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Hey everyone!

I'm currently working on the latest chapter (141), but it won't be finished by tonight. I won't release it piecemeal this time, so save your F5 keys... I'll let you know when it's nearly ready in May.

As there were no chapter releases in April, you won't be billed anything at the end of this month. 

I hope you're all doing well and managing to avoid any exposure to Covid. 

Best wishes to your continued good health.




My f5 key thanks you


Take care of yourself.


Dang. Thanks for the update!

Jim lynch

As dose mine


Thanks for the update, take your time I love the quality of your work!


Take care of yourself as well. I haven't had an F5 key since ch.130 so there isn't one to thank you but I'd much rather wait for a great chapter than to have a peicemeal version.

Jacques Van Zyl

Thank you for the update Tefler, much appreciated. Take care of yourself and your family and release the next chapter when you are ready, we'll wait.


Thanks for the update. I hope you are well


Thanks Tef! Stay safe!


When ready we are reedy


Take care of yourself and family too Tefler. I use auto-refresh, so I don't use the F5 key. I just hate to see you not getting a paycheck for April.


Take care our favorite author


Thanks for the update.

Chris Forbes

Thank you for the update.


That’s fine. I prefer to get the chapter in completed form. I’m never quite sure if I’m missing parts when we get it in pieces. You’re still the GOAT! Be well, Tef.


Thank you Sir Tefler , ( you have been Knighted haven't you ? ) being a ignorant colonist i have no idea how that works . take your rest , i hope all the best for you and your family . thanks to the vaccine i think a good portion of us can be a little more comfortable ............ i almost came on here jonesing for a fix LOL


Well certainly a bummer, always look forward to hearing more from you. Stay safe. Hopefully we’ll hear from you soon.


Thank you, Tefler, for the update. I don’t mind not receiving a new chapter as much as I’d prefer for you to get income for the month. On the other hand, I am glad to hear from you at any time, and hope that you and your family are doing well. I’d much rather have a note like this one than not hear from you at all. So, again, thank you and be well. We’ll be here when you are ready for us.


Thank you for the update. Previously I believe you said when you complete your updates of a chapter you will designate it “final” so we know it is complete. Has chapter 140 been completed?


Just started to re-read from chapter 40 onwards. So. No need to hurry from my perspective. Stay safe and continue your good writing (which really has improved since chap 40. ;) )


Happy to wait take care


Thank you for the update


Take my monies anyway Tef!! Almost wish it was set up as a monthly deduction so you didn't feel pressured to crank out an unpolished work!! Pace yourself and we're happy to wait!

Big Dude

Kool but not cool. Thanks for the update Sir!


Been a rough year for you Tef. But you release it when your ready to, we'll wait for you.


TSM withdraw is a serious medical condition. Please don’t make us wait until the last minute of May for 141!


I have been negative in this forum in the past regarding timeliness of submissions but my view has changed. I think it’s better to have a monthly subscription fee. And have percentages of chapters (or shorter chapters) published each month. I am willing to pay. I guess the question is does Tefler go back and edit the earlier part of a chapter when he gets to the end. Because I wouldn’t be psyched to read a mini chapter and then 20 days later find out it had been edited and I needed to reread it (but that’s just me, I’ve got limited time and going back over the same old stuff doesn’t do it for me). Overall I don’t feel the need to punish Tefler for not completing a full chapter every month. Maybe it’s some belief that he owes a certain amount of words / $ but that is also silly as I see it. Also, if Tefler is more engaged in the conversation (not that I am or would likely have time to be involved) he might be able to convince more people to just pay monthly and not be beholden to the chapter delivery, where each chapter is pretty meaty.


My guess is changing the billing method midstream would be considered a security risk and patreon would require all of his subscribers to re-up under the new billing model. That would likely cause a significant dip in revenue for a little while. Better to keep the current subscriber list and continue to produce under the old model. Better to relax the definition of a chapter than change the billing model. Just my opinion.


Thank you for the update Tef! Take-er-easy and we will all be waiting patently for your next chapter. Take care of you and yours so you can do your best in all things!


Take Care Sir and I look forward to the next part


Thanks! Does this mean we can look forward to two chapters next month?


Thank you.

Jedi Khan

I hate to be a killjoy, but let's not get ahead of ourselves. Given the release schedule over the last several months or more, I'd say we're lucky to even get one chapter a month. Something in Tefler's personal life, be that family, friends, other obligations, or just burnout, seems to be kicking him in the ass repeatedly, keeping him away from writing more of this fabulous story. Whatever it is that has shanked Tefler's productivity is definitely a higher priority than this story, and I will not begrudge him that. I will only hope that things calm down, allowing him to get back to indulging us and our addiction.

Jedi Khan

Hope all is going well in your life Tefler, and that the only thing you're suffering from is burnout. If you need to take time away from the story to recharge your batteries, so that you can then come back and roar through to the finish line, then by all means, go do so. Go fishing, read a book or twenty, lose yourself in a video game for a couple months, or even write an entirely different story. Whatever it is you need to do to reset, please do so. Always remember that we are here, waiting. Maybe not patiently, but waiting nonetheless.


I can absolutely relate to the feeling of things going slowly. Having started my own fantasy game, much of it inspired by the dynamics present in TSM, I definitely feel the days where it's a real strain just to write anything at all. I miss the camaraderie of the discord server, but I'm happy to be patient until the next chapter comes out, whenever that might be. Doing what is best for you is what is best for the story in the long run, so I'm fine with you taking all the time you need. <3


Thanks for the update, Tefler. I eagerly await the next chapter as always, but please take your time and do what's best for you. My best wishes to you and your family and I hope you are all enjoying May Day.


On a completely separate note, is there a pronunciation guide somewhere for names?


Thats a good question, I suspect @Tefler has them all speaking commoner British English, (with the exception of Rachael of course) Which would effect the pronunciation of most words I suspect. I believe there is a recording of Tefler discussing the book at one point, That might give a clue.


Tef - if you finish 141 early this month you have a shot at a two chapter month! Wish I could send you a lot of coffee. In lieu of that I’m sending you best wishes for a drama free month in your real life.


stay safe and healthy, same for your family. I look forward to reading the next installment whenever it is ready


These are not the comments we are looking for, We want comments on the new ship designs, the search for the stargate ( yeah I said it, hit me with the copyright) and what is going on with Walker's trial. We have too things in the future to worry about.

Big Dude

Ladies and gentlemen, The real issue is the follow the science people keep changing the goal posts. Last year we were told things not to do that they are screaming now WE MUST DO! Now with vaccines why are we still wearing masks outdoors, etc. Do I need a mask when everyone else is vaccinated? The "follow the science" people are all over the map. Now we learn the American Federation of Teachers was setting CDC policy? WHAT? Will churches need to have the Well Health Safety Seal to return to normal? Will only vaccinated people be allowed to domestically travel in the future? In January the answer was no. Now there looks to be a forthcoming mandate. The cancel culture crowd live here in Patreon. Nick Scipio is a cancel culture champion. If you dare disagree and challenge him on his Trump hating thoughts he bans you. All I ask is why are people in 2021 so hell bent on silencing their opponents? So let's talk about the 28th century. What we need is a ship that can use wormholes as weapons and send enemies to another dimension. Imagine pointing your wormhole weapon at a group of ships and send them somewhere and another group and sent them somewhere else. You know the destination and then you can decimate the enemy piecemeal at your leisure!


Would Tefler or a mod please delete all these political comments? This forum is/was the last safe refuge from all the damn squabbling. Facebook, Twitter, even Next-door are now miserable holes full of angst. Let's not kill this zone too.


Done. Let's keep religion and politics from the forums, it only ends in hurt feelings and harsh words.

Tefler Fan 007

Just my thoughts: i’m going to make a prediction of what psychic power John is going to give to Jehanna. He’s going to give her the power Larn’kelnar had to make copy’s of other creatures to battle thralls. He created those bugs to fight John when they battled so that would be an awesome power to give Jehanna. She would be able to come up with combat tactics without placing any Lioness in harms way. While the enemy rolls are engaging those targets she can sneak up and use tachon rifles to take them out.


Was that a psychic power or did he clone those creatures? I’ll have to re-read that section. I’ve been wracking my brain just to think of psychic abilities that are left. Teleportation and invisibility are still available. As are water manipulation powers.

PLRus--Founding member of the TSM F5 club.

Interesting. The thought over on the discord is that he will give her the power to divine the truth of a person's statements and to give her enhanced charisma so that people would more easily believe her when she spoke....something to go along with her profession. Enhanced strength and speed, etc. as well of course.

Justin Webb

still waiting for the next chapter if it doesn't come out soon we might only get last month's chapter and no new chapter this month

Jedi Khan

We'll get 141 when it's ready. It's already missed April, so it would be May's chapter. Hopefully it doesn't miss May as well and become June's chapter.


I am still hoping for the power to create a wormhole portal. The ability to get the Invictus or a fleet to any place in the galaxy is critical.

Brian Woods

As far as powers that we have seen go, we have teleportation from Larn warping himself into a nearby hallway, shadow powers from John’s guide and possibly their opposite in the form of light powers such as flashbangs and lasers, astral summoning evidenced by Larn again who said they were psychic constructs he formed out of his power and experiences with them, other elemental abilities like water and earth manipulation, super strength which no girl yet has, psychic growth like John and Jade...and I think that’s it. There could be powers that we haven’t seen, random thoughts brought to life by Tefler himself, but those are the known and currently seen powers which might show up for Jehanna.

James St. Clair

As Tefler has decided to release completed chapters, I’ve doubled my commitment in thanks. I hope others will do so also.


,.. even if/when they get the gear, a wormhole generator that takes another 12 hrs to recharge for another jump might be good to force some 'can we get there in time' drama into the chapter, but could also be a bit awkward. However a psychic space/time jumper might be able to recharge on just a nap and a belly full of cum,.. but how much ship can she drag along? Interesting ideas to conjure story lines by,.. say goodnight Cornbread. ;-) TTFN


,.. I bumped my $$$ commitment a few months back, about the time John was getting ready to fight his guide. Tef needs to have fairly reliable and steady income stream,.. and if he only produces around 8 to 9 chapters per year, well I say keep the story going and,.. go team Tefler!!! :-) TTFN

Tefler Fan 007

I hope they bring back Faye back soon. The key to bring her back is Daphne. In chapter 118 Faye created little one by transferring her operating system. Since they already have her personality from the hacking deck and memories that Daphne already gave them. All they were missing was the operating system so Daphne just needs to copy it from her system and give it to them to combine with the other two.

Big Dude

You know how John took memories and brought back parents... I think Jehanna's psychic power will be to bring back suppressed memories along with enhancing her weaponry skills and stealth skills. She will view the Callopian Shores trial TFNN report and immediately know what happened.


Faye must return . I miss her


FACT: Tefler is THE God of the TSM universe, and he can resurrect Faye whenever he wishes. So what does he ( or his TSM story ) need to make Faye's return happen? 1) Timing, Faye's return should have meaning, like saving the day. 2) Means, some story element that would reasonably allow for Faye to come back, a tech development or discovery. 3) Could more Faye level AI's be a part of John's 'Kick the Progenitors Fleet's various Asses', after Dana has a breakthrough or two? [ DAY DREAM ]: 1) Is there a copy of the original Faye onboard Larn'kelnar's old dreadnaught, that John's Daddy now rides around in? Faye wanted to tell John about something she saw in the ship's corridor the night before the Invictus was cut in half, but never did tell him. Could this have been Larn doing a bit of spying prior to making his move, and as a part of his doing a full scan of the Invictus, made a full copy of Faye that is still just sitting in the dreadnaughts servers memory files. Maybe a great way for Jessica and Rahn to patch things up with their son? 2) Could the 3 of them (Jessica, Rahn and Faye!!!) come riding to the rescue after Gahl’kalgor’s forces attack? That would solve the timing, means and saving the day pretty well, don't you think? 2.5) ( and since Gahl’kalgor’s thralls have red skin and Rahn's former thralls were red skinned,.. is Gahl’kalgor the inheritor of Rahn's old empire? -- is Rahn nursing a desire to be taking back HIS thralls, and could that be one of the reasons he would come riding to the rescue?). 3-4) And I miss Faye! '-) TTFN


Look at you peeking over Tefler shoulder at the gameplan. I am liking the servers idea 💡 It address the parents and Faye issues. A six pack in the fridge for you Sir.


Twenty chapters and three calendar years of time in the real world have elapsed since Faye died in TSM. Yet the only thing of note that happened in the plot line since the events in chapters 120 and 121 is John finally absorbed his guide in chapter 136. Following along as they kick the crap out of fleets of empires so out matched it was like watching a cage match champion kicking the crap out ofpreschoolers in daycare and adding a whole bunch more minor thrall characters is becoming tiresome.


Eventually what John does with all of the various Thrall empires, post Progenitor, will become important,.. restoring a more balanced birth ratio, restoring a self governing society, that sort of thing. And Tef has ONLY cranked out twenty additional chapters since Faye's server was vaporized approaching 3 years ago in real world time ( you try writing 20 chapters at TSM's level in just over 2 years, it is less than I'd like, yet still it's very impressive ),.. but with some of the things coming along in the stories immediate future, like finding Mael'nerak's throne world, somethings could really improve the chances for returning our precious purple pixie,,, then she could be singing John awake in future chapters before too long. (cross my fingers, and wish real hard!) I too am tired of waiting, but at least the story IS moving forward, so count our blessings, and we are finally rid of John's evil guide, and Dana is all set to dazzle us with her latest refit of Invictus, ship and gear! I think it is about time we got our favorite alarm clock back. Twenty plus chapters to go from, her server is destroyed so she has to be dead! To a good chance of returning our beloved purple pixie,.. well, we could be so close,.. come on Tef,.. please man! ,... ;-) TTFN


I feel like this story has really stagnated for quite some time; however that probably more due to there being so much time between releases. Having maybe 1 "chapter" a month. If that were the release time table so far, we would be looking at 11-12 years to get to this point. It's a bit disappointing to wait a month for a release just for a party and a couple of sex scenes and it's been so long I forgot what else happened.


Actually it has been two years in the real world since Faye passing. Tef posted ch 120 4/28/2019 on literotica. Just wanted to point out the correction as I personally struggle enough as it is keeping track of time.


Only three things of note have happened since the battle for Earth in chapter 100, Faye’s server was destroyed, the battle and defeat of Larnkelnar, John meets parents and learns more about progenitor history and John defeats his guide. All these things happened in three chapters. The rest has largely been filler. I couldn’t name more than one or two of the new nymphs without research let alone the new matriarchs. Too many subplots, too many secondary characters.


TSM is a big canvas for a writer to work on, it has multiple alien species, a galaxy wide threat!,.. a sexy harem for our hero,.. intrigue, drama, space battles and medical cures,.. what else do you want? We have had vacations ( combined with ship refits ), and we have the current party (with a ship refit ), so our gang has been kept busy,.. Of course we would like more, and to have it faster, but it is well written, and we love what we do get every month or so now,.. It would be great to have 15 to 20 installments per year at the same quality, but 8 to 9 per year, while slower, still moves the story along. I say we are fortunate that the stories author is still cranking out good stuff for his fans to gripe over! :-) TTFN


I commented about this before when all the Cat girls were introduced at the same time, now there's all the blue space elves, the harem, in my opinion, is just too much too fast. They start to run together, in my mind at least. There's just not enough time to differentiate between all the different characters being introduced without enough character development, and when so much time is spent developing so many tertiary characters, it bogs down the story. So now there's so many two dimensional characters, and the story archs are moving at a snail's pace. Add on top of that one release a month, and things start to become forgettable.


I decided to go back and reread just the last year of releases in anticipation of this chapter. I will say that helped get everyone straight again.


Honestly I wrote myself an outline of the series while rereading it because there is so much to keep straight. I love the vast epic sweep of it all.


We have an open-end, multi-year story that one man is writing. This takes effort, imagination and love to continue to do for this many years. Telfer could have wrapped this up years ago, but he still has a drive to do it. I recommend his books anyone looking for something to read. Telfer, continue to do whatever you need to keep the story going.


Hey Robert, I keep promising myself to do something similar to your TSM outline,.. as soon as I get a round toit! ( family joke). Honestly, do you have any helpful hints on where to start, what type of end product to strive for, and how to maintain such an outline? Not asking for much. huh? A couple years ago I started a similar project for another long Literotica series, and it was not a third of TSM size at that time, then I sadly dropped it soon after beginning it,.. Too much work! :-) TTFN


Yeah Cornbread, spread the TSM gospel brother! M Tefler is definitely in the epic Erotic story telling businesses top 10%, maybe in the top 1%. His Invictus Story is Darn Good! I wonder how good and changed for the better his Setting Sail on the Black Sea tale will be if he ever gets back to it now that he has had so much experience with TSM ( Setting Sail was first posted in Literotica back in May of 2016),.. And do you still have that 6 pack in your fridge, or have you 'disappeared' it already? ( any left at all?), We have got to actually get together sometime! ;-) TTFN


I am trying Not to think about #141 being due soon,.. with #140 out the last of March, with it's subsequent 'additional pages' completed before mid April, so it has been approximately one month from the last installment,.. and I think that means that after this weekend we are due!!! I think,.. But he may wait another week or two (as is his god given right as this series Author),.. sigh,.. But I remain ever hopeful,.. and my poor F5 key takes a pounding (another sigh),.. and come on Tef !!!, Would you please return our precious purple pixie to us, please! How much longer do we need to wait?!? ;-) TTFN


Tefler stopped by Discord yesterday. He said he’s working on 141. Didn’t give any indication that he was near releasing though. He did mention Ailita was in 141 but not much else.


Do you suspect our reef/lake diving Nymphs and Helene may find something ( possibly an ancient treasure vault buried under what is now a lake? ) that could prove useful in finding of Mael'nerak's Throne world, or allowing Maliri to travel there safely?!? And Ailita points John's X-ray eyeballs in the correct direction? After the Party,.. of course! TTFN


I’m hopeful that we’ll see something from around the palace from Mael. But we should start with Jehanna getting Psychic powers. There is an open thread about Ailita being something special. Perhaps we’ll learn more about that. And lots of sex in run up to a battle.


Gracias Iraptor, you have much knowledge, and you share it, you are a good amigo! ttfn


So we are thinking at least one more real world weekend before we get to the Party at the Palace,.. and Jehanna's psychic ability revelation,.. and John's X-ray scan of the palace,.. and skinny-dipping with the Nymphs,.. and anything else installment #141 has to offer?!! ;-) ttfn


Just read the first 30 chapters. Really delightful. So easy to read and follow - it’s what got us all hooked on the series. So different than today’s chapters which are shall we say ‘richer’. There are so many side stories and sub plots that we can’t cycle through them all in 30K words. There isn’t much space available to advance what might be considered the main plot. We’re all familiar and invested in the characters and story, which makes the complexity an enjoyable reward. But I don’t think the story could have started out at this level and caught on. On the other hand if it didn’t get a bit more interesting and complex it might not have held our interest. It’s not unusual for stories to build like this. But the difference between chapter 1 and 140 is extreme. Tefler has clearly become a more sophisticated writer and the TSM universe is now much richer. But the simplicity of the first 30 chapters was a beautiful way to write also.

Michael Cummings

I agree the development of storyline/characters is outstanding! TSM caught my attention early on in the tale of John Blake and continues to keep my attention. The only other times that I have invested my time in a series was Asimov's foundation and robot series along with a few others like Goodkind. Jordon and herbet!!


Yes AzureR, I think you nailed it. The early story had energy and impetus which was the hook. As I have said before, I think the rest of the story is much harder to write, and this is the main reason it takes more time. Meanwhile Tefler needs his income, so the chapters have to be padded by easy-to-write scenes.


I’m curious...I remember when Tef was saying that he could finally quit his job and write full time. Is there another project he’s working on? I find it hard to believe that TSM is the only thing.


It has been suggested that our Tef is a procrastinator,.. and that he works better under pressure,.. as many others say they do too! ,.. and that might explain a few things,.. just sayin' ;-) TTFN


The Author Piers Anthony has probably the very best work habits of any of the present day writers. He has had a monkey on his back for many years and has come to terms with it. He has to write, and keep records,.. and even his hobbies involve writing, such as his newsletter! Mr. Anthony reminds me somewhat of Mark Twain, especially in some of his spending and investing habits. I do not say that Tef needs to go to those extremes, but here is a fine example of a prolific writer in Piers,.. we just need to wait until Tef's children are older and then maybe Tef can take up archery in both arms like Mr. Anthony,.. or try riding a recumbent bike,. it could be fun,.. just get out of your rut,.. ;-) TTFN

Justin Webb

I agree, Tefler is making over 8,200 a month per chapter so he should get out at least one if not two.


We have gone 10-12 weeks without updates before. Then again we also used to get 3 chapters a month. There’s no predicting how long until the next chapter will come out.


incarnations of imortality was quite a different take, but worth a read if your not strongly religious and easily offended by someones take on god, among other things.


I think I recall in other posts that Tefler likes the motivational energy that comes from needing to post by the end of the month. As a fellow procrastinator I’m with Tef on that. The problem is estimating the work so you know how close you can get to the end before you start working intensively. Complex or creative things, like writing 30K word chapters, pushes estimation close to wild guessing. Complexity changing over time, and TSM is getting more complex, makes last month’s estimate a deception. It all works out well unless the estimate is wrong. In Tef’s case that’s a $8200 mistake. Pretend your Scotty from Star Trek and pad those estimates!


Yes Chris, Piers Anthony has been a favorite author of mine for many, many, years! I am particularly found of his Xanth series,.. yes it is quite predictable in a large part of each stories format,.. and the juicy, sexy parts just take it right up to the edge and no further (Author's choice). And FYI Piers has written that along with interest in his magical land of Xanth tales, film makers were sniffing around his Adept series for a time,.. too bad nothing ever came of that! I still read his monthly newsletter,.. the guy just cannot stop writing! He even wrote an endorsement for another of our wonderful Literotica/Patreon Authors, a writer named Annabelle Hawthorne, who has her primary tale zooming through the 60+ chapters, and with a couple of related side stories too! I heartily recommend her work! You can't go wrong with a story titled Radley's Home for Horny Monsters,.. ;-) TTFN


"Ya dinna tell the Captain how long it would really take to fix it did ya?" Scotty asks Geordi La Forge incredulously! ;-) TTFN


Xanth is my happy book, and it is probably as kid friendly as shrek. It has some adult themes sometimes, but it is a mostly happy story, with a mostly happy ending and some lessons along the way. He has done some cool stuff with fans and mentioning sick kids too. And uses and gives credit to readers who submit puns and stuff. Read it a bit, if you like the humor and need to stay in a hospital for awhile it is great.


now writing all three styles? damn, that is some serious talent


I am still here, checking for updates, so I think pretty highly of Tefler too. Just while everyone is waiting, rather than complaining, I wanted to talk about books with a cool universe and big scope since we like that here.


I asked google, As of July 2020, there are 43 Xanth novels


Hi Chris, While the recent Xanth novel #43, was titled Jest Right,.. Xanth #44, Skeleton Key, also came out in 2020, and is currently the latest release. In the written but not yet published category are: #45. A Tryst of Fate which is do out soon,.. followed by #46, Six Crystal Princesses,.. then by #47, Apoca Lips soon after,.. that's the Xanth game plan for now. Courtesy of info from the Piers Anthony web site found at www.hipiers.com, this site includes his monthly newsletter too. He was working through a few publishing things a few years ago, and also his wife Carol passed away,.. but he still took his customary couple of months each year to write a new Xanth novel and he got a few tales ahead. Now there is a powerful work ethic for you! (and yeah, I am a Piers Anthony fan!, Anyone who changes his name so his books are placed in the very beginning of the sci-fi section "A" is an awesome guy!) ;-) TTFN


Speaking of reading books while in the hospital, Chris, have you read his book, Letters to Jenny? (Tor books, 1993). Jenny was a hospitalized young girl, who was a Xanth fan, and her mother read to her from Piers Anthony's books regularly,.. she wrote to Mr. Anthony, and he included a character (Jenny the elf) into his books, shortly before the real Jenny slipped into a coma. Piers still makes time to read his latest novels to Jenny, just in case she is listening. sigh, breaks your heart! but yes Xanth's pun filled chapters are a happy read for me too! ;-) TTFN


sad to hear about his wife. I am not big on following too much stuff, just a fan of his work. and that many books means a lot of stuff for us to read while we wait:) Celebrities personal lives should stay personal for me, writers included unless they want to share. What interests me is the work they have created or been part of. athletes and sports are not my thing at all.

Tefler Fan 007

All I want for my birthday is another chapter. Reading old chapters to pass the time.😁


I think Piers Anthony, who was a happily married ogre for an awesomely long time, must really like being married. Not very long after Coral passed, he got together with a fan that he had been corresponding with for sometime,.. and amazingly enough after they got together they decided to marry. Now Piers and MaryLee have had an anniversary already and they seem to be doing just fine. ( they had cake),.. As far as Xanth novels go,.. he has a beginning letter from his Xanth novels titles for all of the alphabet, but until recently he still had a couple more Starting letters of the alphabet to go to complete all 26 of the letters on the book titles ( a large number are of the same/duplicate starting letters from his 47 Xanth novels),.. but he has now completed the alphabet set! Will he try to conclude the Xanth series in a final book, or leave it open ended? :-) TTFN


Spoiler Alert: Tefler is diligently working on 141 today. He has given Jehanna some very special Psychic powers ( I won't spoil the surprise) And we have a little surprise coming with our newest nymph. Not to mention it ends on a minor cliff hanger, which is why he couldn't release it until it was completed. I'm pretty excited for y'all to read it.


Oh what I would give to be an editor for Tef. . .


I would give my third leg ... Unfortunately i have only two legs.. Oh Dear, What a Shame, Never Mind

Brian Woods

Cliffhanger? Hmmmm...given that the party should be in full swing and probably finished in 30,000 words or so, does that mean Valada left behind a personal vault in her palace filled with secret historical documents regarding her time with Mael? Perhaps a steamy diary or several in flagrante frescos??? Maybe even some veiled references to the Astral creatures or pillow talk from Mael about the Achonin...

Brittany durin

You would only give your third leg that's disappointing , I'll give you my first born son Tef


That makes good sense: Tefler is an expert at childcare by now ;)


I saw the comments on here and thought I would reply. I read a lot, and the way i deal with trying to remember what's previously happened is to keep reading.. there's usually something to jog the memory at some point. I used to read too fast I found, now I read slower to really take in every sentence. It has made a big difference in my being able to remember. And this is coming from a person with fibromyalgia, that suffers from fibro fog all the time. I still have problems with memory, but it's not so bad with reading now. Heh, today i couldn't remember the word for "fence", it's frustrating as hell... I was pointing at it too 🤣 Btw, Keep up the good work tefler, big fan of your series. 😘

Tefler Fan 007

Random subject. I’ve been reading old chapters and I can’t remember which chapter has the one where Maria masturbate thinking of John. Can anyone tell me which chapter that is if they remember please.


Now this is a good teaser 🙂 I hope we get to know what happens with those rescued abandoned as well


any word from tef?

Brittany durin

Best way to past the time is to sleep 9 hours and work 12 hours

Jedi Khan

Yeah, but that's just one day. What about the rest of the days?

Brittany durin

I realize I'm having withdrawals I'm refreshing the page on my phone every hour and every 30 mins


I honestly can't wait for the next chapter

Tefler Fan 007

Twitch....need new chapter....twitch.... must have more.... twitch....need TSM to continue.... 🥺


,.. sip,.. burp!,.. drool,.. wipe chin,.. squint,.. locate F5 key,.. press F5 key,.. pause,.. sip,.. burp!,.. drool some more,.. wipe chin again,.. squint in search of F5 key,.. press F5 key,.. pause,.. look around,.. what day is it?,.. when did I last eat something?,.. sip more beer,... burp!,.. ( better out than in ),.. drooling,.. repeat on loop until Tef sends #141,... ;-) TTFN


,.. Helene and the Nymphs get John to join them for a swim, and he then X-rays under the Lake and Shazam!,.. finds a long lost vault!,.. And while Alyssa TK's the excavation of the vault, John checks on some of the new stuff that Sparks is preparing for the next version of Invicitus,.. then John gets buried under a wave of sexy blue nobility,.. (30,000 words latter and we wonder where the time went),.. drool wipe,.. burp! ;-) TTFN


Will the gang manage to have a PARTY without anyone getting blown up, shot, stabbed, or killed! Such a rare thing to happen,.. but Luna will be watching,.. so,.. it's possible,.. and besides, who on Valadan would want to hurt them? ( unless Tef introduces a new subplot, with another character or six,.. ) :-) TTFN


Just logged off from work and ready to read. This is getting bad, I found myself hitting the F5 button while working. Where is the support group for this illness and do they have beer? On a side note: I am in Texas, but listening to Tim Westwood on Capital Xtra so I can be closer to the chapter release

Tefler Fan 007

I’ll bring beer if someone brings food...( insert serenity prayer)....Hello everyone, it’s been 45 days since the last new TSM chapter. I’ve been checking my phone daily but have not seen it yet....I’m sorry I think I might have a problem 🥺...😁🤣


rereading chapters from chapter #100,.. sip,.. burp!,.. drool,.. wipe chin,.. squint,.. locate F5 key,.. press F5 key,.. pause,.. sip,.. burp!,.. drool some more,.. wipe chin again,.. squint in search of F5 key,.. press F5 key,.. pause,.. look around,.. what day is it?,.. when did I last eat something?,.. what page was I on?,.. sip more beer,... burp!,.. ( "better out than in", Sir Shreik and I always say ),.. some light drooling,.. repeat on loop until Tef sends #141,... ;-) TTFN


,.. squint with blurry eyes,.. C. H. Darkstrider just shared "Project Prometheus Ch. 36 - Teaser" for patrons only,.. well that's something anyway,.. and more to come soon,.. ;-) (burp!) TTFN


Between C.H. and Telfer getting close to drop their chapters. This could be an excellent weekend.


You know I haven't seen a poll done by tefler for ages. Maybe that would help us find out whether we would be good with waiting so tefler can stabilise his work schedule. Using the extra time to plan out more, etc. And artwork, missed some quality artwork :)

Chioke Nelson

This is dumb, but have we ever gotten definitive measurements for the MC's dick?


F5... F5... F5

Tefler Fan 007

Maybe Tefler will wait till end of month and release 2 chapters.

Brittany durin

47 days since last chapter I've managed to reread story 10 times

Brittany durin

Has there been any talk about Gahl'kalgor since chapter 128?


Pages 66-68 of Chapter 137 have a scene with Valeria, his Matriarch.


My bet is on 141 coming out on 1 June between 1 and 5am BST (UTC+1). There is no motivation for an earlier release now. It is better for Tefler to start plotting 142 and release 141 after that.


,.. (sings off key,..), Where oh Where is my chapter #141,.. oh where oh where can it be,.. sip,.. burp!,.. drool,.. wipe chin,.. squint,.. locate F5 key,.. press F5 key,.. pause,.. sip,.. burp!,.. drool some more,.. wipe chin again,.. squint in search of F5 key,.. press F5 key,.. pause,.. look around,.. what day is it?,.. when did I last eat something?,.. what page was I on?,.. sip more beer,... burp!,.. ( "better out than in", Sir Shreik and I always say ),.. some light drooling,.. repeat on loop until Tef sends #141,.. I sense a disturbance in the Force, #141 is getting close!,.. And Alyssa could take out Skywalker, easy peasy! ;-) TTFN


,.. take another sip of beer, glug!,.. burp!, drool,.. wipe chin,.. squint with blurry eyes,.. C. H. Darkstrider has shared "Project Prometheus Ch. 36 - Teaser" for patrons only,.. well that's something anyway,.. and more to come soon,.. awaiting along with #141,.. HAH!, F5 key, there you both are,.. miss, press the other one,.. pause,.. wait,.. sip,.. repeat,.. ;-) (burp!) TTFN


Congrats Tefler on reaching and exceeding 4500 patrons!!! Glad to see there is no end in sight!!!!

Tefler Fan 007

Dear Diary....It’s been 48 days since my last TSM chapter. I think I’m going to lose my mind soon. Hopefully Tefler will give us a new chapter soon.🥺. I would be happy with anything right now. Willing to trade Michael56Smith children for new chapter.🤣


,.. that's a huge YEAH! Congrats Tef! ( people write Congrats, when they can't spell congratzullashons,.._),.. ;-) Burp!,.. press F5 key again,.. TTFN


Omg 😳 I need my tsm yo

Tefler Fan 007

Ok starting to like Project prometheus. Good story line.


Well, considering how Tefler said he would let us know “when it is nearly ready in May” I am predicting that we won’t get it until the end of the month, and that it will be pircemealed with him finishing it sometime in June.

Tefler Fan 007

I would like Radom updates, “working on ending “, “waiting on editors”, or “spending time with family “. Just something.


So just check this page at the end of each month now? Got it.


Thinking about reading the story backwards.


Does anyone know the discord for TSM?


Here is a link for Discord. https://discord.gg/CEA9V7zX Good luck, Discord is almost worth your time ;-) TTFN


,.. ( still singing off key--even the acoustics in the shower do not help,..), Where oh Where is my chapter #141,.. oh where oh where can it be,.. sip,.. burp!,.. drool,.. wipe chin,.. dry off with fluffy towel,.. squint,.. locate F5 key,.. press F5 key,.. pause,.. sip,.. burp!,.. drool some more,.. wipe chin again,.. squint in search of F5 key,.. press F5 key,.. pause,.. look around,.. the sun is up,.. what day is it today?,.. when did I last have something to eat?,.. what chapter was I rereading?,.. I think Faye was still alive,.. sip more beer,... burp!,.. (well, "better out than in", I always say),.. some light drooling,.. repeat on loop until Tef ultimately sends #141, or until I prune up from too many showers,.. I still sense a disturbance in the Force,.. the long awaited party chapter, burp!, #141 continues to grow closer!,.. And Alyssa is strong with the Force! ;-) TTFN

Tefler Fan 007

Dear diary... it’s been 51 days since the last TSM new chapter. Michael56Smith is almost out of beer and going through alcohol withdrawals. Hopefully we will get two chapters at the end of the month. On the plus side Project Prometheus has turned into good series but I need to ration it out so I don’t have to wait for new chapters from two different authors.


No updates for May, either?

Jim lynch

Oh bloody hell im going bonkers with all the waiting and f5 pressing I’ve been at it over two weeks now lol.


That is my current dilemma. I am happy to see you are liking Project Prometheus. What Chapter are you on?

Anthony Kester

Dear Tefler, I write to you today in the hope that you'll release 141 soon so the inmates will go back to their cells and order will be restored to the asylum. More specifically, you can end Michael56Smith's and Tefler Fan 007's pain and madness. Well, I doubt that they will ever regain their sanity. Also, think of those poor keyboards and the innocent F5 keys that have been destroyed by impatient fans of yours. Due to the world chip shortage, I doubt that they will be replaced anytime soon. Please release 141 for the keyboards, for the F5 keys and most important of all, do it for your slightly off their rocker fans. Sincerely, one of your crazies, Admiral Kester


Harken to my wise words.... it will be ready when it’s ready! keep calm, carry on, do what I do, start at chapter 1 and enjoy Faye all over again, then hope we get her back Dismissed!

Anthony Kester

My money is on that 141 won't be out till the end of the month. I am also willing to bet that we will get a fully edited chapter. If anyone wants, we can make a side bet that Tefler has already started 142.


Burp!,.. thank you for caring Anthony,.. you're a good guy,.. hic, burp!,.. drool,.. is #141 out yet?,.. (ahh, disappointed),.. find F5 key,.. press key,.. pause,.. squint,.. drool,.. wipe chin,.. repeat in a loop until Tef releases #141,.. ;-) (,.. and I hope that Lynnette finally let your fleet return from the Trankaran border, to get your ships refitted, and your crew some much needed shore leave,.. sip,.. burp!,.. wipe chin,.. ) TTFN

Brittany durin

I'll bet that 141 is released in June

Anthony Kester

All bets must be made in Monopoly money and all times and dates are in US Pacific Time.

Tefler Fan 007

Kinko’s money is the only acceptable currency. If you’re old enough to remember that business. 😁


Honestly wouldn't be bad if he updated us or something more. I started reading Home for Horny Monsters too years ago because of his schedule

Tom Ray

I guess I will be moving on to another story


Lol, i‘m reading several different authors here on Patreon. You can‘t expect one person to satisfy your reading, can you?

Tefler Fan 007

Plus He is not even a patron of Tefler.


As there has been lots of conversation about the time Tefler is taking between chapters, I thought I would share my personal experience which might be relevant. This is not me trying to be an apologist, just me providing possible insights. I don't know the nature of Tefler's writing challenges. I do know he has mentioned more than one issue such as just managing the scope of the story and trying to figure out how to wrap things up. Apparently, he has also shared that he works best with a hard deadline meaning that procrastination can be an issue. For me, there are two types of procrastination. The first is 'ordinary procrastination' like I need to mow the grass. I might not be in a hurry to do it, but it always gets done before the situation gets too unruly. However, at times, I have also dealt with what I will call 'pathological procrastination'. This occurs when I don't do the work that is my livelihood. It doesn't matter that I enjoy my work or that not doing it has real and negative consequences. Typically, my issue is digging into something -- not usually starting a new project -- just getting on with the next chapter (figuratively) of a piece of work. Once I do start, I am often fine and get on a productive run. But man, sometimes that starting really is an issue. When I am in one of those cycles, I tend to retreat from life somewhat. The last thing I want to do is provide those waiting for my work with an update. This is in part because I don't have answers and in part because I am embarrassed. Not keeping someone posted is rude, but the lack of updates is not done out of lack of caring -- more a lack of coping. Again, I don't know Tefler's circumstances, but if he is anything like me, he is not going out of his way to annoy his patrons. Instead, he is dealing with a painful type of writers' block that has affected some of the world's greatest authors.


Here's the thing. None of us wants to harass Tefler, it's that he has created an universe that we are invested. We are on that F5 key monthly waiting to know what is going to happen next. I would be happy with a bi-monthly schedule because it would give Tefler time to put out quality work. But, I will say to Tefler what my wife tells me, some communication would have solved all this drama. Maybe a teaser 🤔


Oh, Burp! my God! that was pretty darn cute! ,.. pause,.. what was cute? ,.. sip,.. stretch- pop,.. I wonder if #141 has come out yet,.. I wonder where that darned 'ol F5 key has gotten to,.. burp!,.. drool,.. wipe,.. If Tef would communicate more it would make stocking up on beer and chips easier,.. burp again,.. sometime this week,.. or so I guess,.. burp! looping endlessly until #141 magically appears,.. ;-) TTFN

Who Me

Only 8 more days until Christmas!

Tefler Fan 007

More Patron generated teasers please....”John is surprised when Maria shows up with a hall pass to use with John...”


Burp!,.. Ha-ha-ha,.. and lol-roflmao!,.. burp-hick-drool,.. wipe chin,.. looping,.. ;-) TTFN


LOL, OMG 😲 You adults stop it and go back to your cells 😤


YES. C.H. just dropped chapter 36. I will catch you folks in a few hours

Tefler Fan 007

Great...wish chapter 141 would drop.🥺

Anthony Kester

Dear Diary, Tefler still hasn't released 141, we have had no new material in almost two months. The management has yet to acknowledge our pain as if this was some sadistic game to them. We may be forced to retake the asylum again in protest. I've tried rereading previous chapters but the passages with Faye in them just make me sad. All attempts at forming a 12 step program or group therapy meeting have failed, since nobody will acknowledge they have a problem. We are all fucked in the head. Admiral Kester

Who Me

Discord invite - https://discord.gg/


,.. one more week until the last day of May,.. #141 drops, and Tef gets paid,.. then we wait until late July or August for #142,.. uhhh,.. if this wasn't such a darn good story,.. :-) (,.. it looks like we will be lucky to get as many as 6 installments per year,..) TTFN

Anthony Kester

(Bro Hugs) It will be ok Michael, Tefler I'm sure is working as fast as he can. You have enough chips, beer and drool rags for the next week?


Back to guessing Jehanna's psychic abilities: I was wondering if one of them might be psychic speed,... Sakura is mostly off in the Mech,.. so Jehanna could keep up with John and watch his back and he could watch over her too (John would like that). Just give her two Tachyon rifles ( one to shoot while the other cools off) and she'd be pretty bad ass even without more combat oriented powers. Now what other ability(s) would go good for her? Just shout out your ideas! ;-) TTFN


Burp!,.. I'll take swig for each power put forward,.. hick,.. drool,.. wipe,.. BEGIN!


You guys need to be thinking City of Heroes. Who do we have for a Defender, Tanker, Blaster, Controller and Scrapper?


Burp!,.. yeah Cornbread,... rapid fire burping!!!,.. Jehanna could do all kinds of awesome stuff,... groan,.. tummy hurts now,.. must not spill beer, I was a bad-boy!! ;-) TTFN

Tefler Fan 007

We need more teasers....”John asks Jade to help at the party and she makes all the matriarchs air tight with Tentacles.”


And Fleet Admiral Lynette, burp!,.. hick,.. little rolling burp!,.. spittle on chin,.. wipe chin,.. where was I?,.. Oh yeah!,.. Lynette Marie shares that she is one of John's secret Lionesses (but - shh - they must keep it a secret), and then starts an Orgy to make some major political points with the leaders of the outer systems!,.. hick,.. burp!,.. crunch on some chips,.. ;-) TTFN

Anthony Kester

Shh... It's a secret. It's also a secret that the Maliri are sexy blue space elves. Shh... Don't tell anyone.


Burraapp! excuse me,u.. hick, drool, wipe,.. sip,.. burp!,.. Now where was I? Oh yeah! Faye's wings, or lack of them on her chassis,... why not holographic wings? ;-) TTFN


Burp!,.. do you think Daphne can sing?,.. does she have all her Mother's creative music notes?,.. sip,.. ;-) (She could be Papa John's new Alarm clock) TTFN


Burp!,.. I wonder if Faye could have used that spin cycle setting to out race the nymphs in the lagoon,.. like a little out board motor!,.. hick,.. ;-) TTFN


,.. and if she had a boat motor, would our Grand Engineering Overlord. Dana, have included hydrofoils for Faye's chassis?,.. then she could 'fly' above the water ( like Tinkerbelle in the first Peter Pan Disney cartoon),.. so cool,.. yeah sparks would have done it,.. even though the deep water gave her the willies. ;-) TTFN


I find it really cool that a girl likes this story it is my all time fav good for you brittany your epic girl


Put us out of our misery @Tefler!

Tefler Fan 007

Dear Tefler, It’s been 56 days since the last chapter and many of us are losing our minds. Cornbread had Michael, Tony, and I locked up for our own safety. Michael took one ( maybe 6) for the team to get the key to get us out. Now he is drowning his pain in beer and whiskey provided by Tony and I. Cornbread got a splinter in his ass rolling on the floor laughing. Please put us out of our misery and release the chapter earlier than the end of the month. If not, other readers will be subjected to our made up teasers and spoilers which could cause more splitters rolling on the floor laughing. Thank you for your time. TF007


My best guess would be for #141's appearance to be after this next weekend, but prior to the end of the month, so May 30th or 31st when the long awaited #141 is available,.. then a month or three until #142,.. sigh,.. for what my guess is worth,.. ;-) TTFN


Going back into my cell and starting a pizza eating strike until our demands for a new chapter are met. I will need a few beers.

Tefler Fan 007

I believe Michael has drank all the beers, however I do have a bottle of Makers Mark whiskey for you.🍺🥃. and please don’t ask where Michael hides the keys🤣😜


I will be starting Centauri bliss by skyler grant tho I highly doubt it will be on par with tsm


Less explicit, same problem of too many girls burying the individual personalities, but the story is much faster and tighter paced, due to being much short.


Please, please post a new chapter the wife is in extreme withdrawal!


,.. burp!,.. (singing off key),.. "where oh where has my #141 gone, oh where oh where can it be",.. "We're Animaniacs,..",.. "balogna in our slacks",.. humming softly as I sip my beer while I scratch and belch!,.. looking at calendar,.. 31 May 2021 is next Monday,.. I think #141 will out on Sunday or Monday,.. I can wait few more days (barely!!!!). ;-) (humming continues,..) TTFN

Tefler Fan 007

It will be ok ( hand you a 6 pack). We will get you the help you need (hand you nachos with chili and cheese). Your friends will take care of you.

Anthony Kester

Yup, Michael has officially gone actual crazy. (bro hugs)


,.. shh,.. Hello Nurse!!!!,.. "we're Animaniacs,.. we've got balogna in our slacks",.. say good night #141,.. hey have you found Gracie yet?,.. sip,.. burp,.. drool,.. ;-) TTFN


Teaser: ,.. and then the New Matriarchs teased John so much that missed the trip to Mael'neraks Throne world,.. but Alyssa took some pictures for him,.. she's a 'good girl',.. ;-) TTFN


Yeah!,.. burp!,.. I'm part of a group (hooray!), and they want to see that I'm looked after,.. and after my little nap they are are going to teach me how Houdini got out of those funny canvas jackets,.. belch-excuse me!,.. Say good night, Anthony, TF007, Cornbread, and the Animanics ( and their sister Dot),.. clang goes the WB water tower door,.. burp!,.. drool,.. wipe,.. good night! ;-) TTFN


Sticking head out the cell door, looked at Doc Rachel and yell "Hello Nurse"

Anthony Kester

Goodnight, Anthony, TF007, Cornbread and the Animaniacs (and their sister Dot)

Tefler Fan 007

Doc Rachel and Nurse Dana can give me a physical anytime they want😁

Anthony Kester

Do your eyes shoot out of your head and your tongue unrolls onto the floor? Do you start howling, panting and whistling as the good Doctor and her Nurse Dana walk by?


,.. After Dinner Teaser: John prepared spaghetti and meatballs, with garlic bread and a salad, yummy!,.. "Dinner was wonderful, thank you," Alyssa said, giving John a grateful smile,.. "I'm glad you enjoyed it," he replied, finishing his wine and leaving the glass on the table.,.. Calara rose to her feet and reached for his plate. "Let us tidy up. Why don't you sit on the sofas and relax for a few minutes?",.. Betrixa bounded around the table to give him a quick kiss. "That was yummy, thanks!",.. "You're welcome," John said, returning her smile,.. burp! ,.. Betrixa looked startled by his somber tone. "This one will do whatever you want, Master," she said obediently,.. Seeing the difference in her attitude he gave her an encouraging smile. "That's a good girl." ;-) TTFN


,.. TF007, is there any more of that nacho platter? ,.. and Hey Cornbread, pass me the chips,.. And Tony slide that dip over here,.. NO THROWING IT THIS TIME!!,.. are we partying or what?,.. burp! ;-) (,.. do any of you guys want a cell key?,..) TTFN


,.. tell me the truth,.. Is all of this Zany, Toony shit a fun distraction while we wait,.. for something,.. now what was it again?,.. some kind of number I think,.. Oh yeah!,.. come on out Gracie!,.. and did you bring that #141 with you?,.. nah, it's not the 31st yet! ;-) TTFN


I have Doritos, Funyuns Lays, Pringles and Veggie chips(how did those get in there)


Everyone: It's time for Teflermaniacs And we're zany to the max So just sit back and relax. You'll laugh till you collapse. We're Teflermaniacs Michael and Anthony: Come join the Addict Brothers Brittany: And the Addict Sister Brit Everyone: Just for fun, we run around the Tefler movie lot. They lock us in the tower whenever we get caught. But we break loose and then vamoose and now you know the plot. We're Teflermaniacs Brit is cute and Michael yaks. Anthony packs away the snacks While Tefler Fan 007 plays the sax We've got wisecracks by the stacks. Tefler pay zero of income tax. We're Teflermaniacs Meet Lilith and Rus who want to rule the universe. Addicts flock together, while Tefler whacks them with his purse. Jedi Khan chases Cignal, while Muledriver sings a verse. The writers flipped, We have no script, Why bother to rehearse? All: We're Teflermaniacs We have pay-or-play contracts We're zany to the max There's baloney in our slacks! We're Teflermani Totally insane-y Teflermaniacs! Those are the facts!


Sorry if I offended anyone. Only took about 20 minutes to redo this. Anyone is welcome to change it and post their own.


i am defiantly feeling the withdrawals from your stores it is my addiction for sure, i hope you and the family are well. i just know after the last cliff hanger the next chapters will be Killer, Stay Well!


Burp!,.. It's Time for Tefler-man-iacs, But were still waiting for the next act,.. So Just Sit Back and Relax, You'll press F5 till you collapse. Were Tefler-maniacs Come Join the Tefler Brothers and the Tefler Sister- Burp!,.. (sorry-but you should hear me belch the Alphabet! hoo-wee, and Shazam!) -- hey there Cornbread!,.. Addicted?,.. it's just beer!,.. You want me to come with you?!,.. back to my cell?!!,.. Run away-runaway!,.. ;-) (still can't get that tune out of my head) TTFN


Burp!,.. hick,.. Belch,.. Darn you DHC, you started this: (this is the PC Animaniacs version--enjoy!) It's time for Animaniacs And we're zany to the max! So just sit back and relax. You'll laugh 'til you collapse. We're Animaniacs! Come join the Warner Brothers And the Warner Sister, Dot! Just for fun, we run around The Warner movie lot They lock us in the tower Whenever we get caught, But we break loose and then vamoose And now you know the plot We're Animaniacs! Dot has wit and Yakko yaks Wakko packs away the snacks Our careers have made comebacks! We're Animaniacs! Meet Pinky and the Brain Who want to rule the universe. A brand new cast who tested well In focused group research Gender balanced, pronoun-neutral, And ethnically diverse The trolls will say "We're so passe" But we did meta first We're Animaniacs! You should see our new contracts! We're zany to the max! There's baloney in our slacks! We're Animani- Totally insane-y Have no shame-y! An-i-man-i-acs! Those are the facts (,.. oh boy!,.. that tune is stuck in there,.. and it may never come out!,.. burp!)


To everyone else waiting for Chapter 141, I am so sorry. They keep getting lose and causing havoc. Mike, no you cannot turn your cell into a bar. This is starting to feel like an episode of Hogan's Heroes with all these escapes.


Buurp! ,.. and I don't think that Brittany is an overweight guy living in a basement,.. just 'cause she likes a good erotic space opera,.. she's just smart and is still living under a lame ass Covid lockdown where she's at,.. maybe?!! ,.. and yep, the toilet batch is ready,.. do you need some for your nudy bar Tony? ;-) ( ,.. and I want to ask Dana if she'll do a lap dance after her last number,.. grins, waving some bills,.. ) TaTa's for Now (,... I've got a thing for top heavy red-heads,.. ) TTFN

Anthony Kester

TF007 drank all the booze, so we will need more. She said she does lap dances, but only for Progenitors. You aren't the only one that has a thing for busty redheads my friend.


Burp and burp again,.. Hey Tony do you think the pole dancers will bump and grind for Monopoly dollars?,.. or Kinkos cash?,.. belch-drool-wipe,.. ;-) TTFN

Tefler Fan 007

In a moment of clarity ( drunk on toilet water) I had a random thought. Dana has been going on about needing the black metal to hold all the forces created by the wormhole generator and quantum flux cannon but they already have something that could contain it. The singularity generator can hold a black hole with the tyrenium lattice in the containment chamber. Dana could use that metal to help build the wormhole generator and quantum flux cannon.....damn my brain is hurting after that kool-Aid Michael made...good shit...🤣🧐


Yeah, that commoade kool-aid is addicting stuff,... and burp!,.. damn that single element (Tyrenium) might not be enough, but Dana has worked with multiple elements to form super strong alloys before,.. great idea,.. Shout it out to Tefler ASAP,.. Sparks needs this hot idea!,.. Belch,.. drops bag of Cheetos,.. hick,.. head spinning from picking up bag of Cheetos,.. drooling,.. now wiping chin,.. oh yeah, good idea TF007,.. spread the word,.. too bad Faye isn't there to help Dana this time,.. sigh,.. ;-) TTFN


Hey there pretty colors guy,.. I had a theory, once upon a time, that those damn Progenitors who liked to blow up perfectly good worlds,.. and a side effect of being Quantum Annihilated would be a small fraction of the blasted material would become the precious black ore, and perhaps Tyrenium is a close cousin element,.. what cha think? :-l TTFN

Tefler Fan 007

Great minds think a like. I had that same idea. There has to be a limit to the amount of Material is in the universe so after all their wars they have to be able to create more of the black metal. Destroying planets would give them more.


Yeah, but Cornbread would want to keep us in our cells, writing! I still have few cell keys left,.. and he really likes the commode kool-aid,.. so it might not be a problem,,, ;-) TTFN

Anthony Kester

Dear Diary, I woke up today and still nothing from Tefler, so I cried. Then I thought about Faye and cried some more. Started to read the comments on Patreon and laughed. Did have to call the asylum and let them know everyone has keys to their cells. With that said, they did come and take my keys. I think I'll finish this fine single malt toilet Kool-Aid that Michael made before they toss my cell again and find my stash of redhead porn. Admiral Kester


Burp!,.. Hey Tony,.. I have a great place to hide stuff,.. if you let me check out your stash of red-head porn, then you may hide your contraband with me,.. what do you say,.. deal?,... sip,.. burp!,.. hick,.. drool,.. wipe,.. Think about it!,.. ;-) TTFN


Burp!,.. I have been rereading TSM again,.. and I am currently on chap #125,.. the past few chapters with the Invictus cut in two, and Faye's server destroyed, were still so sad,... even after multiple re-readings. Damn! that Tefler writes good! :-) TTFN

Anthony Kester

(bro hugs) She will be back. Just keep thinking that and clicking your heals three times.

Tefler Fan 007

In another moment of clarity (kool aid toilet water) I have a feeling that John will claim Larn’kars empire have all the males/ children/ women who survived transported back to Maliri space. Since they are all genetically compatible the males could help stabilize the population. He could claim one of the females that comes of age as his forth Monarch. This way he would get all their ships and get a population boost of manpower. Since they are not bound to any progenitor he could probably claim them.


Burp!,.. hick,.. drool,.. (go browns!),.. wipe chin,.. oh where was I ? ,.. Oh, yeah, you do think big TF007, but even moving a portion of a few of those (hundreds?) of worlds, which would give the Maliri population a huge boost,.. remember,.. with a population in the multi-billions plus, it could take quite a while to move the entire former empire's people, thus getting out of the Progenitor War's harm's way!; And even when claimed, would the light-green and blue skinned babes still need to be kept in their neutral corners?,... Perhaps they would be safer as defenseless, unclaimed worlds, maybe?,.. So, why not leave them there for the safer short term, but then later rearm and train them to resist other Progenitors,.. after John's forces can mass produce superior vessels and gear,.. get more and more to fight on our side,.. mixing the various colors up can wait until after the Progenitor Wars are all over (baby making time! -- yah-hoo!). Then, bolster various planets populations as needed in ALL of the former empires, and voila!,.. you have the Kyth’faren empire reborn!,.. ;-) TTFN


I honestly doubt John want’s to claim another entire race but he may not have a choice. If he doesn’t claim them some other progenitor will. Besides capturing the ships he needs to destroy Larn’s soul forge and anything else another progenitor might find useful. On the other hand an entire race where all the adult women (that Larn didn’t kill) are 18-19 yr old sweet, innocent teenagers would probably be John’s wet dream.

Tefler Fan 007

Maliri women come of age at age 30 so that is equivalent to being 18 in human years


Belch!,.. yeah what to do with all the various former Progenitor claimed empire's peoples is a huge problem,.. and what do with the Abandoned is a similarly big problem, but on a smaller numbers scale! I'm sure glad they're not my problems to fix,.. best of luck Tef! :-) TTFN

Tefler Fan 007

The abandoned are going to get the brimorian empire after they get wiped out by Kirrix when they invade because the Maliri took out their Border fleet.

Tefler Fan 007

Spoiler/Teaser- The fallen progenitors will find the Ashanath Command subplane and destroy it. John will bring them to Alyssa subplane and Athena will watch over them.


Burpity, burp, burp!,.. oh yeah,.. One thing that I'd like to see on this refit is, wait for it,.. drum roll please,.. Take all the good stuff out of the Ascendancy Progenitor Stealth shuttle, like it's sensors, shields, and weapons,.. and build that destroyer/frigate class Aux vessel they have talked about for nearly a hundred chapters,.. The Maliri engineers could do 90% of the work with a little guidance from Sparks,.. and some Crystal Alyssium part time shaping by John or his XO. A middle sized stealth ship with some teeth! A few progenitor power cores and some ultra powerful engines too,.. maybe even missile launchers (say EMP ala Vulkat). Add some tachyon lances and/or cannons upgraded to taste and voila, it is done! (drooling,..) '-) TTFN


Yeah!,.. Scratch, and belch!,.. that would be interesting,.. plus we'd see more of Athena, I liked her! ;-) TTFN

Tefler Fan 007

I have a feeling the progenitor shuttle is going to be used in a different way. Helane is going to cleanse it turning it all white and then Dana is going to use her powers to fix the atomic structure and make it a white version. Dana has all the progenitor knowledge now so she would know what the atomic structure should look like and can repair it.🧐


,.. drooling,.. tilting head from side to side,.. looking but not finding,.. oh well, I must have imaged that I write this before,.. deja-vu all over again!,.. Did any of you guys notice that Tef's number's besides climbing past 4,500 contributors, has now passed $8,300?, in loot when the next chapter is made available! ($8,301). I said it before and I'll say it again,.. the addicted fans are circling,.. it must be nearing the drop date for #141,.. yeah! ;-) TTFN

Tefler Fan 007

Yes but after he drops the chapter it will drop by 1000 because people put fake numbers or turned off pledges. It was at 8000 another time and then dropped down to 7200.


i hope so after this long i hope it has 100,000 words super chapter


I'd still be happy with approximately 60,000 words,.. that's still almost twice what we get elsewhere! ;-) TTFN


Burp!,.. And if that dreamy Aux craft is constructed this refit -- the New ships CREW: so, would some or all the Invictus crew temporarily transfer over to it? Or would it have at least a few dedicated crew of it's own? How about a few from all the allies, Terran, Ashsanth, Trankaran, and Maliri,.. A Maliri hacker,.. Rock bros for security and ship defense,..( can you imagine Sparks giving some big tough guys like that, their own Armor and huge ass gear!),.. Terrans (some youth restored retired T-Fed Navy babes with ship experience),.. and some little gray engineers to bend a few alloys,.. (maybe we could see what effect John's cum will have 'improving' the already psychic Ashsanth!?! ) Who knows,.. maybe we'll need some auxiliary vehicles that ex-Commander Tom Walker could fly,..? and I'm sure that the new ship can use a nymph or two, plus some computer VI or AI help too! ;-) "dream a little dream with me" TTFN


Oh, before forget,.. burp,.. hick,.. sip some more beer,.. ahh,.. Dana should take a stab at building a Progenitor cum Vat that will hold at least somewhere around 2 or 3 full quad loads,.. especially useful for the new Frigate/Destroyer ship's crew to heal themselves with,.. Maybe Rachel can come up with a safe preserving solution that can be added to the cum in the vat that helps it stay strong and potent for months at a time,.. '-) TTFN


There's something srsly wrong with Michael over here.

Anthony Kester

And you are just figuring this out? Just don't forget to add DHC, TF007, Cornbread and that complete nut job Admiral Kester to the list. I mean, who in their right mind rams their perfectly good Dreadnaught into another spaceship?


Y'all need a shrink


Singing off key,.. We're Tefler-maniacs,... and we're zany to the max,.. humming the tune,.. and there's bologna in our slacks,.. totally insane-y,.. the rain in Spain-y,.. Tefler-man-iacs,.. and those are the facts! ;-) TTFN


,.. singing off key,.. and we run around the Tefler movie lot,.. they lock us in the water tower whenever we get caught,.. then we get loose and we vamoose, and now you know the plot,.. humming the tune,.. burp! ;-) TTFN


It's Time for Tefler-man-iacs, And we're waiting for the next act So Just Sit Back and Relax, You'll press F5 till you collapse. Were Tefler-maniacs Come Join the Tefler Brothers and the Tefler Sister,.. Belch!!!! excuse me!,.. and it's good manners that you say you're sorry Anthony! ,.. that's a good boy,.. pats on the head,.. burp!,.. ;-) TTFN


Hey Tony,.. that's some quality red-porn you got in your stash,.. burp!,.. really good stuff,.. I think I'm in love with the October center fold,.. but I notice a lot of creases were already on those pages,.. burp!,.. hick,.. sip,.. ;-) TTFN


,.. when Miss Elani did that interview with Miss October,.. and then when we left her vanity card blank she thought that was a really cute idea, plus we didn't have to think of anything creative to write on it ( 'cause we had a case of writer's block anyhow!_) burp!,.. I wonder how Tef's writers block is coming along?,.. totally insane-y... have no shame-y,... Tefler-man-iacs! ;-) TTFN


,.. burp!,.. yeah, I know Tony,.. back to my cell,.. and your Miss October is still perfectly safe, I swear!,..( I really like red-heads too,.. did you know that?),.. belch,.. hick-up,.. OH!,.. ralphing all over your shoes,.. sorry!,.. then turns quickly to run away,.. and SMACKs directly into a phone pole,.. ouch! ;-( ;-) TTFN

Tefler Fan 007

Dear Diary, It’s been 59 days since the last chapter. Michael, Tony, cornbread, DHC, and I have all lost our minds. It might be because Michael got us drunk drinking the kool aid from his cell and started singing Tefler maniacs. Don’t know what the big deal is about releasing it now versus 2 days from now because the chapter is probably completely finished. Until then we band of crazy brothers will continue to post spoilers, teaser, and all other random shit until 141 is released. Then we will reset the clock and start all over again. Cheers 🍻 and Happy Memorial Day weekend to our brave members in our armed forces. TF007


Burp!,.. hey thanks TF007,.. it was an honor to serve,.. ( 20 years in the USAF-retired),.. those were some awesome times for me!,.. and now the next Teaser: ,.. and then the shower door opened and ALL of John's girls joined him,.. their soapy hands felt really nice!,.. ;-) TTFN


Burp! ,.. and another Teaser: ,.. and John gets all moody thinking about how his Progenitor subconscious has been messing with his girls,.. then Dana tells him that she was a flat chested orphan girl, that was forced to work for a gang making guns,.. but NOW! She's got this Awesome rack,.. and she is SO happy!,.. kiss-y, kiss-y!,.. ;-) (that was a good one) TTFN


Burp!,.. and then we have another Teaser: ,.. Jade piloted the Invictus directly between the two enemy battleships,.. and Calara lets loose with broadsides in both directions,.. completely destroying the bad guys,.. then John called for a quick debrief before the celebratory orgy! whoopee!,.. After which they all took a shower together!,.. and again Whoopee! ,.. ;-) TTFN


Burp! and now a cross-over Teaser: ,.. and Guinan asks for a transfer to the Invictus,.. cause she likes showers too!,.. Picard sadly grants her request,.. now she's serving drinks in Johns Officer's Lounge,.. whoopee!,.. ;-) TTFN

Tefler Fan 007

Teaser...”Tori and Beverly decide to join the crew too. They want large loads as well.”


Question: What would you call the type of story that Tefler writes? - Erotic novel? - Naughty saga? - Grand engineering masterpiece?


Given it's the 29th and we had no announcement, it seems we'll wait another month. :S


No, we’ll get 90% of it on the 31st so he can get a check and then it’ll be finished editing and last scenes 10 days later.


I wonder how much Tefler has to start making per chapter for his wife to quit her work to stay home and give Tefler more time to write more. Because that’s honestly the only way I can see Tefler being able to return to writing a chapter a month again.


Another Question: (burp!) What name would you pick for a powerful Destroyer (or Frigate) auxiliary vessel for the Invictus: (burp,.. bonus points if sexually or harem related) ;-) TTFN


Ya'lls comments keep me from going insane myself. Thank you for that.


AND HEY!,.. Just what IS that fabulous name would you choose for a deadly Invictus Aux vessel??: speak now and we will either point and giggle at you, or drop our collective jaws and applaud!!! : ;-) ( oh damn it,.. starting to sober up,.. ugh!) TTFN

Tefler Fan 007

I still think John should make the Fernandez family ship so Maria can visit grand babies later. This will be after they bring back Faye to run the Invictus. Daphne will be in charge of that ship and will fall in love with Edoardo and ask for her own body like Faye.


,.. TF007, Daphne does have a body,.. maybe she should go blonde though!,.. (-; TTFN


Honestly, I almost think it might have more to do with burnout. He's been writing this story for a long time now.


Sheesh some of you guys are losing your minds without a chapter for so long. Which makes me wonder... how will you lunatics react if Tefler misses the end of May release window? That would mean no chapter until end of June!

Anthony Kester

Group hug for Faye people.


WHEN Faye is back, I'll feel like doing that Mike Myers, Wayne's World bit,.. on knees, bowing,.. repeating "we're not worthy, we're not worthy",.. and kiss her ring, (cause John will immediately take her on that Third Date, and propose to her). Ahhhh, can't wait! ;-) TTFN


Hopeful Note: I hope Tef is having a fine Memorial Day weekend,.. but since it's not a UK holiday,.. he'll probably just keep working (I hope!). ;-) TTFN


😭😭 last day of the month


I don't know how big "Early May" holiday is in England, but they do close the banks! But that was weeks ago, so no excuses Tef,.. Please finish writing #141, if you haven't completed it yet, And do bring back our precious Faye soon,.. we NEED our perky purple pixie,.. and John needs to enhance his Fleet of ships with AI's to kick Progenitor and Thrall ass! ,.. Now a fleet of Faye controlled ships could be just the force-multiplier that John is looking for! Remember how much trouble NEXUS was with it's last decades old ships?,.. and if Sparks can make any more break throughs in time for kicking Matriarch Valeria's butt, so much the better! ;-) TTFN

Tefler Fan 007

Didn’t think about a Faye AI fleet. That would be great plus no Maliri would be at risk. Just like the Nexus fleet they can keep on fighting with extreme damage. I’m glad you didn’t kill all your brain cells drinking the toilet water.🧐

Who Me

Gonna be too busy with "The Party" to worry about upgrading the Invictus or other ships though

Tefler Fan 007

Dana should also design sentry defense satellites. Arming them with EMP missiles, a nova lance, beam turrets, and pulse cannons. Set them up with the mine fields and the will cause massive damage. Plus it’s existing tech so they could mass produce quickly. Add the stealth generators to them and they won’t be able to target them.


Can anyone confirm If Tefler ever took more than 30 days to release a chapter?


After the party,.. once Sparks has had a thought or two,.. she'll have an army of blue engineers to direct and help her get started,.. lot's to do,.. big projects and smaller ones,.. like the new paragon suits 2.0 ,.. oh boy!, the next few chapters will be so much fun! And with all the new found tech we'll get closer to our favorite purple AI returning to us, yay! ;-) TTFN


TF007,.. Great minds again,.. (mine slightly worse for wear do to Commode Kool Aid,.. shudder!) I had, of course, considered them using defense satellites to defend planets and ship yards and other space stations, but your idea using current tech and of cloaking them and using them as support for the mine fields (and other traps!),.. that is inspired thinking, good job! Those Maliri engineers will definitely be working their tight little blue asses off! ;-) TTFN


I PREDICT -- that TSM #141 will drop (possibly today) tomorrow on 31 May, so Tef gets paid this month, ( he got paid 28 Feb last) ,.. and we get the Happies for a little while,.. unfortunately, we are currently looking at only a rate of 6 or 7 installments per year now,.. until he can up his output/ writing time,.. sigh!,.. and I want him to write faster so we can get Faye back sooner, yeah! '-) TTFN


Hmmm. Has anyone checked to see if he owns stock in any computer keyboard companies? 🙂


(chanting) WE WANT FAYE, WE WANT FAYE,.. the crowds are getting pretty ugly Tef, we could write you a strong e-mail if you don't do something soon! I mean it! ;-) TTFN


Hey guys, does anyone recall what became of the 5 man stealth shuttle that they requisitioned from Sakura's old AssHat of a boss? It was never mentioned after they got that Ascendency class Progenitor shuttle, I don't remember if it got destroyed or just left behind,.. anyone know the answer to this minor mystery of mine? I'm thinking that Tef may have just forgotten it,.. or accidently dropped it's final disposition during a rewrite,.. oops! Or I just read past it too fast to remember it now,.. (-: TTFN


Actually, May 31st is a UK holiday. And it is going to be sunny which is rare indeed!

Tefler Fan 007

They still have it I think. It’s in cargo bay. They mentioned it while treating the trankran 128 or 129 I think.


Yeah,.. we're fallible nuckleheads,.. I am doing a reread, and I'm presently part way through chapter 126,.. I'll keep my eyes open for that little lost shuttle,.. ;-) TTFN


it has been a while since I have posted, is it considered bad form now to post speculations for what may happen during the chapter? And no, I am not going to discord


Okay, First Thought, and it is not a fun one, anybody think that there will be an uninvited guest to the party tonight? Kind of like the last uninvited guest? Second Thought? Duration until this story arc is completed. If Tefler starts to get burnt out, it could come to a quick close. only 10% chance on this given all of the open story arc's and the unknown "Classic Tefler Curve Ball" that are yet to brush the reader back from the plate ? See my reference to the first question.


NICE!!!,.. BD88 you've got a little bit of the writing bug too haven't you? ;-) TTFN


next topic, Tefler has created an Epic Work that is no small accomplishment. and with all of the different story arc's it takes a great deal of time to put everything together so I am okay if it takes some time for the posts to arrive. I actually upgraded a tier today just because I want to support the work at Teflers speed. I am a big fan of Endangered by LTPC and that amazing author understands that slow, steady, and when if feels right we are blessed with amazing products. So I just wanted to say that what ever form the TSM follows I am fine with *As long as Faye is brought back, (pleading look at the Great Tefler)*.


the other thing is that the last time I started to ask these questions while waiting the next chapter dropped so I am hoping to get lucky again.

Anthony Kester

"She's dead, Jim", we all need to accept that Faye won't be back anytime soon and that Tefler is just going to mind fuck us till we all cry Uncle. Nice that you up'd your donation.

Anthony Kester

Its way back in the comments. We have a friendly bet in Monopoly Money on when 141 will drop.


Was cleaning the front yard and grabbed a vine of poison ivy. Washed from head to toe first with Purex and Borax mixture, then with Dish soap then with TSP. my skin feels like I had a chemical peel, oh, and I covered my arms from my elbows down with 91% isopropyl alcohol. no rash yet, however, only been 3 hours and the interweb says it could take from 4 hours to 3 weeks. :-(


Yeah, I got Poison Ivy and Poison Oak a lot when I was younger,.. not so much lately,.. knock on my wooden head,.. best of luck,.. it sounds like you have done all you can,.. )-: TTFN


Now the question is Espresso or Ambien?


LOL, I just realized that we have another day. Good night. This is what happens with you do intermittent fasting and then put in a full day working in the yard / garden. Good night all, back again tomorrow night!!!

Tefler Fan 007

Needs to drop tonight so I win the monopoly and kinkos money😁. Will also except camel bucks🤣🤣


I decided to check in because I am hoping that the last Sunday of the month means something and it's not simply my desperation gaslighting me.

Anthony Kester

Tomorrow night at 8:35pm Pacific Time. Are we doing this by "The Price is Right" rules?

Tefler Fan 007

OK random thought. John could give the first generation punisher rifles to the Federation. They didn’t use the white metal and use a polymer that sparks created. With all the new upgrades and technology they have they could probably make it a workable rifle for Federation combat forces and wouldn’t put them into too much danger.


Dana might just feed the Voss ship builders a handful of minor upgrades every six months or so, and a major one every now and then, that way they'd only need to do a retooling a couple times a year at most,.. and keep everyone happy! ;-) TTFN


I'm curious if the party will consume much of 141, and if John will have time to x-ray the palace. There is such a wealth of possibilities to discover artifacts (a vambrace to recreate Faye ...), information on Mael and Rahn's war of the heavens or back ground info on the Enushu and the mystery device. I didn't read the 700 posts but someone mentioned the possibility of a mystery guest. That would be cool.


Yeah, AJ it was BD88 that mentioned a possible mystery guest, and he helps other Authors with maintaining their continuity,.. so he better attuned to the stories possibilities then your average bear (hey there Boo-boo, have you seen any pick-a-neck baskets?),.. so watch for a party crasher,.. and I really want John's X-ray eyeballs to locate some long lost stuff,.. and if some part of it can help bring our Faye back, then that's Awesome! John has a ton of pressures on him already,.. the Progenitor war, then the damn Brimorians and the Abandoned problem ( all 1 billion of them), and I suspect he will have find time for the dastardly Ensuhu quite soon,.. Even though he is way too busy, I'm certain they will get a piece of his time soon,.. Tef is keeping a lot of plates spinning at the same time,.. And even though I expect #141 to drop on the 31st,.. I will be enjoying a slow read on the 1st of June, my birthday!,.. so thanks Tef! ;-) TTFN

Tefler Fan 007

Happy Memorial Day Everyone. God Bless our men and women of our armed forces and god bless the men and women who gave their lives to defend freedom.🇺🇸


😭😭😭😭 its the 1st for me now

Anthony Kester

For you, yes it is. For Patreon, not it's not. So, Tefler still has 15 hours to release 141 and get paid for May.

Anthony Kester

Dear Diary, It's the last day of May and the urge to curl up and cry grows stronger. Michael, TF007 and DHC appear to have taken back over the asylum... again. Tried to find my redhead porn, but Michael appears to have stolen it... again. I guess I'll have to just enjoy Tefler's commissioned art. Need to remind myself to avoid all art pieces of Faye. Guess I could enjoy the single malt toilet Kool-Aid Michael made and watch the guards try and get my fellow inmates back into their cells. Admiral Kester

Tefler Fan 007

Dear Diary, Trying to be productive today however the wait is killing me. I have left the asylum and have decided to spend the day outside. Before I left I stole Tony’s redhead porn back for him and put it back in his cell. Michael was distracted taking another six for the team so I also got his Kool aide recipe. Trying to decide if I’m going to stay up late to wait for the chapter or just check in the morning. The weather is nice outside today so I’ll have to start tearing up my old deck.😩. I miss Faye. She could probably redo my deck in no time plus sing to me. 😁. Need to figure out how to speed up time, I hear alcohol could help but it’s not good when using power tools. Oh well hope everyone else is enjoying today. TF007


Oh yeah, before I forget,.. If Dana ( the Grand Engineering Overlord!) ever gets around to building that smaller Auxiliary ship ( frigate or destroyer sized), I think I have the Latinized name for it: minoris leonis catulus or just minoris catulus,.. anyway that's all for now, must look for some misplaced porn,.. ;-) TTFN


I do wonder where that booger, Cornbread has gotten off to? I bet he is waiting until evening to check whether #141 has dropped!,.. i don't blame him,.. need to keep my mind occupied too! ;-) TTFN


And y'all are a bunch of degenerate reprobates!!! And I have never felt so at home.


BBQ is almost done, but no story

Tefler Fan 007

Six more hours till midnight on the East Coast. Then we can all return to our cells and read quietly. The guards will stop alcohol boarding Michael, Tony will get some new magazines and not share them with Michael next time, or and I will keep on working on perfecting a new alcoholic drink using a certain recipe I “Requisitioned” From someone.

Anthony Kester

Patreon is on Pacific Time TF, we still have almost nine hours for Tefler to get 141 in to get paid for May. Sorry


I have noted that on the last few deadlines, he posted, something, around 8pm to 10 pm, the last (in late Feb) was about 8:30PST,.. and since it is Daylight Savings time now,.. I would guesstimate around 9:30 ish PDT?... some maybe another 6 more hours,.. maybe?,.. (-: TTFN

Anthony Kester

The UK is on daylight savings time. So, it would still be about 8:30pm PDT.


Take care Tefler, and we will be here when you’re ready


Yep (F5), RIGHT HERE (F5), For as long as it (F5) takes. Don't (F5) want you to (F5) rush, as the story isn't (F5) ready till you think (F5) it is, but we'll (F5) be here as soon as (F5) it IS ready (F5)...(F5)...(F5).........


On a semi-related note, I have to get myself one of these: https://geecr.com/product/big-f5-refresh-key :)

Anthony Kester

I would like to have a moment of silence for all the fallen F5 keys and broken keyboards that have gone on to the great beyond in the past two months. I would also like to have another moment of silence for our fallen A.I. Faye. I can't stop thinking about Leo's redition of Faye and dat ass of hers. Ok, I'll admit it, I have issues.


Siri has been asking for sedation because of all of the TSM fans telling her to check for the new release every 60 nanoseconds and let them know when it has been released. Spikes in power demand at the data centers increases significantly.


Amen,.. and a lot of us have issues, AK, when it comes to a certain perky and precious purple pixie,.. we all miss our Faye!!! sniff,.. sigh,.. wipe a tear,.. :-l TTFN

Tefler Fan 007

I hear Siri is addicted to TSM. She wants to be a good girl and a body like Faye. We need to talk to Dana about making a body for Siri.

Tefler Fan 007

We need to ask Siri how to save Faye. She knows everything. I’m going to be sooooo disappointed if no chapter drops tonight.

PLRus--Founding member of the TSM F5 club.

Well, if it doesn't drop tonight I, for one, will not have issues expressing my displeasure. Tefler doesn't owe me anything, but if I am going to put out $25 a chapter I expect (right or wrong) some production. I give as I do for a reason...and if I am not being entertained then I will have to reevaluate my level of patronage.

Jedi Khan

Who are you and what have you done with Rus? You know full well that you're not paying monthly, but by chapter. That means that if Tefler doesn't post a chapter, you don't get billed. Even if Tefler's productivity has dropped, it doesn't hurt your wallet. Hell, if anything, it means you're saving money because you're not paying every month.


Not posting an update until the last evening of April was ok. No updates in May at all and then no word until the last minute of the month again? I sure hope we get some communication soon.


Is Tef still working on his amazon releases? Been ages since book 4 dropped.

Jedi Khan

He still plans on finishing the ebooks, but they are low on his to-do list. He wants to finish the story first before he gets back into working on the ebooks.


COVID lockdowns are causing a lot of problems for a lot of people. I'll give him a break.

Tefler Fan 007

Oh where, oh where is my chapter 141. Oh where, oh where can you be. Time for bed, I hope I wake to a good surprise in the morning. 🙏

Brittany durin

61 days without a chapter I fear us to be waiting another month before it comes out and then 142 to be released on Christmas

Tefler Fan 007

Don’t like you anymore ☹️ You woke me up with negative vibes and now I can’t sleep. Going to try and go back to sleep (counting naked redheads)


TF007, counting naked red heads will keep you up (tee-hee) ,.. so you might as well begin reading #141, part 1,.. the part 2 to follow in the 2nd or possibly 3rd week in June,.. my guess is that #142 my grace us with an appearance by late August or in September!,.. TSM is moving forward,.. at a crawl, but it is still moving and it remains a lovely read,.. I can scarcely believe how wrapped up I am in this story and it's characters,.. not so much in Tom Walker,.. but that could change,.. ;-) [ I bet he has already nodded off -- drooling after those sweet/fiery red heads,.. ZZZZZZ ! ] TTFN


I believe I won some Monopoly $$$ with my Daylight Saving time guess of 9:30pm on 31 May 2021,.. it was 9:45pm,.. ( takes a bow),..when the long awaited #141, part 1 ( almost 20K words,..) finally dropped,.. :-) TTFN


Hey TF007, singing (off key) Oh where, oh where is my #141,.. is my stick! Get your own tune,.. for #142,.. cause #141 dropped around the same time you dropped into bed,.. ZZZZZ ! ;-) TTFN

Tefler Fan 007

My prediction was right. He gave Jehanna The ability to make psychic clones for battle.


But will John further gift her with telekinesis to make them solid?,.. We'll see when training begins,.. oh boy, fun! ;-) TTFN


Thank you Tony, but now I'll need to buy a Tuff-shed to keep all of these Monopoly bills in, using real money! sheesh!,.. ;-) TTFN


While re-reading the previous chapters, I noticed something when Larn` was studying the Bremorian nymph.. I wonder if his comment may have been alluding that the nymphs were built as the perfect spies... too far? Edit: Justification. You have an "unquestionably loyal" servant whom you "show off" to those around you to the point where they're forgotten during communicatons. One you don't notice as always being in the background. That's your perfect spy. Especially when none of the guards would question her being somewhere "secure" (because master ordered it of course). Granted you would have to be playing the long game. But immortals must have patience right? Else they'd all go stark-raving-mad. Comments?

Tefler Fan 007

I think Mael Used the nymphs as batteries so he didn’t have to kill any Maliri. I think that’s why he said what he said.


Mael'nerak, the Achron's, the Nymph' (Lanerren's), the Shroud, and the early Maliri too,.. much history from these folks and things needs to be restored and studied,.. Only Tefler knows,... ;-) ( maybe this kind of info is what is taking him so long to finish off #141, part 2,.. ) ( if only he had a hard working, purple, AI to assist him, he'd be done with this chapter plus the next few by now) TTFN


Excellent observation PLRis,.. I was a bit distracted in the shower scene,.. Assumed it was just part of a very good illusion,.. My bad!,.. ;-) TTFN


Oh Wow!,.. the reporter that can turn invisible, and also rip the heads off the bad guys,.. totally awesome man,.. ;-) TTFN


While I believe that it is possible to use the Nymph's as psychic spies, I do not think that was what Larn was talking about. Ailanthia had asked Larn why he had stopped filling the vats (needed to recruit the thralls to build the ships to fight the extended wars with rivals that were inevitably going to come whether you wanted to fight a war or not). The particular problem common among Progenitors is "filling the vats". One can only imagine the number of ways this could occur: like being hooked up like a cow to a milking machine or having a nymph. Howerer, a set free, repurposed nymph just might have that ability, It would make sense in the long range recon/counter-recon battle in getting advanced warning of a rival Progenitor showing up in your quadrant of the galaxy.


1. I agree with all those wanting Tefler to keep us informed of his progress. I believe we all recognise family and other constraints and are NOT complaining about these influences. We just want to be advised of the probable date for the next release. 2. Rahn has configured John to attack other progenitors in a way they did not see coming. ie NOT the expected war of attrition. from 121 ++Rahn'hagon was oblivious to John's discomfort and his eyes sparkled with Machiavellian glee. *They would never have expected your assault in their worst nightmares! Innovative, resourceful, relentless... I imbued you with traits that would make you a terrifying opponent.++ So I conclude that John has abilities yet to be revealed to us! 3. And I like the comment by Tefler Fan 007 that Lynette is in the Outer Rim colonies when the thrall fleets attack. Makes sense as near the Kirrix border. So John gets an early warning! 4. I lost count 645? :)


Actually it was 837 as this was the previous thread....838.


the count under the previous thread, this is 'status of #141' update from April 2021, and is 840ish,.. but you were in the ball park for the next thoughts thread - under-'TSM chapter #141', from late May 2021,.. And that was an excellent point about expecting more from John, now that he has finally absorbed his guide,.. ;-) TTFN