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Hey everyone!

Here's the completed version of Chapter 141. I've added another ~12,000 words bringing it up to 31.5k in total.

I hope you enjoy it,




Woo hoo


Thank you sir! Hope all is well with you and yours.


You rock.sir


*Megatron voice* "Myeeess!"


He lives! He writes! We rejoice!

Jeremy Page

Woohoo! Thanks

David Shmilowitz

I feel if this keeps up everyone is gonna switch to a per chapter instead of per month subscription.


Thanks Tefler


Yes, it's already setup that way, the first half was published last month, so Tef will not get paid this month for the second half.... Even though I'm down to pay a monthly fee as I think his chapters are worth the additional cost.


Thanks, Tef!


Thank you Mr.T - hope all the family is safe and well

GDay (FMS)

Thank you Tef I hope that all is well in your world and the universe that you have created.


I like the per chapter cost, I feel like I get my money's worth from it, I just wish he would write more as I find myself wanting more after every chapter, back when I started reading and I was about 120 chapters behind.


Does anyone know if Tef threaded new parts in the original half? Or is everything after the first half break?


I think everything I added is included in the new section at the end. I've done a bit of editing on the first half, but only to correct some typos and grammatical errors.


Thank you, Tefler!


Baaaah! You might not be the Most cliffhangering baasterd I've ever read, but you sure have a knack for it. 😝


Yay! Not sure if I want to see where the shaft goes, where the enemy appear or what is happening on the rim - oh yes and the other threads.


Your the man tef!

James Straub

Thank you Tefler. Been having withdrawals....

Jim lynch

Ohh how could you after we’ve waited a month then you leave it like that arghhh. Please don’t make me wait too long to find out where that bloody elevator goes. Ps thanks loved the second part to chapter 141.


,34: I so want to go exploring with them,.. Is it too early to be jonesing for TSM #142 already? ;-) TTFN


Finished the chapter, and all I can say is I hate you Tefler, you sir, are a dick. That was such a cliffhanger and now I have to wait until the end of July. Ugh.. /cry


I've been waiting for this. Thank you Tefler!


Thanks again, Tef. Always great to read these as they're released. Keep up the good work.


Hey Tefler...I hope fatherhood is treating you well! Just a thought for future income...look at https://ericvall.com..,the bookfunnel link works well and the narrators Christopher Boucher, Jessica Threet are reasonable...at least I enjoy the performance...best of luck!!!


Yeah!!! Thanks Tef!!!


He’s back! Don’t know if there was an official word but it sounds like you’ve been getting busy with things other than writing. Being up at all hours for feedings and diaper changes turned me into a zombie for a few months. Knowing this I’m surprised you were able to complete the chapter. Nice job though.


Just finished the addition to Ch. 141 and it was everything I have come to expect from Tefler! Thanks so much!!! It is ALWAYS a pleasure to read the creations from your fertile mind and just whets my appetite for more!!!

Tefler Fan 007

I feel like Happy Gilmore going to his happy place😁 Except no midgets and lots of beer. Half naked women serving me drinks. All is good…..now what are they going to find under the palace??? I say weapons and armor or a thrall battle ship.


just finished the updated chapter and it has me hungry for more. You have made the inmates happy for now, but you see how they get without a new chapter. :-)


Well, I'm going to probably upset a few people with my following comment. So here it goes: I was so disappointed in this chapter addition. Let me tell you why. Pretty much the whole beginning part of chapter 141 was sex with very little substance to the story line. Ok, I get it, this is that type of story and I enjoy it when its really woven into the story to enhance it. However, the last few chapters have been extremely heavy in sexual content with very little of the different story lines being developed. Then this one starts off the same and leaves us hanging with the bad guy showing up in Johns space and telling his minions to find John. Well I was really expecting more story development and what I got was just more sex. I rolled through almost half of the new addition because the sex isn't what I wanna read anymore.


Tefler? That was just cruel. How could you leave us hanging like that? (Smile) Very good! I’m enjoying your work a lot.

Bp Hlpt

Thanks, Tefler!


.54: He-he,.. snort,.. he said we're hungry for the next chapter!!!,.. groan,.. he-he,.. (-; ;-) TTFN


TEFLER!!!!!! Bloody cliffhanger why am I not surprised!!

Malcolm Rickarby

Thanks Tefler, it’s worse waiting for the next chapter for your fans on the other side of our home world. We Australian and Kiwi fans are into the next day when the sun rises in the west. I will be thinking about the future chapters and what is to be found beneath Valada,s ancient palace. I am hoping that they will find a portal to Kythshara that is the only way way to avoid the traps in the mists of Loralar as well as enough archeological stuff to keep Tashana happy for years. Thanks also to all the comments crew who have kept us amused throughout the wait.


Massive palace. Not a single spare bedroom. Really?


Really. Edraele had done some extensive remodelling, knocking all the bedrooms together in a wing of the palace to make one huge one. Could they have walked into another wing of the palace and used a spare bedroom there? Yes, but the beds in those rooms would have been unmade because they weren't in use.


Just some Feedback from someone who has never written but enjoyed this story tremendously over the course of a couple years i honestly think these past few chapters dragged a lot, i still enjoyed reading them but it was sadly really predictable and nothing terribly interesting actually happened. could have summed the content up a lot quicker, albeit less detail which i know tefler loves (and so do i, just in careful dosages) I think Tefler has to be careful about introducing a lot of characters especially at the same time i thought the Nymphs all at once was already quite a bit to take. now what 10+ new Matriarchs with Background and relationships that make the cast dare i say bloated. To me these characters are main characters or atleast important side characters, yet there were so many introduced at once, i cant even memorize them all. Yet i know every intricacy of the whole invictus Crew because each of them had a lot more time ( i know they are also more important)


I completely agree with you concerning the bloated and drawn out content. I thinking adding the house Matriarches like he did with all the engineers would've been perfect. Then, if they became important to the story line, he could then spin tale around then. Tefler is an amazing writer and I love reading this story but it really needs to start making some headway with the other story line strings.


Cant you smell the big event on the horison? thats the drag once the big reveal comes (hopefully 142 or 143) you will feel like its going too fast :D I think its perfect


I think they already are important, I bet each of the fleets soon in combat will be identified by House, so every time you can picture a woman :p if you managed to keep track of them ofc :P


The large amount of sex is not a problem for me: I signed up for that. It is the relationship padding with an ever growing number of needy characters. In my view there was a good story arc up to John meeting his parents and Larn, but the guide confrontation was a real struggle, and the story has not been the same since. I think this is because the story is now being plotted in real time, which is extremely difficult to do, and hats off to Tefler that he even manages one padded 30K chapter every two months. I hope he finds inspiration for the third act and can return to a more confident delivery of this very grand and sexy space opera.


Three things need to happen before any major battle. First conclude the Waker saga. Second resolve the Outer Rim Uprising. Third the gathering of the Thrall Fleets. Then the fun can begin.


.74: But Jeffrey, John and the girls have to explore under the palace first, before anything else! ;-) TTFN


.75: But before the gang descends, are Irillith, Tashana, and John going to get any of the others?,.. get flashlights and water bottles,.. just the addition of the Curious Kitty Jade would be a wise precaution,.. I know John and the twins are awesome, but who knows (besides Tef) what they might run into down there,.. Exploring is so much fun! ;-) TTFN


.76: And what, pray tell, will the gang find deep under the Palace?,.. tucked away for well over 9,000 years,.. will it help them find the Hyper Warp Gate?,.. will it help them bring back Faye,.. will it just give amateur Archeologist Tashana a thrill up her leg?,.. stay tuned for #142, in just a few short months,.. sigh!,.. ;-) TTFN


is the correction question WHO not WHAT?


.81: You think?,.. wow,.. really,.. maybe,.. even more fantastic than just a way to restore Faye!,.. Amazing!,.. :-) ( I wonder if Tef will think of that, it'd be pretty cool!) TTFN


.82: Hey Matt, if Tef's all itchy and scratching,.. how's he gonna type out TSM #142?,.. I think you are working against our interests here buddy!,.. ;-) TTFN


.83: possible scenario, maybe? -- While on a peace mission to the worlds of the Outer Rim, Fleet Admiral Lynette Marie Deveraux is attacked by a lone Brimorian cruiser, that belongs to the arch-traitor Morgan, son of the disastrous ex-Fleet Admiral Buckingham,.. and with her light forces at the conlony world and the bulk of her forces too far away to help,.. the Secret Lioness whups up on the traitor and learns a bit about the framing of the now convicted Tom Walker,.. but this is after Tom has broke jail,.. Fun and confusion reign!,.. ;-) TTFN

Tefler Fan 007

I still think the thrall cruisers will attack outer rim while the Fleet Admiral is there. The sonic cannons will be use by ground forces so they can take thrall weapons. The fleet admiral will engage and use her shield/hand laser gun to help take out the ground forces. They will respect her and agree to stay in the Federation.


Personally I agree with not loving the amount of sex in the last few chapters. I may have discovered this story on a site that mainly offers sex stories but honestly I just love a good story and sex can often get in the way of that. Realistically though I don't see any other way for the story to be at this point. John and the Lionesses have been trying to get back to Genthalas for many chapters and we all knew it. They gave us a ton of action during those chapters and the team needed some down time. Inevitably this was going to involve lots of sex, especially as he had committed to bonding with all of the Matriarchs as well as getting Kali pregnant. Having the party to encourage building relationships also makes sense. I have confidence that this interlude will be finished soon enough and we will be back to plenty of action and other plotlines. Also Tefler has been producing less content of late. Not a complaint just the reality and he has good reasons for this. Unfortunately for us, going from (usually) two chapters a month down to (usually) one chapter and now half of that....well it makes sense that the story seems like it is dragging. Would I like faster content? Of course. But I'm happy knowing that there WILL be more content. I'm pretty sure the only thing that could ruin this story for me would be if Tefler started killing off characters we care about 'cause it's just not that kind of story........oh, or not bringing Faye back which would just be wrong. ☹️ THAT can't happen soon enough as far as I'm concerned.


.90: Thank you Andrew for your heartfelt outcry of 'bring back our Faye!',.. and as far as a lot of story content involving sex, I am encouraged that Tef, after years of writing this story, still is producing multiple pages of sex scenes every chapter, even if it is just to load-up the girls before a battle. Tef has created a character that is the reverse of a Vampire, John is good, he uses his psychic cum to heal and to empower women,.. no drinking their blood,.. yuck and phooey!,.. This makes sex with the story's main character a necessity constantly throughout the arch of the storyline,.. perfect for a Literotica tale,.. And if it wasn't for the apparent slow-drag of the past year or two, you would see that Tef does shuffle back and forth between the Action chapters and the more character and emotional plot developing chapters,.. this writing amateur it pretty damn good! And when Tef completes TSM, and gets the whole thing published in book form, I know that I will buy it, and reread the entire thing, probably several times, and thrill every time Faye gets restored! You are quite correct that this story is continuing, a bit slower than we would like, but we are not left hanging (gasp,.. horror!) and Tef's writing quality remains high,.. and with this Lioness quiz contest, he is reaching out to his fans more/better, as we have been begging him to,.. things are looking up,.. as the real world is going to pot,.. so we need this kind of goodness in our lives, don't we? ;-) TTFN

Anthony Kester

Dear Diary, After having read 141 part deux, I received my fix of Tefler's most potent of drugs. Michael still hasn't returned the redhead porn I loaned him. I am afraid that it will be returned and have to go straight to the biohazard bin. The screaming from the solitary confinement ward has died down, for now. Staff members at the asylum are happy that the inmates aren't wandering around looking for Tefler's next post in the hope of new material. Word has it that TF007 is brewing his own toilet Kool-Aid. I look forward to sampling it once it's done fermenting. With that said, I'm going to back to looking at purple fairy art in the hope Tefler brings back our beloved Faye (sniffles and cries). Admiral Kester


.97: Hey there Tony,.. about your stash of red headed sex babes porn,.. would you believe they are all safely hidden underneath an old palace on Valaden?,.. We should be able to get them back soon,.. depending on what some of Tef's friends do in the immediate future (28th century + or - a few years),.. I left the stack of magazines right next to the gear needed for bringing back perfect purple AI's,.. those guys can't miss it!,.. ;-) TTFN


98. While searching the Internet for something to entertain me for a couple hours, I came across a new space film on Netflix. While I have not yet watched it, I think this might be something people on here might enjoy for examples of weapons, robots, aliens and ships. It’s called Space Sweepers and was released this year. https://www.netflix.com/us/title/81094067?s=i&trkid=13747225&vlang=en&clip=81370563


I couldn't get through the pilot episode. It looks beautiful (great CGI), but the acting was terrible. It looks like one of those things where they add a lot of Chinese actors to address that market and that almost always precludes having a working plot. Another recent entry "Shadow and Bone" (also Netflix - no space, just fantasy), was pretty solid imho.


.105: FYI gee-whiz, today 7/6/21, TSM #137 was posted in Literotica. Even though Tef likely submitted the chapter a few days ago, I like to see Tef doing things like that, so we can see him alive and working,.. go Tef Go! ;-) TTFN


Everything in context, some of my favorite authors post only every 3 or 4 months on Literotica or SOL Just saying.


Got any good recommendations while waiting for the new chapters of TSM?


Don't know if this got picked up on upstream but there's a missing telepathic speech twinkle in this paragraph: *Ladies, it looks like John and Kali will be retiring a little early,* she warned her fellow matriarchs. Jade, you might want to postpone the rest of the dragon rides until later, assuming you want to watch John become a father again.*


Telfer just my suggestion , but why not take some time off. Rest and recharge, spend time with your family and friends. Think nothing of writing and relax. Just my suggestion.


.115: Hey Tony, you should check out Dimedrolly's latest, Meg Foster, a very sexy red-head!,.. just your type!!! enjoy!! ;-) TTFN


.118: Under the Palace?,.. One thing that the gang should find is something(s) to help them locate and safely enter Kythshara, an it's surrounding nebula without going bat-shit crazy,.. not a good look for the Lion and his Lionesses!,.. and maybe some interesting old tech and gear that Dana can make use of,.. and stuff Tashana would be fascinated by,.. plus the stack of sexy red-headed porn magazines that I left there to keep them safe,.. we may have a difficult time getting them back from John and Dana!,.. AND in addition to all that,.. if they should find a nearly 10,000 year old cryo pod with most of Mael'nerak inside,.. at a small alcove / shrine,.. so Valada did forgive him,.. Omg and Wow! Mael' meet John, the son of Rahn',.. let's bring you up to date a bit,. so,.. over the 9,000 years, while you were sleeping,.. -- Tef will have gone from erotic Sci-fi action and adventure to Fantasy/Romance in a heartbeat,.. Wow! ;-) TTFN


Do you notice that there are no Republics in the known galaxy, only dictatorships and monarchies? I think the Outer Rim should be the first.


.120: I did notice Jeffrey. By the 28th century, those worlds that tried a republic had all passed away largely due to poor citizen participation in their own government, ( like certain countries today),.. and also with the lazy and hypocritical getting voted into office,.. corruption was running rampant,.. eventually then the military had to take over or let enemies conquer the former republic,.. sounding slightly familiar?,.. the dictators and royals will fall too, if they let the lesser IQ get in the top jobs,.. like the poorly run republics have done,.. but it does make for a somewhat easier to explain, and a less convoluted political side to the authors story to have a very strong central (military) government, and it also makes for a faster paced and more action filled tale,.. The Answer to Your Question: Should the Outer Rim continue to grow along the representative government lines, they likely will not last long,.. John would then need to come to the rescue,.. and it would end up being some type of dictatorship again, sigh! ;-) TTFN


I've been thinking about Team Blake's preparations for war and the plans seem at odds with the talk to me. I would suggest that they should be trying to build and practice against a psychic inhibitor. When Lahrn's was working, they were toast. Once disabled, they were effective. Now that John is 100% (I. E. No guide), maybe he is viable with an inhibitor running. Since they talk about surprise attacks and assassinations, wouldn't it make sense to know this? I have the sense that John may now be the single strongest Progenitor in the Galaxy because of his Kithfaren status. If so, measuring himself against a tool that previously laid him low would be comforting and of strategic value. As Alyssa continues to gain strength thru her girls and the steadily growing nymphs, it is possible that she can also function in those conditions. Certainly thrall ships seem important and they make for a potentially great story. But I would like to see the preparations match the assassination intentions.


.122: Yes indeed Steve, there are a f***ton of things that are in need of John's and particularly Dana's attention,.. the lack of enough time and other priorities getting in the way,.. but I really like your concept of testing and training against a psychic blocker (maybe differing strengths to train against -- just like weight lifting to build muscles),.. now that John and Dana have a ton of new Progenitor Schematics at their disposal, I am sure that Dana can build one or six that are better and have more features than Larn'kelnars versions. But I would wager that whatever/whoever they find under the palace (Valada in a cryostatus tube?) will delay any psychic-blocker work for a time!,.. ;-) TTFN


.123: more speculations as to what is discovered under the palace: They will almost certainly find something(s) that allow them to find Kythara and to safely enter the nebula with out going bat-crap crazy,.. And I do like the idea that Queen Valada, when she has reached her pain limits from her brain tumor, freezes herself so that should her knowledge (even just a few days or weeks worth) be needed in the future, she could be revived. She is so heroic!,.. And she could meet her 100 generation down the line descendants, Irillith and Tashana,.. Wow, hello great-great-great-greatly Grandmother dear! and she shares so much with them,.. Or maybe to avoid conflict in governance, one of Valada's twin daughters freezes herself with similar save her knowledge ideas,.. -- but Tef will do something else,.. too bad, I liked the Valadan, blast from the past idea!,.. ;-) TTFN


.124: In an imaginary, non-Tefler, story line that we could talk thru, and that I would like to see happen: Rahn'hagon finally gets some answers,.. Alyssa tells him the she is the Kyth'cum dumpster, the Kyth'yindahys's bitch reborn!,.. and then Bael'thelas makes his papa readjust his connection to John's mother,.. making over her DNA into a more powerful, more capable and independent Matriarch, yet still in love with her slowly evolving rogue,.. then John let's Alyssa give Jessica some advanced Matriarch tips to help her bring her Progenitor into the Kyth'faren light, before her son has to "rune-sword" his father.,.. -- like I say, it won't happen in Tef's TSM universe, but it might be fun,.. ;-) TTFN


.125: Hey there guys and gals,.. it's getting close to the end of the month,.. where we all start speculating and whining about the next chapter, which will be delayed, of course! I say one half of TSM# 142 by the last day in August (this year!),.. with a few mind blowing paragraphs, and maybe a cliff hanger,.. what say you Tefler fanatics?!? ;-) TTFN

Tefler Fan 007

Random Idea- they are going to find a workshop with thrall weapons Valada was trying to reverse engineer. Nova lances were reverse engineered from tachyon lances so maybe there are a couple quantum flux cannons that they can strap on the Invictus now. Just a thought.


.126: And another plot thought that Tef likely won't use, but here goes: Many, many millenia ago, Mael'nerak created the relatively psychic stunted species, Ashanath, to research the creation of an astral sub plane,.. what if he later encompassed one of those gilded sanctuaries deep in the sprawling expanse of the Astral Plane, that the last of the Kyth'faren built these library / citadels as fortresses for all their vast knowledge, and Mail' then drew it into his very own sub-plane, to allow him to study at his leisure, safe from those astral monsters,.. he was thus many centuries ahead of Rahn'hagon in this; but not as relentlessly obsessed,.. Rahn' lived and studied as a hermit for millenias until 40 years ago, when the lovely Jessica Blake upended his life. Might John and the girls gain access to Mael's astral sub-plane and that, beyond ancient, Kyth'faren library safely be gained from his throne world? (And what if Mael'nerak left an pseudo Kyth'faren Astral Librarian in charge of it?),.. -- Just a convoluted thought that I wanted to share,.. ;-) TTFN (and Tony, when John and the girls get to Queen Valada's treasure trove under the palace, remember to ask John for your stack of red-headed porn magazines, before Dana and Rachel sees them,.. or you'll never get them back). ;-) ta-ta for now


.128: I propose that Both of those wile-y Progenitors, Mael'nerak and Rahn'hagon, approached the problem of the Kyth'faren ultra-power Trap very differently: Rahn' give up his son, John, to it,.. and Mael' created his own Kyth'faren, of sorts,.. to explore the vast tracts of information for him,.. maybe,.. what say you Tef? And the cryo-stored body of this pseudo Kyth'faren is discovered an revived, by John and the girls, either under the palace or on Kyth'shara, throne world,.. the mighty Kyth'yindahr Librarian, a mild-mannered Kyth'faren Professor of ancient knowledge, reborn! And just like Valada, Mael' broke his psychic link with this librarian before his ultimate confrontation with Rahn'hagon,.. ;-) TTFN

Tefler Fan 007

Random idea- John and the girls and going to find thrall tech and weapons Valada was trying to reverse engineer under the palace. Maybe they will find some quantum flux cannons that they can add to the Invictus.


.130: deja vu all over again, from two hours ago,.. and if Dana needs to slap the Invictus back together quickly,.. then yes, the ancient Quantum Flux Cannons would be quite useful,.. just how will Tef handle the reveal of the Thrall fleet of Gahl'kalgor, and the gangs time line to get prepared,.. -- And that under the palace vault / treasure trove could hold all sorts of things (or people?),.. I can barely contain myself,.. ;-) TTFN


.131: And as for wild a** guessing about possible people to be found under the palace, I have proposed, in some form of status, people as follows: 1) Mael'nerak, or part of him,.. 2) Queen Valada,.. brain tumor and all,.. 3) one of Valada's daughters or maybe a grand daughter,.. 4) the Kyth'faren Librarian that I have imagined to protect and research the captured Citadel of Knowledge in Mael'neraks astral sub-plane,.. 5) and from the Mighty Marvel Marching Society, Stan Lee, reborn! but you know Tef will have something different in store for us in about 5 more weeks,.. maybe! ;-) TTFN

Tefler Fan 007

I like the idea of Valada in cryo sleep pod. Then John can fuck her and heal her. She was Maels matriarch for at least 40,000 years so she would have tons of information. She would be a GILF for John.


.139: And once again a whine and a beg to restore our dear Faye,.. So in the under the palace vault/trove, we find "Faye's digital sister -- to be named later" ,.. little Daphne's Auntie !! And Dana could build 'Digital Sis' her own Progenitor server, and place it into that proposed new over-gunned Destroyer that John and Dana first discussed about 60 or 70 chapters ago,.. ;-) TTFN


.140: And I looked through Shakespeare's Mid-summers night's dream for Fairy based names for Digital Sis,.. alas,.. the best ( and worst) I could come up with was PUCK,.. not really a good fit, unless 'Sis' has a cockeyed sense of humor! But I guess that the maintenance / construction 'Bots would probably get a kick out of,.. "Puck you! and the Destroyer you rode in on!" type of lines,.. lol and guffaw! And -- "Puck the magic (or mini) dreadnought",... could be a catchy tune,.. maybe I should just go and watch Ferngully,.. ;-) TTFN


These alternative plot lines are an enjoyable read as I wait for Tef

Tefler Fan 007

Random thought- What would Dana’s new destroyer Have for weapons and technology to make it a dreadnought killer? At least two quantum flux cannons and a stealth generator. Any other ideas?🤔


.143: Start with Dana's upgraded version of the T-Fed's singularity driver, it's powerful and is something the Thrall fleet doesn't have, or normally fight against. And I'd bet Sparks could adapt the Tryrenium lattice that contains the temporary singularity into something to allow her to fabricate her own non black metal version of a worm-hole generator, and with a faster recharge time too. And maybe a Vulkat surprise or two as well,.. ;-) TTFN


.145: Plus, it has never been said whether Dana could do anything with the Maliri's awesomely over powered Nova Lance and it's more evolved, but less powerful cousin, the Tachyon Lance,.. and make a dangerous toy that would blast holes through Thrall shields and their black metal armor too,.. maybe? The current Nova Lances on the Invictus were originally installed by the Maliri way back when,.. and other than some power feed and power requirement reduction upgrades, no upgrade to the Nova Lances themselves since then,.. Dana is a much more dangerous Grand Engineering Overload now! betcha she could make it into a real monster, don't-cha think?!! ;-) TTFN


Wow, only 147 comments atm. Where has everyone’s hope gone?

Tefler Fan 007

Maybe Dana will be able to make mini quantum flux cannons 10-20 meters size range. The ones she was planning already were 50-60 meters in size. This would give the smaller ships some penetrating power. Plus they could combine all the shield and crystal tech to progenitor shields to create “ Super awesome totally impenetrable shields” (probably what Dana will call it😁🤣).

Tefler Fan 007

I’m still waiting for John to learn about the trankaran sun forges and realize they are repurposed soul forges. Then Dana will combine them with the new and improved psychic shapers so ashanath engineers can build their new improved ships for Maliri.


.157: I don't know exactly what Dana's improvements to the Trankaran "Star Forges" will be,.. but she will do a quick, kick-ass upgrade,.. and then the Rockbrothers (maybe with some Ashanath help) will crank out Dana designed overly powerful ships to whup up on any Thrall Fleets they may encounter! [ and maybe then an Alliance fleet under the Lion and Calara could come together]. John and Dana just need to find out about those Star Forges, and soon,.. I bet they'll have whup 'ol Gahl'kalgor's butt first though! -- now with a half a dozen Star Forges, I wouldn't wager against Dana miniaturizing those Quantum Flux Cannons,.. and vastly improving those Maliri Nova Lances too,.. look out bad guys,.. ;-) TTFN


.158: now let's see,.. 1) the gang needs to discover, under the palace, among other thing(s) or anyone(s) else, they must find a safe way into the nebula containing Mael'nerak's Throne world, Kythshara, and maybe Kythshara's exact location too,.. 2) the gang very much needs to find out about the arrival of Gahl'kalgor's fleet looking for Baen'thelas, and right soon,.. 3) Dana, likely along with some Maliri engineering assist, needs to do a quick, but awesome weapons power upgrade to the Invictus,.. along with a hull redo for the Quantum Flux Cannons,.. etc,.. (they need all the time they can get!),.. 4) Maybe reconnect with Jessica Blake and Rahn'hagon on his dreadnought for further info and maybe help from their powerful Progenitor built dreadnought, also to have the Maliri or the Ashanath help in repairing Rahn's ship,.. and do some restock with good Maliri food,.. and upgrade those damn red lights to more of the daylight spectrum too!,.. and paint, replace the black-metal deck and swap out some of the black metal fixtures and gear too, to protect the psychically sensitive, like Alyssa if she should come to visit. The Ashanath are strong enough psychics to tell were the redecorating is doing an effective cover-up / protective blockage of the "painful" and "chaotic" psychic impressions,.. And possibly recruit some T-Fed (human) and/or Ashanath, and maybe a few sturdy Trankaran volunteers to flesh out a light dreadnought crew for him too,.. just do not say the name of Rahn'hagon around the Rockbrothern,.. just say, "the Protectors father"!! but these actions would likely take at least a few weeks before that dreadnought would ready to provide much help. 5) And, of course. knock up a few more Maliri Matriarchs?,.. A Baen'thelas population explosion is in the making!,.. 6) Also, the rescue, and crewing with Maliri, of the ghostly black fleet of Larn'kelnar,.. and 7) oops, I almost forgot a very important one,.. they must also complete as much more of Calara's defensive ring as they have time for!,.. ;-) TTFN

Tefler Fan 007

Need to rename you Debbie Downer😜 we are not going to have anything to do with Rahn for at least 10 chapters so we can scratch that one off. At some point Rahn is going to sacrifice himself to save John so John will have to keep his promise to talk to Jessica when he was dead. Ship upgrades is a must soon.


.160: We need the gang's discovery of the Trankaran's six Star Forges, that can be upgraded / fine tuned by the Grand Engineering Overlord into an awesome Soul Forge replacement (it would be a significant improvement, with no lives or souls lost to feed it), this will have to wait until the evil knuckle head, that is known as Gahl'kalgor, is defeated,.. -- And the idea that John's Progenitor Papa would sacrifice himself may be a touching story line arch, but this is an immortal that sat down, thought deeply and read for nearly 10,000 years, until Jessica came a knocking,.. well I just can't see Rahn' being that selfless,.. makes no sense to me in reality, The idea is just a tear-y eyed plot device, and I am doubtful that Tef would do it,.. but, maybe a variation on that theme,... ;-) TTFN

Tefler Fan 007

Deep Thoughts- Which came first the chicken or the egg? Throughout the story both Larn and Rahn expected John to make his fleets using the Maliri as batteries for a soul forge. But how does a progenitor make a soul forge with black metal without a soul forge? There would have to be a way to make a soul forge using psychic powers.🤔. Just a random thought I was thinking about while reading past chapters.

Tefler Fan 007

That would also mean there is a way to make black metal without a soul forge.


.170: I was thunking some, not really very deep, thoughts about our lovely Grand Engineering Overload, and came up with a question that Tef glossed over,.. When Henry Voss submitted Dana's various patents, what name(s) did he use? His not knowing her whole legal name should have stopped him in his tracks,.. but not our intrepid multi billionaire,.. how did he solve this problem, as little orphan Sparks, back on Kerron,.. she really had no name,.. did she?,.. Did the orphanage have her down as a "red-headed baby girl", or maybe a number?,.. So did Henry use Dana Blake?, or maybe he used Dana, his daughters scorching hot girlfriend!?,.. And we know that John has set up personal spending accounts for all the girls, with a major T-Fed bank, so what sir names did Sakura, Alyssa, Dana, Jade and Helene use? Was John a co-signer?,.. We know that Faye was able rapidly set up Sakura's account for her to buy those hover bikes,.. So, how is personal banking and the filing of patents accomplished in the 28th century? Will John need to hire a team of lawyers to establish some of the girls with identities or bring some of them back from the dead? And just how much does having millions of credits make a difference how some folks treat team Blake? -- so, do you think it was likely that Tef thought that this name/ID code thing was going really too far into convoluted finance practices and was really just unneeded for this story, and moved on,.. (?) ;-) TTFN

Tefler Fan 007

Plus between all the ore they sold and ship bounty’s they should have 1.7-1.8 Billion in credits but John only gave them a spending limit of 1 million for their accounts🤔.


.177: What's in a name? -- The fully named girls, besides Rachel and Calara, were Alyssa Marant and Sakura Honami,.. when those 3 a**hole Ex-Admirals tried to track down some targets of vengeance against the Lion,.. they came up blank, unable to match these ladies due to their lives circumstances (one a starving Karron waif, and the other spending most of the last 75 years in a cryo-sleep pod,.. both presumed dead!). So how do the stock markets, banks and other businesses know that they are really dealing with the real Alyssa?,.. some type of code? Was that what Faye used to set up all the girls personal accounts with? So, could our Alyssa Marant still access her accounts and be able to move Lion credits around if she wasn't calling from the Invictus, but had that/those correct codes?,.. and would her trying to do so ring a few cautionary alarm bells at these institutions?,.. and also, are no personal ID's, verified and issued by the government, needed in the 28th century? At least if you have enough credits? ;-) TTFN


I'm pretty sure having an admiral and elite malari hacker to take care of the "paperwork" makes things a lot easier.

Tefler Fan 007

Two more days till we get a new chapter or a post saying “sorry, it will be a while.” Personally I don’t care, I enjoy partial and full chapters. Just keep the story going until there’s a conclusion. Thank you Tefler for all your hard work.

Tefler Fan 007

Tefler if your listening I understand why your building up the relationships the way you are. Johns powers increase with the strength of his relationships with the girls. But please get to the Invictus upgrade soon. I like all the technology and the R&D aspects for the story.


.183: Yeah I agree with smelly old TF007, I really enjoy all of Dana's Engineering Overlord stuff, the rapidly improving tech developments and upgrades to the ship,.. good stuff!!! ;-) TTFN


.186: By my admittedly rough calculations,.. Chapter #141 should be approximately 10 months after John's 40th birthday,.. plus or minus a few weeks,.. So, do think that they'll finish with the stomping of the evil knuckle-head that is Gahl'kalgor, and maybe absorb most of his black fleet and his remaining Thralls too, all before his 41st birthday?!! Calara will bake him a cake, and Alyssa will get all the good girls to shout HAPPY BIRTHDAY JOHN!!! And then the recently restored Faye will sing him the birthday song! ( not a dry eye in the house ). I can hardly wait! ;-) TTFN

Tefler Fan 007

Alyssa will pop out of the cake in a bikini and proceed to perform a strip tease dance for John….What I’m really interested in is the Bachelor party before the wedding? John goes clubbing with Charles, Calaras father and brothers, Ceraden and maybe a few others and pick up a bunch of strippers to add to the crew.😁


.188: then, John and the gang can just be back ground characters, sharing the same universe with ex-commander Tom Walker, intergalactic fugitive, as the lead character in the next phase of TSM. Restoring Faye would mean the end of regular TSM,.. the remaining Progenitors can all be slain as colorful back ground to the next storyline. I will miss the Invictus pulling off another last minute miracle, but Faye would be alive again! Yay!! I wonder if I will grow to care about Tom Walker,.. ? Maybe Tom can use that over-gunned destroyer that John and Dana have yet to build,.. And he'll need some crew and I suggest his own nymph, with enough personality developed to say I, and not this one, she needs to transform into a great cat plus a few other cool critters,.. and he'll need a Maliri hacker too, she'll help him get to the bottom of his frame up! And his old buddy, Mason, better take his Brimorian cruiser and head out into the great, dark, unknown! (-; ;-) TTFN

Tefler Fan 007

Ok, I need to cut back on the kool aid, I so thought today was last day of month when it’s really Saturday. Damn this month with vacations has messed up my perception of time.


.192: Oh, poor poor pitiful TF007! but we'll get our note in a few more hours,.. ;-) TTFN


.193: I guess what they say is true, the hurt is less with the passage of time,.. while I still greatly miss our sweet Faye, it is less of a hurt now. Maybe that means that it is getting closer to a time for resolving our purple pixie problem; we could restore Faye in all her glory,.. or we could create a sibling AI and learn to love her too,.. or develop a less advanced AI based on young Daphne and orient it to ship tasks, such as combat,.. ALTOS, advanced learning tactical operating system,.. maybe as a male AI, named AL, that could learn to be Uncle AL to Daphne, and to be friends with the rest of the Invictus crew, Although, I do still miss her! (whine) '-l TTFN

Tefler Fan 007

194: I guess I killed a few more brain cells than I thought 🥃🍺. Finally we get a chapter or sorry post today….yaaaay😁

Tefler Fan 007

195: Ok I’m hoping for cool technology, ship upgrades or combat….fingers crossed 🤞


,196: Time,.. is in short supply and quite a few of the upgrades that Dana was planning requires significant modifications to the ships hull and the need to replace more of it's titanium with something a bit stronger. This upgrade/refit is not like when they spent a couple of days flight time pre-constructing Tachyon lances, then during an hour and a half stop,.. swapped them out onto the existing weapons turrets,.. wham bam and done! well that's not this situation,.. Even Rachel will need a few weeks (?) for this much stuff,.. although with a few hundred hard working Maliri engineers to help out,.. maybe a week to 10 days,.. to get a big chunk done,.. skip the spinning rims for now,.. and get ready to kick that Thrall fleet's collective rosey red behinds! Then drain Gahl'kelgor of his mojo,.. disconnect him from his Matriarch, then throw him at her feet for a little payback/justice. John can likely do this now,.. he just has to get close enough,.. fun times ahead in chapters #142 and #143,.. consolidating all the new tech, with some of the old Spark's special touch, and viola! Magic! ;-) TTFN


,197: Prediction time: 70 % - They find a secret base hidden or a portal to that base in the palace. 50 % - The Grand Engineering Overlord Starts to design upgrades, after they get more info from Base 25 % - they find the address of the Base that holds the AI info that they can use to help rebuild Faye!!! 100 % - Classic Tefler Curve that will have us all scratching our heads 20 % - they engage with the New Progenitor Threat, needs more time, thinking will attack other worlds first. Your Thoughts?


My guess is that our Fleet Admiral is going to be in the thick of it and only having a wormhole generator which they happen upon is going to save her.


.198: 1) I think that they will find a facility below the palace that contains items once owned by Valada,.. and/or Mael'nerak,.. some quite interesting to both Dana and Tashana. 2) Dana practicially designs in her sleep,.. it's just the waiting for new information that is slowing the start of the current refit. 3) find another 'hacking deck' or something else containing advanced Mael'nerak AI operating systems that Irillith can use to help guide her to restore Faye's Operations code to it's proper order. 4) a Tef story curveball is a classic that should be savored. 5) They WILL get some early warning of the Thrall fleet (from Lynette?) and rush to prepare. 6) John (with nymphly help) tries to distract himself by adding more wards to Edraele's roster. ;-) TTFN


.199: Now Mac, that would be really a whack Tef curveball,.. lot's of bends to reality to make any of that happen,.. and all of it together, ah, nuh-uh,.. ;-) TTFN


.200: Down to the last hundred or so minutes before we find out if we get any portion of a story, or just a 'not this month folks' note! I've got the anticipation shivers! (-; TTFN


.201: well now Mac of Alden,.. I'll bend reality in a different direction,.. it would be my far out guess that dear old traitor Mason in his ill gotten Brimorian cruiser will attack the Fleet Admiral at her peace talks in the Outer Rim,.. and then a few Thrall scouts do put in an appearance, blasting almost all of Lynette's escort group and sinking poor Mason's cruiser too,.. Then Lynette warns Alyssa and John! ;-) TTFN


Which time zone is the measuring time zone for the end of July? I'm reconciled to no chapter this month, but I am not reconciled to the silence. Edit: I have the impression that the month ends at midnight PST. Which I believe is also 8 am in London.


Well - the subscription is by the Chapter, not by the month, so that’s at least a consolation.


.204: Awesome,.. at a few minutes 'til 9 PM (PST) on 31 July 2021,our Tef sends us TSM#142, part 1,.. I'll let you know tomorrow morning just how awesome it is!!! ;-) TTFN

Bp Hlpt

Chapter 141 Tom gave her beleaguered shrug. Tom gave her a beleaguered shrug. Luna and Sarinia will be travelling separately and will arrive shortly afterwards. Luna and Sarene will be travelling separately and will arrive shortly afterwards. -- Edraele knows this She struck from the shadows repeatedly to keep the thralls disorientated and maintained the element of surprise. She struck from the shadows repeatedly to keep the thralls disorientated and maintain the element of surprise. -- 'maintain' goes with 'keep', not with 'disorientated' -- ie she struck ... to keep ... and maintain ... Athena laughed, then turn her attention to Jehanna. Athena laughed, then turned her attention to Jehanna. It wasn’t me using hit and run tactics that made you decided to give me Shadow was it? It wasn’t me using hit and run tactics that made you decide to give me Shadow was it? the coat of scarlet scales matching the leathery red wings that were attached to shoulders. the coat of scarlet scales matching the leathery red wings that were attached to her shoulders. she replied, her tone lightened considerably. she replied, as her tone lightened considerably. she replied, her tone lightening considerably. then grinned as she recognised the blunt honest in her reply. then grinned as she recognised the blunt honesty in her reply. his height clearing well over fifty metres until he ceased his psychic expansion. his height clearing well over fifty metres when he ceased his psychic expansion. “I’ve got so used to you giving me incredibly insightful advice, I was shocked that we “I’d gotten so used to you giving me incredibly insightful advice, I was shocked that we -- John is talking about a time and event in the past John was worried about squashing her, so he reached down to support his own weight.” John was worried about squashing her, so he reached down to support his own weight. -- extraneous quote That’s why they found it easier to put aside the old rivalries and starting making friends, That’s why they found it easier to put aside the old rivalries and start making friends, Kelenis face crumbled and she fought back tears. Kelenis' face crumbled and she fought back tears. *Ladies, it looks like John and Kali will be retiring a little early,* she warned her fellow matriarchs. Jade, you might want to postpone the rest *Ladies, it looks like John and Kali will be retiring a little early,* she warned her fellow matriarchs. *Jade, you might want to postpone the rest

Bp Hlpt

For Chapter 141, there are several cases of extraneous "white space": There is a "tab" in the blank line before: (1 case) John looked up at his trio of matriarchs, There is an extraneous space in the blank line before: (2 cases) “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Yelamha,” “It’s early... only seven,” There are extra spaces within text: (2 cases) I’m so happy! I’ve been looking forward -- before 'I’ve' Edraele’s inner muscles gripped and squeezed -- before 'gripped' There are extra spaces at the end of the paragraphs ending with: (119 cases) Ashanath thought they looked incredible.” -- (~500) offer you my loyalty and friendship.” -- (~380) at your earliest convenience.” -- (2) hope for a brighter future.” -- (2) a bit of attention and guidance.” -- (2) and plunged directly downward. -- (2) -- Also, there are 113 cases of one extra space at the end of a paragraph In order to find those "white space" errors, I searched for the following and in all cases I repeated the search until none were found: tab > replace by nothing space followed by space > replace by space paragraph end mark followed by space > replace by paragraph end mark space followed by paragraph end mark > replace by paragraph end mark

Bp Hlpt

Additional Ch 141 typos: “I’m so sorry, Lord Baenthelas!” -- add missing "’" “I’m so sorry, Lord Baen’thelas!” Queen Edraele, and our Houses, Baenthelas, -- add missing "’" Queen Edraele, and our Houses, Baen’thelas,

Bp Hlpt

There is also an extra blank line at the end of Chapter 141.