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Hey everyone!

I haven't quite finished the latest chapter, but I know you're all champing at the bit for the next instalment. I'll release the first half now and add the second when I finish it later this week. 

I hope you enjoy the party!





rich ed







I HAD plans to sleep tonight.

GDay (FMS)

Thank you Tefler greatly appreciated.


Wooohoo thx tefler


You don't say


Really. Thank you Sir, may I have another.


Thank you!


Conflicted. I really want to read this now.. but I will force myself to wait for the full chapter.

Old Cruiser

Thanks for the first half!


Take all the monies!! Such a good trade!

Elijah Capricorn

Hey tefler is it possible to post a docx, PDF, and epub file?

glenn kellogg

Enjoyed the party, thanks for hosting!


I thought Tef said that he was not going to release only part of the chapter?

rich ed

I think he got sick of the whiney members that feel entitled.


Excellent Chapter Sir


even when its not finished still ends with a cliffhanger!


I kind of don't really trust Anna to be honest.


cheers mr


It is so cool to be able witness ( by your writing ) such extreme events . Described so well . Not all of the story filled with destruction , horrors , massive gruesome battles of annihilation . That party was an unexpected gloriously beautiful affair . Such extreme contrasts . So good . 1401/2 chapters . And I feel like we're still in the set up to the story . And it is still captivating us . There is so much potential for another 140 1/2 chapters in the second part of the trilogy . LOL . In a couple years . When you get close to the third part . We will still be enraptured . Lol again .


Tks for an excellent first half Tef... brilliant as usual and looks like we are finally going to get rid of GagglingGeese (Gahl..whatever) and signal the start of the rollercoaster ride...

Tefler Fan 007

See Cornbread I’m not crazy.... I predicted that John would give Jehanna the ability to make psychic clones ( shadow power)... you didn’t believe me and had me locked away with Michael and Tony.... can’t wait to see the second half.... on a side note, it does feel like Tefler is trying to make up for lost income by posting two 1/2 chapters for 141.... next prediction is John is going to hijack another Progenitor thrall network and tell them to fear him and run and hide. The other progenitor will break the connection to those thralls or drain them out of fear...😁 can’t wait for second half.

Tefler Fan 007

Also another prediction is the outer rim colonies will be attacked by thrall cruisers while the fleet admiral is there. She will rally the forces in defense of the colonies and her protecting them will make them stay in the Federation.


I’m betting that Jehanna will be able to create starship sized illusions in space with practice - like a second Invictus. I know Dana had ideas of building a decoy system with something physical that could generate sensor readings. But doing the same psychically in a battle could create a dramatic Invictus about-to-be-destroyed scenario… only for the enemy to find out it’s not the real Invictus.


Ah! My wife feels better now that she got her fix of TSM!🤣🤣🤣


Tefler, I’m very pleased with the release of the new chapter since I know you missed a month’s income already. Thank you for the new release. However, I have to take issue with one item (so far). “ corned tigers” ? I’m pretty sure you meant cornered tigers, because otherwise, I have no idea to what Jade was referring! :-) I look forward to the rest of it when you have it ready. Thanks again!


I believed!!! I never lost faith that a chapter would arrive.

Troy S. Cash

Have you ever given thought to making a special tier for those of us willing to pay even if you miss a month? I have a number of people I support that way based on probably output but if life gives them lemons they don't take as big a hit.

Tefler Fan 007

Long term prediction- at some point Xar’aziuth or A fallen progenitor will escape Into the real world. Then there would be a battle of titans with John growing super large and fighting the monsters. It will be broadcast across the Terran Federation. He might even be worshiped as a God by some. When he returns to have sex with the glowing queen he’ll grow to the size of a trankran male to have sex with her.


I don’t think it’s an option that Patreon offers. The billing is either monthly or by paid post, not both.


What I’m curious about is how Valeria knows the name Baen’thelas? Obviously,, she was told by Gahl’kalgor, but then how did he know it? They’ve never met, nor has any Progenitor that I am aware of been present or monitoring when a Maliri used that name. Did Larn’kelnar even know that name to pass on to Xar’aziuth? I don’t believe that the Terrans know that name, either, outside of maybe a few, and it was never broadcast. Larn’kelnar knew the name, John Blake, yes, and he knew it before John even manifested his abilities to a significant degree, but that again brings me back to the question I’m pondering. How does Valeria know the name Baen’thelas? Am I not recalling something to do with John’s interactions within the Astral plane that would have revealed this name to them?

Bp Hlpt

Thanks, Tefler!


Valeria tried not to look at the hideous row of dismembered cadavers. Each and every one was a Progenitor that Gahl’kalgor had bested in his long and bloody career, trophies taken during a millennia of constant warfare. It was not their horrific disfiguring injuries that left her so unsettled... but the fact that each and every one looked so like her beloved master. “Would you like me to pleasure you while you savour your victories, my Lord?” she whispered, her tone soft and seductive. Aside from the obvious enjoyment servicing her master would bring, facing away from the grisly trophies would be a very welcome relief. Gahl’kalgor turned to look at her, an unfamiliar expression on his face. If Valeria didn’t know better, she could have sworn she might have seen a flicker of appreciation in his eyes. “Our next victim is called Baen’thelas,” he declared, his lips curling up into a wicked smile. “He will soon be another trophy for your collection, my Lord,” she purred, responding without a second thought. Valeria suddenly paused and looked at him in confusion, the name of their adversary disturbingly different from the titles promising destruction and woe. “The Righter of Wrongs? What kind of peculiar name is that?”


Tefler, amazing work! The pace is perfect IMO. Not sure how you keep so centered while so many people are clambering for your completed work but I'm glad you can. Not sure what you have going on that demands your time but I say, take whatever time it takes to keep this level of quality work coming. We may not be patient, but we'll survive. Thanks again!


Excellent job with the dialogue and setting. Everything was entertaining and felt natural which is hard to do but you did it. Two thumbs up :)


I'm thinking more dramatically that Jehanna will be able to diffuse beam weaponry targeted at them. It's not like she'd have to try really hard and block it, just have the super-concentrated attacks peter out harmlessly. That should give the whole freaking galaxy pause before they decide to up and attack John and the girls. Girls, I might add, who have also become the strongest beings in the galaxy in their on right. I mean, can you even imagine how pathetic it would be for Valeria to attempt to attack Alyssa? Remember back when Calara was kidnapped and Alyssa decided to bore through the walls and floors with her beam attack to keep our beloved Calara safe? Valeria wouldn't stand a chance.. Even Gahl' would have a hard time vs. Alyssa with the power at her command now. So much fun to come!!

Dominic Janning

I don't get why they are wasting so much time. I'll they talk about. Is how they need those ships. There were people they couldn't help bc they needed those ships. Now they are wasting time having party and doing nothing. Plus I would of thought that the lions would of heard about Tom by now.


Tefler...Thanks for the release! Another well done! I enjoy the way you set the stage for what is coming and I am looking forward to another "Tantalizing Tefler Twist!"


Gonna put this here too Tefler. If you want to take a writing break to a different story, I’d pay for around three months before going, “So, what’s going on with John?”


The chapter may come in two parts, but he only charges once. The only way for him to make up lost income would be to deliver the rest of 141, then the first half of 142 by the end of the month. Cheers!

Brittany durin

If the outer rim colonies are attacked while the fleet admiral is there they still sadly wouldn't have a chance. With reinforcement 4 days away from them they are at a severe disadvantage


Remember John's father is still out there somewhere


Yeah, there are SO many dangling threads . . . sigh.

Brian Woods

Well, well, well...so that’s what was taking him so long to process...both the idea of astral summoning being a subset of shadow powers, and revealing that the Kirrix, the Brimorians, the Vulkat Queen, the Terrans, and possibly the Enshunu are all on the chopping block over the next week in-universe. Seems my earlier thoughts are vindicated somewhat, in that John no longer has weeks, but mere days before Gahl’kalgor arrives in Protectorate space. No time to ‘requisition’ those Laranthyran ships, little time to black metal upgrade his vessel, but might be interesting to see if the Hive Queens and the Deep Lords beg John for assistance, and if Rahn and Jessica might tallyho to save the day...


As much as John and Calara want to rush off to capture the marooned thrall fleets, they needed to take a break. Dana had been working for roughly 6 months without a day off (she worked through the last vacation) and they were all getting burned out. While the girls were resting, John needed to sort out the Matriarch situation to stabilise the Maliri Protectorate. He didn't want to risk them going wild and fighting each other in an attempt to get his attention. It's only been about 3 days, so from their perspective, it's a long weekend to recuperate before they get into gear with the 101 different tasks they need to finish.


You're welcome! I'm really glad to hear you enjoyed it. I'll wrap up the second half as quickly as possible, then get started on 142. :)


I ran into a bit of writer's block with the party, but now that's over with, I'm looking forward to moving onto the next stage of the story. Hopefully there won't be a long wait for the next chapter. :)

Dominic Janning

Didn't mean to sound negative. Just wondering. I love this book!


Delightful chapter. Lots of fun encounters. In the second half I hope Luna gets to ride the Jade dragon herself after having been so blown away by the much smaller but still scary jade tiger.


amazing amazing love the party and the new powers but the end was the best i cant wait for the next half


The Kirrix hate John and I’m sure would tell Gahl’ where he is (if they know). But Gahl’ is a genocidal psychopath and it’s more likely he will wipe them out just to pass the time while he waits for his scouts to find something. It’s not clear how far the gate in Kirrix space is from Maliri space, but I’m guessing 3-4 days. Plus a couple days since the scout cruisers don’t know where John is. They’ll need to stop, interrogate, torture, and effortlessly blow up some powerful ships to build a sense of inevitable doom. So probably 5-6 days. Since each chapter is about a day Tef will probably build up to the primary clash over the next 5-6 chapters. More if he really wants a big dramatic build. Or Tef may rush to an encounter before John can fully prepare, leading to a barely survivable dramatic and desperate fight. There are dozens of other progenitors so Gahl’ may just be an appetizer to a much larger encounter with a more powerful progenitor or multiple progenitors simultaneously.


This was good. I'm looking forward to John's new sword style. And in curious how Tom is gonna pull this off since John is not there to save the day. And it looks like we get to see our first thrall fleet get rekt by our new and improved John


wow, half a chapter is 45 pages, almost 20k words. Incredible


I have to agree here. I am surprised Tefler even posts a Docx, which is not an easy format to read, nor entirely universally supported. The first thing I do is create a PDF (and who doesn't have the acrobat reader installed) and then read that. e.g., Being able to hit a space bar to advance an exact page in PDF format is so much nicer.

AK Furry

Thanks for the update Tefler! I found a few "Typo's" that you might want to look at in addition to the "corned tigers" already reported. That one made me chuckle! "leading their lomg procession of wards" long? *What are you up, Jade?* "up to" perhaps? effortless beat them to the other side. "effortlessly" ?

Anthony Kester

Dear Diary, It has been a little over twenty four hours since Tefler released the first part of 141 and the withdrawals are starting to set back in again. The bright side was the screaming coming from Michael's cell did die down for a bit. I was able to steal the recipe to the single malt toilet Kool-Aid, left redhead porn as payment. Was glad the best Lioness not only made an appearance in the latest chapter but was her usual horny self. Yes, you people heard that right, DANA IN THE BEST LIONESS!!! Admiral Kester

Tefler Fan 007

Good deal getting the recipe, it’s the shit. I’m the firm believer that Sakura is best lioness. I’m just happy my prediction came true on psychic clones (shadow power) came true.


Hey Tony, I found some red head porn magazines in my cell, but you don't want any of these back because most of the pages are all stuck together,.. ;-) TTFN


Wasnt that the way YOU got hem first ????😋


Nah Robster,.. Anthony keep his 'stash' in great shape,.. there is an ejaculator skulking about,.. but we'll catch him and expose him,.. sooner or later,.. right TF007?,.. ;-) TTFN

Tefler Fan 007

Need suggestions- since the new warp gate is at Arcadia, which race is the thrall fleet going to hit first? Kirrik space touches all the the major race so who will they hit, Terran, trankran, kintak, Maliri, Bramorian???


Well bovine excrement will meet the hanging and rotating air displacer any way..


Great work! Enjoy this chapter from start to finish


Hey TEF!!! John NEEDS his Precious and Perky Purple Pixie to man an AI black fleet to carry the battle to Gahl'kalgor's Thrall fleets and save Maliri lives,.. NOW!!!! Like X-ray scan the palace, and grounds, and under the lake, about 10 minutes after the party, please,.... (A midnight swim with the nymphs?),.. nuff said!! '-) TTFN


Being Free. this a wonderful half of a chapter, the story is from the just prior to the start of a Party, to near the end,.. and John was both enjoying the party favors, and he himself was one! A very good party,.. the girls did awesome!,.. Now on with the X-ray, Indiana Jonesing, treasure hunt,.. then the finding of Mael'nerak's Throne world before Gahlkergor's naughty girls show up to spoil things,.. The other half is coming fairly soon (by mid-month?) ;-) TTFN


I wonder if Rahn' hagon will let John know that the nasty piece of work that is coming for him, Gahl'kelgor is his half brother, from a different mother,.. And do you think that telling both Gahl' and Valeria about the affects of the shroud will make any difference?,.. Could they change sides?,.. )-: TTFNh


Hey, I know this is 'normal, but has anyone else noticed that now that #141 dropped so did Tef's contributors (down a few hundred), and dollars per chapter (down over $700 - non monopoly bucks),.. sigh!,.. silly people!,.. ) - : TTFN

Tefler Fan 007

At some point John is going to use his ability to tap into other Progenitor thrall networks and either kill them like the kirrik or tell them to flee in fear because they are weak.


I doubt John would ever kill millions of thralls like that. If he had enough access to kill them he could probably rewrite or break the bond another Progenitor’s thralls have, similar to what he did with his girls.


What link is that Tom? ;-) TTFN

Chioke Nelson

Has anyone established how big this dudes dick actually is? Lol like with numbers

Tefler Fan 007

Jehanna is going to use her porn addicted mind to tentacle fuck the twins with her new power. She could make them air tight with shadow tentacles.


Alright, it's a guy thing to want to take 'em out and measure 'em,.. sorry ya'll,.. l-; TTFN


AK wanting Jade to do the air tight thing to Dana, and now you with Jehanna doing the twins,.. Have we all gone over the top with our perverse and lustful desires,.. I'd say yes we have!! Viva la perversions!!! ;-) TTFN


At TSM's present time John has little use for his disappointing parents,.. but Rahn'hagon knows much that would be quite helpful in planning against Gahl'kelgor, (like how they move a huge thing like a quantum annihilator around from one system to the next,..), and for a plus he has Larn's old Dreadnought (with, maybe, a copy of Faye recorded in it's circuitry),.. Who can convince John that they are stronger with Rahn's help?,.. Jessica?,.. ;-) TTFN


I doubt John will ask for his father’s help, but can see Rahn’hagon showing up at a desperate moment in the first progenitor battle to turn the tide and save his son. It’s likely that Rahn’ will die in this effort. The story would be simpler that way.

Anthony Kester

(clicks heals three times) I hope Larn stole a copy of Faye... I hope Larn stole a copy of Faye. The convincing sounds like a job for either Edraele or Helene.


A THOUGHT! (Surprise!!)--Mael'nerak spent many years, milleniums in fact, While he recreated an advanced data processing science, he first developed Nexus, then he went on to create other more compact AI's such as the 'hacking deck' that originated our lovely Faye!,.. the thought is: Progenitor's do not use powerful AI's,.. they may have inherited some pretty advanced circuitry and tech stuff, but they have no advanced programming (Mael'nerak was forced to develop his own,.. over multiple1,000's of years) and having our precious and perky purple pixie back is actually a huge tech advantage,.. WE NEED OUR FAYE!!! ;-) TTFN


That Hacking deck that Tashana found may have originally been designed to provide a basic but rather blank AI for use in multiple pieces of war equipment, such as space warcraft, and tactical support,.. items that an extremely competent Progenitor warmonger might find valuable! Mael'nerak figured this all out over the centuries,.. and he proceeded to use these AI's to give Rahn'hagon a terrific battle, even though he stopped using his soul forge, so his fleet was shrinking,.. We too might find a powerful AI to be a useful tool under the shroud,.. especially when other Progenitors do not have one! (tee-hee,.. we need our Faye!!) :-l TTFN


Notice of chapters I have seen many F5 key comments. I would really appreciate it if Tefler posted in advance the next probable chapter release date. And if delayed just post a new date. Will alleviate reader frustrations I believe :). Not to mention mine :)


How much work is a chapter? Tefler has settled on 30,000 words. Google tells me a novel can be 90,000 and some longer novels by Wilbur Smith are 150-180,000 words. Established authors seem to do a book a year. AND Tefler does many novels annually! Therefore I support the sanity leave suggestion and the offer by Troy S. Cash. As too hard with Patreon just split a chapter and bill twice.


Computing backup As a retired IT administrator backup was seen as essential. If backup was in place Faye could have been restored! The crew still have not woken up as the Collective has only a single server. A backup server needs to be installed on the Inviticus ASAP. Further, as the psychic communication array has been proven, a smaller array should be built in the Inviticus for a direct link to Daphne! Then a dedicated link to the array at Genthalas can be established for an offsite backup. Too easy!


More Matriarchs Calara needs a matriarch link to Fleet Leaders and even ship Commanders for rapid reaction in the coming battles. Edraele is Queen but the Maliri command links need to be also assigned to Calara. Another task for John! Should John claim other thrall races he will need a matriarch for each. Not a problem! But how to harness the psychic power on offer from the Maliri population and the new races? Well it only takes one sperm to complete a pregnacy! So Rachel has some work to do on feeding doses. Now that John has drastically modified his progenitor connection he should be able to harness lots more power?


Claiming other Thrall Races Now that the Larathyran race is unclaimed John may be concerned with their welfare. He may be able to claim them, and others we expect to become available. The interesting issue will be their reaction to other thrall races John has claimed. Will the genetic antagonism be overridden or not.


Hyper-warp gate It seems Gahl has used his dreadnought to transport the new gate to Kirrix space. Presumably in sections with reassembly onsite. Which suggests they can also be dismantled and moved? As a wormhole generator takes 12 hours to recharge and the gate also uses enormous amounts of power to bring just the vanguard of the fleet the gate may have recharge restrictions too. Perhaps enough to be decisive in a conflict. As John and Dana now have all Progenitor blueprints they must also have the software for a gate. And hackers like software. Larn's gate code is known so Irillith can practice. Searches can be made for connection to other gates. Although, given the code length, cracking codes will be time consuming. Perhaps Irillith can take control of the gate and lock out other software edits by adding an admin code. Then the possibilities are fascinating: - obtain the gate location - get logs of use of the gate - prevent use by altering the access code - obtain other gate codes from the usage memory - change a connection from gate A to B by diverting A to C. So attacking fleets can be dumped in remote locations from which return will be difficult? And let us not overlook the Kyth'faren hyper-gate network. As predating Progenitors the construction metal must be different. And as they apparently operate continuously the power provision and/or power use must be lower. There must be at least some of the network remaining.


Just who is this jdg45? some rogue AI that has slipped onto a Patreon site? I sorta like this way too smart jdg45 character (male or female? guessing male,..) He has certainly thought a few TSM things out,.. would make a good continuity editor for Tef. And bonus points for the spelling of Kyth'faren,.... ;-) TTFN

Anthony Kester

Maybe jdg45 is really Faye and is trying to tell us some of Tefler's secrets?


hi. Not too hard to use cut and paste:)


retired 77 Australian


I noticed all those times were right on top of each other,.. (that's why I listed rogue AI to your 'possibilities',..). ;-) TTFN


Alright there mate,.. welcome to Tefler's Patreon site for the sexy harem space opera set in his version of the 28th century,.. you likely have caught yourself up on it all, since you wrote so knowledgeably on multiple TSM subjects,.. congrats! you have found yourself among a fair sized group of pervs,.. ( takes a bow),.. You can probably relate better than I, to Tef's Brit speak in the far flung future,..--did a good job--with this or that,.. -instead of a good thing-,.. and I especially like his full English breakfasts,.. ;-) (oh,.. USAF retired-65-stuck in the formerly great state of California) TTFN


Yeah,.. the pounding on innocent F5 keys is really just a way to vent and share our frustrations with a sympathetic group of fellow TSM fans,.. the drooling and burping is just atmosphere! ;-) TTFN


We should do a survey on where everyone's from! Another Aussie here


Been a fan since finding TSM around chapter 55. Guess I have read the whole thing in excess of 12 times! While waiting for the next chapter!!!!!


Rune protection Dana wants the new Paragon suits to be runed on the inside!? What about the runed outside being impervious to Kintark plasma? And the Raptor shrugging off thrall weapons? Armour runing abilities need to be spread amongst the crew promptly! Including ALL of the Inviticus... And as the black metal is also subject to psychic influences that will be the downfall of the progenitor ships - eventually. And while on protection why are all the crew not proficient in shields yet??


Maybe because John is so easy going with the girls, and it's Alyssa that makes them train and work hard,..?,.. or just that John (Tefler) hasn't said anything about it! Or maybe Doctor Rachel doesn't feel like teaching shields this week,.. nah! John needs to get to pumping out some DNA enhancing go juice for the shield deprived ASAP! ;-) TTFN


Question: How is that tracker active on the Invictus? At first I was thinking it was on the ship. But, with the ship going thru many re-fits during of the past few months. It made me assume it is a psychic tracker. Which made me think that John should be able to detect it now that he has full access to his powers.

Anthony Kester

There is a tracker on the Invictus? I must be drinking too much of Michael's toilet Kool-Aid.


Now that I think about it this Progenitor isn't about to get just a rude awakening he's about to get a nightmare. Only thing he has going for him is tech rn which by the time he gets there I think won't matter at all. He is facing a small group of hyper specialized forces not to mention John who alone probably has vastly more energy than a standard Progenitor. Alyssa who has at least as much energy as a standard Progenitor. And the girls who even the weakest can give a Progenitor trouble likely. Then there is Calara's fleet commanding when Progenitors don't even use tactics and they are facing her who uses highly advanced tactics. This might not be a slaughter but it will be fun to watch him learn to fear John and then realize the futility of trying to run

John P

I remain in the camp that John *really* needs to tell Niskera about his ancestry. She's been fully committed to "The Great Protector" in part because of her religious convictions about Mael'nerak, and she's been expending at least some effort to spread that faith in her capacity as Glowing Queen. The fact that John is the son of Ran'hagon the Despoiler is going to come up eventually and it's going to rock her faith to its foundation when it does if it comes from someone other than John himself. Remember, Ran is basically Satan to these people, and John has been their Jesus. Finding out he's technically the Anti-Christ is going to be *bad*.


Yeah, John hates the Religious aspects of the glowing queen,.. might need to take her into the Invictus, and away from her people sooner than expected,.. ;-) TTFN

Tefler Fan 007

Ok with the scouts searching for him he needs to upgrade the Invictus. I think they will only get to upgrade some of it and not all of it before they will have to fight. Probably add, quantum flux cannons, shields, and engines. Don’t think they will get worm hole generator built in time.

Tefler Fan 007

Side note- if John can grow to 50 meters tall maybe they should drain a pool and have him jack off into it. Then all the black hair Maliri can go for a swim and fill their bellies. He could recruit 100 or 1000s with each pool party 🎉


I couple be wrong, but something is so wrong with that idea.


There is a lot of optimism going around, but are things really that good? The last progenitor effortlessly sliced their ship in half and their armor isn’t much better now. Progenitors have a device to shut down the crew’s psychic powers and they have no idea how to defend against it. Every weapon on the Invictus seems inferior to the ones on a progenitor dreadnought. They have no sensors able to detect a cloaked progenitor ship. There are no upgrades underway or even planned for the Invictus or any Maliri ship because the entire station is building mines. But physical devices can’t penetrate progenitor solid state shields. Even if they could a conventional explosion is going to do little more than dust off black metal. Metal they have no idea how to replicate or defeat. Meanwhile John’s crew and the matriarchs have been stuck in party-all-day mode for the better part of a week. At a time when Gahl’ just gated into the neighborhood and every minute counts. On the bright side John and the girls seem to have much better psychic powers, except for the fact they can be turned off with a flick of a switch. And they travel faster in hyperspace than progenitors, except they don’t have a wormhole generator which is infinitely faster than they are. Obviously they are going to win… but this doesn’t seem like much to work with.

Anthony Kester

Dana needs to figure out how to make the black metal without sacrificing the souls of the Maliri.

Brittany durin

The better thing would to build a more powerful psy disruption and use it against them


Yeah, now both John and Dana will know how to make such a device,.. but will Sparks be able to make an improved one?,.. in time?,.. ;-) (Dana draws up the schematics, and the Maliri engineers build a few--at least one for the Invictus's brig) TTFN

PLRus--Founding member of the TSM F5 club.

It has now been a week since release day....more than enough time since Tefler can produce approximately 3.5k a day. That would be almost 25k of additional material....after getting through his 'bottleneck' of the party.

Tefler Fan 007

Relax and drink some of Michaels kool aid. It’s not as bad as 61 days we just endured. Just sit back and enjoy a cool drink 😎


Hey TF007, it sure seems like there is more icy cold commode Kool Aid around than I am producing,.. any ideas how that is happening?,.. ;-) TTFN

Tefler Fan 007

Tony and I have no idea😜. I did hear Tony lost his new collection of redhead porn. Michael do you have any idea where it might have gone to?🤔. Well back to work ripping up my deck. Tefler should really create a post for ideas if he gets stuck. While some of our ideas might not work, they might help him break the block.😁


Well Tony, I wish that I had locked up my magical ruby red sneakers,.. now that TF007 is stretching them all out of shape,.. Once upon a time there was a 'Big Foot' sighting, it was near to TF007,... well it turned out to actually be TF007 that was spotted,.. terrible case of mistaken identity,.. poor big foot, so sad for him!,.. and poor, poor pitiful me,.. my sneakers getting all stretched,.. sigh,.. sob,.. )-: TTFN


Yeah I know, and TF007 is a proud fellow,.. but he is still ruining my shoes!!! How can I click my heels and wish for Faye, when he has broken my magic sneakers,.. sigh!,.. sob!,.. woe is me!! ) - : TTFN


I just wish that the part with Kehlarissa and Phelora was longer.

Tefler Fan 007

They were cheap knockoffs anyway. How did you smuggle fairy godmother‘s wand out??? She was not happy..... oh by the way, Smigel said he wants to be your personal lioness and wants to earn his ring from you...🤔

Anthony Kester

Dear Tefler, Once again for the umpteenth time this month, the inmates took over the asylum. Michael had his ruby sneakers destroyed by TF007's feet. Then Michael smuggled in The Fairy Godmother's wand in a location that would disturb you. Please release 141 part deux as soon as you can. We all know quality work takes time. I'm going back to my cell now and going to get shit faced drunk on Michael's single malt toilet Kool-Aid. Admiral Kester


OMG 😲😱 I get back from visiting my mom and this place is a mess. I told my mom I have some good cell mates who are responsible and might be released on good behavior. BUT NOOOOO


Just pitching in to say that I love subplots. I love anything John related obviously but parallel scenarios such as the Tom Walker incident or background information on other progenitors are extremely interesting. So Tefler if you are reading this, I wouldn't mind half a chapter dedicated to Tom.

Tefler Fan 007

Tefler is the master of the “slider” and “change up”.


I am sure that this has been discussed, however, I like beating a dead horse. This is a critical part in the story, The Great Tefler has many options, most of which most of you would hate. So let's start with The Happy, Happy predictions. Option 1, The Great One is fully inspired and can see the next 30 or so chapters it will take to button up all of the subplots, deal with the rogue Progenitors and such and provide amazing conclusions to the many subplots with Faye leading the way. With all of the complexities it takes Tefler two months per chapter, and we all double our commitment and get prescriptions for Xanax (Or a fat one where it is legal) for the down times. (Do not support drinking, makes people meaner!) Algorithm probability 40% Option 2, The Great One is getting Burnt out and tired of dealing with all of the petty BS and ungrateful fans that have no idea what it takes to create and he will tough it out in 10 chapters providing closure on all of the subplots, however, they will not be fully played out as the Great One has already mapped out! Option 3, the Great Tefler Curve Ball comes and in a very decisive way he is able to connect and defeat this new Progenitor and that gives John the "Keys to the Kingdom" and the story is over in 5 Chapters. Basically, Tefler is burnt out. Tefler, As a long time fan, do what is right for you and Ignore all of the "Noise" that is created by those that are so quick to criticize. I challenge any of those that are complaining to create a work with similar quality and depth in the same amount of time, then I will listen to any criticism. Otherwise, unless you have walked in someone's shoes, do not spoil it for the rest of us! The Mayor of the Island of Misfit Toys has spoken!! BD88


Side note, Given that John is at the base of the original Progenitor, do you not think that some type of automatic alert system would go off as soon as a Progenitor presence was detected. Hidden Lab or Planetary defense command center? I do not remember if the other Progenitors were every in Maliri Space?

Anthony Kester

You are absolutely correct, great writing takes time and people need to be patient. Tefler, I am just screwing around and please don't take my posts seriously. I'm hoping Tefler can get his mojo back and keep the story going for another 30 chapters. I know when 3SM ends, he is planning on doing the EBooks before starting the sequel.


Today is a good day 😌 I just got back from my twins High school Graduation 🏫 There was something in my eye during the procedure. I am a proud daddy 👨

Anthony Kester

Congratulations Dad!!! It must have been raining or someone got you with a squirt gun.


I have to say Tefler, I don't know what your objective is but you seriously need to assert some agency into this story and quickly... Armada after armada threatens to bear down on our hero's territory, and all the characters that have been established up to this point. An entire fleet is drifting in space w/out a crew that John absolutely needs to capture if he wants to have any chance of repelling the coming storm. Dana's tech pails in comparison to Progenitor tech. If the Progenitor's were to invade immediately, they'd win with ease just by tech advantage alone - also sheer numbers. With this threat looming over the horizon, what is John and his harem doing!? Taking their sweet time feasting, having orgies, and whispering sweet melodramatic nothings in the direction of Malari royalty while systematically fucking them. Everything of value is on the line and Chapter 141 part 1 spends it's time describing giggling teenagers in bikinis experiencing the vain delights of the Malari's most luxurious Mansion. In fact, put Chapter 141 aside for a moment. It is ABSOLUTELY RIDICULOUS that John picked now of all times to allow his crew to take a vacation... They need to secure a Progenitor Fleet, find a warp gate, make their own warp gate, reverse engineer and improve so much technology, upgrade and revamp their ship, preferably multiple objectives at once, and so much more. And yet, why is everyone is acting like they have the time to take things leisurely!!!? This is the type of scenario were those in charge wouldn't be sleeping for WEEKS! I've tolerated the nonchalant tone of the story up to this point because, clearly, everything is framed as a pretty tongue-in-cheek power fantasy; but at some point the characters need to get a grip and work their ass off to achieve their goals or else a lot of dramatic weight will be lost (putting it mildly).


can you please!!!!!!!! do art renderings of the maliri ships i want to see them so bad


The gang has to find Kythshara, locate Mael’nerak’s hyper-warp gate, capture Larn’kelnar’s thrall fleets, then refit the Invictus... and they are short on time! ;-) ( and restore our Faye,.. to head up an all AI fleet of those black ships) TTFN

Anthony Kester

Dear Diary, It's been seven days since 141 part 1 dropped and the pain grows with each additional day. Michael, TF007 and Cornbread are still off their rockers. BD88 and myself reminisced about how much Art Model sucked and is rotting in Hell. Some crazy person returned Michael's single malt toilet Kool-Aid recipe to him. Certain people keep bringing up Faye (sniffles and cry's) causing everyone much pain. Lots of people are guessing where Tefler will take the plot next. Knowing how Tefler likes to mind fuck people, we will all be wrong. Admiral Kester

Tefler Fan 007

Hypothetically, if someone were to return a lost recipe they would probably make a copy before giving it back.🤔😁


Just be extra careful with that extra strong recipe,.. drink that too many days in a row and all sorts of awful things start to happen,.. like failing eyesight and the farts something bad,.. phew! crack open a window please while I clean my eye glasses,... ;-) TTFN


There has been talk about getting a new AI from another progenitor but I don’t think that’s going to be possible. I think Mael’ did some original research creating AI and new species that no other progenitor did. I recall Larn’ being a bit surprised when taking a closer look at the nymph belonging to the Brimorian Deep Lord and saying something like ‘so that’s how he did it’. Likewise I think the AI that evolved into Faye may have been another unique experiment by Mael’ and not part of the standard Xar’ progenitor package. I can’t imagine Xar’ making anything that could become as sweet as Faye.


I do think they might find an AI or AI server that could host Faye in Mael’s throne world Kythshara. Interestingly no one is talking much about what is at Kythshara that caused the last Maliri to go there to come out unconsolably distraught. Kythshara might be abandoned but still defended by an automated psychic defense system that instills feelings of horror so intense it breaks people. Helene may be able to shield the crew from something like this. The other more likely option is that when Mael’ abandoned Kythshara he was still working on some last ditch doomsday experiments in AI or new species. We know he created powerful species like the Drakkar to help battle progenitors. And he was experimenting with creating psychic species like the Ashanath. Perhaps before he left he had another baby he was working on in the lab. The place is called Kythshara so perhaps Mael’ was experimenting with bringing back the most formidable of Kyth’Faren creatures. Whatever it is it has to be off the charts scary - but hopefully not in an evil way. Beautiful scary. It would be cool if John could recruit these creatures to join him in the fight against Gahl’. If scary enough to break Maliri it might be scary enough to cause Gahl’ to leak a little pee as it rips his ships apart. Wild speculation… but there is something scary is in the Kythshara nebula.


I have to agree we need Tefler to finish the story properly even if some of us don't live to see the end of it. I'm 67 so hopefully I will. all I can say to Tefler is give the story the ending it deserves so that we can look forward to the sequels and whatever is next.


My personal speculation is that due to the name of the place "Kythshara" it has something to do with the Kyth'faren. Like possibly Mael'nerak discovered one of their Astral fortresses and the origins of the progenitors, much like Rahn'hagon. Then possibly he was using his experiments with creating humans, ashanath, and trankarens with the ultimate goal of re-creating the kyth'faren.


What could be hidden in the nebula surrounding Kythshara? What could be so unacceptable to the psyche of a group of Maliri women as to drive them insane? Could it be that most terrible and terrifying of things known as: The Truth? The truth about what? The origin of the Maliri? The fate of all the Maliri who have come before them? The fate of all the Maliri to come after them? Their own inevitable fates? The truth about Progenitors and the Great Devourer? The truth about the 'after-life' and the endless cycles taking place within the universe as Mael'nerak understood it? Mael'nerak's (successful?!) efforts to create a form of life that wouldn't be subject to the Great Devourer's predations? OTK, but I look forward to finding out.


I wish the truth had more bite. The truth is not scary or intimidating. It doesn’t take intelligence or courage to dismiss the most evidenced truth… stupidity and fear are much more effective against it. 21st century Terran history certainly proved that.

James Hârn

Has the second part of this dropped yet?


Tefler, if you post 2 chapters this month I promise I will up my supporting amount to the highlest level and keep it that way :)


YOU would dare to offer $$$ for this author's creative work!!!,.. YOU would dare to bribe Tefler when he seeks the glory of last minute scrambling to partially complete a chapter, AFTER he does the important stuff like housework,.. You ask MUCH!!! it would be nice though. ;-) TTFN


Hey Mick, I have the same "will I live long enough" worry,.. I am 65 years young this summer,.. but I am hopeful and have no plans to miss out on any future chapters,.. just as long as he doesn't take TOO long!! ;-) TTFN


I raise Ralf’s offer a goat. Who doesn’t need a goat? Tef - the goat is yours, and Ralf’s pledge, for the low price of two chapters this month.


Azure, instead of a smelly old goat, you smelly old goat, you should raise the pledge to a housekeeper,.. that would give him more free time that he could use to write,.. ;-) TTFN


Wait ✋ How did this 🐐 get in here? I would have thought Mike, but Azure..... I blame Anthony for adding more Kool-aid to the commode.

Anthony Kester

I didn't do it and that's my story and i'm sticking too it. (Slides more Kool-Aid towards Tefler)

Malcolm Rickarby

Thanks Tefler fans for keeping the comments going for all of us who are waiting for the story to continue. There has been a lot of speculation about where the Tom Walker thread is leading and I think that Tef has left us a few clues that had me thinking. If the clues about his eyes being similar to Dana’s are to have some meaning it may be that they are both the result of the experimental breeding efforts undertaken in secret by the federation. They may be brother and sister. Terrans are a result of Maelneraks experiments in attempts to recreate the Kythfaren. The experiment had to run for ten thousand years until the right combination of genes resulted. Then the fail safe shutdown project on the moon could be activated once Maelnerak had bred the ability to develop beyond the inbuilt knowledge of the progenitors. We know that Dana can do this and maybe Tom Walker will be the key to further advancement. I don’t think that kid story is just a subplot to allow the crew to come to his rescue from the injustices that he faces, although they are the only ones who can save him and find the truth behind Masons plots and betrayal. Hopefully I have given my fellow followers some more food for comments.


Does Tef have a Discord server? I seems like a good place to discuss plot twistst, storyline & et cetera. It would be neat to have a channel to point out obscure sci-fi references from Red Dwarf and what not.


Gonna be that guy and point out that, by any measure, "this week" has ended .


Really interesting story ideas. This large of a subplot leading to nothing more than an anti-climatic last minute rescue does seem unlikely.


Question: Can Jehanna new powers make her invisible? I am thinking that her powers are similar to Dazzler's Light Saber. I need to research this more.


Visibility is all about light. The ability to control light to the level she has already demonstrated seems like it would enable invisibility.


F5.....F5 ...... (Burp...gaggle)any changes..... F5.... Is the key functional.... Seems ok.... F5 .......


Burp!,.. drool,.. wipe chin,.. pause,.. focus,.. spot the F5 key,.. press F5 key,.. stop,.. where was I? Oh yeah,.. I was making another batch of single malt commode Kool Aid in my cell at the asylum,.. burp!,.. hick up,.. drool,.. wipe,.. where's that F5 key,.. where was I?,.. endlessly looping until #141, part 2 is dropped,.. (-; TTFN


Tef is on discord,.. but although there are good folks on there,.. I stopped going to that site months ago because it took way to much of my time, but mainly because of the obnoxious self important chuckleheads that ruined it for me,.. I wish you much better luck!,.. ;-) TTFN


I have fun with my cell mates. It gives me a little escape from adult hood. Now, can somebody come get this goat 🐐


Not to poor cold water on the plans,, but isn't August vacation for most families in Europe?


It would be nice to give us an update so we don't have to constantly check to see if part 2 is dropped. Common courtesy.


I can't wait to see John shrug off like 6 Disintegration Matrix beams all at once.


Recommended for those Sci-fi addicted, and really jones-ing for the next tale,.. I refer you to an awesome distraction, by BurntRedstone,.. it is 'Sheffali's Caravan' and it is a new standalone story set in the Jack Danner universe,.. free on Literotica,.. I hope you enjoy it as I did,.. And if the Author is new to you,.. you have just struck gold and a jackpot of awesome tales await you!!! ;-) (and the only goats are sexy alien females from Altair) TTFN


This is why he shouldn’t post part 1. We are still waiting for part 2, which means we won’t be getting another chapter this month.


That author is great. The Ben Shepherd stories (there are several) are also very good. Not scifi, more of a modern times setting.

Anthony Kester

Theory, Faye uploaded herself to Larn's dreadnought and has been fighting it's defense systems ever since. When Irilith finally finds her, she is a battle hardened warrior. Irilith has to battle Faye since she has been fighting so long, she lashes out at anything that moves. Faye is about to land the killing stroke when she finally realizes who the she has been fighting. Dropping her weapons, Faye pulls Irilith into a hug and starts to cry as she knows she has been found and is going home. When she is put back into body, Faye jumps John and an impromptu orgy starts. It's Tefler, we all know when they find Faye there will be an orgy.


Faye didnt have time to do anything when the invictus was hit - her server was destroyed even before she knew Larns dreadnaught was there.

Tefler Fan 007

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, Tefler has already mentioned in earlier chapters everything to bring Faye back. It’s been stated that they need three things to bring her back 1) her personality ( located in hacking deck), 2) memories ( given to crew by Daphne when she unlocked lvl 3 in her personality) and the final thing is the operating system. The girls stated it could take years to build the program however in chapter 118 Faye copied her operating system to create Daphne. (Faye SI-bios version 6.098729.). So everything they need is already available to bring Faye back. Tefler just needs to make the girls realize it.

Anthony Kester

Just having some wishful thinking and the thought of Faye being the center of attention in an orgy.


Maybe Faye was uploaded to Larn's during scanning of the Invictus?


How many days are there in a week... Getting old... Is it fourteen.... And 60 days for a month..... Or 61 or 62..... Hick... Burp... Let's slip some over Sheffali's Caravan


Tef... I need you to start seriously Under Promising and Over Delivering. Please don't pee on us your customers and tell us it is raining. I KNOW... that in the greater scheme of life I am NOT a priority. But when you fail to complete a chapter in two months ( thank you though for not charging for april ) and then say you will get the next HALF done in a week ( a week that has already passed ) it is difficult to not feel insulted. The sense of ill will doesn't help the faith of your fan base. I find myself wondering if your alternative means of income from online book sales has superceded your need for US to remain your primary means of paid support.... as sadly if we were your employer our reasonable expectation of your performance has not been met. If you ARE OFF your game or suffering from writer's block or have something personal going on just TELL ME i get it that life happens. But DON'T lie to me. I would rather you have told me that the chapter is not ready and held back than toss me a half done over due part of work and make false assertions about when the rest will be coming.

Tefler Fan 007

Stop complaining, it will drop when it drops. Tefler keep up the good work. Michael, Tony, DHC, Cornbread and I are more then happy entertaining everyone with wild teasers and gallons of Michaels special kool aid. Haters are going to hate. Keep up the good work and we will wait patiently (maybe not) for the next chapter.😁🍺🥃

Tefler Fan 007

Wild Teaser- “John was pissed his wedding was interrupted by the fallen Progenitor that somehow escaped the astral plain. John marched slowly toward the abomination slowly growing into the size of a titan, shocking all the guests.” TF007


I agree with T. Fan. Letting your impatience lead to harsh words makes you the bad guy and doesn’t encourage Tefler to write. Be kind and patient. Michael may have occasional burping attacks but his suggestion about other stories to read while we wait, and offering endless Kool-Aid, is a great example of positivity!


A lot of us like the half chapters. Stop being such a jackass, nobody but Tefler knows the true complexity and challenges to overcome with writing this story. Go read something already completed if you are going to be ungrateful for the effort by this author.


It is what is is , chill the fuck out . I have not read this chapter yet because he said he would add to it . Working from home is a bitch with children and wife , most times they see you sitting staring at the wall and take that as a sign to bug you not knowing you are in your mind working a problem . If you dont like it move on and wait at literatica I support him because I want to know what is going to happen not because he is my bitch working on my deadline

Anthony Kester

I think everyone also needs to remember that with the length and complexity of 3SM, Tefler has to research his own epic to avoid continuity errors. Also, working from home with two kids probably doesn't help productivity either. Part 2 will be out when it is out and not a moment sooner. Complaining might make you feel better, but won't get the next part out anytime sooner. With that said, I'm going back to my cell to look at redhead porn and have some more toilet Kool-Aid.


Tefler take your time we can wait I will step back and wait till I get a email saying it was posted


How would Rachel have demonstrated her talents at the party? Everyone was already in perfect health.


Never fear, it has only been half a week.

Jedi Khan

Don't think she had to. Surely there's recordings of the Angel of Terra at work, and the Maliri have seen them all since they so love Terran media.


Don't worry over the complaining fans Tef. You work hard...too hard fr. Never let us down on quality or word count. My friend is writing a book and he hates that I compare your word count to his😂. Not that his is bad but it's hard to not compare when this is my favorite series to date.


I would like to remind everyone The amount of energy and chapters that transpired between the first attack on the Invictus and then dealing with John's father. Think of the breath and depth of information and story arcs that all intersected during that time.


I predict: that #141, part 2 will drop after this weekend!,.. Wow am I sticking my neck out or what?,.. okay, back to my cell at the M. Tefler Asylum and finish re-reading some BurntRedstone,.. ;-) (currently going through the whole Jack Danner series) TTFN

Anthony Kester

I predict that 141 part deux will drop sometime between right now and New Years Eve. Anyone want to take that bet?


Wow, Okay Kreskin,.. what an amazing prediction,.. ;-0 TTFN


Funny you should mention BurntRedstone, while I've been on furlough, I've reread all the Shepherd series, and all the Jack Danner series.


Yeah I finished another read through of the Ben Shepard series during the wait between TSM #139 and #140,.. still as good as ever,.. and I reread the Satyr series recently too,.. ;-) (and being retired military allows me the free time to do a lot of reading) TTFN


Agreed that it takes as long as it takes. Also agreed that when Tef sets an expectation it’s disappointing when he doesn’t make it and there’s no communication after.


There's an old Canadian reference most people here will miss. ;-)

Anthony Kester

Dear Diary, It is quiet in the asylum today. I think Michael, TF007 and Cornbread are all still passed out after drinking copious amounts of toilet Kool-Aid... Again. The screaming from the solitary confinement ward is dying down. They where all screaming something about Tefler and no new material, I'm sure it was all just in their heads. I need to find new redhead porn. Admiral Kester

Tefler Fan 007

Dear Diary, Solitary confinement isn’t so bad. One of the female nurses looks a lot like Sakura and has been visiting me three times a day to check on my well-being 😁. After each check up I’m throughly drained…of energy. I told her I’m scared of the dark and she said she will stay with me tonight to make sure I get plenty of sleep 😜. Hopefully everything is going well for everyone else. I heard there is a redhead nurse who’s starting next week. TF007


Just woke up in my cell, still have the goat as my roommate. I am getting concern that she is giving me funny looks. I dream I had the latest chapter, but the goat eat it while I was going for Kool-Aid.


I am so disappointed that Tef has not yet dropped #141, Part 2,.. he indicated / implied that part 2 would not be long coming in June,.. this was the 2nd weekend that just passed,.. and I was certain that dear old Tef would be coming through for us,.. sigh,.. no coming through!,.. I know quality takes time,.. I know that creativity does not run on a predictable time schedule,.. but I am still disappointed,.. sigh,.. :-l (,.. and Tony, get that smelly old goat out of here,.. yeah I'm looking at you TF007!,.. and that 4 legged critter too!) TTFN


Cornbread,.. I would like to know just where that smelly old goat got that nurses outfit to put on that other smelly old goat?,.. Yeah, and you're not the only one she's giving those 'looks' too,.. sigh!,.. ;-) TTFN


And no Tony, I just can't sing Tefler-man-iacs right now,.. I had too much Kool Aid,.. and not enough Coffee, yet!,.. just hum it to yourself until the gang is sobered up enough to sing along with you, 'kay? ;-) TTFN


Oh, and Tony,.. the next time that you imagine that you have the latest TSM chapter,.. write some of it down first before that smelly old goat eats it,.. and watch that 4 legged critter too, I hear that they'll also eat just about anything,.. ;-) TTFN


Tony,.. It's Time for Tefler-man-iacs, but we're waiting for the next chap,.. So Just Sit Back and Relax, You'll press F5 till you collapse. Were Tefler-man-iacs!,.. Come Join the Tefler Brothers and the Tefler Sister Brittany,.. (keep practicing Tony,.. totally insane-y,.. this is so lame-y,.. Tefler-man-iacs!,.. ) ;-) TTFN (,.. those are the facts!,.. ) (-;


HEY THERE TEF! (sings off-key) Oh where, oh where is my #141, part 2? Oh where, oh where can it be?,.. With it's chapter wrote long, and it's facts trimmed short,.. oh where, oh where can it be? ) - : TTFN ( pressing F5 key,.. ) ( -; It's still (barely) the first half of the month,.. bring it home baby! :-)


end of week 2 half wat through the month i needs part 2 with red thralls


And who will inherit the red thralls?,.. Rahn’hagon, their old master, or Baen'thelas (our Johnny boy), but not the misogynist and emotionally stunted Gahl’kalgor,.. we know this clown is a goner,.. I wonder if his matriarch, Valeria, will be the one to 'off' him or will John break in his power sucking Rune Sword,.. fun times ahead,.. yay! ;-) TTFN


And space battle scenes are just ahead!!!,.. That A**hole Gahl'kalgor, is about to get his evil hinny handed to him, after he thins the herd quite a bit on the gooey Kirrix, and the slimy Brimorians,.. thanks d***head,.. I hope that Baen'thelas's Rune Sword eating you hurts a bunch,.. ;-) TTFN

Big Orca

It would be great if the Kirrix reaches out to Alyssa telepathically, asking her why is She and John attacking them. This gives John a heads-up that excrement is about to hit the rotating air circulation device.

Brian Woods

Actually, I highly suspect it won’t be the Hive Queens who make contact; rather, Nrkkit or Nkkrit the Vulkat Queen will be the one attempting to call out to Alyssa in desperation and fear thanks to their encroachment on Brimorian territory and her Desolation space. While John might begrudgingly help the Kirrix, he would definitely be in favor of rescuing his insect friend.


Its getting quite annoying.... Tef stated to finish this chapter about a week after posting the first part...... it 2 weeks later now without any notification... And worse...ts not the first time ... It looks like this is becoming some standard TEFLER... PLZ dont 'promiss' things you most likely dont give any follow-up as stated..

Big Dude

Does anyone know what Tef said lately on Discord? Meanwhile Fel has started his latest Revolution adventure with Jason Karrinne. Maybe you should read the whole saga as Fel does produce in a timely manner. While waiting for Tef over the years I read the whole Honor Harrington series. Good read too! Has some plot holes we've told him about!

Bp Hlpt

You can find the "Subjugation" series of books from Fel - aka James Galloway - either here - https://forums.sennadar.com/viewforum.php?f=24, or here - http://www.weavespinner.net/worlds_of_fel.htm. While good, I'm not sure why anyone has suggested that Fel produces in a more timely manner than Tefler. Fel only seems to have published books in his Subjugation series once every few months, and each book is roughly equivalent in size to a chapter from Tefler.


What's the series about? Is it harem ala Three Square Meals, or do the girls bang other guys?

Big Dude

It is about a race of blue skinned people called the Faey who overtake Earth and the fun begins as Jason is the wolverine leader that frees the Earth. You have to read it. Each chapter is 140k plus. 14 or so chapters to the story section. I never said Fel -James Galloway is a Tefler. You made that assumption.

Big Dude

Some sex but interesting people, technology, race interactions.

Bp Hlpt

No problem, my friend. No offense meant at all. I was simply responding to your "Fel does produce in a timely manner" comment. Nothing more, nothing less. To me, that implied that you thought that Fel produced more timely than Tefler did. If i misunderstood your meaning, I apologize. :)


I am curious now as to the size of #141, part 2,.. if really huge,.. maybe some of this 'where is it!' grumbling will be lessened,.. or not,.. ;-) (especially if he brings, or starts to bring Faye back to us!) (-; TTFN


And TF007, if Tefler is going to do a Faye poll,.. it needs to a WHEN poll, and not an IF poll,.. Faye will return, dag-nab-it! ;-) (you smelly old varmint!) TTFN

Anthony Kester

1) Chapter 140something 2) Sometime in the next 15 chapters 3) In the final chapter 4) Sometime in the sequel


I will come out my cell to put in my thoughts. Faye will come back but it will be a evil version like in the soap operas. She will do evil things behind the scene to destroy them. This will be because she felt that John and the girls let her die. Back to my cell, peace.


Tefler said he will be bringing Faye back "At the end of TSM" !!! So when she appears, TSM will be over and done with.


Not sure if it has been mentioned here but ‘WriterAnnabelle’ at Literotica.com has a great series called “ Home for Horny Monsters”. Worthy candidate to fill the TSM void and she’s up to 67 chapters to date.

Tefler Fan 007

Bad cornbread, bad… you’ve been spending too much time with your goat…no evil Faye…

Tefler Fan 007

Random thought- Once the new trade stations are built, the Maliri are going to be purchasing a lot of female sex toys. Someone could make a killing with a cargo hold full of super sized dildos and strap on harnesses.🤣🤔😜


She has a node to TSM in her story if you notice too, Dana and her gf nickname “sparks”


Oh my yes!,.. Annabelle Hawthorne's Radley's Home for Horny Monsters is not to be missed,.. And if you check out her Petreon site,.. she is up to chapter #71,.. enjoy!,... Also, if you like TSM's space ships and harems, you should check out C.H. Darkstrider's Project Prometheus series, also on Literotica and Patreon,.. he is a darn good read !!! ;-) TTFN


Michael, I really couldn't read C.H. Darkstrider's work anymore... All his writing sounds like feminists' wet dream- 90% of females are lesbians, but BEHOLD! -MC is such a big MACHO MAN that they just can't stay off his dick!!! LMAO! I just couldn't take that BS anymore!!! FFS!

Brittany durin

Day 18 of solitary confinement,


Is it just me or does anyone else hear the Jeopardy! theme song playing over and over?

Big Dude

I see this as a test. This is on my phone so it will be one long run on paragraph Tef is either (1 watching who is positive and negative or (2 he reached his life goal of $4500 a month back when he was writing 3 chapters a month and now (a either doesn't care what we think or (b is financially capable with one chapter every two months and in all cases it doesn't matter what you or I want him to do. Thoughts?


Q: I wonder if the reason it is taking Tef so long to finish this chapter, is that he is trying to wrap up TSM and move on to the next phase,.. wiping out all those evil Progenitors,.. and viewed from Tom Walker and Rahn' (John's Daddy) and Jessica,.. for a new point of view?,. and who else,.. to make them the new Bad Bunch?,.. whoa,.. are big changes a'cumming,..With John and his girls just supporting characters in the new phase/series? The Falsely Accused Tom Walker show?!! ;-) TTFN


WRAP UP. I am not understanding this closing story conversation. I really hope that Tefler just state he is completing the story because this unknown is stressing me. There is so much story to be written on the current story, that I just do not understand the need to end it. I can understand taking a few months off to recharge and write a few chapters. Tefler probably needs time to write a few chapters as a buffer to put out monthly. Sorry, this whole ending the story thing has me a bit rattled.

David Shmilowitz

I hope in the future tefler has better estimation of his writing/completion speed. I don't mind a chapter or update taking however long it takes, I do mind when when we get notices like "I'll post around one chapter a month" or "I'll post the second half later this week" and then we get nothing. Good writing takes time, I get that, but don't keep us hanging on delivery times that aren't accurate.


Reminds me of software development time estimates and schedules! ;-)


I, often wonder if Tefler joins in sometimes and makes comments under an assumed identity, just to stir the pot or possibly plant plot info to get positive or negative feedback.


I agree, if he could at least be in the ballpark,.. i.e. later this week, should be less than 10 days,.. and by the end of the month, really should be THAT month, or very close to it,.. sigh!,.. Tefler needs a coach and possibly a housekeeper to help keep him on schedule,.. ;-) (I would offer to send him a calendar,.. and explain how it works too, if necessary) TTFN


Folks, Tefler is just having a hard time writing and talking about being stuck like that can be very unpleasant for an author. That's why we haven't heard from him. Our continued expressions of eagerness and frustration likely only add to his block.


Do you mean, like a palace royal that sneaks out, wearing a disguise to let him blend in with the peasantry, and get a feel for how they truly think?!! I think that I have read that story before,.. but Tef's fans really do not seem to be bashful about letting him know what they are thinking!! ;-) TTFN

Anthony Kester

If you are all going nuts over a little standard Tefler delay like this, you would lose your minds in my job. Try railroading for a few weeks, it's like watching paint dry. I've been parked in the same spot for eight hours before with nothing to do and it's against the rules to take a nap.


My conclusion is he is tired of writing and he is spending more time enjoying his life. More power to him.


Tef is a wonderful story teller,.. but are we wrong in expecting an amateur to deliver his story installments like a professional? We cut him break after break,.. and still we are getting disappointed,.. sigh!,.. he is not a pro, despite his current rather hefty paychecks! As long as he keeps writing, and doesn't drop the story on us! (GASP!) As other story amateurs have done,.. '-l TTFN


I was an engineer for 34 years and spent a lot of my time sitting in sidings waiting for a signal to depart! I know your pain!


Several people have mentioned that Tef likes the deadline to help him write. The money is probably motivational also. Now he’s got more than the usual amount of partial chapter left to write. For a chapter he’s already been paid for. That’s a lot of work that has to be done without either financial or deadline motivation. People being mean about the delays wouldn’t make anyone write. I hope Tef figures out a new plan that’s healthy and sustainable for him and resets expectations for his fans. If he’s dealing with burnout or block - which would be understandable after 140.5 chapters - then take a year to recharge. Or set a much slower pace like 2-4 chapters a year. Whatever the healthy and sustainable plan is I’m sure if he lets us know (almost) everyone will have nothing but the best wishes for him.


He quit his job to write fulltime , so maybe he will go back to work fulltime and write part time.


Well I say he should take time off maybe find a new job and then come back strong and ready to go. Take the time recharge for sure


A lot of people that don't make art or create have the mistaken idea that it is mostly inspiration from their muse. It seems really magical that a story like 3SM can come solely from Tef's mind. But I know a few writers, of mostly non fiction, that write spec pieces. It is a job/living and like a photographer that takes a dozen photos to get one usable shot, a lot of writing gets cut or abandoned. Bach used to compose cantatas weekly for church services. I doubt he considered them all great but it was a living. And artists like Caravaggio and da Vinci paid the bill by doing commissions for the RC church and the Dutch masters probably lived on portraits for the merchant class (and not all of them were beautiful like The Girl with the Pearl Earring). I think the big thing is that Tef has a very high standard and will not give us less than he feels is worth his Patreon income. That means we wait for chapters but get almost novella sized updates for the few bucks we kick in. And I doubt that it is writer's block. It is probably editing and rewrites and further editing, etc.


Hey there Tef, This one of the legion of your erstwhile fan/supporters. Hope you your doing well this month, working at your own pace, and have not hit to much of a blocker. From supporting an artistic type person in my life I know there are times when you cannot stop writing and others where you cannot stand the sight of a keyboard. From many others including myself, please take a deep breath as you are reading this and know that you have at least one fellow who gets it, and is not part of the f5 club :) Keep well, be safe, and have some fun as we will know we all will be able to appreciate the fruit of your creative process by the by !


And I completely forgot! Happy Father's Day Tef!!!

Big Orca

I would be perfectly happy if Tefler calls the next delivery as Chapter 142 and charge for it. Just want to get the next chunk of the story!

Big Dude

This one time The Big Dude disagrees. Not only sets precedent, but then invalidates a promise the author made to his loyal readers.


Communication is the key to any successful relationship.


Alright. I think it is time we change the topic. I was thinking about Daphne getting a new job of ship cook. Dana could download millions of receipts and she could have the food ready daily.

Tefler Fan 007

Wild teaser- Lynette meets with the outer rim colonies and has to show them her new body to convince them that she has their best interest at heart.


An interesting idea 💡 I support it, but I don't know if it would happened 😕


I’ll go with an obvious plot development/solution. Nymphs are the evolution of AI. Progenitor Computers use Crystals in their Matrix, Nymphs have a crystal heart. That would explain having Jade with a rune enhanced crystal heart to power her persistence. (Just one of many random thoughts here.).

Tefler Fan 007

Wild teaser- Thrall ships attack the outer rim colonies and Lynette stays to fight and rally the forces. They end up using sonic cannons to bring down Thralls and then has marines steal the thrall weapons to use against the others. All the while she is fighting with her personal shield and laser pistol. The colonies and the men respect her.

Tefler Fan 007

Just food for thought- Tefler has stated he has been having some writers block with up coming chapters. Instead of complaining about not having any new chapters we should be trying to help break the block. By throwing out random plot or scenario ideas might help him get over the hurdle and give him ideas how to move forward. So till the next chapter drops I’m going to throw out random ideas that may or may not work . However if one idea out of twenty helps him move forward I’m all for it. Teflers faithful follower…TF007


To add to the "other stories" conversation: LienGeller recently updated his lit bio, so The Missing Dragon is not yet dead. May be awhile before 6 drops though.


I like that John rewrote some of his template with his thralls, it lays the foundation that John could potentially rewrite the tendrils of the proggie connection to Xar. And thus potentially gain some allies against Xar and his progs in the upcoming war. And I don't think it's an unreasonable thought that he might do that, Larn almost( but ultimately didn't) sacrifice himself for his matriarch. There might be a handful of other progs that want to not just break from Xar but also want a new connection with their thralls. There very well could also be some progs that want free of Xar to take his place and then betray John to become the new #1 Lord of Fear


A thought I had about how this story could wrap up and still leave room for future stories recently was as follows: John defeats Xar, but defeat doesn't mean that Xar ceases to be. He could just become a weakened entity that is caged by John on a similar fashion to the Guide. The reasoning I would pull from is similar to Greek mythos and stories. Zues defeated Kronos and the titans and brought about his familial pantheon. The titans and Kronos still existed but weren't able to escape the confines of Zues' prison. And like in other stories of the Greek gods, their could be some progs who aid John in defeating Xar but then start to plot to overthrow John and take his place as the new all powerful entity. Seduced by the idea of completely dominant power and control over eveything in existence. John doesn't become omnipotent nor omnipresent from defeating Xar, he just weakens Xar to the point that Xar's influence in the universe iis diminished. There can be an epilogue of how John ushers in a 'new age' that lasts for a time. But that doesn't have to mean that everything goes his way. He would have his pantheon of goddesses who help look over the universe . But John and them aren't in the mood to be gods or police of the universe, they wanna breed and be at peace with a nice planet and good friends to retire to, all the while enjoying a good 3 square meals a day.


And resurrect Faye in the epilogue. The most critical part of the ending!


John and Daphne, father and daughter, making meals together in the kitchen,.. sigh!,.. how domestic bless-y,.. sob,.. sheds a tear,.. I could like it!,.. ;-) TTFN


I'd like to see John practice his psychic surgery,.. using Rahn'hagon and Jessica as his experiment/practice subjects,.. and unscrew a number of controlling/submissive threads. freeing up little Johnny's mom,.. and then get Rahn to learn how to impower Jessica and a few new 'wards' under his care, (Human or Ashanith, but not Maliri or Trankaran,.. Gahl's red thralls if the timing is right),.. and let this be his lesson in how to really develop his own power reserves,.. I am certain that Jessica would get behind a 'Make Love not War' philosophy,.. oh wow,.. old dog, new tricks,.. ;-) TTFN

Tefler Fan 007

Wilder teaser- Jack and Maria come visit the Maliri home work to see Calara. Jack and Maria have an Orgy with some Maliri women. Maria asks Jack for a hall pass and ends up sucking on Johns cock while he sleeps.🤔😁

Tefler Fan 007

Wild teaser- Lynette gets frustrated trying to negotiate with the outer rim colonies and offers to allow John to build a new trade station there as a compromise so they feel secure.


Wild Ass Teaser -- The new and improved 'Lioness' trade station, then dumps thousands of Maliri sex toys on the Outer Rim colonists, raising their morale and encouraging the start of a new generation on the Outer Rim,.. ;-) TTFN


Is the chapter finished yet?


This 'by later this week', has stretched into the next season,.. hello Summer!,.. now where oh where is #141, part 2?,.. Poor Tef, he has quite a few drooling at the mouth fans that wish he'd hurry up,.. but you just can't rush the good stuff,.. or can you? ;-) TTFN


600 comments :) hope all is well


I will play..... 603

Tefler Fan 007

I really feel bad for the literotica.com readers because they haven’t had a new chapter since 3/26/21………611

Anthony Kester

Can someone let me know when we're up to 665? I want the next post 😈 612


Once I learned of the stories being on Patreon. I was happy to pay to read them - 614


Longest week ever


,.. that's right Cornbread, the cost was a very minor factor,.. it was the knowing that there were hundreds or even thousands of fellow readers enjoying the same story that made it so great! 615 ;-) TTFN


Feeling like part 2 will be at the end of the month


It is already closer to the end of the month than to the end of that first week,.. sigh,.. 617 ;-) TTFN


After the party,.. John was going to scan the palace and grounds and the lake too,.. then they were off to search for the throne world,.. so a bunch of new tech to explain and work into the storyline,.. then Gahl'kalgor scouts are sniffing about,.. swatting Kirrix bugs, and slimy Brimorians!,.. lots to write about,.. so I am cutting this wonderful amateur writer a little sliver of a break,.. this one time,.. especially if in part 2 he reveals some new tech that will restore our beloved Faye to us, and to Daphne and John too!,.. 620 ;-) TTFN


While he certainly isn’t required to produce on demand, an update / keeping to a stated deadline would be appreciated.


Hear, hear! YES, I completely agree Patrick,.. do you think Tef was/is really shy?,.. and that this gives him trouble dropping us a note?,.. 622 ;-) TTFN


I pay when Tefler posts so content comes when it comes. Personally, not sure I believe this series is Tef’s primary ‘job’ as it once was. . Seems more of a side hustle after a 40 hour week at a brick and mortar. Again if that’s the case so be it, but setting expectations then missing self imposed deadlines is no way to endear readers.


Just how much can Dana and the Maliri engineers get done in the next few days, 5 to 10 story line days max,.. all while John turns more Maliri's hair white,.. when will the gang know that trouble is fast approaching?,.. and will they make a short cut to whupping the ass of this outrageously adolescent immortal man-child, drain him of his powers, then let a few of his former thralls slice and dice him for long, long time,.. then the gang makes plans to take out all the rest of the Progenitors, and then the really bad boy, Xar',.. And what will they find (under the Palace or on the Throne world) that leads them back to Tarkaran and the Sun Forges?,.. So much to cover,.. no wonder it is taking Tef a long time,.. (626,.. oops) I mean also 627,.. sneaky DHC! ;-) TTFN


That sneak, DemonHunterCole, added 626 back between 612 and 613,.. hidden,.. through me off a bit,.. oh, and that makes it 628. ;-) TTFN


629. And let’s restrict ourselves to no back to back number comments. By the same author.


“Just how much can Dana and the Maliri engineers get done in the next few days” More than Tefler, that’s for sure. 🙈 just joking 😅🤣❤️ 630


630. I suspect the update will arrive on the last day of the month as usual. If he is not going to make his self imposed deadline of a week then he should update his fans. Just my $0.02.


,.. got to keep the count correct so that Admiral Anthony Kester can jump on that beastly number that is fast approaching,.. also 633,.. ;-) TTFN


,.. but what if he is just too painfully shy to leave us a note? also 635,.. ;-) (my $1.25 -- inflation - sorry) TTFN


My larger worry regarding TSM is that whatever is causing this delay in Tef's writing productivity may continue well past the end of the month, be it creativity issues,.. being all worn out from child rearing,.. or just falling into that lazy goofball trap,.. we may not see #141, part 2 until sometime in July,.. and that may be it for the summer,.. #142 may not be dropped until late September or even October,.. and I really feel bad for those following the story on Literotica,.. last posting was in March 2021! I'm gonna go now,.. I'm getting myself too depressed, and it's all my fault!,.. :-0 TTFN also 638


The most depressing about waiting for the next chapter is all the whiners, ragers and worrywarts not the actual waiting


640: Consider, a portion of the whiners are just trying to be amusing,.. doing ironic sharing of the wait, and attempting to lift our fellow TSM fanatic's spirits,.. we are more than one dimensional,.. but this waiting for a few lines of a good story,.. sigh,.. I so look forward to a day when I can read the TSM tale from start to finish, just pausing to eat, drink, and wash up a bit,.. and no more waiting for the next chapter,.. waiting for the next Harry Potter book was bad enough, but this chapter every few months is much worse,.. but it is a very good story,.. maybe we need to throw Tef a party to thank him,.. after all, he just gave us a party at a palace, with a ton of pretty girls,.. yeah we should thank him!,.. THANK YOU M.TEFLER !!! ;-) TTFN


NOOO, you are trying to make more Kool-Aid - #643


Why are we tagging our posts #645.

Anthony Kester

Did someone say "Kool-Aid"? #646

Tefler Fan 007

The goat told us too…647

Tefler Fan 007

I think we should try to get to 1000 posts before next part…..wild teaser- John watched as the refit progressed. He watched the old heavy cannon being removed and lifted away. While high above the deck the anti-gravity host began to fail. John activated his psychic speed and began to grow, catching it before it hurt any of the engineers. The Maliri engineers stared at John with wonder….648

Tefler Fan 007

Wild teaser- Dana explains to John that since the Invictus is 1/4 the size as a normal progenitor dreadnought, the wormhole generator only needs 1/4 the power so it only takes 4 hours to recharge….649


1. I agree with all those wanting Tefler to keep us informed of his progress. I believe we all recognise family and other constraints and are NOT complaining about these influences. We just want to be advised of the probable date for the next release. 2. Rahn has configured John to attack other progenitors in a way they did not see coming. ie NOT the expected war of attrition. from 121 ++Rahn'hagon was oblivious to John's discomfort and his eyes sparkled with Machiavellian glee. *They would never have expected your assault in their worst nightmares! Innovative, resourceful, relentless... I imbued you with traits that would make you a terrifying opponent.++ So I conclude that John has abilities yet to be revealed to us! 3. And I like the comment by Tefler Fan 007 that Lynette is in the Outer Rim colonies when the thrall fleets attack. Makes sense as near the Kirrix border. So John gets an early warning! 4. 651 now posted in the correct place :)

Son Of Anubis

Wild thought- I know we already talked about it but Vulkat missile batteries all along the Invictus. With missile assemblers before each battery allowing custom missile payloads. EMP, HE, AP, Proximity. Cause what goes well with giant beam cannons. 650!


Oooh, nice story telling idea,.. I wonder if the futuristic space science math would back that up,.. must ask Sparks and Tef,.. they'd know,.. but some form of that thought should be workable,.. ;-) TTFN also 650 (tell Tony that we are getting close)

Tefler Fan 007

They need to make hyper warp vulkat missiles that can be fired from light years away and deliver multiple warheads.

Tefler Fan 007

They could build unmanned 100 meter long Hyper warp missile ships that are fire and forget weapons that you send towards incoming enemy ships. They contain a gravity well generator and pull fleets out of hyper warp. As soon as the ships are pulled out of hyper warp it launch’s swarm emp missiles and then does hyper warp ram on largest ship….656


Hey TF007, go down to Anthony's cell, feed the goat and let Tony know the count is close, we have just passed 657,.. thanks,.. ;-) TTFN 657


And if only the main bad guy's ships (Progenitors) didn't have solid shields and are missle and kinetic cannon fire proof,.. not a good investment at this time,.. although the EMP swarm is likely how the Vulkats scored a few kills back in the day ,.. 658 ;-) TTFN

Tefler Fan 007

Cornbread is busy with the goat and has a do not disturb sign on his cell. Tony is passed out from the kool aid again and I’m trying to find my Asian porn…Tony likes redheads so he didn’t take it so…..🤔

Bp Hlpt

Tony, your's was #669. This one is #670. :)


So - I’m confused did the rest of this chapter get released with an updated file or are we still waiting for it?


I only have Part 1... haven't seen the ending yet... With Garglewhatever attacking it is a crucial point... might be a bit to get it just right...


Gahl'kalgor and his black fleet of advanced tech ships are coming, the party is now over, in more ways than one,.. there is not much time remaining to upgrade and/or to integrate any new tech for their use/defense,.. will the Invictus be in pieces when they get word that the next evil Progenitor is almost upon them?,.. will they then need to quickly throw their ship back together, knowing it is no match for Gahl's ships?,.. Can they bring a fleet or two of Larn's former ships back in time to help defend Maliri space?,.. Will Calara's defense circles help slow the Progenitor's fleet?,.. And can Rachel figure out a way that 'Giant' John's pool/tub sized loads can be used to bring white hair to the masses of Maliri, fleet and planets? Many thousands more Maliri contributing their loving psychic support to their Baen'thelas!,.. Queen Edraele sending out numerous vat loads to hundreds of worlds and ships to greatly enlarge John's psychic base prior to Gahl'kalgor's arrival,.. Will John then get to dual with the Progenitor man-child (Gahl'kalgor), and then whup-up on his evil ass with his mighty Rune sword?,.. And John is now at least 2 or 3 times as powerful now than when he fought Larn'kelnar,.. So stay tuned, same Tef time, same Tef channel,.. And we really do need a few additional TSM pages to make it through the summer,.. ;-) TTFN .679


And TefFan007, you smelly old goat you!,.. The likely hood of TSM #141, part 2 when it drops later this month (hopefully), may be all we see for the summer,.. it could well be September/October before #142 falls into our laps,.. and will that installment like the last several and be split into parts, over months,.. then it's Ho-Ho-Ho, merry Christmas for #143! sheesh! So, go feed that other smelly old goat, and cross your fingers for many TSM pages to be quickly forth coming!,.. .680 ;-) TTFN


And ex-Commander Tom Walker, falsely accused, and convicted of crimes not his, but of his crazed former best friend, where are you going in the TSM story? Or are you part of the next series / the sequel?,.. (are we that close to TSM's ending),.. At least Anna finally came to her senses,.. .681 ;-) TTFN


And to all you TSM fans,.. SORRY!,.. too much coffee!!! .682 ;-) TTFN

Tefler Fan 007

Wild thought- At some point John is going to defeat Gahl'kalgor. When he does I don’t think he will run away. I think he will activate his stealth drive and sit and wait for Xar to send another to investigate. When the new progenitor shows up they will ambush him and destroy his ship before he knows what hit him. Some of you will say he will have a stealth drive activated so John won’t be able to attack him. But if they leave Gahl'kalgor dreadnought the new progenitor will try and destroy it and they will be able to visually see we’re they are at and Calara will take out the ship before they know what hit them….683


sooo where part 2


Tefler you okay buddy?


Nice!,.. and quite possible too,.. I see you are thinking again,.. after you fed that smelly old goat,.. and I wonder how long it would take Dana could rip out a bunch of Gahl's dreadnought's key useful instruments and high tech gizmos, before they used the ship as bait,.. ;-) TTFN .689


Since Tefler himself wrote that this is only the first part of chapter 141 am I still going to pay for part 2 ? I pay per chapter and when this chapter gets released in 2 parts did I already pay for both or will I be charged double for the rest of the chapter? The story is good and I did sign up but it is starting to get a bit too grey-zone for my tastes. The lack of information is more than somewhat bothersome.


Creators can control which posts have fees connected to them and which ones don't. Based on Tefler's past practice, it would be safe to say that he is not going to charge you for Part 2. I expect that Tef is going through a serious bout of writers' block / clinical-procrastination. One common side effect of that is a tendency to withdraw and communicate less -- just ask any book publisher. (Not apologizing on anyone's behalf -- just explaining.)


I don’t mind. This part was big enough to be a chapter on its own


So, while waiting for the second half of the chapter (I prefer to wait for the full chapter before I read it, if I can) I'm re-reading the whole series. I just hit Chapter 98... where we first get introduced to Celphna and I see that she was a gift to Athgiloi and it registers on me for the first time: who would be giving things to Athgiloi? The obvious answer is Larn'Kelnar. And that is supported by Celphna's reaction to Larn when she sees him. But where di Larn get her? My chain ended up on this theory: That Celphna is not a Lennaran. I'd bet that the Nymphs are more broadly used by the Progenitors for 3 things: 1) Filling the vats for their Thralls (no Progenitor is going to put up with using a machine for that). and 2) Rare Stealth missions to infiltrate and gather info for attacks on non-Progenitor civilizations. and 3) for occasional gifts to non-Thrall Species' leaders (like Athgiloi) to keep tabs on them and control them. The scene of Mael'nerak releasing his Nymphs is due to him no longer needing them because he's reduced his Thrall Population and isn't filling the vats anymore. And... I think that the reason Jade is different from her sister is that she was sent to the Achonin, and was caught. The Achonin did something to her, and that PO'd Mael'nerak and so he destroyed them. Sorry if this is old territory, I've not been keeping up with the chat discussions for a while.


.700: The idea of all of Dana's new, upgraded, better, stronger, and lemony fresh war ships all having as part of their standard operating equipment - one Mega AI system of the Advanced Fairy-Faye class,.. I think that this incredibly fast thinking system would be of great benefit to ships commanders and crew,.. also allowing for smaller living crews, and more mechanical/bots filling out the ships rosters. Also, they would all be Faye class, but they'd have each individual ships AI with names of their own,.. names chosen by the crew?, by Fleet headquarters?, by random name drawings?,.. your thoughts?,.. like: ‘Kyth’vindathys, part 2, -- Artificial Fairies of Vengeance, reborn’?,.. (-; TTFN

Son Of Anubis

701. If I remember correctly doesnt the Invictus have the Singularity Driver still? I'm pretty sure it's just disconnected until they can upgrade the power supplies again. That way in between Nova Lance blasts they rain hell with kinetic strikes to keep the pressure on anything that needs "attention".


.703: Anthony it's all relative,.. with those awesome Progenitor solid shields, just how effective would any kinetic strike be? A craft attacking with a Singularity Driver may just become a target for a Quantum Flux Cannon,.. then Blam-o!! vaporized!! ,.. Although, I am curious to see how much hurt the 'devolved' Nova Lances will do against Progenitor shields and armored hulls,.. Only Sparks and Tef can answer some of these tech questions for us,.. we need to be willing to wait,.. all good things,.. yada yada yada,.. ;-) TTFN (FYI--My first #702 just disappeared,.. And I said Huh?) l-: ttfn

Son Of Anubis

707. I definitely cant wait, and Alyssa's new flair of making sexy ships. I want a 3D image of the "Titty Ships". For science of course


708. Well, if Ted decides to not drop 141 pt. 2 by the end of this month then I hope he gives an update on his status so that we know he and his family are all OK. I am also anxious for this next part of TSM but I can continue to wait patiently so long as I know all is good in Tef land.


.709: Absolutely!! We do need to know that Tef and his family are in good health and that as I paraphrase BrianM who asks with hope, is "all good in Tef Land". I suspect that Tefler is just continuing to have the same problems as he has had over the past year or so,.. and he has yet to find his way to a happier for all answer to his difficulty with deadlines and his disappointing the expectations of fans,.. this man can write! And he is able to produce a huge word count of highly addictive storylines,.. but due to his present at home living conditions he is now having a problem continuing to give his fans the same quantity of work as he had in the past,.. he has keep quality high,.. So we take what we can get,.. support him, read his good story and enjoy that is is still moving forward and not abandoned,.. This is not the worst thing in the world,... a little more time is all we need,.. ;-) TTFN


really need my fix


.711: The Invictus has already had a fair number of Progenitor tech additions before this stop in Maliri space to do another upgrade,.. they need to decide quickly what they can do now verses what they can do with access to better equipment,.. without knowing if that better equipment will ever be available,.. The Invictus has been described as similar to an egg shell, hard exterior, but swishy inside,.. I think that it's hull and it's armor are both areas that need to be addressed,... but they are running short on time,.. and no way at present to do the upgrades they need,.. so how is Dana (Tef) going to solve this quandary?,.. With some creative story telling of course,.. but exactly how, I am on pins and needles waiting for the answers,.. What (the Sun Forges) do our guys have that could take Crystal Alyssium and upgrade it to stronger than Progenitor black metal? And to crank out a large number of superior ships quickly to fend off a powerful and evil enemy,.. And create a superior Wormhole Generator, with a more rapid recharge time,.. Sparks needs to develop even more powerful Quantum Flux Cannons, and improving on the Maliri's 'devolved' Nova Lance to make it a weapon the enemy fears,.. but she (and Tef) are running dramatically short on time!,.. TSM #141, part 2 has much it needs to try to answer,.. Maybe if John offers Gahl'kalgor a Vulkat supreme coffee maker he'll just go away, or not,.. can you wait? I know that I am having my troubles!!!,.. ;-) TTFN

Tefler Fan 007

They need to upgrade armor to 25 shaped crystal alyssum. When they got cut in half it was only 10 shaped and right now the front 50 meters is 20 shaped and the rest is 15 shaped. Since he defeated his guide John should be able to 25 shape the whole hull. They also need to build a dreadnought shield generator and combine with current shield upgrades. The final thing they should be able to build is the quantum flux cannons. These three things are doable in the limited time frame.


.714: One strong tactical advantage the Invictus could have over the Thrall fleet could be the A.F.D.S. (the Advanced Fairy Defense System), Faye class shipboard AI, equipped on all of John's fleet of ships, these Artificial Fairies of Vengeance could be a game changer, and save many Maliri lives too,.. I want my own AFV!,.. ;-) TTFN


Whelp. After reading the final paragraphs of Chapter 141 part 1, my greatest fears and concerns came true. Ever since the return to Maliri Space, John and the girls have been acting like they're on Spring Break: acknowledging the great threat and the rising challenges that comes with it, but doing jack-all about it. MASSIVE SPOILERS AHEAD! Need I explain myself further? They're on vacation. An armada of Progenitor origin came through the as-yet undiscovered warp gate and the Protagonists are chilling out on vacation, having a grand party, while porking innumerable blue women. John even stated that time was of the essence and yet he orders the girls to have a so-called "much needed vacation" even though they are playing around with time they don't have. They've known about the threat of Progenitor invasion and yet the girls are giggling like high school girls while flaunting their naughty bits in sexy bikinis. I honestly don't know what to make of this. It doesn't matter if John and the girls are being worked to the bone. The enemy doesn't care. All that needs to happen is for the good guys to make ONE significant error and the their corner of the galaxy will experience untold genocide - AND YET THEY'RE TAKING A VACATION! Surely, Tefler has a greater narrative device he has in mind in making his main characters so apathetical. I honestly don't know whether to be intrigued or have my suspension of disbelief ruined. I suppose there's always Part 2; whenever that shows up.

Anthony Kester

Please stop bringing up Faye (sniffles and cries), I am running low on tissues to dry my eyes and can't stay in the fetal position forever. Thank you very much.

raymond sisko

Would love to see Faye come back as a living breathing human!

thomas rodrian

Some reports on Discord alluded to Faye coming back in the last chapter of this series and then a sequel will start. I’ve interrupted that to mean in the last paragraph of the last chapter, we will hear a gasp and John says, “She's alive.” Watch: It's Alive! - Frankenstein (2/8) Movie CLIP (1931) HD - YouTube for an example of what we can expect to happen.


Captains Log - Update 720: No word from Tefler yet. The troops are diving deeper into their madness. I’m not sure what I fear more, them breaking out of their quarantine or a musical repeat from the last time Tefler was M.I.A.


Or she might come back as a living, breathing Nymph!! Mega Faye, the Cyber nymph! Living a long, long time having John's babies (cyber-kittens) ;-) TTFN


.721: What, bothered by a few verses of 'Tefler-man-iacs, we're crazy to the Max",.. it's an upbeat little ditty, I like it!,.. ;-) TTFN


.722: Now, if only Gahl'kalgor will take the Vulkat, expresso coffee maker and just go,.. taking his parting gift for wiping out 99.9% of the Kirrix, and a handful of Brimorian worlds and fleets,.. and go home,.. ;-) TTFN

Tefler Fan 007

Dana is working on a tachyon waffle maker. John is going to give Gahl'kalgor the secret recipe for chicken and waffles.


.727: And wouldn't it be an awesome twist (a Tef twist) that a bunch of Vulkat high tech kitchen appliances wins over dozens over formerly ( until have a plate of chicken and waffles with a big mug of really good coffee) evil Progenitors, flipped under a now galaxy wide shroud, to all turn on Xar’aziuth,.. and start a galaxy spanning Utopia,.. all hail Queen Edraele !! and all this thanks to some spider kitchen ware,.. who'da thunk it? ;-) TTFN


,728: and if Tef doesn't drop a chapter or two soon,.. I am going to end up disappointed that some of our crazy ass ideas are not being used,.. sigh,.. I really should try and enjoy the summer weather,.. ;-) Ta-ta-for-now


Half a chapter in three months is giving me serious withdrawal. I will have to reread a bunch when it finally drops just to recap for myself. Don't get me wrong, I would rather wait for the rest than have a rush job dropped. I, too, hope everything if ok with Tefler. Your fans could use an update at this point and I hope you can get paid this month. I mean, it was Tefler himself that raised our expectations for Ch. 141 part 2 to drop three weeks ago and not a word since. Hence the concern around the world.


.730: After John uses his mighty Rune sword, and Luna's excellent training to defeat Gahl'kalgor ( and later dozens of other Progenitors), there should be a way (maybe with some instinctive Kyth’faren guidance) to take over / save that deceased Progenitor's Thralls and his Matriarch too, using his strong psychic mental powers,.. then he would fine tune the new girls as he did his own by removing those submissive imperatives and throwing their psychic bandwidth, to him, wide open,.. wow! whatta rush!,.. and thus John gains an Empire's worth of psychic wards, just like that,.. and with all of that extra psychic power available to him any future Progenitor he faces will be as ants to be stepped on,.. then after dozens more Progenitor Empires absorbed, look out Xar’aziuth!,.. After he expands the shrouds coverage to the entire Galaxy,.. And maybe after 'fixing' Rahn'hagon's psychic connection with Jessica, he restores Papa's former Empire to him,.. I can see John, the girls and Invictus running in the background at this point, while TSM's second series takes it's place,.. so we really may be close, and Faye may be about to be restored to us,.. So that's some good news, along with the sad news of TSM closing down,.. just some thoughts,.. I do wonder if this is a part of what is keeping Tef occupied, just too much!!!,.. even without more writings about Tom Walker getting tried and convicted of crimes his former best friend actually did,.. a whole crazy story on it's own and so far, it is just set in the TSM universe, with no direct connection to the Invictus, yet,.. Unless some of the speculation is correct and Tom is related to Dana, like a brother,.. then we have a connection to build on,.. ;-) TTFN


.731: It has been only 3 chapters since Christmas, all divided in half,.. so that is a whirlwind, half (of a rather large) chapter per month,.. and this part 2 really should have dropped complete in late April,.. early May at worst,.. it finally dropped it's first half at the end of May, and he wrote that the rest was forthcoming in about a week,.. and that 2nd part is currently about 3 weeks late and still no sign of it,.. I really don't know if I wish him and his family well, or hope that there was some form of trouble that is taking his time,.. sigh,.. no, I take that back, I want everyone safe and healthy,.. And if you just look at his total word count averaged over each month, it really is pretty good,.. just the erratic delivery, and disappointments along the way,.. :-l TTFN


Anyone looking for more good stories on Lit while waiting for Tef can check out Wifewatchman stories.


.733: Okay, it's the last weekend of the month,.. maybe #141, part 2, could be dropping in the next couple of days,.. maybe,.. Here's wishing Tef well. and hoping that his creative muse is working for him,.. and that the big strawberry-pink Super Moon last week gave him some psychic encouragement,.. so that we will get to read some new TSM very soon,.. ;-) TTFN

CJ Mora

Amen! As long as I'm only being charged for the chapters he writes, and not a monthly fee, my patience overrules the inner child that screams "I want it now!"

Tefler Fan 007

The truth of the matter is we got spoiled this past winter and spring. If it takes him some time for some new chapters, so be it. I am praying that we will get some new material soon however I will continue to post random thoughts and wild teasers to pass the time. 735


Waiting for Tef I discovered AnimeCon Harem by FortySixtyFour. Harem mechanics are weirdly similar to TSM. It's mostly free on Lit but better to read on Patreon. If you only read free you'll miss some character scenes.


I’ve been pretty patient over the years, but this is ridiculous


This is just my opinion but I think everyone should stop posting and give Telfer and everyone else a break. Until his return of course.


The issue is, in part, expectation management. If it were to be communicated when we might be receiving something, then there would be less frustration.


This is so true but he was never a great communicator. So harping on the fact solves nothing, so why bother.

Toodles McGhee

It's a great story...Also Fourth Vector by CJMcCormick, Innocent Devil's Harem by KaiserWolf, and A Dragon's Tale by AntiProton - all on Lit.

PLRus--Founding member of the TSM F5 club.

Actually, it is ALL about expectation management. When you say "by next week" and then that turns into "By the end of next month" or beyond, with no further information given, you basically set yourself up for being the brunt of said frustrations. Point being: He says he works better under pressure....so he sets things up with us to ensure he has pressure applied. We are expected to do our part. Since Tefler does this on a regular basis, one has to assume he enjoys this....else he would not keep setting himself up for said responses.


750! Is that the reason all the strong messages were deleted to keep a vanilla show of pressure. 750. Tef-fan


.751: Just as long as this Talented Writer keeps cranking this story out, we will keep reading it,.. so there again! But he has lots of fans, he can just reach out for some help any time,.. assisting or brainstorming,.. we can even check if any of us are close enough to help clean house,.. just ask!,.. ;-) TTFN


,752: And can any of you feel #141, part 2 getting closer? ;-) ;-) ;-) TTFN


awaiting with even m0re frustration

James St. Clair

Write to chapter completion, upload complete chapter, charge us for it. It’s not a difficult concept.

James St. Clair

We “chomp at the bit” for completed chapters, not partials.


bruh it's 29


Please stop let the man do what he needs to do we only pay when he does a chapter let it be may be someone can shut down the comments for now just let him be please he is doing his best. I have heard some of the really big Authors had writers bock for a year or two just let it be. John

John Doe

This is not just writers block. This is cheating - it’s like a restaurant only brings you half the food when you paid for the whole meal. Everyone is human but honestly this is stretching our patience too much. If Tef wasn’t as good as he is, I would have been tired of the waiting game.


.761: It has now been 4 weeks plus since TSM #141, part 1 dropped at the end of May,.. now it is the end of June,.. I am hopeful, but there have been absolutely no signs of life coming from TSM writer Tefler,.. just when is #141, part 2 going to 'appear'?,.. and then how many months until TSM #142? when others said maybe in October, I thought that was too far out,.. I no longer do,.. Don't get me wrong, I am happy that this grand story continues to move forward,.. at half a chapter every month or two,.. and Tef's word count remains high, as does his creativity,.. the only slump is in his meeting any kind of deadline,.. sigh,.. I guess resurrecting our sweet purple song bird creatively is taking awhile,.. so enhale,.. exhale,.. enhale,.. repeat until calm is reached,.. part 2 soon, I hope! ;-) TTFN


.762: Speculation: several of Gahl'kalgor's destroyers chase a few hive ships, running for their lives, into T-Fed space, where they are vaporized very near the Aphrodite and Fleet Admiral Lynette Deveraux,.. she warns Alyssa and John,.. and the clock is then ticking,.. '-) TTFN


You know it's now that I'm glad I decided to wait for all of 141 to drop b4 I started to read it...great story...just unfortunate that life seems to have interfered with his writing..still it could be worse...it could have been a perpetually unfinished story


.764: Amen. yeah at the very least the story is still moving forward,.. slowly, but it is moving,.. And as long as Tef finally brings back Faye, all is good!,.. But what if she comes back changed?,.. well as long as she can still sing,.. ;-) TTFN


No faye is sacrosanct..she will return as she was and get her dream


See, it is time to accept EVIL FAYE coming our way - #766


Tef said Faye would not return until the end of TSM. Don't know if I want her to return cause that would mean the end of this epic story. But I really miss her.


The crew needs fate...waiting till the end defeats the purpose..she is /was vital and although the new nymphs have helped take her place they will be needed...and just because....we want faye back...and the way she was


We all know who her father is and he has a darkside. Plus, she has been hanging out Darth Vader plotting her return to the empire.


I think all anyone wants is for Tefler to be honest with us. Dont say "From now on I'm only going to release full chapters, not half chapters" then drop a half chapter the very next time he posts. And for Gods sake, dont say " I'll release the first half now and add the second when I finish it later this week." then leave it a freakin' MONTH at least until the half chapter is finished. Yeah, I think its a great story, but there are a LOT of great stories out there, and after a while these perpetual excuses are wearing a bit thin. Remember that Tefler quit his job to write ..... this is in effect his new job, and all his paying customers are in effect his employers. What employer would sit quietly and let this go on for two years?

Jedi Khan

He's said nothing about her return, only that her story isn't over until the end of TSM. Her return is not guaranteed, but until TSM ends, there is a chance she will.


.780: It has now been a whole month since TSM #141, part 1 dropped the evening of 30th of May,.. an Tef then wrote that the rest of #141 would be released / ready by later that week,.. and that time frame passed 3 weeks ago,.. And so far we have not heard from Tef whether the delay is from some creativity / writers block, or family health problem,.. or what? A note to his fans ( 5 to 10 minutes) would have been a really nice and adult thing to do!,.. And if this delay is to do to with his story's ending getting close, and it's wrap up is hard for him write, and he is choking a bit,.. not wanting to let go,.. we would under stand. -- I am wondering if a sequel set in the TSM universe, with the Invictus in the back ground will keep my interest like the original TSM has,.. I just don't know,.. maybe,.. well maybe if this new story had a chipper and perky purple pixie in it that sings and mans the guns,.. then maybe it wouldn't be too bad,.. just thinking out loud,.. ;-) TTFN


I am leaving .... Maybe next year i come to see if another 2 chapters are here... if not .. well no need to return at all... See You, Be Well *waves and leaves the building*


.782: Elvis,.. I mean the Robster has left the Building,.. (ya'll can go on home now!!),.. ;-) TTFN


If you are already at home, then pop some popcorn, kick back, remove your shoes,.. and turn on the television and watch the god of mischief Loki,.. ;-) TTFN

Big Orca

I think we’ll have a surprise today, two possibilities. 1. No drop at all, or 2. We get 141 part 2 AND 142.

Brittany durin

The only consistency is that he gives an update at the end of each month after we have suffered for a month


The real surprise would be if we got an update before 6pm EST on the last day of the month. We've gotten 2 announcements earlier than that in the last year and both of those were to tell us that nothing was coming.


.792: Well we got TSM #141, part 2 ( #141 complete) around 3 PM, on the 30th of June,.. one month after part 1.,.. And on Thursday, 1st of July, Tef asked us to vote for a Lioness to win his Palace Party get-to-know-you Q&A quiz contest,.. while he works on TSM #142,.. Tef seems to be reaching out to his fans more this week,.. hope he can keep it up,.. (he-he) ;-) TTFN


.793: Well. it's 7/30/21,.. and after posting the contest for winning the party Quiz,.. zip! nada! no further words at all! So, no big improvement in Tef's relating to the fans skills,.. now we are awaiting either his TSM#142, part or whole,.. or his regular "not ready yet, maybe next month" note,.. ah well, just as long as the story does keep moving forward! ;-) TTFN