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Hey everyone!

I'm just starting to write chapter 142 and thought I'd give you the opportunity to pick which Lioness won the party quiz. The prize for the Lionesses is a date with John, but the winner gets to plan what they actually do on their date.

Rachel volunteered to sit this one out, as she went on the hoverbike picnic on Arcadia. 

Alyssa also refused to take part, because she had her intimate liaison in the Lagoon. 

Dana's had so much one-on-one time with John recently that Alyssa guilt-tripped her into letting the others have their turn.

So, pick your winner and I'm open to incorporating any fun suggestions you might have. The date itself won't be in the next chapter, as I want to focus on exploration, tech, and plot progression in chapter 142. I'll probably include the scenes in a few chapters time, depending on the suggestions you make and how they fit into the sequence of events I have planned.

Good luck, I hope your favourite Lioness wins!




Sakura..... with Luna. :D


Helene needs some special time. She deserves it.


I recommend a city tour of Valaden with Jehanna! You could incorporate the start of her role in junpstarting a Maliri press corp, maybe even doing an TFNN segment on Maliri architecture or cuisine(minus unarmored locals)


Sakura deserves to win since 1) she hasn't had a John Date yet and 2) she stood ready to kill John if he lost to his Guide.


Would also have a scene with Rachel and that leader chick, don’t remember her name, from the survivors of Lahn’s thralls once they add her to the crew…. I can’t be the only one that sees that coming…. Should also revisit the spider chick and convince her to let Rachel heal her. Just my two cents….


I thought of Sakura at first but really.its calara thst I think needs it most. And the expansion of the psychic power resoviouar that comes with it would be worth while.


Given jahanna is a reporter, one would assume she was adept at acquiring information about everyone


Could be interesting if it was Alita (rather than all the nymphs). It would sort of come out of left field since she isn't really 'free' yet, and there'd be time for that between now and the date.


Hi Tef I hope you are doing well, glad to see you are up to writing bit more. Sakura seems to be the one that would have mingled with each of the matriarchs. (She also seems deserving after being made to watch over John when he confronted his guide.) I'm thinking that we might find some fun places In the mists. Perhaps they find a nice romantic spot amongst Mael's hidden planets?


I think the Nymphs, especially Jade. She is super smart (engineered that way) but more importantly is UNBELIEVABLY enamored with all of John's mates. Once he decided to have children with the Maliri, she would have memorized every detail about them!


My idea for a Nymph date (or, if they lose the quiz, this could just happen sometime) would be... Drumroll... Choosing a room in their new palatial home and FURNISHING/DECORATING A NURSERY!!! This could also work for the reward if any of the Young Matriarchs won.


Exploration, tech and plot progression. Sounds like a great chapter coming up 🙂


I'm just hoping that they find what they need soon to bring Faye back.


Helene I can't see winning, but out of all of them she needs further development, Jenna just had her special shot and hopefully with the upcoming Brimoran/Abandoned arc I see Helene the next needing to be featured and central.


Calara, she hasnt had time with john in what feels like ages, Sakura is close 2nd for the assassination protection


Faye isn't on the list - I vote for her.


Who should have won is an interesting question. Helene has the ability to empathize with those she’s questioning. Jehanna is the investigative reporter. The twins already have an intimate knowledge of the lives that they would have led and can approach them from a shared background. Calara has the intuitive and tactical skills to ascertain the questions to ask that would elicit the answers she needs. The Nymphs would be able to speak to more people at once, be very disarming, and pool their information. Multiple possibilities. My personal one would be Calara in this instance.


We didn't see much interaction with Sakura at the party - I think a John Date would be a great reward for her and perhaps she might be curious about taking one of the matriarchs she could have connected with, along.


I wonder the reasoning behind the Sakura votes? And what would that date be?


I would love for Helene to win, surprising everyone. When they explore how she did so well, it turns out she used her empathy and intuition to arrive at many of the right answers. After winning, she asks that John take Sakura instead because of asking her to kill if him -- again showing Helene's empathy.


Jade and the Nymphs. Quick getaway to unwind, recharge and deepen their connections with each other and John. During the fun, as a sexy game, they start innocently predicting John's next move. This leads to some interesting insights from Jade as to how this can be weaponized against the other Progenitors. Nymphs, after all, are the ultimate thralls. Give John instantaneous foreknowledge of his adversaies next move....... Checkmate!


The nymphs appear to have a legacy that goes back to the beginning of the Progenitors. They deserve to reach their full potential to help John.


He said he was going to try and make all the Nymphs as strong as Jade hopefully before the next battle.


I'm thinking Irrilith and Tashana will know _exactly_ which questions to ask and how to answer in order to best set the new martriarchs up for success.

David Shmilowitz

Irilith and tashana, since they have 2 minds worth of knowledge if they are acting as a team. Now that Edraele is around too, the twins will probably try to incorporate her into their sex-time, either directly for mother daughter fun or indirectly through dirty talk at least.


I think Helene needs some love!


Helene has had little time in the limelight. How her empathetic powers affect John would be interesting. Nothing weird, like Vulcan sex, but maybe she could touch parts of John repressed .


Personally i think sakura should win and thats because she hasn't had as much time with john as the other girls have


Although Sakura and or Helene would seem to be inline . And Irillith and Tashana would have an unfair advantage , being that they are Maliri I think Jehanna would have the most knowledge and will win the Quiz . If there were going to be a Maliri winner it looked like Faranise Eshenestria was sucking up as much info as she could .


I say Sakura - she's so dedicated to John she'll have made it her goal to win & prove herself. As for the date I think the should go out for a thrilling high speed ride on the eBikes somewhere - combined with a picnic & the obligatory reward romp for services rendered... that should put a sparkle in her eyes & boost their link nicely!


Love Sakura and wouldn’t mind if she won, but her character and psychic skills are pretty fully developed. The fact that everyone loves Sakura so much makes it even more imperative to develop Helene’s character and psychic skills. I believe Helene will play a critical role in defeating black metal since she was able to transform it into the brittle white metal. Maybe she can ‘bless’ some singularity rounds with her special powers. Plus she nearly killed herself holding the team together when John fought his guide and she deserves something for that.

Ryan Smith

Sakura, one former cyborg assassin with minor case frost burn turned into a cryokinesis powered Sailor Mercury of death.


Question did he just get paid for for this poll?


Jehanna; being the newest Lioness, i feel this would give her a chance to prove her love to John and the Girls. and since the twins have opened her eyes to new and exiting things she could pass along things she has learned, and you know reporter's don't miss a thing! they are always looking for the next scoop! and if Jade feeds the three problem girls John could kill three birds with one stone before they have to depart on the new mission. i also am waiting with baited breath to find out what is found in the lower level of the Palace, and to see if one of the scouting parties will fine the Maliri.


I would like to see one of the new girls win since you have Rachel helping one of them and they have the most to learn


Patreon creators don't get paid for general posts. They either get paid monthly or in Tef's case (and others) when they indicate they have shared a piece of remunerated content.


I honestly believe Helene would win. As she did spend most of her life as part of a big family, I think she’s uniquely qualified to acquire and retain so much new information about her new and future sister/wives. She would even use her abilities to soothe the matriarchs of their anxieties to make them even more open to talking (and not out of a desire to win, but because she’s a good person and would want everyone to have a good time).


The date happens and they finish it with not one but TWO loads in the butt making her tummy *really* swollen with cum. :3

Tefler Fan 007

I think there going to find a underground hanger with the last of Mael thrall ships under the palace. Or some quantum flux cannons set up as planetary defenses. Dana can repurpose them to use on the Invictus. As far as ships go Mael probably left Valada at least a thrall battleship to protect her so she could escape.


He’s been on dates with everyone at least once, except for the nymphs. He needs to spend fun and romance time with them if he wants to make the new ones like their matriarch sister


Ril and Tash would have inside knowledge of the Maliri noble houses, but some of the newer matriarchs might be intimidated by them, being full lionesses and all. If you don't believe that, answer this, "What was their skill demonstration during the party"? Well they were engaged in conversation with Edraele. As an assassin and fighter, Sakura's skills do not lend themselves winning the knowledge quiz. Helene is sweet and innocent and can put the Maliri at ease, but Maliri family life would be completely foreign to her innocent naivety. Jehanna skills would allow her to ask the right questions, but she was engaged with learning new skills and accepting a role from Edreale. The nymphs are the most naive, but because they can read others thoughts could possibly win without even asking questions. If its down to a fight to win any contest, I want Calera on my side. Her prescience is invaluable above all others. If she really wanted to win she could foresee, (just like Dr Strange), the scenario that would enable her to do just that. It's no contest. Calera wins if she wants it. Besides, it has been a while since John has focused attention on her and she really deserves it. She took charge in the Battle of Terra II to include Olympus station, pulled the Kintark's ass from the fire from the Brimorian's, engineered the ass whipping of the Kirrix, and now has overall responsibility in the strategic planning and tactical execution of the upcoming Progenitor war. She needs and deserves to have her tummy stuffed and her brain f'cked out.


translates to Larathyran Auralei [not yet a thrall] and Nkkrrit I believe :)

Jedi Khan

I have two choices. First, Sakura. As discussed prior to the PJ fight, she did miss out on a lot of John time, and then she had to stand guard while the fight happened, ready to cut John's head off. She deserves some alone time with John to make up for that. As for what the date could be, perhaps a traditional Japanese tea ceremony, followed by a stroll through a zen garden? Or maybe put that motorcycle of hers to use and take her to a bike rally? I can only imagine what Daytona Beach would be like in the future, if they still have the big rally there. Second choice would be the Twins, Irillith and Tashana. There doesn't seem to be much reason for them to need some special alone time with John, as they've had a few little roleplay sessions with him that sorta make up for that, but I imagine they'll earn it in the upcoming chapters. There's going to be plenty of work for them to do soon. The primary reason why they're my second choice is for the date: either take them to the Asphalt Arena and/or go pay Titanium Jake (from Truckstop Takedown) a visit. I recall them being big fans, so they'd get a kick out of seeing an Arena event in person.


My initial thought was Sakura, but then I realized how much fun it would be to read about John and the Nymphs. Really, there isn't a wrong choice among any of them.


.52: I agree with Steve that there is no wrong choice and that they are all worthy. That said, my first impulse was to pick our lovely Sakura, then I realized that Jehanna, a trained and experienced reporter, could really have an advantage in this type of information gathering contest! And Jehanna really should be the winner,.. but right now, Sakura (who was my instinctive 1st choice) is in the lead,.. well a few more voting days to go,.. Go Elani!!! ;-) TTFN


The twins certainly would have a chance to be able to win, given their commonalities with the other Maliri noble daughters. However, I don't see them being able to take the time at the moment to go visit back to the Tellurian Federation. Many of the ideas for a date that I've seen proposed would simply take too much time at the moment. They're in a race against time and they know it. Bringing the new Matriarchs onboard and getting them more integrated with the group has immediate and powerful benefits, so the party makes sense, and the archeological investigation beneath the palace may reveal important information that will allow them to increase their capabilities significantly almost immediately, but anything that's too time-consuming and not directly related to improving their position at. the moment will have to wait. They simply don't have the time to take those opportunities right now.


Professional Journalist, just given the job to report on these ladies. Both the skill and the interest to learn everything there is to know.


i thought the info contest was for the new matriarcs to get them to open up and mingle more and one of them would get a prize


.58: Nah guys, it was written that there was a prize for both the Lionesses and the new Matriarchs,.. you need to reread it,.. this story-chapter was a bit of fun,.. so enjoy it again,.. ;-) TTFN

Arthur Bridges

I'm between Jehanna and the nymphs for skill training and strengthening. There could be much fun in either. Also very much looking forward to exploring the palace


59. I want the Nymphs to win as I don’t think they’ve had a lot of screen time lately. Plus I still get confused on who’s who.


Personally, I think Helene would be best winner. She's an empath able to feel how others are doing and could learn the most about them in the quiz by knowing what is good and bad to discuss with her empathy powers... and if John could boost her she could prove to be a powerhouse in the prog wars because she could potentially manipulate thralls, or just communicate their feelings so John and the girls can, potentially, best deal with troublesome ones and incapacitate the open to change thralls that could possibly join them. Seriously, if Helene felt the tension and hatred that thralls feel toward their matriarch, John could swoop in, alter their bonds so their prog can't drain them into husks and possibly cause a 'civil war' to occur in enemy ranks.


Now that Sakura has exacted her revenge on Mikaboshi and assisted John in his confrontation with his Guide, it feels like she needs a new deep moral purpose and perhaps she and John could explore this on their date. Sakura has always been seeking a unique role and this feels like it’s a core element to her identity, a strength rather than a void to be filled.


.62: Should Jehanna Elani, reporter and media celebrity, win this information gathering contest among the Lionesses,.. I think she and John's date should be to explore Valaden,.. whether they go to some type of resort area, or check out where Edraele is going to start up her new media offices for Jehanna to work in. It will be a small window into current Valaden everyday living conditions,.. And John can try to reassure her about fixing her relationship with her parents,.. it is bound to be interesting (right Tef?),.. If whatever they find under the palace doesn't overshadow any dates,.. ;-) TTFN


63 Maybe I was unfair to Tef complaining about so little tech discovery in the last few chapters. They are really development of the Maliri story. But with the tech promise to be delivered in 142 we should learn lots! So much to do and a strong progenitor to defeat. Bring it on!


.64: Gahl'kalgor?,.. a strong Progenitor?,.. Tef has gone out of his way to portray this clown as both Immature and lacking good sense, like all Progenitors, do to their being raised as Gods, and not getting spanked when they needed it,.. Lack of tough love has produced a few dozen monsters, commanding vast star empires, for Xar'aziuth to use,.. :-) TTFN


It has to be Helene. She is the one who turned the black metal into white. That seems the best way to capture the thrall fleet and make it superior to the garden variety thrall fleets. There were clues dropped about the effect of white metal on black. Boost Helene’s empathy to Dana’s metallurgical magic and there’s a solution not only to the thrall fleets but also the Invictus. Maybe she’d need to team up with Dana. That would give them the ability to build and/or upgrade the quantum flux cannons.


.67: Hey there HH, I seriously doubt that John would what to inflect the kind of emotional scarring onto his sweet little, empathic, mermaid as would occur if she started to transform the Black Fleet's nearly indestructible armor into fragile white powder and killed many, many thousands of Thralls by exposing them to the harshness of outer space. That would not be a kind thing to do to Helene,.. but maybe her 'Love energy' can be used with either the Soul Forge, or the Sun Forges to create superior ships that can defeat the Thralls black fleet. John really what's to keep Helene out of the fighting and horrors of the war,.. And the fragil white powder that Helene turns the Black metal into is NOT some superior alloy that Dana can use to build/create powerful weapons and gear with,.. nice thought, but Dana (and Tef) had already said that the white powder was molecularly deconstructed and pretty much worthless,.. But you know her abilities will be even more useful somewhere down the line,.. ;-) TTFN

Tefler Fan 007

Yeah probably but since his soul is bonded with Alyssa she will be able to bring him back.


76 There was a suggestion that the nymphs could win "because they can read others thoughts". But Jade cannot, so I guess the nymphs cannot either? ch. 129 ++ *Actually, my ability to read minds is confined solely to you, Master,* Jade interjected ++


77 It has been staring us in the face... This is how to get rid of attacking progenitor fleets! Not to mention approaching under a cloak! Ch.111 ++When Dana's eyes snapped open, they were ablaze with a glorious golden light.... Energy arced over the ochre hull, quickly gathering into a golden maelstrom focused in the middle of the trembling capital ship. Roiling waves of force began to darken in the centre, light now sucked in rather than blazing across the cosmos as Dana massively ramped up the gravitational forces. Sections of the Kirrix ship began to buckle, twisting ominously as it succumbed to the enormous pressure it was under. Dana cried out as she threw her full psychic might into her terrifying stellar construct, the drone carrier folding up like a crumpled tin can as it violently imploded. The Kirrix ship ripped itself apart in a savage explosion, the subsequent blast wave hurtling outwards before being sucked back in on itself. What had once been an enormous capital ship was now compressed into a solid sphere of ochre-hued debris, the orb glowing with a forbidding golden light. The two nearest drone carriers began to lurch towards the mangled wreckage, dragged inexorably into the newly-formed gravity well.+++ and Ch.132 ++The golden coronas around her pupils flared with a supernatural light, the dazzling radiance bathing the Bridge in a warm yellow glow. The overhead lighting began to flicker as she gathered her will, zephyrs of psychic energy curling around her arms as she poured more power into the astral construct forming in the path of the onrushing Kirrix. John watched the tactical holograph and saw the moment that the singularity ripped into existence. The Quantum Omni-phase Scan Array depicted the artificial black hole on the map, the circumference of the onyx sphere surrounded in a flicking golden aura.++

Son Of Anubis

78. I just reread Chapter 79 and John and Sparks confirmed the addition of a Destroyer in the future when they get the time. Well they did just get a Progenitor Shuttle with a skylight blasted in it. So once they figure out how to make better armor without the need of souls they have a ship ready for refit and modification.


.79: Hey Anthony,.. I had that thought a while ago,.. strip the Ascendancy shuttle of it's weapons and instruments, then rebuild into a frigate or even a destroyer,.. as an auxiliary / support vessel for the Invictus. It would mean John would need more trusted folks to crew her, and maybe needs a lion cub name!?!? (Simba?),.. I am thinking a large sized Frigate / supply and cargo hauler, and not just a fighting craft,.. I wonder what Tef is thinking?,.. :-) TTFN

Son Of Anubis

81. OR a pleasure/ leisure craft. When the Invictus is too large and the Raptor is too rugged and you have to show out diplomatically on all the haters


.82: With so many uses for secondary / auxiliary crafts,.. maybe John needs a small fleet of his own!?,.... Dana may need to modify the Invictus to tuck a couple of ships along side, just like a Progenitor dreadnought can hold /carry 4 ships,.. so John can have the auxiliary ship(s) most helpful where he is jumping to,.. like a fighting freight hauler when visiting the Trankarans to trade electronics for ore(s),.. and strong warships to greet enemy Thrall vessels,.. Diplomatic / luxury vessel as needed,.. etc,.. ;-) TTFN


Lol this thread is a distraction Tefler made to sidestep issues about his delivery of Chapter 141


Let's try to stay positive John. I can't imagine the pressure of trying to create this incredible story day in and day out while trying to live a life with a recent addition to the family. And to think it's been going on now for over 5 years. I think a little understanding and patience is the right attitude. Regardless of how Tef motivates himself, yes, even if it means creating artificial deadlines to put pressure on himself to stay at it, the quality and the beauty of the finished product is still top notch and what we're really after. The very last thing we want is for him to burn out and just cast this aside out of frustration for what he perceives is "disappointing the fans". Let's just enjoy this ride and try encouraging Tef to keep this quality material coming at a pace he can sustain. In the end, I'd much rather read how he wraps up this epic adventure than for a fan to pick up the torch and try to "stay true to the mind of Tef" while completing it because it was abandoned because it was just too overwhelming. This is Tef's creation and only he can do it justice. So I'd like to say again, thank you for this ride Tefler.


Yes! Agreed. If any of them deserve it its her for sure


Being a creator as well, I understand the pressure to get it right.


Tef, keep up the good work!

sweaty bastard

When in Rome do Rome… so Valaden. We want the history anyway

Bp Hlpt

Keep up the good work, Tefler! Please work at the best pace that works for you, even if that pace might change from month to month. Along with BrianM's suggestion to reinforce the fact that Patreons are only charged for completed chapters, you could state something like this, in your own words, if it is accurate: "While my original intention was to publish 2 or 3 chapters a month, things change. My current rate of production is about 2 chapters every 3 months or so. Even though my writing is my main source of income, because of other obligations and circumstances I am not able to accurately predict when each chapter will be completed. Just because you don't see any posts by me, that does not mean I am not working on TSM, trust me, I am. Each chapter will be published when it is completed and meets my own high quality standards. Sometimes, I will post a partial chapter to try and tide you over any extended delay. In that case you will be charged for that first part of the chapter, but you will NOT be charged for the remaining piece of the chapter when it is posted. ANY production schedule you might see, posted by me or anyone else, is simply a guess or my current intention, and NOT a promise. Since you will only be charged once for each completed chapter, or for 30 K word blocks for extra large double sized chapters, please realize that any delay effects me much more than it effects you. I hope that I will be able to increase my production back to my original goal at some point. Thanks for reading TSM and for your continued interest and support. I will continue to post as often as I can."


Many thanks for the responses. I have frequently been sympathetic in posts about the difficulty of writing, and I am not personally bothered about the slowing output - I merely observe it. I have also been here long enough to be familiar with Tefler's communications style, and I am used to that too. Indeed, I did not expect my tongue-in-cheek remark to generate such forthcoming responses, but I am glad it did, and appreciate the info/insights.

Bp Hlpt

Responses like that, and posts by Tefler on the same subject, should NOT be required. But expectations by Patreons, whether or not they are appropriate (usually they are not), seem to make them necessary to prevent posts by Patreons about what they think they are "owed". We all are always anxiously looking forward to the next chapter of TSM, but we all just need to be patient and grateful when the next one appears. To me, posting praise, thanks, corrections we think are appropriate, ideas for future plot points, wishes for Faye's return, polite criticisms, etc are all fair game for posts from Patreons. But instead of repeated whining, belching, burping, hiccuping, singing, drinking, complaints of "Has it dropped yet?", "Why not?", etc, etc, I really wish folks would just STFU and wait. Kind of like your mom or grandmother used to say, "If you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all." But that's just my opinion.


Hi. Now seems the time to again ask for Tefler support. It was mentioned a while back that Tefler should, on occasion, maintain monthly income by splitting a chapter into two paid sections. We all like the great story and the consummate writing!!! Pun not intended I think... Check Google definitions :) Lets hear the support!!!!!

Tefler Fan 007

Dear diary, I’m glad Sakura won the pole ( pun intended) for Tefler. She really does deserve a date day with John and maybe she will get to live out some wild fantasies ( Made air tight by John and psychic cock projections). Can’t wait for next chapter and maybe some new tech or a refit for Invictus. Hopefully they find some cool tech under the palace (Progenitor shield or some quantum flux cannons that Valada was trying to reverse engineer). I miss Faye and hopefully she comes back soon. Pretty soon John needs to publicly address the Maliri people so they start working together. Dana probably going to make some upgrades to progenitor technology soon too. Since Invictus is only a 1/4 the size of a progenitor dreadnought the wormhole generator will only take 3 hours to recharge instead of 12. Also if they can contain a black hole with the singularity driver, Dana should be able to contain the forces for quantum flux cannons and wormhole generator without the black metal. Plus new and improved progenitor shields are a must.

Tefler Fan 007

Side note maybe John will turn Sakura into a Progenitor like Alyssa. Just an idea 🤔😁

Tefler Fan 007

Side note- John should change all the girls to Kyth’faren princesses. Alyssa- Princess of Light, Calara- Princess of War, Dana- Grand engineering overlord, Sakura- Princess of justice, Rachel- Princess of health, Jehanna- Princess of truth, Helane- Princess of fertility,

Big Dude

Here is my assessment based on Tefler's recent previous posts. We will see ½ a chapter this month with the balance sometime in August, probably August 31st.. Back in the day, Tefler needed $4500/month back when we received three chapters a month. Now receiving $8,407 per chapter minus 10% for Patreon expenses, he probably doesn't need the money each month. So that is my take and the Big Dude is sticking to it!


.107: Admiral John Blake, The Lion, the Protector, Baen'thelas,.. Kyth’vindathys the granter of Kyth'faren titles,.. reborn :-) TTFN


.108: Correction,.. the first new 1/2 chapter will likely be at the end of next month (August),.. sorry,.. that's our Tef,.. unless he is getting better and is really getting his act together,.. then you'll have to throw out all of your calculations too,.. let's hope! ;-) TTFN

Big Dude

I think they were bigger.


Hi, I respect the views of Big Dude. Perfectly fine opinion. However, how much has any of you spend on tips at a restaurant recently? I suspect that equal funds would cover much more than Tefler would receive from you in a year, Especially at one chapter a month. Stress can take many forms, and may well include writer's block. So, personally, I would support Tefler for a half chapter as he deserves to be rewarded for his wonderful story! After all, we just want TSM to continue! Thanks for reading :) JDG45

Michael carney

As I read all the whining, an idea has presented itself. Cast your mind back in time when you had to wait a year or two for the next book to be printed and released. We are spoilt now with monthly releases of what are large chapters compared to other authors. What is the word count now. Maybe the thing Tefler should put up with his posts is an update with how many years months days hours to produce where he is at and how many words. Maybe even another figure for how many words that went to the bin. Then noone can complain till they have counted out loud up to the current word count. Just saying. I have read enough good stories that end up slumping at the end and either drop in quality or just cease.

Big Dude

Whining? Nope! I made an observation. I am at my level because I am retired. I check back to see if Tefler has posted something new. I see curve balls from other patrons attacking people as whiners. My post was far from whining as the north pole is from the south pole. I wish I could make Tefler's day but fixed income with many relatives to visit means we watch $$$. So I posted the statement above. If Tefler has writers block, come on board as tell us. Other writers have. Fel told us this and we wished him well. Don't make suppositions and deliver innuendos about someone without asking them. That's rubbish. I love Tef's writing as much as anyone else.

Big Dude

Yes I know about Liam Geller and his lack of an update. That's really sad and I told him so.

Big Dude

Regarding tipping, good service good tips. What does that have to do with the price of the weed killer Roundup? Do you understand my association and assessment there?


.119: It shouldn't be surprising that Sakura would be the winner, she very bright, she would go about gathering her info in a low key manner,.. it's all of her stealth ninja spy training,.. and she is a lovely girl and makes friends pretty easily,.. now what type of a day/date is she going to have with John? ;-) TTFN


It would be fun if John asked some questions that stumped everybody but Sakura and it turned out that she knew the answer by deducing things from her conversations. Jehanna would then want to talk to her to learn how we she does it -- useful skill for a reporter.


.122: Thank you and yes William, our brilliant Security chief could pass on a thing or two for Miss Elani to consider,.. I voted for Jehanna, but as with a few hundred others, I had first thought to vote for Sakura too,.. but I reconsidered when I thought of a lead reporter's skills being brought to bare on this info gathering event. I still think that Jehanna should finish a close second behind Sakura in Tef's eventual version, just for those reporter instincts,.. did she just dig too deep, and run out of time?,.. and Sakura balanced time and energy better?,.. could be?!! ;-) TTFN


Michael56Smith recommended the Subjugation series by Fel while we wait for TSM releases and I’m almost done with it. It has a lot of similarities to TSM: a half-human, half-something-else, with hidden psychic powers discovers a race of sexy blue aliens with pointy ears. The empire is matriarchal with female led houses led by an empress in control of the main house, who the main character becomes lovers with. He discovers his hidden heritage which allows him to rule over (part) of this empire. His people are fighting a mindless insectoid species complete with hive queens. The technology includes things like interdictors, wormhole generators, plasma weapons, railguns, mechas, singularity generators, etc. Their success and the storyline is based on constant technological upgrades to armor suits, weapons, and ship designs, etc.. The galaxy is made of lots of empires of different species that are gradually assembled into an alliance by the main character in order to fight evil invaders. And the main character fucks an increasingly broad range of blue babes who are not capable of jealousy, and who are drawn into his inner circle like a family. Love and strong moral compass is the underlying power of the main character and is what holds back the darkness of the evil opposition. Other than that, it’s a completely different story! Tef is a better writer and TSM is a better story. But Subjugation is a compelling read also. Almost certainly a lot of Tef’s ideas are based on this book - either the good parts, or in reaction to some of it’s plot or writing weaknesses. I would also recommend it to any TSM fan.


LienGeller updated his Bio last month after a looooong absence


And here is some more Fel (i.e. James Galloway) info for your perusal,.. Book 1, Subjugation is a completed book with 20 chapters as of January 24th, 2007. Book 2, Insurrection is a completed book with 6 chapters as of January 5th, 2008. Book 3, Unification is a complete book with 8 chapters as of November 25th, 2008. Book 4, Tribulation is a completed book with 9 chapters as of March 23rd, 2011. Book 5, Secession chapter one was released on November 25th, 2012 and was completed 10 chapters on June 20, 2013. Book 6, Inception chapter one was released on November 16, 2013 and was completed with 13 chapters on August 8, 2014 Book 7, Conviction chapter 1 was released on October 27, 2015 and was completed with 14 chapters on April 24, 2017 ;-) TTFN

Big Dude

Continuing with TTFN ( ), Book 8, Retribution Chapter 1 was released Tue September 19, 2017 and was completed with Chapter 14, Saturday November 03, 2018 Book 9, Revolution, Chapter 1 was released on Sunday March 17, 2019 and was completed with Chapter 13 on Sunday June 21, 2020 Book 10, Revelation, Chapter 1 was released on Tuesday June 1, 2021 and is continuing!

Big Dude

forums.sennadar.com Also Fel came out and mentioned he was having writer's block. We all came on and cheered him forward and to take his time to get the muse back. Meanwhile he released Citadel on Wednesday September 18, 2019, a whimsical story about a gaming universe created by his fully autonomous artificial intelligent CBIM system described in his books. This story was written while writing Revolution and is up to 15 chapters. It is a great read!

Jedi Khan

Hey guys, I know you're all having fun and possibly doing a great service by recommending other stories and authors to read while we wait for Tefler, but I suggest keeping in mind how Tefler would feel about having the works of other authors being suggested on his own Patreon page. I once did a "recommended reading while we wait" comment on an author's story on Lit, and the author took offense, taking it not as "here's some other equally great stuff to read to take the edge off the withdrawals" but as "this guy is taking too long, go read this instead." So keep this in mind as you publicly and very obviously recommend other works to read. There are places where it is appropriate to discuss various authors, directing attention towards them, but doing so on a place dedicated to one specific author may not be one of them.

Who Me

Hear Hear, Mr.Jedi!


That's very considerate Jedi. I must note that this is done fairly frequently. He never reacted to these referrals. Personally I appreciate it and I choose to presume that it doesn't bother Tefler until he states otherwise. Also, there are people writing entire spin-offs on the Discord.


Well said Jedi Khan


I wonder what became of that space station they were building on the TF/Maliri border.

Jedi Khan

Still a work in progress. I imagine they're still gathering materials to begin construction. It has only been about a month in the story since they decided to build the station. In fact, I'm not even sure if the station has even entered the design phase yet, let alone construction.

Anthony Kester

The Cleveland Indians will be renamed the Cleveland Guardians next season. I need to test something out. The Cleveland Guardians blew a 3-1 lead in the top of the ninth, today. Yep. Still works.


.140: Alyssa got Dana to whip out design schematics for the stations modules and a few other features,.. the raw ores/metals were delivered to Genthalas Station, where Maliri engineers have begun working on it's various modules construction,.. they just might get to tow pieces of it out to the border in time for that dastard Gahl'kelnar's black fleet to take some pot shots at it!,.. but the Invictus's crew's timing has always been exceptionally positive, in their favor, beating all odds! So maybe the weapons platforms that Dana designed will already be working! With trustworthy Maliri military manning the weapons,.. (several dozen Tachyon lances at a minimum,..). Then the Maliri will have a few pieces of Thrall ships to study,.. All before Ceraden has a chance to stock the stations shelves with exotic goodies,. fun and excitement with your space shopping experience! ;-) TTFN ,.. do you think that something like that might scare a bunch of the border station males to head back to the relatively safer central / home star systems, and start being papas to rebuild Maliri population numbers, ASAP?!! ;-) TTFN


We haven't heard much about Alyssa's developing mental images of her wards in a while. Would be interesting to know if anything changed with John's ascendancy.


why are they changing the name?? is it more pc rubbish?? I'm an Aussie and we have had some stuff like that happen here too....it boggles my mind


You know how New Zealanders don't like being called Aussies? Well, native Americans don't like people saying they are from India just because some European a few hundred years ago wasn't wise enough to know the difference.


Appreciate the effort Mr Pitcher, but the kind of folks that use terms like 'pc rubbish' followed by too many punctuation marks aren't at home to Mr Reasonable, Miss Rational or Professor Decent and should be ignored as irrelevant, which they surely are.

Anthony Kester

It was P.R. related. Native American's had been protesting games and suing to get the team to change it's name for decades. I'm just glad they didn't go with the Cleveland Spiders, they have the worst record in all of baseballs history. This is finally done and the city and team can move on. I would have also accepted the Cleveland Rockers, since the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame is in Cleveland.


The Maliri are busy doing refits and now Calara's static defenses also need construction capacity. They probably haven't started working on the station yet.


,.. poor, poor Matt, corrupted when his brain was still filled with mush,.. there are many such sad cases,.. you are added to my prayers Matt, and my God bless you! ttfn


has tefler considered commissioning NovelAI to train a custom model on his work? if the chapter titles were provided as context correctly, he could probably get a really effective ai assistant and it would allow all sorts of fun exploration in this world! they already know how to do it, so it's probably just a question of how much he'd have to commission them for it!


.150: We are likely still a few years, or more, away from a true AI, Lauren,.. but the concept of a comprehensive TSM data base is a wonderful idea,.. I am constantly referencing back to find exactly when or how some of Tef's wonderful adventure really happened,.. or to get the correct spelling of some 28th century place or person. So I cast my vote with you, we could use such a fan friendly data base! ;-) TTFN

Anthony Kester

Poor, Poor, Michael, stuck in his close minded ultra right wing world. You are a sad case. Don't pray for me either. I am a Liberal, Atheist, gun owning, union member and have no patience for close minded people like you and B S. Don't know why you and an Aussie are offended by a team that you probably don't even support changing their name finally? What does it matter?


(probably less than $100 of labor,+training, at a guess?)


.153: WOW!! every year we get more from electronics, for less money! $$$ I would have guessed a whole lot more!! $$$ ;-) TTFN

Big Dude

I bet most people don't know how Cleveland originally named their team back in the early1910s.

Big Dude

Okay I apologize for the Subjugation reference. I did it to quell those whiners to give them something to do in the down time. That's what I did when I was driving to my work. It passed the long hours between stops and cities.


Well, I started reading them. So, thank you. Again, there's no indication from Tefler himself that he minds.


I wonder what Rachel's species analysis says about John ascendant. Description so far seems to be more focused on role/purpose. It'd be cool if she had a look and it would just say "God" or something and John would be like, "seriously? I just got used to this king thing!".


Am I being too optimistic to hope for a new chapter tonight?

Jim lynch

Please check this story out I’m loving it and I’m positive if you love 3sm you’ll enjoy this too. https://www.literotica.com/stories/memberpage.php?uid=4563377&page=submissions


Whoever suggested Subjugation by Galloway... thank you!


Got that already, but there was no update since the last part which was in February...


Yes, thanks Big Dude!


Hmm, nothing yet, Oh well, time for a new round of the F5 game!


Big Dude .... thank you SO much for introducing me to the Subjugation series of books. I'd never heard of them before. They are absolutely brilliant, much like TSM used to be.

Heinz Molck

Big Dude... the Subjugation series is brilliant, the author comes up with nice ideas and the MC build-up is outstanding. Thank you so much!!

Tefler Fan 007

I’m sure they could have forced there way in but I believe John stated that they didn’t want to damage anything inside. Plus while John was able to overcome the psychic inhibitor Alyssa and the others could not.