, hidden, innocent and safe. Those not born as Achonin never had runic hearts and had their memories permanently wiped. What am I overlooking and not accounting for?


Did Jade ever interact with Rahn? I can't remember. If she didn't show some level of fascination would she not count because she has a Progenitor master? Oh, also, if Mael'nerak had created Nymphs why would he program them to be so enthralled (to strong a word?) by other Progenitors, not just himself. He was good enough at genetic engineering he could have just made them responsive to his DNA exclusively surely.


Oh, and Jade did attack Larn’kelnar in the Progenitor duel, so if this theory is correct having a Progenitor master negates that fascination effect on a nymph.

Brittany durin

Chaper 65 was the first chapter to begin 30k words with 3 chapters before that having 50k words each

Brittany durin

After chapter 137 the rough word count is 3,580,900


.207: Atta girl Brittany, I was wondering if those shorter first chapters, at least the first 3 or 4 books, (thru chapter 40 at least) lowered my 1st rough guesstimate. I had thought Tef was over 4 million word count,.. but you have shown him at just over 3 1/2 million,.. still very impressive! Good Job! ;-) TTFN


.208: Hey Chris, if I remember correctly, Jade transformed into her tiger aspect and curled around the other wounded and sleeping girls,.. still in the same dungeon that John was held in,.. so I don't think that she was never shown to be in direct contact with Rahn'hagon,.. she did provide energy to John to defend himself from his father, and she may have briefly glimpsed Rahn as the group was leaving, but then Rahn should have had a moment of recognition just like Larn'kelnar did with Celphna,.. that is if Jade and Rahn were ever actually in the same room together,.. did Tef deliberately omit that to save that reveal for later? I know that he loves to drop clues many chapters in advance,.. yet he didn't in this case,.. at least not in the way we would have expected,.. what is he up to? ;-) TTFN


.210: a Good and thoughtful summary of what we know and what we suspect regarding the Nymph, Achonin, and Mael'nerak triangle of 72,000 years plus ago,.. Just how much harm or help did that younger Mael do to/for the Nymphs of that time?,.. I do hope that Tef eventually covers that little tidbit of history some day,.. ;-) TTFN

Tefler Fan 007

Maybe the reason Jade is different is because she is an original Achonin. That’s why she has runes on her crystal heart. Maybe she switched sides and joined Mael and he used her to breed the others. Then Mael used them against the other Achonin to wipe them out. When Jade finds out she will feel guilty probably. Just my thoughts.

Tefler Fan 007

Maybe the reason Jade is different is because she is an original Achonin. That’s why she has runes on her crystal heart. Maybe she switched sides and joined Mael and he used her to breed the others. Then Mael used them against the other Achonin to wipe them out. When Jade finds out she will feel guilty probably. Just my thoughts.


OK, stupid question: why are some people numbering posts?


Faye is locked in a part of the ship she is trying hard to get out for the family


As a hint to Tefler that they're all idling here until the next part drops. It's pretty much "are we there yet?".


Word count of War and Peace by Tolstoy: 587,287 TSM: >3.5M Ergo: Tefler > Tolstoy QED


.218: That may not be the absolute truth, but it sure feels like it should be, right? ;-) TTFN


The importance of a matriarch is still a bit unclear to me. When Edraele was incapacitated, John had no access to the power in her network. This was reinforced by PJ staying that losing Alyssa would mean "it's all over". However, isn't it also stated that a Progenitor can access Thrall energy directly? Aside from helping with organization, just how vital is a matriarch?


.221: Hey there Newnotsure,.. I have a theory from many, many months ago, that Larn'kelnar scanned the Invictus not long before he later cut the ship in half to kidnap John,.. anyway,.. I theorize that the scan of ship may have made a copy of the extremely advanced ( the genius of Mael'nerak) AI computer system, and Faye (or a copy) lives on inside the computer guts of what is now Rahn'hagon's dreadnought. When/if she surfaces and gains independence and full self awareness again,.. she will talk to Jessica Blake, and let her know that she now has an awesome peace offering to give to her son,.. Faye!,.. I just hope Rahn doesn't blow it for her this time! ;-) TTFN


.222: I would say, Kal'adayn, that to a Progenitor, a Matriarch is upper-middle management,.. but with regards to John and Alyssa,.. they had that Kyth'faren wedding vows, love/poetry, and light show a few chapters back and they are part of each others souls, both Edraele and Jade are important, but it is definitely Alyssa that makes John's world go around! Anyway those are my thoughts about that,.. ;-) TTFN


Another random thought. I know John was not planning on allowing any of his male offspring to become Progenitors, but he and Alyssa are both genetically Kyth'faren now. Is it possible for 2 Kyth'faren to produce a wholely Terran child? Or would John create Terran DNA out of thin air? Change her back to a human until she gives birth? Or would since he now now no longer considers himself a Progenitor would he see it as his duty to rebirth the Kyth'faren as he plans on doing for the Lenarrans?


Reading that, it almost seems you mean that being Kyth'faren would equate to being a Progenitor if the child was a male. I would assume their child would be Kyth'faren by birth. But that wouldn't make him (the child) a Progenitor necessarily.


Well Joel, it was elaborated on many chapters later. John just meant he was not going to allow another Progenitor to be born, presumably by exerting genetic control. If the mom was human the child would be 100% human, if she was maliri the offspring would be completely Maliri, etc. Apparently he was planning on using his DNA for the child if he and the child's mother shared/compatible genetic material and her DNA otherwise. It would be completely out of character for John to even consider euthanizing a child of his just because he had the potential to become a Progenitor. I think he would make raising that child right with a strong moral compass his top priority. But yeah, genetically speaking Kyth'faren = Progenitor. Kyth'faren society worked because everyone had basically the same psychic and intellectual potential. Sort of like human society works because basically everyone has opposable thumbs and can communicate with each other. Yes, there are differences in individual ability levels, but that's true in any culture. The difference between Kyth'faren and the Progenitors is their culture. Kyth'faren society seems to have been and least functionally healthy and cooperative. Progenitors have an entitled culture of one, where they enslave, destroy and manipulate. Their civilization has been artificially created and controlled by the Devourer.


Question - Any thoughts on how a baby from a highly-classified eugenics program ended up living on an Outer-Rim cesspool like Karron? I realize it may not be particularly relavent to where the plot is going at this point but it is one of those lingering questions of TSM. The fine folks who ran the eugenics program killed all the participants (mothers and children) and I've always wondered how a baby born into the program, or more likely, a woman impregnanted in the program, got away and why she chose Karron to leave Sparks on? Or, to quote Dana, "why the hell was I dumped in a shitty orphanage in the ass-end of nowhere?!”


Well hopefully this gets cleared up with the Walker subplot.


I don't think Kyth'faren = Progenitor (with different culture). I think Progenitors are probably based on the Kyth'faren template, but they are as artificial as the Thrall races. They serve a specific purpose. Also there are no male Progenitors, that seems to support my point of them being unnatural.


I'd actually put my money on Dana's mom escaping from the program and leaving her on the Karron orphanage to maximize Dana's chances of survival if they split up


What if... The Walkers were her parents. Dana meets them and bitch slaps her mom, punches her dad in the nose and then calmly asks Rachel not to heal them. Of course John would do damage control and make a civil conversation possible at a later meeting, but that would be a hilarious first encounter.


After the golden corona eye reveal I had assumed that Buckingham was her Dad and that he fathered her with one of the girls from the program to further research and maybe find a cure for himself and his kids. Of course Tef could easily make anyone else her father, but I thought that was the most compelling.


except tom Walker isn't Buckingham 's son. considering that his uncle was one of the best strategists in the dragon march fight I wonder if he might be a product of the program also


What if... When Niskera et al were under siege, they just surrendered to the Kirrix when John arrived. Kirrix attempt take them to their hive ship, John intercepts, so much less trouble. Teflers story was obviously much better.


I'm exercising self-restraint and waiting until the full chapter drops to sate my hunger for this story. Damn good job so far, Don Tefler!!


Waiting on the full release here too.


Faye is locked in a part of the ship she is trying hard to get out for the family


.261: Well Newnotsure,.. I had this idea many chapters ago,.. that just prior to Faye's death and the Invictus being sliced in half, that Larn'kelnar's dreadnought performed a Progenitor level Active scan on the Invictus, and this action created a digital copy of Faye ( a highly advanced AI program from that tech genius, Mael'nerak), and she then has to awaken in the computer guts of the dreadnought that is now under Rahn'hagon's dominion,.. once this Faye clone reaches self awareness, and independence,.. she will reach out to John's mother, Jessica Blake,.. and the two will concoct a plan to reunite them both with John and the Invictus,.. if only Rahn'hagon doesn't mess up their plans,.. ;-) ( Newnotsure, you repeated your comment from 3 days ago,.. about 40 comments back,.. If you wanted to get a different answer then maybe you should say it a little bit differently next time,.. good luck! ) TTFN


What chapter did John fight the progenitor?


Here's my speculation (pretty long) : The Achonin are an advanced race that had managed to defeat a progenitor some time before Maelnerak arrived. Once they defeated this progenitor, they take a deeper look at what is left of his body and his thrall race (who eventually call themselves Enshunu). They find out that they are all designed to be psychically connected to a progenitor who in turn is controlled by something in the deep astral. To explore more about how these psychic connections work and thus develop a more potent attack plan against future progenitor attacks, they genetically modify and experiment with an insectoid species (who eventually call themselves Kirrix) to be able to communicate with each other and their newborns psychically on a much deeper level. Rachel said in one of the early chapters that the Kirrix don't seem to have a sufficiently developed vocal chords to have ever been able to communicate sophisticatedly enough to then develop psychic communication, so they must have been genetically modified to develop psychic abilities and it wasn't done by a progenitor. When they are eventually attacked by Maelnerak, based on all they have learnt from studying the Kirrix, they set up the shroud, in the hopes of weakening Maelnerak. But it doesn't work out as they hoped. All it did was to cut out Maelnerak's connection to Xaraziuth, but not his connection to his thralls. Maelnerak eventually managed to defeat the Achonin, and starts studying their race. He finds out their extraordinary healing abilities (the Achonin having created their ships to emulate this feature as well) and decides to genetically modify them to even further enhance their healing abilities and be enthralled by progenitors (just like all the other species he later created). However, keeping in mind their now near immorality, he makes them only capable of procreating with a progenitor and no one else, thus ensuring they don't have a population explosion that overwhelms the whole galaxy.

Tefler Fan 007

16 days till the end of the month and maybe part 2. Hopefully it comes sooner.


Sounds a lot like Jade’s people, then. Uncanny healing abilities and can only procreate with a Progenator. But they also forget basically everything each time they change progenitor hands, so I think it aligns with your theory.


Invictus has airlocks with 2 sets of doors. But the hangar bays (and presumably cargo bay) have atmospheric shielding. Why not apply the same shielding to the airlocks and remove one set of doors?


.277: Well that is a fair question Kal'adayn,.. my thought would be two fold, power and safety,.. the airlock doors, when power is cut off, would remain closed,.. where as, if the cargo or hanger doors were up when there was a power loss, well explosive decompression says it all. Thanks for playing, Sir Knight,.. ;-) TTFN


I NEED part 2. I'm dying here.

Brittany durin

Now that John is at full strength how many times can he shape armour plates and will it be strong enough to deal with thrall ships?

Tefler Fan 007

I’m thinking at least 25 times. Shaping it 20 times gives it enough strength to sling shot around a star without destroying the Invictus which Rahn indicated was beyond thrall capabilities. When the Invictus was cut in half the armor was only 10 shaped. While Larn was able to destroy Faye’s server😩😢 with a quantum flux cannon shot it didn’t destroy the whole ship like when the Legacy destroyed the drakkar ships. Maybe it will be 30 shaped to be equal to progenitor dreadnought but John is close. Just my opinion.🤔🥃


Tefler seems to have something new in store for the Progenitor War using "Mael’nerak’s alternate metal" (Chapter 142, p. 34), super-sized "eternity crystals," and "becoming Kyth’vindathys, Vengeance of the Kyth’faren reborn ." (p. 35) -- Only Tefler knows for sure.

Tefler Fan 007

The over sized eternity crystal are going to be used for the upgrade Dana builds for the Nova lances.


I realize we've essentially moved on from the Kirrix but I wonder, has there been any artwork posted as to what the various Kirrix look like? In particular, I'd be curious how a broodmother, juggernaut and queen are depicted. Also, I'd love to see what the Brimorians look like as well.

Tefler Fan 007

They are just over sized bugs. Next your going to ask for a hive lord impregnating someone. I really want more artwork on the girls and their gear.


There are a few decent pieces of fan art over at the TSM Wiki. I love Jade's and Faye's portraits there. BTW, has anyone else here been contributing there? Not a lot of activity happening considering how many fans Tef has


I used to contribute back when it started. But then we had the issue of spoilers. Info on chapters given only to patrons and not on Lit. So I stopped.


How many of Rahn's thralls were living with him and Jessica on Arcadia? Rachel noted the decomposition of the thralls put their death six days before the Invictus arrived at Arcadia but there has not been a conversation as to how many there were and what part of Rahn and Jessica's lives they played. Also, were they long lived like the Malari or immortal like John's girls? Figure Rahn was on Arcadia for 10,000 years so one would think he could have established quite a sizable community of thralls on Arcadia and yet, re-reading the section makes it seem as though there were no more than a room full. My memory is obviusly faulty as I believed it was just Jessica and Rahn alone on Arcadia for the past 40 years but that is obviously not true. Anyone have some insight here?


Part of the conversaion that is confusing is when John first meets Jessica he asks “Was it just the two of you living here?” “Just the two of us...” she replied, looking forlorn again. “It’s been so awful since he’s been gone ... I felt so alone.” See, we know that is not true because as of six days ago, there were living thralls on the crashed ship. So, what's the REAL story??


Except like BF mentioned, Jessica said it was just the two of them. And I remember Rahn saying at another point that he drained the last of his thralls (even from the planets in his empire presumably) to keep his injuries from being fatal when the crash happened. Also at another point Rahn mentioned he was terrified of Az'aziuth detecting him so he deliberately kept his psychic profile tiny by not recruiting anyone besides Jessica and staying under the Shroud. All told I'm as sure as I can be that you're right that those dead thralls were Larn’kelnar's and not Rahn's. That's the way I always interpreted it as well. On a related note, if Rahn was keeping a low profile just how did Larn’kelnar find Rahn? He didn't follow John to Arcadia, because he got there a week ahead of him to capture Rahn, and there is no evidence Larn hacked the Invictus' data repository, or even that he'd care to try. The only thing I can think of is that when Lynton was his thrall he had her dig into John's background and found out about Jessica's encounter with an unknown alien on Arcadia and put two and two together. As for what happened to that corvette? That's an interesting question. It wasn't detected by the Invictus or evidently by either of the other two Progenitors in orbit or landed on the planet. The second Progenitor's (Gor-whatshisname) crew reported only Rahn's demolished dreadnought and the raptor as being in the system. My best guess is that Rahn landed it nearby his crashed dreadnought, maybe several miles away? He possibly buried it and completely shut all systems down so nothing had to be maintained. That way he and Jessica could leave if they ever wanted to, or suspected Progenitors were coming. But of course they had zero chance of outrunning Larn in an antiquated TF corvette when he showed up unexpectedly, so Rahn fought instead of using his only getaway.


Thank you fellow TSM nerds. My thinking was off as I had somehow always thought those were Rahn's thralls and never considered they were Larn's. While I feel stupid for having missed that, at least one of my TSM questions has been answered. I am very grateful.


.301: Good thinking there chris, I just figured that there was some advanced gizmo on Larn'kelnar's dreadnought that let him eventually track Rahn down,.. possibly by accident,.. your Lynton connection makes so much sense, but I wouldn't have thought old Larn could put 2 and 2 together like that,.. maybe he had help,.. -- and yeah I agree that Rahn wanted to keep his psychic footprint as tiny as possible, but he has said that Jessica Blake had a new and strong influence on him,.. so maybe if he thought he could sneek 2 or 3 more ladies in under Xar'azuith's nose, that could then crew that corvette, and could sew, and grow a garden,.. maybe,.. I would've bet you a lunch at a drive up window that Rahn would've been extremely tempted to add a few girls for his new Matriarch to supervise, if he could access the power his son gained, but he hadn't a clue how John and Alyssa got so much more power/energy from just a few girls with love and an increased psychic bandwidth, to bad that was beyond his Progenitor background,.. ;-) TTFN


No problem BF. I can easily see how if you missed Jessica's mentioning it was "just the two them" it was an easy assumption to make. I always assumed that even weakened with only a single thrall he was still a mature Progenitor. John as a neophyte even drained of energy is still formidable, so I expected a Larn’kelnar's forces to have casulties.


Oh, and if it's true that Rahn stashed Jessica's corvette I could totally see him returning to Arcadia to scoop it up for use a a drop ship, or to be able to go somewhere where a Progenitor dreadnought would be a bit conspicuous


Random thought: Rahn WAS flying under the radar by keeping his footprint small, but now he knows John's throwing his psychic weight around and keeping Xar'aziuth's attention focused on him. He could easily decide to start recruiting a few dozen humans as thralls and still not draw attention to himself. Jessica probably would keep him on the straight and narrow by making sure he treats them well. What do you guys think is likely?

Brian Woods

Yeah…I think John and his interpretation of Rahn’s motives were correct: at the moment, Rahn is more or less a coward in wolf’s clothing, insofar as he will leave ALL the fighting to his son. He literally knows what Xar is like, and probably won’t risk combat unless Jess is in trouble, and possibly not even then. While it might be fun to theorize that he would take hold of another thrall race like the Enshunu and start raining down hell on his enemies, the likelihood is his last act of conscience will be sacrificial in nature to prevent his son from losing completely.

Tefler Fan 007

Random thought- It’s been said in previous chapters that thrall ships are immune to laser fire but I want to know how effective plasma weapons are against the black metal. Plasma weapons so far have worked against shields and regular armor ( plus crystal alyssum) so maybe John could give the blue prints for heavy plasma cannons to the Feds to replace their heavy cannons ( Dana reverse engineered it after battle at dragons match).


TFED already has the plasma cannons from the Dreadnaught recaptured from the Kintark by Irilith at battle of Terra.


.314: well chris, unless he DID some progenitor or progenitor light upgrades to that 40 year old T-Fed corvette, like that stealth field induction device,.. and a few weapons upgrades too, just to swat the Bugs back then,.. unless he performed at least some of these upgrades,.. what real use would that old, small ship be to him verses other auxiliary ships still on that dreadnought,.. dropships, shuttles and the like,.. Rahn may be too much of a coward to leave the dreadnoughts safety,.. and besides, I think that the stolen corvette likely got destroyed decades prior,.. Bugs, pirates, or maybe a bad poker bet, it got lost,.. and that should be an interesting tale,.. there are quite a few things that Rahn and Jessica could be doing,.. but what will Tef have them actually do? ;-) TTFN


I think plasma torpedoes and mines would potentially be very effective against thrall ships. I believe how plasma works in Tef's universe it clings to shields and hulls like napalm does to tanks in modern warfare. It slowly dissipates, but burns away and weakens enemy defenses in over time. Plama torpedoes couldn't penetrate Progenitor Shields, but they could sure help chew through shields in a hurry if used in large enough numbers. And a thrall ship blundering into a plasma minefield would be like trying to sail through a sun. Yeah, a bad way to go if you're a thrall, and whole squadrons of a Progenitor's fleet could be wiped out that way without even being given a chance to engage the enemy.


I can easily see Calara seeding Malari space with death traps like that and dragging this new idiot Progenitor along by the nose as she cuts apart his forces like a Christmas turkey.


I was reading through some of the comments here and the topic came up of Rahn being a coward. That got me thinking: Is Rahn really a coward? Back in his prime, he was a champion Progenitor who was on the verge of defeating Mael and clearly had thousands of years of victories against other Progenitors to his name. Mael cleverly strands him on Arcadia for 10,000 years by himself and he has time for reflection and planning. When he meets and falls in love, well his version of love, with Jessica, he puts his plan in place. Using the repository of Kyth'faren knowledge, he creates John Blake, a Progenitor killer and sets him loose. He does so because it is the only way for him to have a chance to avoid eternity as one of Xar’aziuth's astral plane slaves. If I'm being honest, what else could he have done? He no longer has a thrall army and his technology is pretty much destroyed. If only he could now effectively communicate with Jessica and John, he could be an ally in what awaits, which is the very thing he set John off to do - kill all the Progenitors. My prediction is that he will ultimately sacrifice himself and Jessica to save John or the girls, earning him the ulimate redemption. And, since John will succeed, he'll avoid eternity as a slave. Thoughts?


.323: Howdy there BF, I too have called Rahn'hagon a coward, but also like you, I can see it from his perspective,.. progenitor preconceptions would be hard to overcome, and in some cases even for him to see,.. But I really doubt that old throw 'em a curveball Tefler would go the estranged father sacrifices himself for his son route in his story,.. too cliche! If he can realize that his Kyth'vindathys son has a profound power and knowledge advantage compared to Rahn's own basic progenitor knowledge,.. and if he is willing to learn and reevaluate a ton of things,.. he could then grow/expand his own power bandwidth,.. and with Jessica to help him, explore love and trust,.. I don't know if even Tefler's stories would be long enough to encompass all of that,.. but I wish him well,.. And I really want to see Jessica getting him to spruce up that dreadnought and improve the ships damn lighting to something more Terran normal,.. and paint over a lot of the exposed black metal,.. and maybe some carpeting too,.. he'll need some Thralls to do those fix and repair projects the way he has always done them previously,.. maybe add a few Terrans to the ships crew, and a whole bunch of maintenance and cleaning bots,.. anyway, is he worth John's or our time? ;-) TTFN


.326: I am so pleased to see that a number of my fellow fans also have a low opinion of that cruel asshat, Gahl'kalgor,.. he won't last very long up against Baen'thelas and his elite, good girls! I can't wait for John to use his rune blade to drain that sadistic fool of all his energies,.. cut him off from his Thralls, and then tossing his powerless body to his former Matriarch for a thumbs down verdict,.. then he gets all sliced and diced,.. ahhh!,.. that felt so good to get out of my system,.. yeah, seeing his fleet blunder through trap after calamitous trap, and progenitor Gahl going hair-pulling nuts, will be a lot of fun! ;-) TTFN


.328: Maybe, since Rahn will need to hide out anyway,.. ex-commander Tom Walker could join him and Jessica,.. and she could get Tom's opinion on her dreadnought make-over,.. just as long as they can keep it interesting,.. picking out color swatches and searching for evidence to clear Tom,.. ;-) TTFN


.330: Nah,.. give it another week,.. then,.. It's time for Tefler-man-iacs,.. and we're zany to the Max,.. So sit back and relax,.. you'll press F5 'til you collapse,.. we're Tefler-man-iacs,..- Tefler pays zero income tax,.. and there's baloney in our slacks,.. we're totally insane-y,.. and have no shame-y,.. - Tefler-man-iacs,.. and those are the facts! -- next week, okay?,.. ;-) TTFN


Tefleral 2 years ago... Only 19 chapters in 2 years Tefler.... Are u listening.... Tefleralmost 2 years agoAuthor Chapter 123 status I have submitted the next chapter for moderation. Hopefully it should be online before the weekend! My writing output has slowed considerably over the summer, as I've been helping out with childcare during the school holidays. I'm hoping to get back to the normal routine of publishing two chapters a month, but we'll see how it goes depending on upcoming events. :-) Tefler Tefler


HI Tefler,iIve


I've been in the hospital for the last two month, and I missed141 part 2 could I get a copy of this chapter Thanks in advance Bob

Tefler Fan 007

We need a poll to decide if Caldwell will try and betray John or support him in the end.


.339: ONLY if Admiral Ed Caldwell gets together with Admiral Lawrence Walker and bust Tom out of jail,.. then they can all go on the run in Rahn'hagon's big black and 'requisitioned' dreadnought,.. and they could help Jessica spruce up that old warship,.. lights, paint, taking out the trash,.. there is lots to do,.. ;-) TTFN


I am rereading and in Ch. 132 John is talking with Shan about his affinity and it being Destruction, and throughout the story it is supposed to be him fighting his nature, but he isn't really. Yeah he doesn't husk his thralls, but he is amassing a huge female following, and he is going on the war path to destroy the Progenitors. Like I love John and the girls and this story, but rereading it for the umpteenth time this things just kinda catch me off guard when the thought comes like this one.

Tefler Fan 007

I don’t think John has fully embraced his nature. Sure he fights and uses his powers to destroy his enemies but I think the closest he has came to fully embracing his nature was when John and Jade assaulted the kirrix planet together. He killed over 10,000 while having a conversation with Alyssa and didn’t even realize it. When he develops his own fighting style like Luna suggested he will be unstoppable against the other progenitors.


Nah, it was definitely when he wiped out all the kirrix that had the Trankarans with just his thoughts. That was definitely when he truly embraced his distractive side, also I never said it was a bad thing, just something I came to the realization of.


If his nature is to subjugate and enslave, he is most certainly not following it. I think using his innate abilities to achieve justifiable goals is not equal to him following his nature. Killing to enslave and killing to liberate both kill people, but the context makes all the difference.

Tefler Fan 007

Random thought- I’ve been rereading several chapters and I realized Tefler has never stated how thick the Invictus armor plating is. In several chapters that involved fleet battles Tefler indicated that battleships had several meters of titanium armor. I was just wondering how thick the Invictus armor is considering all the armor plates John and Alyssa have made that’s a lot of material they have to carry around if each plates is 2-3 meters (6-10 feet) thick. Personally I don’t think it’s more than a meter thick plus crystal alyssum is stronger than regular titanium.

Jedi Khan

You're probably right, the armor is not that thick. Dana has expressed concerns that despite how strong the armor of the Invictus is, they can't use their rifles at full power while inside the ship because the rounds will punch right through. That might not be such an issue on Trankaran ships, if they used CA armor, because their armor plating is many times thicker than that of the other empires.

Tefler Fan 007

Ok for the longest time I’ve been trying to figure out the whole Tom Walker saga and in rereading some chapters I might have found a clue. At first I was leaning towards Dana being related to Buckingham because his interest in the eugenics program. Rachel stated that all the baby’s had some form of psychological issues like Dana’s target fixation. Buckingham and his son Mason all suffered from Extreme paranoia. But in reading chapter 122 I picked up on something, “ Beth studied him in fascination. "I've never had a chance to take a close look at your eyes before. I thought they were all blue, but you've actually got golden rings around your pupils... they're beautiful."…”. Beth was commenting on Tom Walkers eyes in the above statement. Dana has blue eyes but they glow gold when using her psychic powers. Maybe Tom Walker is Dana’s older brother. Just something to think about.

Tefler Fan 007

Or Dana could be Tom Walkers cousin. Toms Uncle died due to Norwood betrayal so maybe he was Dana’s father. Anyway, I still think there related someway.

Brittany durin

Has tefler ever released part 2 of a chapter in the middle of the month or is it always at the end like a new chapter?

Brian Woods

So…I was just thinking, has John had an in-depth discussion with Athena ever since he ascended? I know they talked before his guide fight, and I recall Athena lost against Alyssa when she went crazy during the battle, but did John meet back up with her afterwards or not? And if not, why? Is there something going on in the Astral we need to be aware of?!?!?!? How interesting if that’s the case…

Brittany durin

To calm the outer rim of rebellion wouldn't the fleet admiral just reveal herself to being a lioness and problem solved?

Tefler Fan 007

I think that might happen but I think she will do it when the black thrall ships attack and she is forced to defend the colony.


First, she would have to convince them she is the fleet admiral. That shouldn’t be too hard. After that, she would have a giant problem in the core worlds. How do you explain what she’s become and how do you convince everyone she’s not John’s puppet?


.371: It may just be that Tef has had so much else to cover, and that he just has not taken the time to revisit sweet Athena as yet,.. but never fear, he'll touch base with John's Astral cutie soon enough,.. ;-) TTFN


.372: Yeah MVFast, but to an extent, she really IS one of John's puppets,.. She should've trusted her instincts way back when, and it would've made more sense if she'd had Rachel heal her gunshot wounds, and left John's rejuvenation therapy for the future,.. but then there would've been no romance with Charles,.. so the story came first, over any other reasonable actions,.. ;-) TTFN


Unfortunately, only passed events are seen with perfect vision. The outer rim is going to need another solution.


What chapter does John defeat his guide?

Brian Woods

While we idly wait for our next part to drop…I was thinking about something odd: we know that John picked up his new name/title of Baen’thelas to describe his new purpose in life, so I was wondering if the same applies to other progenitors as well insofar as their current names are actually titles they gave themselves, and if so…what were their given names? I can’t see Larn’kelnar being named the Soul Reaver fresh out of the gate, so what do you suppose the original names of Rahn, Larn, Gahl and Mael may have been?


Rob? I don't know, just feels like a soul-reaving kinda name.


While interesting to find the first matriarch it’s a bit of a head scratcher that they gave up so easily trying to get into Mael’s lab. They have extremely strong armor, xray vision, psychic shields, and have both psychic and physical weapons that could destroy any defense. Why give up so easily? If they get scared of getting into the lab how are they going to get into the Mists of Loralar which is probably much more heavily defended?


I think they didnt give up, John with his full might got a few splinters off it, if you notice shortly after it, John notes that his shoulder hurts, I think there is more than meets the eye here.


.395: some Speculations and Observations: 1) Mael'nerak created/made the Trankarans (the Great Maker),.. 2) His finger prints are all over the DNA of the Lenarrens (Nymphs),.. 3) And in his day, Mael had claimed the Maliri,.. So?,.. well all 3 sets of ladies become enthralled after only one dose of psychic spunk,.. ahh, a coincidence you say, and you know John's (and therefore Tef's) opinion on coincidences,.. -- Nymphs put on a temporary light show when fed progenitor cum,.. the Trankaran girls transform into a Glowing Queen, permanently,.. and the Maliri get a lighter hair color from psychic seed,.. So, did that DNA fingerprint-boy, Mael'nerak, play a bit of mix and match when he created those miners made of silicon? Might the fact that the Glowing Queen continues to glow, mean that she is constantly getting stronger, psychically? And do the Trankarans actually have a little Nymph in them? And since their bald heads didn't turn ole Mael on,.. was he disappointed that his 'rock brethren' were not Nymph sexy?,.. thoughts? ;-) TTFN (tales from Mael'nerak, the lost years)


.396: kind of makes you wonder about the Ashanth doesn't it? if fed some progenitor psychic seed, would they become enthralled on one dose? and would they start up with a light show too? but no current day Progenitor cares to share a load with the Greys,.. so we may never know! ,.. Unless somebody can convince ole Rahn'hagon to recruit a few dozen psychically capable Greys to help him run his dreadnought? Would the Ashanth girls grow to 5ft 9 in if fed enough spunk? and get all curvy? That might make any/all Grey girls into their version of a Glowing Queen,.. ;-) TTFN


Ugh, I need the rest of the chapter. I just finished another read through and I need it. Please hurry, either Tef or the first of the month, one of the two needs to be faster


hi when's the second part please


Start hitting f5!!


.405: I humbly predict that Tef will drop between 12K and 18K words worth of story to complete chapter #142,.. and that I will do my happy dance! This will occur on Tuesday evening, 31 August 2021. so, hang in there fellow fans and kittens,.. ;-) TTFN


I'm honestly just waiting for the Part 2 before I start on Part 1, I don't want to get halfway through and be frustrated by the halfway point. >.<


Same here... that and it appears Tef is using **** for his normal chapter brakes now so I don't know how to quickly find the new stuff any more.


Did he bill for the first half? If he did, he typically doesn't bill for the second half. That would mean he doesn't have the billing deadline he often has.


I hope that, with the end of the holidays, Tefler will deliver 1 chapter/month again. Or more, but let's be somewhat realistic 🙂


I am getting frustrated by delays in full chapters. If this keeps up, I may need to rethink my membership.

Pana Napoleon

Life happens for everyone. Thank you Tefler for your stories and hope you and your family stay healthy.

Tefler Fan 007

2 more days to the chapter is completed. I hope for the holidays Tefler is building up a supply of chapters so he can drop a bunch of chapters at once. Will be waiting till the end of September for next chapter and maybe a good battle.


I'll take even a bad battle. Given his track record, I suspect Tefler would not be able to do that so I guess I'll just have to settle for a good battle.


Don't worry he will send it out when it is done we only pay by the chapter not by the month

Brian Woods

Who would be fighting, though? The Outer Rim may be a powder keg, but Lynette isn’t planning an orbital bombardment so that’s out. The Kirrix may be fighting off Gahl’kalgor, but I don’t think that’s a battle we want cluttering up quality storytelling, unless I’m way off base. Athgiloi is breathing into a paper bag right now, hyperventilating over how to face the Maliri with diminished fleet assets. And while I do believe there are defenses surrounding Kyth’shara, I doubt they are of sufficient strength to challenge the Invictus…probably. What fight do y’all see coming?


I see Gahl working through Kirrix territory and eventually hitting the Terran outer rim with Lynette still there. John may (through Alyssa) tell her to send Gahl straight for the Protectorate where Calara's traps are waiting. Kythshara will be interesting, not sure exactly what Tef has planned though. Maybe a body for Athena? It would be hot to have a second pair of "twins" on the Invictus. I could see Athgiloi be desperate enough to dig deep into his pockets to hire some rogue bolons (or other psychic race) to grow some eternity crystals to be able to reclaim some of tech superiority they lost. It'd be cool if one of those craven Bolons was still on Brimor when John came calling and found out he was the one who raped Tashana.

Big Dude

Don't see that happening. When Tef joined Patreon he was looking for $4500/month minus Patreon expenses of 10%. So if he was living on $4000/month to quit his job, now he is living on $3500/month writing a chapter every two months. Hence he may have paid off some stuff to live mire leisurely. If his late father left him some inheritance even more reason not to tax his brain so much.

James Mayer

After finding the white walls hidden under the palace wouldn’t it be great to find a fleet of white ships waiting in Kyth’shara and a love forge to make more


423 please may we have more


.424: Yeah James, and then Irillith would need to make nice with all those AI's that have been in standby / sleep mode for almost 10 millennia, that are in control of the prototype white fleet of ships,.. nice dream big guy,.. ;-) TTFN


.425: oh yeah,.. please sir, may I have some more,.. and hopefully it will be filling time, with part 2, in about 12 hours, plus or minus a few,.. ;-) TTFN


.426: I had expressed a theory a while back, that the reason ole Mael'nerak created the weaker psychic race of Grey beings (Ashanth), to help him explore setting up sub planes in the Astral,.. Was to allow him to create a sub-plane around one of the Kyth'feran knowledge citadels / libraries,.. and have access to it without any Astral monsters lurking about,.. if that is what he did then,.. is it still, somehow, existing after Mael's death?,.. and where and how might our heroes find it? ( and is Mael really dead dead, or is he somehow floating, adrift, in that space time anomaly, the Naryean Rift! ) ,.. thoughts to stir the imagination,.. or at least awaken the serious debater in you,.. ) '-) TTFN


.427: And for further imponderable thoughts, (What If),.. what if in the millennia's prior to the arrival of Rahn'hagon, kinda good ole Mael'nerak managed to create an AI that could explore that massive Library, an Astral Nexus, and what if it is still at it? keeping the sub plane from fading out and actually keeping the Kyth'feran soul of the citadel company thru the millennia,.. lot's of wild and strange possibilities; and I wonder what really unexpected plot twists Tef will choose to present us with,.. ;-) TTFN


.428: ooh ooh!, And What If that Astral AI is a Zombie Cyborg created from the once Matriarch ole callous Mael had prior to Valada? (then he may have technically had multiple Matriarchs before John) Now that would be spooky enough for Dana's goose bumps to have goose bumps,.. so what cha think?

Tefler Fan 007

We all know Tefler is probably done with the second part by now so why wait till tonight. He should drop it now so we can enjoy it😁. In reference to your question above I think Mael was working on astral sub planes so he could maybe cheat death and not become a slave to the fallen progenitors. If he embedded his soul before death in his own fortress like you suggested. All his knowledge could be sitting there for John.


.430: And Mael himself would keep the sub plane active, and not fade out,.. one way or another a Kyth'faren citadel may be waiting for our gang, and an advanced AI, or Mael'nerak himself may be available to answer their many questions,.. sigh,.. but what fun is that,.. Tef will go off on another twist and tear, like his Tom Walker side story that really should start to tie into the John Blake portion of the tale very soon,.. sigh again,.. and maybe a hick-up too! rubs face and sighs thrice!,.. Power, knowledge, friends and family,.. these folks have much and have much to lose,.. this is still a darn gripping tale, thank you master Tefler! ;-) TTFN


Thank you Tefler for this amazing work. I am grateful to be able to enjoy it when you are ready!!


,431: Well Brian, I see ole Gahl'kelgor getting his ass handed to him fairly rapidly, and I suspect in a very humiliating fashion,.. I predict The true traitor Mason showing up in his sub-quality Brimorian cruiser to bug Fleet admiral Lynette at the Outer Rim conference,.. and I really, really what to see what there is to find on Mael's throne world,.. and please have them stubble across some good computer tech that well let them bring back our sweet and perky purple alarm clock! And I know that Dana (and Tef) are going to really blow our minds with this next refit!!! SO HOLD ON, IT'S GONNA BE A BUMPY RIDE,.. ;-) TTFN


.433: Oh Chris, I like the way you think, and I hope Tef uses one or two of your twists and turns,.. good job!! Especially if Tashana can ever get her flaming mitts on that horrible collection of Bolon cells, oh boy!! ;-) TTFN


.434: And just you wait until Dana gets her delicate digits on all that Astral tech of Mael's,.. upgrades coming fast and furious!!! ,.. and bunches of Kyth'faren goodies to educate and thrill our heroes!! ,.. throne world discoveries and John and Dana now have full access to ALL of that Progenitor and Kyth'faren knowledge that PJ was keeping from them,.. such a virtual explosion of tech and gear advancements, Dana will work those poor Maliri engineers and her sexy Nymph engineering assistants fingers to the bone, little sleep, and cum filled rest and recharge breaks,.. I can see it all now,.. she turns the galaxy up-side down in only a day or two, cause that's the way Tef will write it!!! So much good stuff,.. ;-) TTFN


TF007, that is something I have not figured out yet. I think Tefler will drop part 2 at 3-5am tonight UTC, even though it is not a paid post. My best guess is that he has negotiated time at the end of each month to work on TSM. I really loved the return to intrigue and action in this chapter so far, and am looking forward to part 2 very much. As always though, let it happen when it is ready.


I was hoping to be able to read it before bed tonight but I guess I will have to just read it at work tomorrow

JC Armstrong

Still playing catch up and enjoying every sentence that I read ... but some how Sparks is going to enhance the Metal to take on a golden hue and make it better than the Black soulforge metal, I just know that is coming